Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 402 The Military Merit That Can Move

Chapter 402 The Military Merit That Can Move
"Quickly report to your lord that we have captured King Jin!"

Zongqi looked at the cavalry at the end of the alley and shouted.

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Wen spotted them and walked towards them.

Zhao Wen rode a horse and walked over slowly.

When Zhao Wen stopped in front of the Chief Banner Officer, the Chief Banner Officer pointed at the Prince Jin and others who were tied up behind him and shouted loudly. "My lord, we have captured King Jin!"

Zhao Wen looked at the people tied up behind the Chief Banner Officer, his eyes lit up, and he jumped off the horse.

The guard battalion soldiers behind him also jumped off their horses and began to guard their surroundings.

Zhao Wen walked up to the Chief Banner Officer, patted him on the shoulder, and praised him: "Good job, good job, what's your name? I will credit you for your great work, and the soldiers under your command will also remember their credit."

As soon as the Chief Banner Officer heard that he wanted to credit himself, he immediately laughed, "My lord, my subordinate is Chen Lin, and he is the third General Banner of the 20th Household of No. [-] Thousand Households of the Chinese Army."

"Okay, okay, when the Taiyuan Mansion is completely taken down, I will reward you for your merits!" Zhao Wen praised a few words, and then looked at the people who were tied up behind the chief banner officer.

The chief eunuch looked at Zhao Wen who was approaching. Even if he had never met Zhao Wen, the chief eunuch could guess Zhao Wen's identity based on the behavior of these people in front of him and the soldiers from the guard camp brought by Zhao Wen.

"Zhao thief, you are so brave. Are you not afraid that the imperial army will crush your Xuanzhen in an instant? I advise you to let us go, otherwise you will be wiped out in an instant when the imperial army arrives." The chief eunuch's voice was fierce, He kept yelling at Zhao Wen.

Hearing this, Zhao Wen laughed lightly, "You should worry about your affairs now, and you still care about me?"

Zhao Wen shook his head, and walked in front of Zhu Shenxuan.

The current Zhu Shenxuan has already been scared out of his wits, his body is as if he has no bones, even if he is tied up with a rope, he still can't stand up, he sits slumped on the ground, trembling all over, his eyes are terrified, and he doesn't say a word.

Zhao Wen squatted in front of Zhu Shenxuan and looked at it carefully.

Zhu Shenxuan was very fat, as fat as a pig, and also very white.It's the kind of paleness that looks like a seriously ill patient.

For so many years, Zhu Shenxuan has been immersed in drinking and sex all the year round, his body has been hollowed out long ago, coupled with the shock he received before, it makes him look like a patient suffering from a serious illness.

He was wearing a red mang suit. The Ming Dynasty belonged to the virtue of fire, advocating red, so it was normal to wear a red mang suit.It's just that the current mang clothes are covered with dust.

"Are you the son of Prince Jin?" Zhao Wen looked at Zhu Shenxuan and asked.

Zhu Shenxuan shook his body, he slowly raised his head, looked at Zhao Wen, "You are Zhao thief, what do you want to do?"

Zhu Shenxuan's two legs kept kicking on the ground, rubbing against the back.

"Zhao Thief, if you have the ability, you will come at me. What kind of ability is it to bully His Royal Highness?"

The chief eunuch looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes were bulging, his eyes were red, and he kept screaming at Zhao Wen.

If he hadn't been pinned to the ground, he might have rushed up immediately.

"My lord, shouldn't he be the King of Jin? How did he become the son of the King of Jin?" Chen Lin pointed at Zhu Shenxuan, and looked at Zhao Wen with a blank expression.

When we were chasing him just now, didn't the people of that family say that this man is King Jin?Why did he suddenly become the prince of Jin?Compared with King Jin, this Prince Jin's son is much worse.Could it be that he was cheated?No, he has no reason to lie to me.

Zhao Wen stood up and said with a light smile, "King Jin is dead, he was scared to death by the sound of the cannons when we attacked the city this morning!"

"Scared to death? Why is King Jin such a waste? He was scared to death by the artillery fire!" Chen Lin was surprised.

"Lead your troops down first, I will take the son of King Jin away." Zhao Wen pointed to Zhu Shenxuan who was on the ground, and looked at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin gave a military salute to Zhao Wen and shouted, "Your subordinates take orders!"

After Chen Lin finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the soldiers behind him, "The commander-in-chief has orders, retreat!"

Looking at the back of Chen Lin leaving, Zhao Wen said to the guards who followed behind him: "Take the son of Prince Jin and his entourage, and go to Prince Jin's Mansion. At the same time, notify the other soldiers of the guard battalion to let them also enter Prince Jin's Mansion!" "

"As ordered!"


A few quarters of an hour later, Zhao Wen came to the main hall of Prince Jin's Mansion. The sons of Prince Jin and all the people in Prince Jin's Mansion who hadn't had time to escape were all gathered by Zhao Wen.

Because of the large number of people, these people were arranged by Zhao Wen on the square outside the main hall.

Sitting on the throne in the main hall, Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan who was standing beside him, "How's the search going on in Prince Jin's mansion?"

Li Xiaosan cupped his fists at Zhao Wen, and said loudly: "My lord, the search is almost complete, and the flames in the warehouse have also been extinguished.

According to the eunuch maid who did not escape in the palace, the warehouse was robbed by the servants of the palace before it caught fire, and a large amount of gold and silver was taken away.

Our people are currently counting the remaining property in the warehouse, and I believe there will be a result soon. "

"It seems that Prince Jin's mansion is also unpopular. Not only did the maids and eunuchs in the mansion not help Prince Jin's son escape, but they also robbed the warehouse." Zhao Wen sighed when he heard the result.

At the same time, the troops sent by Li Tianhe to rescue Jinwangfu also came to a place not far from Jinwangfu.

This group of people stopped in a street less than two miles away from King Jin's Mansion. There were about 500 people, led by a man named Mo Fang.

"Report, Prince Jin's Mansion has been breached by the rebels, it's too late for us to go now!"

Ye Bushou, who was going to investigate Prince Jin's mansion, ran in front of Mo Fang.

Mo Fang's expression changed, and he hurriedly asked, "Is what you said true?"

"The villain dare not lie to Lord Qianhu, the Jin Palace has been taken over by the rebels.

The troops who took over the Prince Jin's Mansion were different from ordinary rebels. The military uniforms they wore were very strange. Presumably they were the elite of the rebels. "Ye Bu Shou said in a deep voice.

Mo Fang looked in the direction of Prince Jin's Mansion, his face was full of depression.

Now he is less than two miles away from Prince Jin's Mansion. If he is fast, he can arrive in half a quarter of an hour.

But now that Prince Jin's Mansion has been breached, even if people like myself go there now, it will be of no use at all, and maybe they will be annihilated.

"Order the whole army to retreat!" Mo Fang looked in the direction of Prince Jin's mansion, heaved a sigh of relief, and gave the order to withdraw the troops.


Just then, a rocket flew towards them.

It turned out that when they first entered this street, they were discovered by soldiers and horses from Xuanzhen.

It was a general flag who discovered them. After discovering them, this general flag did not act immediately, but instead had someone notify the nearby general flag.

When three or four general flags gathered together, they launched an attack on them.

"There are enemies!!!" Hearing the shrill cry, Mo Fang understood instantly.

"Quick retreat!" Mo Fang roared and turned around hastily.


The rocket fell into the crowd, blowing up the defenders at the point of impact.

"Come on, capture the enemy alive!"

A soldier of the Guards Battalion jumped out from the end of the street. He was carrying a 40mm and shouted at Mo Fang and the others excitedly.

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of nearly a hundred soldiers jumped out.

They raised their weapons and shouted with excitement.

In the eyes of these Xuanzhen soldiers, these people in front of them are not human beings, but soldiers who can walk one by one.

Before attacking Taiyuan Mansion, Zhao Wen left orders.

Those who capture five ordinary defenders alive will be rewarded with 50 silver dollars and a third-class merit will be recorded once.

Those who capture ten ordinary defenders alive will be rewarded with 300 silver dollars and a second-class merit will be recorded once.

Capture hundreds of defenders alive, reward 1000 silver dollars, and record first-class merit once.

Those who capture a thousand households or more of the defending army alive will be rewarded with 2000 yuan in silver dollars, a special meritorious service will be recorded once, and a courtyard will be rewarded in Xuanzhen City.

In the eyes of these Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, these people are silver dollars that can move, military achievements that can move, and houses that can move.

Silver dollars and houses are secondary. In the eyes of these Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, the most important thing is military merit.

In Xuanzhen, there is no shortcut for soldiers who want to be promoted, and they can only be promoted by relying on military merit.

"Brothers, go ahead, capture these people alive, these people are military exploits, go ahead."

The soldier carrying the 40 fire rushed forward excitedly, his heart full of excitement.


Behind him, there were more than 100 Xuanzhen soldiers who were as excited as him.

Although their number was smaller than that of Mo Fang, they didn't pay attention to these people at all by virtue of their weapons.

"Run, run, separate, separate, don't let them catch up!"

Mo Fang looked at Xuan Zhenbing who was chasing up behind him, and shouted at those behind him in panic.

Mo Fang had no intention of fighting these people at all, and now he just wanted to escape for his life.

But the soldiers under Mo Fang's command are basically guard soldiers. These people don't have enough to eat on weekdays. They are far behind Xuanzhen's soldiers in physical fitness. Before they have run far, some people fall behind up.

The soldiers who fell behind were immediately rushed up by the Xuanzhen soldiers behind them and pinned them to the ground.

Xuan Zhenbing looked at these captives more affectionately than his own daughter-in-law.

"Tie it up, and the rest of them will continue to chase!" A general flag pointed at these stragglers, roared, and rushed to Mo Fang's direction with 56 in hand.


Mo Fang kept panting heavily. Under the protection of his servants, he didn't even dare to turn his head, but just hurried on his way.

As time went by, the number of soldiers behind Mo Fang became less and less.

And the Xuanzhen soldiers who were chasing them followed closely behind him as if they had been injected with chicken blood, like a dog's skin plaster, and they couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Kneel down and surrender without killing, those who resist will die!"

The Xuanzhen soldiers behind them kept shouting, and shot at their feet at the same time.

A few bullets hit the ground at Mo Fang's heels, punching out several bullet holes, and a few pieces of bluestone slabs jumped out, flying towards Mo Fang's calf.


The fragments hit Mo Fang's calf and were embedded in the muscles of Mo Fang's calf.

A piercing pain surged up, Mo Fang's feet were unsteady, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

"With so many soldiers in iron armor protecting him, this man must be a big fish. Brothers, take advantage of this opportunity to rush up and surround him."

The 40-fire shooter who rushed to the front looked at Mo Fang who had fallen to the ground, yelled, and rushed up.

Xuan Zhenbing behind him looked at Mo Fang who fell to the ground, his adrenaline was soaring, and his speed increased a little.

Just as Mo Fang's personal guards helped Mo Fang up, he was surrounded by these Xuanzhen corps.

The 40-fire shooter held the 40-fire, pointed at Mo Fang, and shouted: "Drop your weapon!"

Mo Fang looked at the rocket on the 40 fire, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing.

The power of this thing is huge, if it is shot, there is no chance of survival.

Mo Fang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said to the surrounding servants in a trembling voice: "Listen to them, put down your weapon!"


Zhu Shenxuan, the eldest son of the Jin Dynasty, was tied up and placed at the front of the square in front of the main hall, surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers from the personal guard battalion.

Zhu Shenxuan sat on the ground, looking at the soldiers surrounding him, his face was full of panic and apprehension.

The chief eunuch was not far behind Zhu Shenxuan, and was also guarded by several soldiers from the personal guard battalion.

"You rebel ministers, how dare you do this to my Prince Jin's Mansion. King Jin was conferred by Emperor Gao, the great ancestor, and one of the nine Great Sailors in the imperial court. How dare you do this to the Prince Jin Mansion?
When the imperial army arrives, it will be the time for you to take the lead. I advise you to let us go, otherwise the imperial court will never spare you. "

The chief eunuch stood where he was, with his hands tied behind his back, and kept jumping and shouting.

But the soldiers around him acted as if they didn't hear him, they didn't pay attention to him at all, and let him yell.

Behind the chief eunuch are the family members of Prince Jin's mansion, and more of them are female family members.

These female family members are basically the concubines of the old King Jin and Zhu Shenxuan.

Although the two of them are not very capable, their concubines are not small. There are probably more than 200 concubines in total.

In addition to concubines, there are also some men who are underage and have not opened a mansion.

These men are basically Zhu Shenxuan's brothers, that is, the sons of the old King Jin.

After the prince's sons grow up, except for the eldest son who stays in the palace to inherit the title, the other sons have to go out to start the palace and cannot live in the palace.

In addition to these men, there are also some princesses who have not yet left the cabinet.

There are a lot of males and princesses, maybe seventy or eighty in total, not counting those who start a mansion and get married as adults.If all these people are counted, it is estimated that there will be more.

There are so many in the Prince Jin Mansion alone, and this is only the direct lineage of the old King Jin in the King Jin Mansion, excluding those collateral lines.

If the entire lineage of Prince Jin's Mansion is counted, it may be tens of thousands.

The most notable characteristic of these princes in the Ming Dynasty was their ability to give birth.

The most prolific prince in the history of the Ming Dynasty was King Qingcheng named Zhu Jixuan. This prince gave birth to more than 100 sons in his lifetime.

Although Jin Wang is not so fertile, it is not much worse.

(End of this chapter)

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