The rise of the prince

Chapter 74 The Conspiracy Revealed

Chapter 74 The Conspiracy Revealed

Li Ye doesn't have much talent for storytelling, but He Qian is a genius for listening to stories. People like her can generally be called "junior high school sophomores". Not long, the story is over at dusk.Li Ye didn't want to move. The temperature around the mountain began to drop when the sun was setting, but the rocks that had been baked by the sun all day were still warm, and it was very comfortable to lie on.

"Why don't we go back," Li Ye suggested.

"No." He Qian shook her head resolutely, she was still immersed in the story, talking about the Dugu Nine Swords, Star Absorbing Dafa and so on from time to time, and even asked the eunuchs if they were all that powerful.

"You don't know poetry, why are you waiting here?" Li Ye asked her puzzled.

"I want you to take care of it." The little girl gave him a sharp look, then put away the plates and flagon and prepared to return them.

Glancing at the lazy Li Ye, how could this kind of bastard understand, which girl would not yearn for stories about gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, she is a bit stupid, so she doesn't understand poetry, but that is also a dream she has longed for since she was a child.

"Let's go, let's go and take a look." He Qian said and jumped off the rock, and Li Ye had to follow her. The two of them were out of tune with the crowd, and it was good to keep each other company. Besides, it was agreed at the beginning, and he couldn't go halfway. Leave the little girl behind.

"The Plum Garden Poetry Club will definitely write plums. Do you still have to squeeze to see it?" Li Ye complained. The title means that after the sun goes down, the organizer of the Poetry Club will invite a person with high morals, high prestige and talent to give the title of the poem , and then the scholars of the Poetry Association will use this as the center to make poems, and then select the best ones through public evaluation.

The reason why the questions are released after the sun goes down is to maintain the sense of mystery and maintain the atmosphere. If the questions are released early, what kind of gardens and plum blossoms are you going to visit?

The second is to maintain a certain degree of fairness, so that everyone can figure out the problem after the sun goes down, and then start thinking about ideas together.

But everything is impossible to be truly fair, there are some people who guess the questions early and then do it well, and some rich and powerful children pay to buy poems and then memorize one or two poems on various themes. reputation.

A few years ago, there was a well-known story in Luzhou. In order to make his son-in-law show off, the prefect of Luzhou asked someone to buy poems for him to memorize. The dark horse, who is unknown but brilliant in writing, forcibly suppressed the limelight so that the prefect of Luzhou, who was Gao Zuo, could only judge him as the leader.It was later spread that the prefect of Luzhou became a laughingstock for a while, and Li Ye heard the story told by Yue'er.

There is no first place in literature, and no second place in martial arts. Poetry itself does not have strict rules and regulations to be graded. Unlike a math test, where the answer is right, it is right, and if it is wrong, it is wrong. There is no ambiguity.Therefore, it is very difficult to make a hard judgment on poetry. At this time, the balance of interests and considerations is complicated, and many subjective things will be brought in. Like that unknown talent, a song can compel It must be great for the magistrate to give up his son-in-law.

The topic is placed in a small pavilion on the hillside, and the lower part is already crowded with people, many talented scholars and scholars are eagerly waiting.Li Ye consciously didn't join in the fun, but He Qian squeezed in enthusiastically.

After a while, there was a sound of boiling in the crowd. Li Ye raised his head and looked from a distance. It turned out that the person who came out to put the questions was actually Chen Yu.

I vaguely saw him take a scroll from the wooden tray held by the attendant next to him, spread it out and began to speak, but it was too far away to hear clearly.

Instead, what attracted Li Ye's attention was the person on the tray next to the old man. He had a dark gold-rimmed armor with a sharp sword hanging on his waist, and he was majestic.The key is standing posture. People who have practiced martial arts for many years are different from ordinary people. The human body exerts force from the waist. Therefore, people who have practiced martial arts for a long time will have a feeling of "drawing their back" because they often practice how to exert force. The spine is straight and strong. It is best reflected in the standing posture.

Looking at that man, Li Ye, he feels that he should be a master who has practiced martial arts for decades. This kind of person is rare in any era.

Li Ye just wanted to go back down to find a good place to wait for He Qian, but unexpectedly met an unexpected person, Li Yu!

Li Yu is one of Li Xingzhou's best friends. He is 21 years old this year.As a result, the circumstances of the two are similar, they are both queens of the royal family, and no one controls them.Li Xingzhou's parents died early, and Li Yu was even more miserable in a certain sense. He was originally the queen prince, but the prince never cared about it, and he didn't even bother to look at it. The prince only had his elder brother Li Huan in his eyes.The two royal children who are unrestrained and uncared for can easily get into a ball because of their like-mindedness.

Second, because Li Xingzhou and Li Yu are the same, they are both brainless people, so it can be said that they are a good match, they share the same smell, and they are both foolish and foolish.
So later Li Ye rejected Li Yu's invitation several times, because in his memory Li Yu was someone who didn't know how to do things and only acted on impulse.

"Brother Xing!" As soon as Li Yu saw him, he clung to the fly that saw the shit: "So you came too, why didn't you tell Brother Wei!"

Li Ye took three steps back helplessly and opened the distance before saying, "Um, I'm so bored, I just come here for a stroll."

"Oh~" Li Yu nodded again and again with an expression that I understood, why do you know a basket and nod.
"Indeed, although there are many talented people who are full of talkative words at the poetry meeting, there are also many beauties and beauties. You want to come here to find and prepare for it. You are indeed a star brother, hehe." He bumped Li Ye with his shoulder, and then said with a sinister smile .

Li Ye was stunned, and stared at him blankly. He didn't know where to start for a moment, but his heart suddenly became clear.

yes!Fortunately, he is still depressed, why can't he think about it so much, he had to pay to see the underwear show in his previous life, although he doesn't have it now, but he didn't pay, so it's not a loss to see it!Thinking about it this way, Li Ye suddenly didn't feel that poetry would be boring anymore.
Sure enough, the most simple and great ideas often burst out from the smallest people. "Cousin, you are really talented!" Li Ye couldn't help but slapped his head.

"That's natural!" Li Yu smiled triumphantly, and then seemed to think of something: "Cousin, come with me, I have something important to tell you, you didn't even know you were almost cheated by that bitch!" He hurriedly pulled him away Go to a corner where there is no one to tell, speak vividly, dance with hands and feet.

But the more he talked about Li Ye, the more he frowned, Zhong Li, was he the one who was listening to the troubles in Yulou?He is Gillian's sweetheart?But the more I listened to Li Ye, the more I felt that it was full of flaws.

He not only said that he had affection for Gillian, but also provoked Li Yu to insult her verbally; he said that he was helpless, powerless, and powerless, how could that helpless person make Gillian's father nod for marriage? In this era, the most important thing is to be well-matched. Gillian's father is the magistrate of Jiangzhou, and his grandfather is a member of the same school. If he has no identity background, how can Gillian's father agree.

(End of this chapter)

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