Chapter 401 Want to run?not so easy
"Everyone put down the weapons in their hands and squat on the ground, or they will be shot to death!" The chief banner officer held a 56 punch and looked at the guards in front of him with a gloomy face.

The rest of the guards looked at the bearded man who fell to the ground and the 56 punch in the hands of the Chief Banner Officer, their eyes were full of fear.

"One more thing, put down your weapon, or we will shoot." The chief flag officer held the 56 and fired a few shots into the sky, and then forced towards the remaining guards.

The guards looked at the approaching chief banner officer and the soldiers surrounding them, gradually put the weapons in their hands on the ground, and squatted in place.

"Come here, tie up all these people and take them outside. Xuanzhen's military regulations prohibit harassing the people. Anyone who harasses the people will be severely punished." The chief banner officer pointed to these people squatting on the ground , Shouting loudly to the surrounding subordinates.

As soon as the Chief Banner Officer's voice fell, seven or eight soldiers walked towards these people squatting on the ground with ropes.

"Why does this rebel look different? It doesn't look like the rumors. Just this military order alone is not comparable to the guards." The two brothers before hid behind the door of the main room , squinting his eyes and looking out through the crack of the door.

I saw that the soldiers who rushed in at the end didn't look as vicious and bloodthirsty as they said in the yamen.

These soldiers looked tall and powerful, and they were much better than the soldiers of the guards in terms of body, and their military discipline and rules were extremely strict.

If they didn't know that they were rebels, I'm afraid they would have thought that these people were officers.

"I think so too!" The younger man also nodded.

"Why don't we tell these people about King Jin? If these people know the whereabouts of King Jin, then we will be doing a great job, and maybe we can get rewards?" The older man glanced at the younger man. The man turned his attention to the parents behind him.

"I think it's better for us to keep our hands off our own business. If the court finds out that we have made a secret because of this matter, can we let it go?" An old man stood behind them and said anxiously.

Ordinary people are like this kind of thing that has nothing to do with them and hangs high. As long as they don't endanger themselves, they generally don't care about it, and they don't want to care about it.

"Father, I don't agree with what you said. Even if we don't tell the truth, can King Jin and those people spare us? They wanted to kill us just now.

Besides, now that these rebels have entered the city, with the strength of these people, they may soon be able to occupy the entire Taiyuan Mansion.

The movement on the top of the city was made by these rebels. If they knew about it, we knew the whereabouts of King Jin but didn't say anything, would they spare us?Besides, King Jin has bullied the people in the city a lot these years.

Last year, our family's [-] mu of land outside the city was seized by King Jin, and now is a good time to take revenge. "

When the older man mentioned King Jin, he felt very angry.

The man stood up as he spoke, pushed the door open and walked out.

The old man wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"I have important military information to tell you!"

The boss walked into the yard, looked at the Xuanzhen soldiers who had not yet retreated, and roared loudly.

"Important military situation? What important military situation?" The chief banner officer turned around, pointed at the young man with a 56, and said with a vigilant expression.

Although you can't harass the people, you must be cautious. It's always good to be cautious.

The man looked at the 56 Chong in the hands of the Chief Banner Officer, and his heart tightened. He hurriedly shouted: "These people belong to King Jin. Just now, King Jin escaped from King Jin's mansion and ran to my house."

"Prince Jin? Are you telling the truth? If what you said is true, I will give you a lot of rewards, but if you are lying to me, I will let you die a miserable death!" Zongqi's eyes lit up, but then he He looked at the man warily.

The man said: "What I say is true, I dare to use my head to guarantee that what I say is true!"

The man pointed to his head and shouted forcefully.

The Chief Banner Officer looked at him, not like he was lying.

"Trust you for now, Wang He, Li Yang, you two lead your men to follow me, and the rest will take these prisoners out."

The chief banner officer looked at the two small banner officers next to him, and then at the man, "Where did they go?"

The man pointed to his backyard, "They went to my backyard."

The chief banner officer nodded and shouted: "Brothers, follow me!"

The chief flag officer took the lead and ran towards the backyard with a 56 dash in his hand.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up."

The chief eunuch ran beside Zhu Shenxuan, and he kept urging the guards who were carrying Zhu Shenxuan.

"We're already going fast, Your Highness is too heavy!" The guard carrying Zhu Shenxuan was sweating profusely and kept running.

Now they just ran out of the back door of this folk house and came to the alley at the back door.

After a few breaths, the Chief Banner Officer led his troops to the back door of the residence.

"Sure enough, there are people, otherwise, the back door will not be opened, brothers, follow me!"

The chief flag officer watched as the back door was opened, and shouted excitedly at the soldiers behind him.

This is the king of Jin, he is a big fish, if he is caught alive, it will be a great contribution.

The soldiers behind him also had bright eyes and excited faces.

"Listen to the front, stop quickly, or I will shoot!"

As soon as the chief banner officer rushed out of the back door, he saw several people running wildly in the alley.

One of them was still wearing official clothes. No need to think about it, this must be the eunuch who served the king of Jin, and only the clan had the right to use eunuchs.

The chief eunuch hurriedly looked back and found a group of people rushing out from the back door of the residence just now.

"Run, someone is chasing you!" The chief eunuch shouted at the guard carrying Zhu Shenxuan in a panic.

At this time, Zhu Shenxuan was like a pig, carried by three guards, running forward non-stop.

The three guards didn't dare to look back when they heard the shouts coming from behind, they just carried Zhu Shenxuan and buried their heads on the road.

Zhao Wen chased on the street for a long time, and the more he chased, the more he felt that something was wrong. Except for the rout of soldiers on the street, he didn't even see the shadow of Prince Jin's son.

Not to mention the prince of Jin, he didn't even see a guard protecting him.

No matter how fast a person is, it is impossible for him to be faster than a war horse. Moreover, it has not been long since Prince Jin escaped. After chasing for such a long time, it is impossible for there to be no movement.

What's more, there was no news from the soldiers who went to other streets.

This weird situation made Zhao Wen suspicious.


Zhao Wen pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, forcing the horse to stop.

"The situation is not right. It is impossible for the prince of Jin to run so fast. We have been chasing for such a long time, but we have not seen any shadows, and there is no news from the people who went to other streets. There must be something wrong here. People listen to my order, turn around and go back!"

Zhao Wen grabbed the reins of the horse, hurriedly turned the horse around, and rushed back in the direction it came from.


"Hurry up, rush out, get out of this alley!" The chief eunuch pointed to the end of the alley and shouted hastily.

Because of the presence of Prince Jin's son, the chasing General Banner did not let anyone shoot, but kept firing at the sky.

The three guards who were carrying Prince Jin's son gritted their teeth and used all their strength to run forward.

However, they are already very tired now, and Zhu Shenxuan is very fat, even though they have exhausted their strength, their speed is gradually slowing down.

The distance between the two sides was constantly shrinking, and the chief eunuch turned his head away from time to time. He looked at the approaching pursuers and was in a state of confusion.

"Hurry up, the pursuers are about to catch up, go out of the alley first, and run to the street, there will definitely be defenders on the street, and then pull a defender, otherwise we will never be able to escape."

The chief eunuch followed Zhu Shenxuan, pointing at the entrance of the alley ahead, and shouted in panic.

"Elder-in-law, we also want to go fast. But His Royal Highness is too heavy, we have no strength!" The guard running at the front, carrying Zhu Shenxuan's legs was getting slower and slower, and he kept panting Breathing heavily, there seemed to be a fire burning in his lungs.

Regardless of whether the princes in the late Ming Dynasty were wise or not, they all had one thing in common, which was obesity.

This can't be blamed on them, after all, the national policy of the Ming Dynasty is to treat these princes as pigs.

Staying in the palace with nothing to do all day long, unable to go out of the city, eating or sleeping, or having children, if things go on like this, they will not be fat.

"Can't run anymore? If you can't run, you have to run. If His Royal Highness falls into the hands of the rebels, I'm afraid it will be bad luck. For so many years, the Jin Palace has treated you well. Now is the time for you to be loyal to the Jin Palace. Work harder and run quickly.

As long as you escape from the Taiyuan Mansion and go to the capital, with the face of His Royal Highness, the imperial court will definitely protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. At that time, you can have whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want. "

The chief eunuch looked at the guards whose speed had dropped significantly, and hurriedly cheered them up.

However, people's physical strength is not unlimited. From the moment they escaped from the Prince Jin's mansion to the present, these people stayed in the residence just now for less than half an hour, and they kept running for the rest of the time.

"I can't do it, I really have no energy!"

The guard in front kept panting heavily, and his speed was getting slower and slower.

Finally, the guard at the front was exhausted.

He staggered and fell to the ground unsteadily.

The two guards behind who were carrying Zhu Shenxuan's arms didn't stop for a moment, and rushed towards the ground in front of him, Zhu Shenxuan was also thrown to the ground.

The chief eunuch looked at this scene with ashen face, "It's over, it's completely over now!"

The Chief Banner Officer looked at the scene ahead, his eyes lit up, and took advantage of this opportunity to quickly chase after him.

"Hurry up, hurry up, help His Highness up quickly, help His Highness up quickly!"

The chief eunuch looked at the pursuers who were chasing up from behind, pointed at Zhu Shenxuan who had fallen to the ground, and shouted anxiously at the guards.

"Want to run? Keep running, can't you run? Why don't you run now?"

The chief banner officer rushed to the chief eunuch, pointed at the chief eunuch with 56 punches, and shouted out of breath.

They had already exhausted a lot of physical strength chasing the rout soldiers, and chasing Zhu Shenxuan made them very sleepy now.

"Is he the King of Jin?" Zhu Shenxuan pointed to Zhu Shenxuan who fell on the ground and asked.

The chief eunuch shook his head like a rattle, "No, he is not King Jin, you have mistaken him, he is not King Jin, we are just ordinary people!"

"Ordinary people? Who are you lying to? Ordinary people will wear such good clothes? The clothes on him are Mangfu, right? Can ordinary people wear Mangfu?" the Chief Banner Officer said sarcastically.

The three guards who fell on the ground slowly stood up from the ground. They looked at the soldiers who surrounded them, and gradually put their hands on the handle of the knife at their waists.

"You still want to do it?"

A soldier next to the Chief Banner Officer noticed their movements at a glance, immediately shouted and cursed, picked up the butt of the 56 Chong gun in his hand, and shot the guard closest to him under the chin.


There was a muffled sound, and the guard was knocked to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with a few broken teeth.

Seeing this, the remaining two guards quickly pulled out the waist knives from their waists.

But before they waved it, the soldiers surrounding them swung their rifle butts and drew them at them.

The two guards were caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Even if they fell to the ground, the soldiers surrounding them didn't intend to spare them, and the butts of their guns kept hitting them.

"Okay, stop beating, unload their weapons, and tie them all up." The chief banner officer pointed to the soldiers who were besieging the guards, and let out a sigh of relief.

"You good man, let us go. No one is here now, and even if you let us go, no one will know that you did it.

As long as we arrive in the capital, we can give you endless glory and wealth, and you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

At that time, it will be much better than being a big soldier. "

Seeing that they couldn't be fooled, the chief eunuch changed his tone, knelt on the ground, hugged the chief banner officer's thigh, and begged for mercy with a mournful face.
The Chief Banner Officer sneered, "Hehe, do you still want us to let you go? Do you really think that you are a high-ranking prince? Bind up these people, especially this fat man in a reckless suit. I suspect he is King Jin , can’t let them escape.”

The Chief Banner Officer had never met King Jin, nor did he know the age of King Jin, nor did he know that King Jin had been frightened to death. In addition, the man said that this person was King Jin, so he thought that Zhu Shenxuan was King Jin.

The soldiers besieging the guards stopped, took out the ropes they had prepared, and began to tie up the guards with big bags on the ground. As for Zhu Shenxuan, he was also tied up.

Just when they were tied up, the sound of horseshoes came from their ears.

After a few breaths, a cavalry stopped at the end of the alley.

The chief banner officer looked at the cavalry who suddenly appeared, and recognized Zhao Wen's personal guard battalion at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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