Chapter 72

Gillian has already sensed that something is wrong, why would there be so many big names in a poem?If the knowledge of Mr. Chen Yu and the like can make sense to everyone, why did Mr. Shen Zhiyu and even Mr. Zhu from Wu Desi come?
As smart as she was, she couldn't figure it out, until she pushed the door open with trepidation under the expectant eyes of many adults, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

There were two people sitting in the main hall, an old man and a beautiful woman. Behind them stood two guards in black and gold armor with swords, and grandpa stood aside.Thoughts kept flashing in Gillian's mind, who else in this world could carry a sword when going in and out of the Plum Garden, and let her grandfather stand by her side!

"Lonely lying in a lonely village does not feel sad, Shangsi defends Luntai for the country, lying in the middle of the night listening to the wind and rain, iron horses and glaciers falling into dreams." The gray-haired old man sitting in the middle muttered to himself: "What a sincere, loyal and brave man, It is Dajing who deserves to be ashamed of them."

"Your Majesty has already offered a reward, but they have no choice but to follow King Xiao to the death. Apart from this Mr. Lu, there are many loyal and brave men in King Xiao's Mansion and Tingyu Building today." Grandpa bowed aside.

The old man just nodded: "I won't talk about the old things today. Since it is a poetry meeting, I only talk about elegance and nothing else. Maybe I haven't been out of the palace for a long time. It's good to see the talents of my people in Dajing today. But Today, I and the empress are visiting privately in incognito clothes, but I did not expect to see so many important officials in the court, it is really unexpected, Wang Qing wins friends like a cloud." The last sentence is very meaningful.

Cold sweat broke out on Degong's forehead, and he quickly bowed to explain: "Your Majesty, praise, this is just a small poetry meeting for Gillian to visit friends. I didn't invite many friends, but my colleagues must have heard the news, so they all came here."

The emperor nodded and stopped asking.

"A-Jiao, come and pay your respects to the Emperor and the Empress." De Gong waved. A-Jiao, who had just entered the door, had her heart beating extremely fast, and her reaction was half a beat behind.

"Get up, this is Duke Mingde's most beloved granddaughter. I often heard people say that in the palace, she looks really good when I saw her today." The beautiful woman said with a smile, her voice was kind and friendly, which made Gillian relax a lot , she beckoned: "Come closer, let me take a good look."

Gillian took a few steps forward, lowering her head and not daring to lift it up.

"You are lovely, I feel pity for you, good boy." The queen nodded with satisfaction with a smile, and then suddenly asked: "What do you think of that kid from Xinzhou?"

"Your son?" Gillian was taken aback for a moment, and then her thoughts changed. Could it be that grandpa went to Xiaowang's mansion to invite his son in person, why did the emperor and empress condescend to come to such a place, and why did they want to see her? No, it’s hard to be because of.
I don't know why, Gillian was overjoyed, a little shy, suppressed her excitement and raised her head and replied: "My son is open-minded, tough and self-reliant, extremely intelligent, and acts resolutely and resolutely. He is a real man! Little girl, little girl"

He opened his mouth and did not say the last words because he was too shy.

"Okay, okay, queen, look at what kind of person he is. Do you need to ask what kind of person he is? You just want to use other people's mouth to talk about masturbation. Who would dare to tell the truth in front of you and me? Seeing that she is afraid of being like this, there are nine out of ten that that kid is even more violent now, more perverse and arrogant." The emperor waved his hand impatiently to interrupt the questioning.

A-Jiao was taken aback for a moment, and realized that they had misunderstood, and quickly said: "Your Majesty, what the little girl is telling is the truth."

She wanted to say something but was gently held back by her grandfather. Gillian almost cried out in anxiety. What she said was the truth, and there was no other meaning at all!Unexpectedly, it hurt the world instead.
The queen sighed, and then stood up slowly: "Oh, what your majesty said is right, the concubine is delusional. For example, if you have been waiting outside for a long time, your majesty will go see you too."

"Oh, let them wait. Since you have the ability to know the tone in the palace, why don't you have the ability to stand here for an hour or two!" It was also heard clearly in the courtyard, and many ministers knelt down in fright.

The emperor also stood up and pushed the door out with the empress accompanied by Wang Yue. Everyone in the courtyard bowed their heads and did not dare to look up, except for He Zhao, the fat Yu Chengan, and the white-haired Chen Yu who was leaning on a walking stick.

"Chen Aiqing is a master of literature, and has always liked poetry and poetry, so poetry will come naturally, and she will not be as afraid of me as you are." He waved his hand and said, "It's cool outside, Chen Aiqing, come in."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After saluting, the elder walked into the inner hall leaning on a cane.

"As for He Zhao, why don't you kneel?" The emperor looked at He Zhao who was still standing like a torch.

"Your Majesty, I was invited by Duke Ming De to attend the meeting. I didn't know that Your Majesty was coming, so I have a clear conscience." He Zhao replied with a blank expression.

The emperor looked at him for a while, nodded and said: "You go in too." Then he turned his gaze to Yu Chengan who was the only one who was still standing: "Where is Yu Qing."

"I came here because I knew in advance that Your Majesty was coming. It is my duty to serve the Son of Heaven, and I have a clear conscience." He bowed loudly without any panic.

The emperor stared at him for a long time, but finally did not open his mouth to punish him, but said softly: "Get up, I understand your thoughts, and I will not ask how you learned that I am coming to Plum Garden. But today I I came here with the empress for personal matters and has nothing to do with you, since it is rare to see beautiful plums in Wang Qing's garden, let's drink wine and admire the plums, and talk about elegance."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your irresponsible grace."

Only then did the officials heave a sigh of relief, quickly thanked them, and got up from the cold ground.

In the house, Gillian stood silently in the dark corner behind De Gong, with big tears rolling down her cheeks. She wanted to help the prince, and she was telling the truth, but she was misunderstood and hurt the prince instead.

Degong shook his head and comforted in a low voice: "It's not your fault, after all, it's because you are too young and have little experience."

"Grandpa, I'm telling the truth."

"So what if it's true, it's the truth if someone in this world believes it." De Gongyu said earnestly. At this time, the emperor and queen also came in after reprimanding the officials.The queen spoke first, "Master Wang, do you know where Xinzhou is?"

Wang Yue took a look at A-Jiao, and she came forward to report: "Empress, I specially asked someone to go to the front door to check the roster. The eldest son has arrived, but he didn't come to thank him, so I don't know where he is now. Anyway, in Meiyuan among."

"Hmph, no respect for elders, no respect for etiquette!" The emperor said angrily.

De Gong quickly changed the subject: "Since this is the case, why don't you look for your son while admiring the plum blossoms? The plum garden is not big, so you will find it sooner or later. It's not good for His Majesty and the Empress to come out of the palace to wait."

The emperor nodded: "Very well, Chen Qing and He Qing can come together." The two quickly thanked each other.Wang Yue led the way, He Zhao and Chen Yu accompanied the emperor, Gillian followed the queen, and there were two master guards in the palace behind them. The group left the inner hall at the top of the plum garden and headed towards the plum forest all over the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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