Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 403 Take Over the Whole Taiyuan Mansion

Chapter 403 Take Over the Whole Taiyuan Mansion

The sky gradually dimmed, and the sun began to set towards the western mountains.

Wu Hao and others have already built a large number of fortifications in front of the governor's office, and have kept the troops in the city shrinking here.

The first thing Xuanzhen soldiers and horses did after entering the city was to clean up the defenders in the city and clear the streets, so the focus of the attack was not on the governor's office.

Street fighting is different from field fighting. If one side is defeated in field fighting, the winning side only needs to catch up to completely defeat the enemy.

But the street fighting is different, the streets in Taiyuan Mansion are intricate, and the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen are basically coming to Taiyuan Mansion for the first time, and Zhao Wen has an order not to harass the people, so the speed of cleaning up the routs in the city becomes slow stand up.

In order to escape for their lives, these rout soldiers rushed into the houses regardless of whether they disturbed the people or not.

Because of Zhao Wen's order of Yuangu, the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen were a little timid after chasing after the houses, and they did not dare to use firearms to attack, for fear of hurting the people.

But even so, under Zhao Wen's superior force and powerful weapons, more than half of the defenders in the city have been captured by Xuanzhen soldiers, and most of the streets defended by the defenders have been taken away by Xuanzhen soldiers. , only a few streets are still in the hands of the defenders.

As for those young and strong recruits who were temporarily recruited, they all ran back home at this time.

When the sun had completely set on the western mountain, Xuanzhen soldiers and horses also stopped attacking under Zhao Wen's order.

In Zhao Wen's view, Taiyuan Mansion will definitely be taken down tomorrow, so there is no need to grab these time.

Because the people cannot be harassed, these soldiers basically sleep on the street.

Fortunately, the weather is not cold now, otherwise it would be really uncomfortable.

The moon began to rise in mid-air, and Wu Tong sat in the lobby of the Governor's Yamen with a gloomy expression on his face, "Did the people sent to rescue the Prince Jin's Mansion send a message back?"

Wu Xuan looked at Li Tianhe who was sitting on the lower seat of his head.

Li Tianhe shook his head and sighed, "My lord, since I sent out until now, not even a single message has come back.

Not only the people who rescued the Prince Jin's mansion, but I can't get in touch with the other people except the soldiers and horses on the streets near the Yamen. I'm afraid these people will either be captured or killed. "

"This damn Zhao thief, really damn, with such a powerful weapon in his hand, he doesn't want to serve the country, but wants to change the dynasty, really damn."

Wu Zhen slapped the table next to him, and cursed angrily.

Sitting next to Li Tianhe, Chen Dehai frowned and said nothing.

From Chen Dehai's point of view, there was nothing left to do when the battle was so serious.

It was getting late now, and the attack of Xuanzhen soldiers and horses was restrained.

But it's impossible for the sky to stay dark forever. According to today's situation, it is estimated that the entire Taiyuan Mansion will fall in one day at most.

By then, the whole of Shanxi will be gone.

"What should we do now? Tell me, what should we do now? The people who rescued the Prince Jin's Mansion have not returned, so it goes without saying that the Prince Jin Mansion must be in danger.

Now in Taiyuan Mansion, more than half of the streets we defended have been lost. At this rate, we are afraid that we will lose the entire Taiyuan Mansion before noon tomorrow.

When the time comes, what should we do?How to face the court?How to face the court? "Wu Zhen was so anxious that he gritted his teeth.

"My lord, I think that Taiyuan Mansion is beyond the reach, so I think we should retreat, withdraw from Shanxi, and at the same time mobilize the remaining towns and horses, build defense lines in Tongguan, Wangwu and Taihang Mountains, and gather all the troops in Shanxi. These two places prevent Zhao thieves from entering Shaanxi and Henan."

Li Tianhe expressed his opinion with a worried face.

"Bullshit, what you're talking about is bullshit!" As soon as Li Tianhe finished speaking, Wu Tong began to yell and curse.

"My Ming Dynasty followed the policy of the emperor guarding the country and the king dying for the country. How can I abandon the city and flee because of the strength of the bandit army?

The Taiyuan Mansion must be guarded if it can be defended, and it must be guarded if it cannot be guarded. Even if this official dies in this governor's office, he must stick to it until the last soldier. "Wu Tong's voice was loud and resonant, and his tone was full of irresistibility.

Li Tianhe and Chen Dehai looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Choosing to stick to the Taiyuan Mansion at this time is completely asking for a dead end. If you don't escape in time when it is dark, it may not be easy to leave when it is dawn.


Zhao Wen led Li Xiaosan and a dozen or so personal guards to walk slowly in the Jin Palace, watching the structure and layout of the palace while walking.

"My lord, the remaining gold and silver in the palace have been counted, and there are more than 100 million taels of silver left, but because of the fire, a lot of silver was burned together.

In addition to the silver, there are more than 1 taels of gold. As for the remaining jewelry, they have not yet been counted. "

Li Xiaosan followed behind Zhao Wen, holding an account book.

Zhao Wen took the account book from Li Xiaosan, flipped through a few pages, and then returned it to him.

"It's no wonder that the Prince Jin's Mansion, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, is looted once, and there is still so much money left.

After collecting the money and completely taking down the Taiyuan Mansion, send the money to Xuan Town. "

Jinwang Mansion has existed since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and it has a history of nearly 300 years.

It's not surprising that he can accumulate so much wealth in such a long time.

"My lord, this is the military report sent by thousands of households during the suppression today!" After Li Xiaosan put the account book into his arms, he took out a few documents from his body and handed them to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen casually opened a document, read it carefully, and after reading all the documents, Zhao Wen frowned suddenly, "When the defenders in the city were wiped out today, there were still nearly 50 casualties. , This is really beyond my expectation."

Since Zhao Wencheng's army, the casualties in each battle are almost negligible.After all, with such a powerful weapon in hand, even if there are casualties, it is not so easy.

However, the casualties in Taiyuan Mansion are now more than the casualties of all previous wars combined, which makes Zhao Wen a little annoyed.

These casualties were caused by the defenders in the city using swarms of firearms such as tens of thousands of enemies to take advantage of Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses being unprepared for a while.

Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan, and said, "Go on, I want these thousands of households to write me a charter for the casualties this time, and let them analyze and analyze why there are so many casualties. The entire Taiyuan After the government takes it, ask them to hand me the charter.

Don't tell me that it was caused by the swarms of firearms used by the defenders. This is not the main cause of casualties.

Although we have been triumphant, we cannot be arrogant because of this. This casualty is a good example.If you can't suppress the restlessness in your heart, how can you govern the world? "

Although it is now autumn, the nights are beginning to grow.

But under the tense mentality of the defenders, the night was very short.

The remaining defenders in the city didn't sleep well all night. They were afraid that the Xuanzhen soldiers would attack them in the dark and defeat them all.

These men passed the night with their hearts taut.

When the sun just rose from the horizon, under Zhao Wen's order, Xuanzhen soldiers and horses began to move.

The moisture in the air was still heavy, and the faces of many soldiers were wet.

They hid in the streets in groups of three and four, eating raw and cold canned food.

A quarter of an hour later, a Xuanzhen soldier, Qianhu, held a flare gun and pulled the trigger against the sky.

A shrill sound sounded, and the signal flare shot straight into the sky with orange flames.

The signal for the attack sounded.

The soldiers who had already been prepared to attack looked at the signal flares in the sky, and then went to attack the street under the leadership of the chief flag officer with a look of excitement.

After a night of rest, these soldiers were full of strength. Holding weapons, they launched the final attack on the remaining defenders in the streets of Taiyuan Fucheng.

The entire Taiyuan Mansion became noisy, with gunshots and explosions ringing non-stop.

The defense of the defenders is also constantly shrinking, and the strength of the defenders is also constantly collapsing.

As the sun rose into the sky, the remaining defenders of the city were forced behind the fortifications of the governor's office.

"Report! The west main street collapsed!"

"Report! The first street in front of the Yamen collapsed!"


All of a sudden, there were messengers coming and going in and out of the governor's yamen.

Wu Zhen stood at the main seat in the hall of the Governor's Yamen, walking back and forth anxiously.

"Damn it, hate it!" Wu Tong kept yelling and cursing with a gloomy face.

Li Tianhe was standing behind the fortifications outside the Governor's Yamen and was supervising the battle.

He looked at the rout soldiers coming here from all directions, and the Xuanzhen soldiers and horses chasing after the rout soldiers, his face changed drastically.

"Taiyuan Mansion is about to fall completely!" Li Tianhe cursed secretly, and hurriedly led his servants towards the yamen.

"My lord, I can't keep it anymore, let's retreat!"

Li Tianhe stood anxiously in the middle of the Yamen and looked at Wu Zhen.

Cold sweat began to flow from Wu Xin's head, he pointed at Li Tianhe, "Are you really unable to hold on?"

Li Tianhe nodded heavily, and said anxiously: "My lord, I really can't hold it anymore. The defenders were routed across the board, and they were compressed by the rebels and came towards the governor's office. We can't hold it anymore. My lord, stay here." With the green hills, you are not afraid of lack of firewood.

Your Excellency has personally fought against the rebels, and has experience with the rebels. What the court needs is experience in dealing with the rebels.My lord, the imperial court will not take action on your lord easily, withdraw! "

"This official is the official of Shanxi's parents, and shepherds a place in Shanxi. This is the time when I and Shanxi will live and die together. How can I run away because I am afraid of death?" The panic on Wu Sheng's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by With a firm face.

He looked at Chen Dehai and Li Tianhe beside him, "Two generals, not only do I have experience in dealing with Zhao thieves, but both of you have experience.

This official will not leave, let the two generals go, don't persuade me any more.

The Kingdom has supported scholars for 300 years, and the Day of the Dead is today.This official is bound to live and die with Taiyuan Mansion. "

Wu Zhen straightened his clothes, and the resolute expression on his face became more and more dignified.

Seeing Wu Xin look at death like home, Li Tianhe and Chen Dehai knew what Wu Xin wanted to do without even thinking about it.

"My lord, seeking death at this time is what the weak say. My lord is a talent with both civil and military skills. You can't give up on yourself because of the gains and losses of a city and a place." Li Tianhe knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Wu Zhen, and kept persuading him.

But Wu Zhen didn't respond, he sat upright on the grand master's chair in the hall, and looked out of the hall with a calm face.

The shouts of killing became louder and louder, and the Xuanzhen soldiers and horses outside had already arrived outside the fortifications built by the governor's office.

"The Governor's Yamen is in front of us. As long as we take down the Governor's Yamen, the entire Taiyuan Mansion will be completely taken down by us. Brothers, blow away the sandbags and bricks in front of me!"

A thousand households led their men and horses to the north of the fortifications. He waved a long knife in his hand and shouted at the top of his voice.

Behind the fortifications, the defenders shrunk in and looked at them nervously.

"They're going to fire, they're going to fire, what should we do? What should we do now?" A soldier looked at his hundred household chief and shouted with fear.

The voice of the Baihu official was also a little trembling, "I can't hold it anymore, I can't hold it anymore, why don't you surrender!"

Before he finished speaking, several shrill screams rang out.

Several rockets flew towards this side rapidly.

Baihuguan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he lay down on the ground.


The rocket landed on the sandbag in front of him, and the sandbag was blown apart at the moment of explosion.


Baihu's chest hurt from the shock of the explosion. He stood up from the ground, clutched his chest, and looked at the menacing front. He didn't care about surrendering, so he hurriedly turned around and fled towards the governor's office behind him.

Under the bombardment of 40 fires, the fortifications began to collapse layer by layer.

The retreating soldiers and horses also began to flee towards the governor's office.

The fortifications were knocked down without holding on for even a quarter of an hour, and the defenders inside fled towards the governor's office in panic, like rabbits meeting wild wolves.

"My lord, let's go quickly, the governor's yamen can't be guarded anymore!" Li Tianhe shouted eagerly at Wu Zhen when he heard the explosions outside, the screams of the rout soldiers, and the shouts of Xuanzhen soldiers .

But Wu Xuan ignored it, he still sat on the grand master's chair and didn't say a word.

Li Tianhe had no choice but to look at Chen Dehai who was standing beside him, and winked at Chen Dehai.

Chen Dehai nodded understandingly, and moved slowly towards Wu Sheng.

"My lord, don't blame me!" Chen Dehai made a confession in his heart, and took advantage of Wu Zhen's inattention, he rushed forward.

Wu Tong looked at Chen Dehai who was rushing over, his expression changed drastically, "What are you going to do?"

A trace of guilt flashed in Chen Dehai's eyes, but his body did not stop.

He threw himself on Wu Zhen's body, and at the same time stretched out his right hand, and slapped Wu Zhen on the back of the head with his palm.

Wu Xuan's eyes darkened, and he passed out.

Chen Dehai hurriedly supported Wu Xin, and at the same time pointed to the clothes on Wu Zhen's body, "Hurry up and carry your lord to the backyard, change the clothes on your body, and the clothes on us, hurry up, the rebels are about to charge Come in."

Li Tianhe nodded, rushed forward, lifted Wu Xin together with Chen Dehai, and ran towards the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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