The rise of the prince

Chapter 758 Xia Guo's Helplessness

Chapter 758 Xia Guo's Helplessness

Regarding the two, Li Xingzhou has nothing to hide, "I will send troops to the Kingdom of Jin in roughly two ways, the sea route and the land route, and the two generals on the sea route don't need to worry about it.

The land is roughly divided into two routes, with the Taihang Mountains as the boundary, and the New Army, Guanbei Army, and Forbidden Army as the main force in the east, attacking Shanhaiguan and the Liaoxi Corridor.

There is only one strategic goal of the West Route Army, which is Datong Mansion. It is the great contribution of the two generals to capture and defend Datong Mansion. "

"Your Highness, I will do my best." Yang Wenguang cupped his hands to express his determination.

"Our Zhe family is willing to do anything for His Highness!" Zhe Weizhong knelt on one knee, and Li Xingzhou understood that he was more eager to show his loyalty than Yang Ye.

Generals outside the border only have the opportunity to enter Beijing once in several years or even more than ten years. What they fear most is being suspected of loyalty.

This is another great advantage he has, that is, he knows the general trend of history, and because he knows it, he understands that the Zhe family and the Yang family are highly likely to be reliable, and it is precisely because of this that he dares to do many things.

Li Xingzhou helped him up with his own hands: "General Zhe, don't worry, I'll be honest, I am very worried about the Zhe family. I understand that General Zhe has worked hard for the country and the people for generations in the barren borderlands.

This time, the two generals were invited to Beijing not only to discuss the war, but also to let the old general stay for a few months when the weather turned cold and the war in the north stopped. Enjoy the blessings in the capital, which is what you deserve. "

Li Xingzhou said with emotion: "There are three barriers in the north of Jingguo, Zhejia in the northwest, Yangjia in Taiyuan, and Weijia in Zhending. Without your protection, the capital and the people in the south would not be able to enjoy such peace and prosperity, but you people don't It is the greatest injustice in the world to have the opportunity to enjoy the peace you have preserved.” This is a problem caused by road traffic difficulties in ancient times. Often, the central government is rich and rich, the border is bloody, and the soldiers are in a difficult situation.

"It's rare to come here, so let's stay for a few months, whether it's good to visit the mountains and rivers, or see the prosperous scenery, I will contribute to you."

"My lord!" Zhe Weizhong's old eyes were full of tears, probably no one had ever put themselves in the shoes of these frontier soldiers, the bloody frontier is too far away, most of the time the ministers and the emperor see prosperity.

"My lord treats you so kindly, old minister." Zhe Weizhong was moved and wiped tears from the corners of his eyes, and he was a little nervous. This big man in the northwest is not flexible in his mouth, and he doesn't know how to deal with various situations decently like the officials in the capital.

"General Zhe doesn't need to say too much, I know." Li Xingzhou waved his hand, "It just happens to be a few days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the emperor will definitely invite you to the palace for a banquet, you bring those things back home, and then present them to the emperor, here I am Need not."

"My lord."

Li Xingzhou raised his hand and said without doubt, "That's the matter. I've been to the border. It's hard for people to live in such a place. It's not easy to collect some good things. But many people in the court don't understand. Just make a show."

Yang Wenguang repeatedly bowed his hands to thank him, but Zhe Weizhong couldn't say a word, his face was flushed and he held back for a long time before finally saying "yes".

Li Xingzhou asked them to come down for dinner that day, just in time for Shiyu's father to send them home-raised autumn carp.

On the way, he told the two of them a lot of various things about the border, which opened Li Xingzhou's eyes. He really likes to talk to such a well-informed person.

And even though he is the crown prince now, he is not used to showing his superior side, and had a good chat with the two of them. He sent them back to their residence in the afternoon, and then gave each of them [-] guan coins, which were pulled by a horse-drawn carriage.

After talking with the two, Li Xingzhou also felt that they had real materials and could be trusted.

Li Xingzhou and Zhe Weizhong talked about their views on the Hetao area and the Hexi Corridor, and the results coincided with each other. They both believed that it was a must-fight. Zhe Weizhong wrote a letter before saying that he would take the opportunity to seize and encroach on the Hetao area. He very much agrees , but at this time the strategic center of gravity of the imperial court is in the east, and it cannot be distracted.

In the next few days, Li Xingzhou often met with the two of them and talked a lot. Soon, on the seventh day of August, he couldn't be happy all of a sudden, because the person who gave him a headache came back from the south—Qifang.

Xia Guo, in the north, there are many soldiers coming and going in and out of the Golden Buddha Pagoda, carrying all kinds of ritual utensils in their hands, even large and small Buddha statues, Bodhisattva statues, candlesticks and so on.

Because most of these objects are inlaid with gold and silver, Xia Guo believes in Buddhism, and there are many pagodas in the royal garden, but this is not a palace, it is just a temporary palace for Xia Wang Li Ji after he fled to the north.

However, Li Ji still searched and built a resplendent pagoda, so that members of the royal family could burn incense and pray for blessings here, and pray for the protection of the Lord Buddha.

But in the end, Lord Buddha did not bless them. The royal army was defeated again and again, and it was Jing Guo who saved them. The large number of strong bows and crossbows purchased from Jing Guo allowed them to hold the last line of defense, and then they had the opportunity to fight back.

Since the Lord Buddha didn't work, at this critical moment, he could only ask the people of Jingguo. The gold and silver in the treasury were almost exhausted. Li Ji urgently ordered to demolish the newly built pagoda, and collect the gold and silver to continue trading with the people of Jingguo.

More than a mile to the west of the pagoda, the outer courtyard of Li Ji's temporary bedroom is already in autumn, with fallen leaves and bare tree trunks surrounding the courtyard, giving it a sense of desolation.

This place is too far to the north, and a few trees are not bad, but a hundred miles further north, there are only deserts and grasslands.

Li Ji never thought that he would come to such a cold place, but not only did he come, he was also driven here!
Those hateful rebellious officials and thieves, when they are caught, they must be chopped into pieces!
"Jing Guo will give them whatever they want, and we will talk about other things after we win this battle." He said to the ministers around him.

"But Tanglong Town is an important place, and we took it from Jing Guo with great difficulty."

"That's right, Your Majesty, the national festival must not be insulted. Wouldn't this make the world look down on our party members?"


"Then you go and tell the people of Jingguo, who will go!" Li Ji suddenly said angrily, and the scene fell silent instantly.

"Do you think I think, what can I do! If I don't agree to Jing Guo to help those traitors, what should we do!
They destroyed the Liao Kingdom last year, and defeated the Jin Kingdom a month ago! 20! (The Kingdom of Jin actually sent 20 to [-] troops, and it was claimed to be [-] to the outside world. The logistical labor was included. In fact, most of the labor was stopped in the north of Shanhaiguan)
With so many troops from the Kingdom of Jin, even the Yanshan Mansion of the Kingdom of Jing couldn't get through it!How strong is Jing Guo today!

You people keep saying to share my worries, but if you are really capable, do I need to humbly beg Jing Guo now! "

Li Jiyue became more and more angry as he said these days. He finally understood that the so-called princes and ministers, one by one, talked better than the other, but when it came to fighting, they kept shirking. No one dared to face the rebels. As envoys and lobbyists, they repeatedly shirked.

In the end, the key to victory was Jing Guo's support.

The more Li Ji thought about it, the more angry he became: "Don't talk about Tang Long Town, even if they want Yinzhou, I have to give it to you!" Naturally, the words were angry words, and they were used to anger these wimps.

I didn't think about the words, and I don't know who whispered in the crowd: "If the Taizu Taizu was in the south, Jingguo in the south, and Khitan was defeated in the north, why did this happen?"

"What! What are you talking about!" Li Ji was furious, clearly mocking him for his incompetence.

Everyone bowed their heads and no one acknowledged it.

Li Ji was even more angry, his fingers trembling with anger, he pointed at them and said, "Get out, get out!"

Everyone hurriedly left the yard, leaving only Li Ji who was groaning. He gasped for breath, and finally sat helplessly on the stone bench in the yard. Could it be that he was really so incompetent?I heard that Li Xingzhou, Crown Prince of the Jing Kingdom, was several years younger than me, but he gave orders to him at a young age, and made all kinds of threats.
(End of this chapter)

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