The rise of the prince

Chapter 757 Yang, two families

Chapter 757 Yang, two families

On the fourth day of August, Yang Ye and Zhe Weizhong entered Beijing.

After settling down in the capital the next day, both of them hurried to the palace to meet him.

The emperor didn't see them for the time being, and only arranged to live in the post house. The two of them understood the situation in Beijing and China after a little inquiry, and they should visit the emperor's grandson first.

Li Xingzhou was very happy to hear that they had come. When he got the news, he was still in the Privy Council. He put down his official duties and hurried home on Meixue.

When we reached the alleyway outside the palace, we saw two carriages parked there, with signs with the characters "Yang" and "Zhe" hanging on them.

Li Xingzhou got off his horse, and the servants from the mansion hurriedly greeted them. They took Meixue to feed water and graze. Yan Gu stepped forward and said, "My lord, Mr. Zhe and Mr. Yang are waiting in the main hall, and they brought some gifts. I received them." Went to the side hall."

He nodded, and then hurriedly walked towards the main hall before entering the yard. The two people inside had already reached the door and bowed to each other, "Yang Wenguang, the magistrate of Taiyuan, has seen His Highness."

"Yong'an Army Jiedu Envoy Zhe Weizhong has seen His Highness."

Li Xingzhou quickly supported them, letting them sit down freely without being too polite.

The two are about the same age. Although Yang Wenguang is rougher, he still looks like a Han Chinese in the Central Plains, but Zhe Weizhong is different.

His face is long, the bridge of the nose is higher, the eye sockets are deeper than ordinary people, the material is tall, and the shoulder bones are broad, but not so strong.

This is a characteristic of the Dangxiang people and Qiang people. In fact, Dangxiang people are not a synonym for a specific ethnic group, but a group. They are a mixture of Qiang people, Xi people, Tubo people, Han people, Khitan people, etc.

People who originally lived in the central part of the Hexi Corridor and the western part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but were unwilling to submit to the growing Tubo forces on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau hundreds of years ago, then moved eastward, and gradually united against the surrounding forces, forming a group of party members.

And because of their unity and fighting, they gradually controlled large areas such as the Hetao area and the Hexi Corridor, becoming a very powerful separatist force.

When Jingguo was founded, there were differences within the party.

The faction headed by Zhe Weizhong's ancestors surrendered to the imperial court, moved eastward, and was named the Yong'an Army Jiedushi, and could be hereditary from generation to generation.

The other faction, headed by Li Jizushang, refused to submit to the imperial court, occupied Hetao and parts of Hexi, and finally established the Xia Kingdom.

Party members have one characteristic, that is, they can really fight.

The one that chooses to be independent in the west can fight, and the one that returns to the Central Plains in the east is also very capable.

In history, the little Xixia was sandwiched between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom. At first, people thought that Xixia was finished, but the little Xixia punched the Song Dynasty and kicked the Liao Kingdom.

They basically won the wars against Liao and Song. The huge Liao and Song countries had nothing to do with it, so they had to save face.

So Xixia survived the attack of Song and Liao, and established a powerful Xixia Kingdom.

And the Zhejia army in the east is also very capable of fighting. It has resisted Xixia and the Liao Kingdom all the year round, and sometimes went to the territory of the Liao Kingdom to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. It is so fierce that no one in the northwest knows it.

This is exactly the reason why Li Xingzhou is eager to meet Zhe Weizhong, it is related to the country's strategy.

Li Xingzhou took a sip of tea casually. He walked too hastily just now, and his mouth was dry. Then he asked a few polite words about the road and whether he was used to it in the capital. The two responded respectfully.

He went straight to the point: "Hehe, what I said was not polite, I really asked the two generals whether they are comfortable living in the capital and what questions they have.

This time, I traveled thousands of miles to call the two of you to Beijing to discuss something, and I don't want to disturb you with trivial matters.Now if you don’t tell me, just pretend it’s not there. If anyone comes to the palace to look for me in the future, it’s fine. "

"Thank you, my lord!" Faced with such concern, the two were moved and hurriedly bowed to each other. Foreign generals must be careful in the capital, but the emperor grandson treated them so frankly and caringly.

Li Xingzhou took another sip of tea and asked Yang Wenguang, "How is the contact with the rebel army going?"

Yang Wenguang put down his teacup, cupped his hands and reported: "Your Highness, I have contacted many times and met the leader, Mr. Xin. This man is a scribe. He said that the rebel army has tens of thousands of people, and their daily farming and labor are no different from ordinary people. Most of them have relatives who died. Under the knife of the Jinren, I wanted to take revenge, but because I didn’t have weapons in my hands, I didn’t dare to fight the Jinren.”

Li Xingzhou nodded. The massacre of the Jin people in Datong Mansion really laid the root of disaster. "Then can they open the city gate?"

Yang Wenguang laughed: "Your Highness, this is exactly the good news I want to tell you!
Mr. Xin said that they have several Han officials in the city who can serve as internal responses and can open the city gate. "

Li Xingzhou was overjoyed. If the city gate could be opened, then the war on the western front would be much easier. However, he was not that big-hearted, so he immediately asked, "What about Mr. Xin, can you trust him?"

Yang Wenguang thought about it for a while: "According to my many visits and observations, this person is credible. His ancestors were from the Hejian Prefecture, and later he was taken away by the Khitans, and he became an official in the Liao Kingdom.

Later, Jin defeated Liao, and was forced to leave Jin Kingdom because of his talent and learning. In fact, he wanted to return to the Central Plains Dynasty, but he couldn't find a way before.

There are many such people in the north. They had no chance before, but now it is different.
His Royal Highness is wise and powerful, his martial arts intimidate all directions, and he personally conquered the Liao Kingdom. Wei Chaoren, the general of the Yanshan Mansion, defeated the Jin Kingdom again this year. State soldiers! "

Li Xingzhou understood. Now that he has fought all the way, he has become the god of war and hope in people's eyes without knowing it.

"It's a good thing, we can make more contacts, but there will definitely be good and bad people mixed up. The golden man is not blind, so General Yang must be careful." Li Xingzhou said with concern that Yang Wenguang can't have an accident, and if he has an accident, the north will be chaotic.

"His Royal Highness cares more!" Yang Wenguang looked excited.

"How many sons are there in General Yang's family?" Li Xingzhou suddenly asked again.

"There are five sons." Yang Wenguang was a little puzzled, not understanding why he asked this.

Li Xingzhou's face became serious: "General Yang, originally I didn't want to take care of your family affairs, but the Yang family is the backbone of the imperial court, guarding the north for generations, and the descendants of the Yang family also shed royal blood (the imperial court married a grandpa in Yang Wenguang's generation) If you don’t care about it, the emperor will not feel at ease, I will not feel at ease, and the court will not feel at ease.”

"Your Highness, if you have anything to do, just ask the minister, and the minister will not obey!" Yang Wenguang was puzzled, and nervously cupped his hands.

"General Yang, your eldest son, Yang Hu, had not been for the emperor's sake of your face, he would have been killed along with Tong Guan. Such a wicked person will not be able to use him in the future. If he wants to pass on the mantle, he should be replaced by another son." Li Xingzhou said directly.

He didn't want to be so ruthless, but he didn't have time to worry about it. Yang Hu was indeed a nail that made him uneasy. It was said that Hu's father had no dogs, but Yang Wenguang had such an eldest son.

Yang Wenguang froze for a moment, then nodded: "I would like to listen to your Highness's instruction."

"It's hard to talk about this matter, but Yang Hu has already done the despicable thing. The facts are irrefutable. Mr. Yang also wants to talk about it. You still have four sons."

"Yes, I will follow His Highness' instruction." Yang Wenguang cupped his hands.

"It's not teaching, it's an order." Li Xingzhou said: "If you talk about teaching, my ability is far inferior to Mr. Yang's decades of experience in frontier battles, so I don't want to ruin your Yang family because of a scum."

"I obey!" Yang Wenguang gritted his teeth and nodded, as if he had made up his mind.

Li Xingzhou nodded. He knew that the Yang family and the Zhe family had a good relationship, and they got married, and then asked someone to change the tea: "The biggest thing about asking you to come to Beijing this time is to hope that the two of you can join forces and use the rebel army as the internal response to capture Datong. House!"

(End of this chapter)

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