Chapter 404 Escape through the hut
After arriving in the backyard, Li Tianhe and Chen Dehai carried Wu Xin to a house. They quickly pulled off the clothes on Wu Zhen's body, and at the same time found a set of clothes worn by servants and changed them for Wu Zhen.

At this time, Wu Zhen hadn't woken up yet, so he didn't know that he had been stripped naked and changed into the servant's clothes.

When he finished changing his clothes, Li Tianhe looked at the neat and smooth beard on Wu Sheng's chin, and said, "Which servant would have such a beard? I think it's better to cut it off!"

Chen Dehai nodded, took out a short knife from his waist, put it on Wu Sheng's chin, and began to cut.

It didn't take long for Chen Dehai to cut off the beard on Wu Xin's chin.


Just then, there was an explosion outside.

It turned out that a 40-fire rocket hit the gate of the governor's office.

After the rout soldiers fled into the yamen, they hastily closed the door of the yamen.

Xuanzhen soldiers and horses following them aimed 40 fire at the gate without even thinking about it.

After a loud bang, the gate of the governor's office was blown to pieces.

The soldiers behind the gate, who were pushing against the gate, were also knocked out by the explosion of the rocket.

"Brothers, rush to me, rush in and capture the governor of Shanxi alive!"

A thousand households waved a long knife in their hands, and with a loud roar, they led the soldiers under their command and rushed towards the gate of the governor's yamen.

"You guys go, I'll cover you!" Chen Dehai heard the shouts of killing coming from the front yard, put down the short knife, and drew out the long knife at his waist.

Chen Dehai yelled at Li Tianhe and the others, and led his servants towards the outside.

Li Tianhe looked at Chen Dehai who rushed out, and shouted: "Brother Chen, take care!"

"Quick, change all the clothes on me!" After Chen Dehai rushed out, Li Tianhe looked at the servants beside him and shouted at the top of his voice.

These servants didn't talk nonsense, they took off their clothes in a hurry, and then rummaged in the room.

After a while, more than a dozen servant-like people ran towards the backyard of the yamen.

But when they just came to the backyard, they heard a faint sound of dense footsteps.

"No, these footsteps should be rebels, hurry up, go!" Li Tianhe carried Wu Tong on his shoulders, and hurriedly ran in the direction he came from.

"My lord, what should we do now?" A guard following Li Tianhe looked at Li Tianhe anxiously.

Li Tianhe pondered for a moment, then said: "What else can I do, find a way to escape. Come, follow me to the latrine."

Originally, Li Tianhe wanted to climb over the wall, but when he climbed over the wall, there was too much movement and it was very conspicuous. Therefore, for the sake of safety, Li Tianhe chose to escape from the hut.

"The latrine? Your lord means to escape along the pit of the latrine, right?" The guard looked at Li Tianhe with a dull expression.

Escaping from the hut, it was the first time he had grown so big.

"Stop talking nonsense, there are also rebels at the back door now, we can only escape from the latrine pit of the hut.

Outside the latrine is a cesspool, the cesspool is covered with bluestone slabs, this cesspool is located in a remote place, coupled with the smell, these rebels probably don't know that we will escape from the latrine.

As long as we get out of the yamen, we only need to push the bluestone slabs on the cesspool away, and then we can escape. "

Li Tianhe slapped the servant on the forehead, and ran towards the hut with Wu Xin on his shoulders without looking back.

The hut was located next to the left wing room in the backyard. In order to cover up the smell, Wu Sheng built a garden in front of the hut, and planted some flowers in it, including many chrysanthemums.

It is autumn now, and it is the season when chrysanthemums are in full bloom.

The chrysanthemums in front of the hut are yellow and white, covering the whole garden.

Although the chrysanthemums were blooming luxuriantly, Li Tianhe didn't have the slightest idea of ​​admiring them. Now he just wanted to escape.

Li Tianhe looked at the hut, but he didn't care about anything, and rushed in with Wu Sheng on his shoulders.

There is only one latrine in the hut. The latrine is about five feet deep and three feet long. A person can just go down on his side, and there is a slope below.

The slope is made of bricks and leads directly to the cesspool outside.

The height of the septic tank is not high, only as high as most people, that is, about 1.5 meters.

Although it is not high, it is wide enough to accommodate people like Li Tianhe.

At this time, there are still some feces that have not been cleaned up in the latrine.

Li Tianhe carried Wu Xin to the side of the latrine. He looked at the excrement that had not been cleaned up in the latrine, suppressed the desire to vomit, and said to the servant behind him: "You guys go down first and push the bluestone slabs on the cesspit away. , Shout to me after pushing it away, and I will come down when the time comes."

The dozen or so guards behind him looked at the excrement in the latrine, resisting the desire to vomit, and looked at the latrine with tangled faces.

A relatively small bodyguard took a deep breath, and then held it back.

He pointed to the latrine, stretched out his right foot and stepped in slowly.

As soon as the right foot stepped into the latrine, a sticky feeling surged up from the sole of the foot.

He resisted the nauseating feeling in his heart, and slowly leaned down.

When it was about the same time, he bent down, turned sideways, grasped the edge of the latrine with both hands, and put his left foot in again.

The guard let out a long breath, took another deep breath, and let go of his hands.


The whole person slipped in at once, and then there was a thump, and the guard slid down the slope into the cesspool.

At this time, there was already half a pool of excrement in the septic tank, and there was an extremely foul smell in it.

Just after going down, the guard almost fell into the cesspool.

The cesspit is not deep, less than one person's height, and after going down, the guards had to bow their bodies.

"My lord, I'm coming down." The guard bowed his body, pinched his nose and howled towards the top of the latrine.

As soon as he opened his mouth, all kinds of stench rushed into his mouth, and the guard couldn't hold back, and vomited out directly.

"Go down quickly, and quickly lift off the bluestone slab above the cesspool." Li Tianhe pointed to the remaining guards beside him, and said in a deep voice.

The screaming and shouting outside became louder and louder, Li Tianhe hurriedly said: "Hurry up, it will be too late!"

The guards behind him had no choice but to jump into the latrine one by one, and came to the cesspool.

After a few unlucky ones jumped in, their feet were unstable and they fell directly into the cesspool.

The moment it fell in, all kinds of unknown solids rushed towards the mouth and nose.

They hurriedly closed their mouths and eyes tightly, and stood up with the support of other guards.

"Hurry up and lift off the bluestone slab of the cesspit!" Li Tianhe squatted on the edge of the latrine, shouting loudly into it.

The guard inside stretched out his hands, pressed against the bluestone slab, gritted his teeth, and began to exert force under the pervasive smell.

Because the excrement workers had to dig out the cesspool, the bluestone slabs on the cesspool were not heavy, and the guards lifted the cesspool without much effort.

After the bluestone slab was lifted, a bright light shone in.

A personal guard stood up straight and poked his head out.

"My lord, there is no one outside!"

After the guard glanced at the situation outside, he hurriedly told Li Tianhe about the situation.

Li Tianhe nodded, took a deep breath, first put Wu Zhen flat on the ground, then hugged Wu Zhen's armpit, and put Wu Zhen's two legs down.

"Catch it!" Wu Xuan yelled towards the bottom.

"My lord, we're ready!"

The guards in the cesspool leaned over to the slope and stretched out their arms to form an arm stretcher.

After hearing the affirmative answer from the guard, Li Tianhe slowly let go of Wu Zhen.


Wu Zhen slid towards the cesspit, and the guards inside hurriedly stared at the slope.

"My lord, catch it, you can come down."

Just as Wu Zhen slid off the slope, he was caught by these guards.

Li Tianhe looked at Wu Tong who was caught at the bottom of the latrine, and got into the latrine himself.

At this time, those things in the latrine had been rubbed off by the previous guards, so Li Tianhe didn't have much glued to him at this time.


Li Tianhe fell into the cesspool, the guards at the slope looked at Li Tianhe who fell, and hurriedly caught Li Tianhe.

Li Tianhe's lower body was immersed in the cesspool, and an extremely stinky smell rushed straight into Li Tianhe's nostrils, and he almost passed out.

"Hurry up!" Li Tianhe pointed to the top of the cesspool and hurriedly said.

The guards nodded, then stood up straight and climbed out of the cesspool.

After climbing out, Li Tianhe handed over the unconscious Wu Zhen to them, and asked them to pull him up.

When Wu Zhen was pulled out, Li Tianhe hurriedly stretched out his hands, and was carried up by his personal guards.

"Hurry up and cover the bluestone slab again, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Wu Zhen pointed to the opened cesspool and hurriedly ordered.

As soon as the words fell, several guards covered in shit hurriedly covered the bluestone slabs on the cesspool again.

"Let's go!" Li Tianhe carried Wu Tong on his shoulders again, and ran out along the alley.

Under the sun's rays, these people kept emitting a stench from their bodies, and with every few steps they ran, some strange things would fall from their bodies.


One of the guards couldn't bear it any longer, lying on the side of the road, he started to vomit.

"Hurry up, I remember there is an uninhabited house nearby, let's rush in and wash it up!" Li Tianhe pointed to the end of the alley and shouted.

At the same time, Chen Dehai led his servants to keep retreating under the oppression of Xuanzhen soldiers.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Xuanzhen soldiers wanted to catch people alive, Chen Dehai would have died under the guns of the Xuanzhen soldiers long ago.

"Withdraw, retreat!" Chen Dehai watched the Xuanzhen soldiers rushing forward, and withdrew from the yamen hall to the backyard.

With him, there were also rout soldiers, about 600 of whom were rout soldiers.

These routs were made up of thousands of households who had returned from the rout on the streets, including their own servants.

The rest of the rout soldiers were basically captured alive, and now only these more elite ones are left.

"You still want to run? Brothers, run for me. Just now I saw Eighteen Thousand Households leading their brothers to the back door. Now they have nowhere to escape."

A thousand-eyed man stared at Chen Dehai and some rout soldiers who were retreating, and shouted loudly.

Chen Dehai looked at Xuan Zhenbing who rushed over with a gloomy expression, and said with anticipation in his heart: "I hope Li Tianhe can escape with the governor, otherwise, my efforts will be in vain."

"Retreat, retreat!" Chen Dehai yelled again, leading his servants to flee to the back.

The rout soldiers around him also hurriedly fled to the back.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of intensive footsteps behind them.

Chen Dehai's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly looked behind.

I saw a group of Xuanzhen soldiers armed with live ammunition rushing from behind.

"It's over, we've failed!" Chen Dehai looked at the Xuanzhen soldiers who were attacking back and forth, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"We've lost, we've lost!" Chen Dehai yelled, feeling sad, and couldn't help but think of what his father told him before he left.

"Our Chen family has been loyal and good for generations. Since the time of Emperor Taizu Gao, we have never done anything wrong to the court. No matter how difficult it is in the future, you must be loyal to the court."

Chen Dehai recalled the words his father had warned him before he left, and a savage look suddenly flashed across his face.

He raised the long knife in his hand, put it under his neck, and was about to kill himself.

Seeing this, the servant next to him hurriedly shouted: "My lord, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as we are not dead, everything still has a chance, my lord must not."

But Chen Dehai already had the will to die, how could he listen to these words.

He looked at the Xuanzhen soldiers rushing from behind, and suddenly exerted force on the hand holding the long knife.


Just then, a gunshot rang out.

Qianhu, who rushed in from the back door with soldiers and horses, looked at Chen Dehai in front of him, and there was still a faint smoke coming out of the muzzle of the 56 and a half gun in his hand.

"This must be a high-ranking official. It's not that easy to commit suicide!" Qianhu's eyes flashed, and he threw the 56 and a half in his hand to the guard behind him.

"Brothers, go, catch them alive!" Qianhu shouted, leading the way and rushing towards this side.

The bullet shot by Qianhu hit Chen Dehai's arm holding the long knife, and the bullet passed through the muscle of his right forearm.

Under severe pain, the knife in Chen Dehai's hand fell to the ground.

While speaking, Xuanzhen soldiers from the front and back surrounded them, aiming their weapons at them.

"Surrender without killing, Surrender without killing, Surrender without killing!"

Xuanzhen soldiers surrounded Chen Dehai and these rout soldiers, shouting loudly.

The huge roar shocked the hearts of these people.

Under the siege and shouts of the Xuanzhen soldiers, the defeated soldiers around Chen Dehai began to put their weapons on the ground, and at the same time knelt respectfully on the ground.

Chen Dehai covered the wound on his right forearm, and looked at Xuan Zhenbing with a ferocious expression.

"I'd rather die standing up than living on my knees, if you have the ability, beat me to death!" Chen Dehai looked at them and hissed loudly.

The servant behind him hurriedly surrounded Chen Dehai, holding a waist knife and looking at them vigilantly.

"Kill you? Killing you is taking advantage of you. Brothers, let's go together and disarm all these people!" Qian Hu who rushed in from the back door pointed at Chen Dehai and shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers behind him rushed towards Chen Dehai and the guards behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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