The rise of the prince

Chapter 523 The Sorrow of the Great General

Chapter 523 The Sorrow of the Great General

Degong was shocked, the more he listened, the more anxious he became, and he winked repeatedly, but Zhong Daoyu didn't intend to stop.

He saw that the emperor's face was as gloomy as water. Everyone knew about the country and mountains captured by Taizu's mutiny back then, but no one dared to talk about it.

And the emperor acquiesced that Sanya eats soldiers' blood (withholding military pay into his own pocket), and many smart people at the top know it but dare not say it, because only in this way can the emperor rest assured of the forbidden army.

"Your Majesty, the most powerful troops in our Jing Dynasty are the Frontier Army, the Taiyuan Yang Family Army, and the Zhending Guanbei Army. The imperial army has the most pay and the largest number of people, but their hearts are scattered. They don't think of the Holy Grace, but complain quite a lot. This is the biggest thing." The question! It's not who can be handsome," Tsukado Yu said loudly.

The emperor was furious: "Bold, what are you talking about! It's only natural for the forbidden army to fight for the emperor!"

"Your Majesty, it is true that the Imperial Army is defending the capital, the Emperor, and the country, but it is only natural for the imperial court to distribute military salaries, but less than half of the military salaries go to the sergeants every year. The imperial court is not benevolent, so why blame the sergeants for being unjust?" Zhong Daoyu said in a deep voice.

Degong wanted to mediate, but he didn't know where to start. He didn't expect such a thing to happen today.

The emperor stared at Zhong Daoyu with burning eyes, and his voice was extremely cold: "Zhong Daoyu! You have contributed to the country, and you have saved the country from fire and water several times, so I will give you a chance. Don't go any further than today's talk. explain."

After hearing this, Zhong Daoyu was expressionless, and heaved a long sigh. He slowly leaned on the armrest of the chair and wanted to stand up, but because he was too old, he couldn't stand up all at once. De Gong quickly got up to help him.

Zhong Daoyu got up, bowed respectfully to the emperor, and said word by word: "Your Majesty, this old minister has long wanted to say these words, but at that time, with fame and fortune, being a first-rank official and a privy envoy, I have never done so before." The great general who made the old ministers suffer the mighty emperor's favor in everything, and was afraid that a slip of the tongue would cause him to lose this glorious glory.

Now that half of his body is buried in the ground, and Jingguo is at the critical moment of life and death again, the old minister has to say that there is no more ties.

Your Majesty, now the expedition is imminent, the battle is approaching, and the blood of soldiers can no longer be eaten!The three ya can't stand forever!Only then can the soldiers and the emperor be of the same heart, and the soldiers and horses of the world will work together, otherwise our Jingguo will perish in the long run! "

Zhong Daoyu spoke emphatically, with clear words, and he gave a long bow after speaking.

The emperor was so angry that his hands and feet trembled, he grabbed a teacup next to him and threw it to the ground angrily.

De Gong was also quite frightened, it was the first time he saw the emperor and Zhong Daoyu falling out!

You must know that Zhong Daoyu was the emperor's right-hand man at the beginning, and he was so favored by the sun, that he even added a "general" to Jing Guo who didn't have it.

Zhong Daoyu fought for the emperor against the black mountain bandits, defeated Baiyi, defeated Xixia, conquered the Liao Kingdom, and punished the king of Wu. Now the emperor is strong and powerful, and many of them are fought for him. Every time he wins, the emperor's prestige is on the same level. On the first floor, every time he wins, the people of the world will be convinced of the court and the emperor.

The two have worked together for decades, and they have never turned their faces like this.

The emperor was gasping for breath, pointing out of the hall with trembling fingers, and said angrily: "You go back to me, go back quickly! Get out!"

Degong was very anxious, he quickly helped Zhong Daoyu up, exhausted all the strength of his old bones, and pulled him back.

Outside the hall, there was a cold wind blowing, Duke De sighed: "General Zhong, why bother? If objections to this matter are useful, how can we continue the succession of several former emperors? It has been almost 200 years now, and they are still the same."

Zhong Daoyu cupped his hands, and said calmly: "As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. Those who are half buried in the earth should do something for future generations."

De Gong couldn't speak, he knew he couldn't be as free and easy as Zhong Daoyu.

Because there are many old and young in his family, and his family background is complicated, he dared not speak. He sighed and said ashamedly: "I am not as good as brother Zhong. Brother Zhong should go back early, but I'm afraid after today."

Zhong Daoyu waved his hand: "I know it well." Then without saying much, he turned around and left tremblingly.

Degong turned back to the side hall, the emperor was already sitting on top of it expressionless, muttering to himself in a cold voice: "If he leaves half a moment late, I'm afraid I can't help but kill him!"

Degong bowed his head, not daring to speak.

The emperor's anger was obviously accumulated to the extreme: "What happened today must not be rumored."

"I understand." Duke De cupped his hands.

"Let Wen Daoli handle matters concerning the Privy Council in the future." The emperor said again.

De Gong just nodded, not daring to say a word.

When he walked out of the Meridian Gate, the sky was blazing with sunshine, and the weather finally cleared up after the year, but Degong felt extremely heavy in his heart.

He sighed, feeling guilty and helpless.

He knew what Zhong Daoyu meant to Jingguo, and he wanted to say the same thing as Zhong Daoyu, but he didn't dare to say it, because behind him was the huge royal family, and a single sentence might bring the whole family to their knees. disaster.

Generals with military power have always been a major concern of the Tian family in this dynasty.

The reason is that when the Taizu founded the country, he used the body of a military general to seize other people's land, and his position was not right.So later, the emperor of the Tian family was always afraid that someone would say things like this. Following the example of Taizu, he distrusted military generals with military power very much, and even suppressed them wantonly.

The biggest thing he did was to deprive the Privy Council of its military power, specially set up three yamen to support the imperial army with jesters, and allowed the chief officials of the three yamen to deduct the military pay of the imperial army, so that the imperial army and the upper officials of the three yamen were at odds with each other.

In this way, the Forbidden Army really hated their superiors, and it was impossible to conspire with them to rebel.

But the emperor ignored a big problem. How can the imperial army, who has been deducted from military pay every year, have the heart to fight for the country?Who will be loyal to Tianjia?
But the emperor doesn't care, in his eyes, stabilizing the rule of the Tian family is more important than whether the imperial army has combat effectiveness.

Do ordinary soldiers complain that their status is longer than that of Tianjia? It's just a trivial matter
Degong sighed worryingly, but he was helpless. He only hoped that without the respected Zhong Daoyu in this Northern Expedition, there would be no troubles in the army.

On the [-]th, the next day was King Pingnan's wedding. The news had spread all over the streets and alleys, and the whole capital was buzzing.

The king of Pingnan County in the imperial court, the 16-year-old general of Zhenguo, the commander of the new army, the transshipment envoy of Beijing and the north, and the minister of Honglu Temple. Nature blesses and sings for people.

The palace was also extremely busy, Li Xingzhou's eyes were dull, like a walking corpse, Qiu'er and Yue'er dragged him to try on the groom's dress, once this was wrong, then that was wrong, and it took him all afternoon.

At four or five o'clock, Ji Chunsheng came to look for him suddenly. Li Xingzhou went out and saw Ji Chunsheng who was in a hurry, and brought him jaw-dropping news.

Early this morning, the emperor issued a secret decree: to remove Zhong Daoyu from the post of Privy Envoy, dismissed from the position of General, cut off the title of Lord Defender, and demoted him to a commoner!
At that time, several Zhongshusheren, subordinates, and officials who were working in the palace to review the imperial decree were frightened, and they all entered the palace to plead with the emperor, but the emperor did not let go at all, and the imperial decree was secretly sent to the emperor in the afternoon. General's Mansion.

Afterwards, the General's Mansion removed the plaque, and Zhong Daoyu handed over the official seal, the purple and gold official uniform, the golden scale armor dress, and the imperial sword.

Because this matter was a secret decree, very few people knew about it, but at that time the person who escorted the people to pass the decree to take back the seal document was a member of Wu Desi, so Ji Chunsheng knew it clearly.

Hearing this, not only Ji Chunsheng was shocked, but even Li Xingzhou was dumbfounded, his jaw almost fell to the ground, Zhong Daoyu!To be relegated to common people unexpectedly, the emperor must be dizzy.

"Prepare the horse, I'll go to the General's Mansion to have a look!" Li Xingzhou said.

Ji Chunsheng nodded, he was still in shock and couldn't regain his senses, he was trying to figure out what happened, so he hurriedly asked someone to prepare the horse.

 Sorry for the slip of the tongue, everyone treat me as a fart o(╥﹏╥)o, try to make up for it in the future

(End of this chapter)

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