The rise of the prince

Chapter 73 The title of the month

Chapter 73 The title of the month
He Zhaowang Yue has always had different political views. He Zhao is a hardliner who insists that the law is tolerant and impartial.On the other hand, Wang Yue was more mellow, he emphasized being able to do practical things, and if he could achieve something, he would not hesitate to sacrifice something, even legal principles.

However, Wang Yue, as a member of Tong Zhongshu's family, is so powerful that he will reject He Zhao's memorial. .

"Hehe, Mr. De is really lucky. After her granddaughter marries the son of Prince Xiao, she will be a relative of the emperor. Seeing how much your majesty and empress love each other, your royal family is blessed." Along the way, He Zhao leaned over and said sarcastically, and they walked together In the front, more than a dozen ministers also followed several steps behind, and the situation between the court and China was unintentionally revealed for a while.

"Don't worry, the old man thinks the son is good." Degong replied with a dark face.

"Hahaha, the great harm in the capital is not bad, Degong is really lenient, as a junior, I really admire it!" He Zhao replied with a smile, but Degong had nothing to say about his black face.

"What are the two lovers talking about?" The emperor in front suddenly asked.

He Zhao saw that Wang Yue, who had a dark face and didn't answer, managed to pull back a city, felt relieved, and quickly replied: "Your Majesty, I will talk to De Gong about the beauty of this plum garden."

The emperor nodded and said: "It is indeed a fairyland on earth. If I have lived in Beijing for a long time, I would not have known such a beautiful place if I hadn't visited today."

A group of people talked and laughed, this is the high place of Meiyuan, ordinary people can't go up, and there are no people around.And the queen who was behind also whispered something to A-Jiao. A-Jiao blushed slightly, her beauty overshadowed the plum blossoms in the garden, and she kept nodding shyly.

The crowd came to a pavilion built on a huge rock, and Wang Yue, who was inspired by He Zhao all the way, stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, this place is the highest in the plum garden. You can have a panoramic view of the plum garden from here, and you will be able to see it soon." Looking for the prince. During the day, it is only for the literati to make friends and go to the garden. At night, it is the most important poetry review. The old man invited famous actors in Beijing to write poems and libretto. Since your majesty is here, why do you decide the topic yourself, and I will be kind to the scholars of Jingchao."

The emperor stroked his beard and smiled and said: "Alright, since I can't return empty-handed after going out of the palace even once, then let me decide the topic."

As he spoke, he took a few steps, and slowly raised his head after contemplating for a while: "Since it is plum appreciation, it is natural to use plum as the topic, but this is too conventional. Presumably, the Meiyuan Poetry Festival will be about plum blossoms every year."

"Your Majesty is wise, that's exactly the case." Wang Yue replied.

The emperor nodded slightly: "Since that's the case, we won't take plum as the topic this year. Have you seen that?" Following the direction pointed, everyone could see the bright sky. Hard to see in the sun's light.

"Everyone in the world praises the beauty of the autumn moon, but they don't know that the winter moon is early. This time it is winter, and the winter moon reflects the new plum blossoms. I think the plum garden poetry meeting will be themed with flowers and moon. You can choose one of the two. If you have both How about the best." The emperor asked around.

Chen Yu, the oldest, leaned on his crutches and nodded again and again: "It's wonderful, it's wonderful, this question is very good." If Master Chen says it's good, then it's really good, because he is rigorous in his studies and never flatters others. I can't help but caress my beard even if I say two wonderful things.

Wang Yue, He Zhao and all the ministers also tried their best to praise them.

Suddenly Gillian exclaimed: "My son, my son is there!"

Everyone hurriedly followed the prestige, and there were two people on another rock below, and one of them was Li Xingzhou, the son of Prince Xiao!And the other is a handsome and beautiful girl, who is pushing him intimately at this time.

Li Xingzhou laughed, then dodged the girl, and lay down on the rock without any scruples. The girl seemed to be angry, and pushed him twice intimately. Seeing that he was not moving, she sat down and pulled his ears helplessly. The two seemed to be fighting , but their actions are intimate and tacit, clearly like a couple with a tacit understanding.

All the people in the group were stunned by the different expressions on their faces, and He Zhao in front was even more gloomy, with his heart like falling into an icehouse.

The queen showed joy, and hurriedly asked her left and right: "Which girl is that, do you know?"

Just as He Zhao wanted to prevaricate, he saw Wang Yue's serious face and said loudly: "Empress Empress, that's Mrs. He's beloved daughter He Qian. I think she behaves intimately with the crown prince, and they are very compatible with each other."

"Oh, it's Mrs. He's beloved daughter." The queen looked down at the two who were close to each other from a distance, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

He Zhao's heart sank to the bottom, and he said hastily, "The little girl is naughty and doesn't know how to be polite. I think she's just messing around with the prince and forgetting her sense of propriety."

"I don't see it. If the relationship between a man and a woman is not close, how can there be such a disrespectful play." Degong stroked his beard, commented with a look of impartiality from outside the matter, He Zhao's face was blackened, and he wished he could Jump up and curse, but dare not speak.

"Okay, what is the relationship between the two children, you will know when you call them." The emperor waved his hand and interrupted: "The empress wants to see Xingzhou, please let someone call him."

Empress Wu looked at the two of them from a distance, smiled and shook her head: "Your Majesty is really puzzled. Wouldn't it be hateful to call that child at this time, and it will not be too late to call him at the poetry meeting at night."

He Zhao immediately despaired when he heard this. He wished he could jump down a dozen feet away and drag the daughter away, but there was nothing he could do.The ministers talked a lot, and they continued to move forward, admiring the plum blossoms and talking.But now the situation has changed, the black-faced one has changed from De Gong to He Zhao, and the one who is excited to talk with the emperor has changed from He Zhao to De Gong.

Gillian bowed her head and followed beside the queen, silently.

"Are you feeling bad?" Empress Wu asked softly.

"No, no."

"They're all women, of course I know, the emperor has the Sangong and Six Courtyards." The queen took the little girl's hand and held it: "At first I thought you were lying to me because you were afraid of Xingzhou. You really like Xingzhou when you come here, and I am naturally happy as a grandma."

A-Jiao blushed, and said in a panic, "Empress, I, I'm just for a while, for a while."

Empress Wu patted her head: "I know, it's just a moment of depression in my heart, I'm not a jealous person. But you are His Majesty's golden words, you must have self-confidence in your heart, and you must trust yourself to be able to sit firmly in the middle and not mess around. Compassionate. Men can’t be obedient blindly, and they can’t always be in conflict. A woman is virtuous if she sticks to herself and abides by her duty. Otherwise, it’s just a useless display.”

Gillian listened intently, and finally smiled and nodded after a long time: "Thank you, Empress, for your enlightenment."

Empress Wu smiled with satisfaction, took her hand and said: "The emperor and I have lived in the palace for a long time, and the king and concubine Xiao died young, so the child is alone. It must be a difficult life and there is no one to discipline him, so he has a perverted personality. In the future, you Take care of him and take good care of him."

Ah Jiao fully understood what the queen meant at this time, her face was already red, she lowered her head and said in a low voice: "The son is actually very good, I will take good care of the son, please rest assured."

Empress Wu smiled gratifiedly. I am afraid that only this silly girl in this world would think that Xingzhou has a good temper. Such a good girl falls in love with him. I don't know whether it is good or bad, but people are always selfish. No matter whether they treat Wang Lianshan well or badly, Empress Wu wanted to find a good wife for her own grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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