The rise of the prince

Chapter 524 This is the Son of Heaven

Chapter 524 This is the Son of Heaven

Li Xingzhou rode Mei Xue out of the alley, and before he could run, he was stopped by De Gong who rushed over.

Wearing a black leather coat, Degong got out of the car tremblingly, glared at him, and shook his head: "The old man knew that it was a good thing that he came quickly, and if it was later, something serious would happen!

When can you change your rough temper, you kid, and don't look at what's going on, just plunge into it recklessly, go back quickly. "

Li Xingzhou was puzzled, he helped him into the carriage, and then told the driver to go to the palace.

"Mr. De, what happened to the General's Mansion?" Li Xingzhou asked in the car.

Degong said slowly: "It's not a commonplace thing, but it's about eating soldiers' blood and withdrawing from the three government offices. It's been said for decades."

Li Xingzhou was taken aback: "You mean that Zhong Daoyu was demoted because he wanted the emperor to withdraw the three offices? But you didn't mean that it's been decades."

Just at this time, the carriage began to turn into the concrete road of the palace, and the bumps became less.

Degong sighed: "He still has the three yamen in his heart, but he still eats the blood of soldiers, and the imperial army will lose their minds.

The reason why I didn’t say it before, but I have to say it now is because it’s okay in normal times. Now the Northern Expedition to the Liao Kingdom, out of the 20 troops, 15 are forbidden troops, the remaining [-] Yang’s troops are mobilized from Taiyuan Mansion, and the [-] Guanbei Army is mobilized from Zhending Mansion .

The frontier army is naturally more capable of fighting, but the main force is still the Forbidden Army. If the Forbidden Army has no military spirit, problems may arise. "

After hearing this, Li Xingzhou understood, with mixed feelings in his heart.

De Gong asked him in a long and loud voice: "You must not interfere in this matter, and the old man will not beat around the bush with your boy, now the emperor has a heart for easy storage!
At this juncture, you must not cause trouble, you must not contradict the emperor, and provoke the emperor's disgust.

Don't think that if the emperor dotes on you, you can be unscrupulous.

Some words can be said, some words cannot.The dragon has reverse scales, and the emperor also has things that cannot be mentioned. Among them is the removal of the three yamen. "

The carriage followed the flat concrete road and quickly entered the palace. Li Xingzhou got off the car, and then reached out to help Mr. De to get down. After only two years, Mr. De was even more aged, and it was very difficult to even get off the carriage. This is what happens in old age. Aging changes are obvious after a few days.

The two walked in slowly, and Ji Chunsheng asked his servants to set up the horses. Degong said slowly as he walked: "Our emperor is always strict and stern, and rarely shows his color, but he also understands in his heart, speaks out, and is in the Tian family's eyes." It is beneficial. But there is one thing that must never be mentioned, and that is to withdraw from the three offices!"

Li Xingzhou nodded and smiled wryly.

"The three yamen are the emperor's worries about the imperial army." Degong said quietly, but he hit the nail on the head.

The three yamen are a collection of imperial power's uneasy feelings about the central army, so there are such yamen.

De Gong said thousands of times and asked him not to contradict the emperor on this matter.

Li Xingzhou nodded in agreement, knowing in his heart that the emperor can be tolerant, tolerant, and compromised at ordinary times, but when it comes to threatening the royal rule, he will never tolerate it, and even would rather be a jade than a tile!

Just like this Northern Expedition, if you make an extreme setup:

If the success or failure of the Northern Expedition and the stability of the royal rule are weighed on the balance, then the emperor would rather fail the Northern Expedition, and would rather the 20 army be smashed to pieces, and would not allow anyone to shake the royal rule.

Because this is a country with centralized monarchy, and he is the emperor of Jingguo.

From the emperor's point of view, it would be best to be able to capture Nanjing. If not, the most important thing is to ensure the rule of the Tian family. That's why he values ​​Sanya so much. Even if it affects the morale of the army, no one is allowed to mention the removal of Sanya.

"This is unfair to Zhong Daoyu." Li Xingzhou sighed.

Degong patted him on the shoulder lightly and said in a low voice: "You know it, you can. Those who achieve great things should not be eager for quick success. When you ascend to the supreme position in the future, you can say anything at that time."

Li Xingzhou nodded, still feeling melancholy in his heart. There are not a few people in history who were scolded miserably for the country and the people
Fame or conscience?Zhong Daoyu chose the latter, and until now, Li Xingzhou finally let go of his little conflict with him. In front of such a person, he couldn't hate him even if he wanted to.

"Tomorrow is your big wedding, don't make trouble." De Gong was still not at ease, and said again.

Li Xingzhou laughed: "Don't worry, old man, I'm not a fool."

"Hmph, you're not a fool, you act like a fool! You think about things yourself, can others be like you? When you're on top of things, your brain is hot, and you dare to do anything, lawless." Degong criticized.

Li Xingzhou didn't refute. He did have such a personality. Because of his previous life, he couldn't survive without working hard.But before, he had never experienced such a high level of decision-making.

Jingguo has a population of more than 1000 million. Standing in this position, every move will affect many people and determine the life and death of many people.

Probably based on this point, Degong always said that he was fraught with things.

After talking for a while, De Gong suddenly remembered something, and said to him: "The day before yesterday, the emperor sent me to make a blood alliance with the envoy of Jin Kingdom in the post house. The emperor didn't tell you about this, nor did he tell anyone else."

Li Xingzhou nodded, he understood why the emperor did this, because Jingguo was ashamed this time.
It is clear that the land of two ways, finally dragged on and on, until the Jinren captured Shangjing, and it became the two states and one city, and the initiative was completely in the hands of the Jinren.

Up to now, if the Jin people insisted on not giving it, would Jing Guo dare to go to war with the Jin country?

dare not.

That was the Kingdom of Jin, which defeated the Liao Kingdom within a year, and a generation of heroes who made the world fearful.

The current situation between the two countries can be said to be cooperation, but to put it badly, it is charity, or even...
In fact, it was cooperation at first, and even Li Xingzhou was able to use a large boat to cross the sea to threaten the Kingdom of Jin, but because the crown prince, Yu Chengan and others made trouble, he had no choice but to delay repeatedly. After the design took Yu Chengan and others, the golden opportunity passed.

Li Xingzhou sent troops in winter, and the black bandits were caught off guard.But Wanyan Wugu also sent troops in winter, and caught the Liao Kingdom by surprise.In other words, Su Lie sent troops in heavy snow back then, captured the Western Turkic Khan in one fell swoop, and wiped out the Turks.

Moon black geese fly high, Shan Yuye flees.If you want to chase Qingqi away, the bow and knife will be covered with heavy snow.

After Jin Guo captured Shangjing, Jing Guo lost all bargaining chips.At this moment, it is better to say begging than cooperation.

It is up to them whether the Kingdom of Jin will return the city of Nanjing.

As a result, the Kingdom of Jin gave it to the important town of Nanjing, plus the five cities to the south, and the Kingdom of Jing wanted to send troops to fight by himself.

This is not a glorious thing, the emperor naturally does not want more people to know, it is reasonable for his most trusted and experienced De Gong to deal with it in private and low-key.

"When are they leaving?" Li Xingzhou asked.

"Leave tomorrow, they said they will go north tomorrow." De Gong said.

Li Xingzhou stood up, "I'll go and have a look."

"Look at what?"


(End of this chapter)

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