Chapter 405 You Bad My Name

Within a few breaths, Chen Dehai and the servants beside him were overwhelmed by the rushing soldiers, and the weapons in their hands were snatched by Xuanzhen soldiers.

Chen Dehai was pressed to the ground by seven or eight Xuanzhen soldiers.

"You rebels, ungrateful and ungrateful people, get the hell out of here!"

Chen Dehai was pressed down, hissing loudly.

However, no matter how much he yelled, the soldiers on his body remained motionless.

Qian Hu, who came in from the back door, pointed at Chen Dehai below, and said in a deep voice: "Tie them up, especially this official, the wounds on his body should be treated well, and at the same time, show him to death, don't let him die." He killed himself.

The rest, follow me to search the governor's office, and make sure to find the governor for me. "

"As ordered!"

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen soldiers took out the ropes that had been prepared and tied up all these people on the ground.

As for Chen Dehai, he was tied up like a rice dumpling.

"Let's go!" Qianhu looked at these people who had been arrested, waved his hand, and led the people to search all over the governor's office.

Not to be outdone, the soldiers who came in from the front door rushed in too.

When the sun began to set towards the western mountain, a thousand households who searched the Governor's Yamen stood in the hall of the Governor's Yamen with a dull expression on their faces.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't the governor of Shanxi been searched yet?" This thousand household was called Li Bin, and he walked back and forth in the hall with a gloomy face.

"I said, Lao Li, don't worry, the governor of Shanxi is a big fish, so it is naturally more difficult."

Another Qianhu who was standing in the hall hastily spoke with relief.

Li Bin let out a long breath, "Can I not be in a hurry? It has been almost an hour and a half since I entered the governor's office. The governor's office is only this big. Even a mouse can be found after such a long time. , but until now, the governor of Shanxi has still not moved at all."

"That's true. You think the governor of Shanxi ran away?" Another thousand households looked at Li Bin with doubts on their faces.

Li Bin walked up to the table and patted it, "Impossible, according to what the captives in the yamen said, when we attacked the governor's yamen, the governor of Shanxi was still in the yamen. When I led the soldiers and horses into the back door, The back door was still locked from the inside.

It took only two or three quarters of an hour from the time we started our attack to breaking through the Yamen. In such a short period of time, even if the governor of Shanxi ran away, we would not have been unaware.

But why have we searched the yamen for such a long time, but there is not even a trace?This is so abnormal. "

Li Bin frowned and said with an uncomfortable expression.

Li Bin felt extremely uncomfortable when he thought of a big fish slipping away from his hands.

This is the governor of Shanxi, a great official in the frontier. If he can be captured alive, it will have a great impact on Xuanzhen and the court.

Letting him escape from him like this now is too unacceptable.

"So what do we do now?" another Qianhu asked.

Li Bin sighed heavily, "What else can I do? Since you can't find it in the yamen, let's throw all the people out and look for it outside.

At the same time, let the military counselor paint a portrait of the governor of Shanxi according to the description of the captives, and then post the portrait in the entire Taiyuan Mansion. I still don't believe it. "

When Li Bin's order was passed on, the soldiers and horses under his command immediately moved around with the governor's office as the center.

And Li Bin also brought a team and participated in it himself.


"My lord, the governor's yamen has been breached, and now the entire Taiyuan Mansion has fallen into our hands!"

A messenger appeared in the courtyard in front of the main hall of Prince Jin's Mansion.

At this time, Zhao Wen was standing in the yard talking with Li Xiaosan about something.

When Zhao Wen heard the news, his face was not very happy, and he looked very calm.

In Zhao Wen's view, it is only a very normal thing to completely win Taiyuan Mansion.

After all, with such a powerful weapon in his body, no matter what, he could still take down Taiyuan Mansion.

"Since that's the case, then put up the Announcement to Appease the People and do a good job of appeasing the people in the city.

Subsidize the people who lost in the battle, and at the same time, count the weapons and ammunition spent in the battle and the meritorious service of the soldiers. "

Zhao Wen looked at the messenger and said slowly.

After the messenger left, Zhao Wen was still a little uneasy.

"Little San, you should go to this matter again yourself, otherwise I am not at ease." Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan.

Li Xiaosan cupped his fists at Zhao Wen, and said loudly, "Obey!"

At the same time, Li Tianhe has already arrived at the residence he mentioned earlier with Wu Tong on his shoulders.

"My lord, how do you know that there is no one in this house?"

After rushing into the dwelling, these people hastily closed the door tightly.

There was a well in the front yard of the residence. Li Tianhe and the others hurriedly found a bucket, pumped well water from the well, and washed the dirty things on their bodies.

Li Tianhe stripped himself naked, threw his clothes aside, picked up a bucket of well water and poured it over his head.

Stimulated by the cold well water, Li Tianhe shivered.

He looked at the servant who was inquiring, and said, "The reason why I know that there is no one in this residence is because there used to be a gambler living in this residence.

This gambler is addicted to gambling, but his luck is very bad.After he lost all his silver, he mortgaged the house to his creditors.

But his creditor later committed another crime. He colluded with bandits outside the city and killed a dozen members of a family of gentry outside the city.

At that time, I personally sent troops to arrest them. When the stolen goods were liquidated later, the house was liquidated.

This house is just an ordinary dwelling, and it finally fell into the hands of the governor's office.

At that time, the yamen wanted to sell the house, but the house was so ordinary that the rich despised it and the poor couldn't afford it, so it remained idle. "

"But my lord, why don't we know about this?" the servant asked unwillingly.

They are Li Tianhe's servants, the most powerful and most trusted force in Li Tianhe's hands. Logically speaking, it is impossible for them to supervise this kind of thing without knowing.

Li Tianhe chuckled, "I was only a hundred households at the time, how could I have the money to support you? At that time, there were only seven or eight servants in my hand. Later, these seven or eight servants also left me for various reasons. , so of course you don’t know.”

"That's true!" Ding nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, Li Tianhe had about 80 servants in total, but in order to defend the governor's office, he sent out a large number of servants in his hands.

It's a pity that none of the servants sent out came back, and in the end there were only a dozen of them left around.

"Okay, stop talking so much nonsense. Hurry up and wash off the dirt on your body, and wash your clothes again." Li Tianhe casually tied his loose, wet hair into a bun, and then took off his clothes. The clothes that came down were hung on the clothesline next to the well.

After hanging up the clothes, Li Tianhe fetched another bucket of water from the well and began to pour the clothes on.

After cleaning up the dirt visible to the naked eye on the clothes, Li Tianhe found a wooden basin and started cleaning.

It didn't take long for Li Tianhe to put on the clothes that were almost washed but still wet.

"You guys, come here and help!" Li Tianhe stood beside the sleeping Wu Zhen, and pointed to a few servants by the well who had already been washed.

These servants didn't hesitate, put on the washed clothes and walked towards Li Tianhe.

"You guys lifted up the adults, I took off the clothes on his body, and washed the adults' body."

With that said, the servants who called over lifted Wu Zhen up.

Li Tianhe also quickly took off the clothes on Wu Xin's body.

"Go and wash the adults' clothes, and fetch another bucket of water by the way!"

Li Tianhe handed over the stripped clothes to these servants, and ordered at the same time.

The servants nodded and hurried towards the well.

After a while, a bucket of clean well water was placed in front of Li Tianhe's eyes.

Li Tianhe put Wu Xin flat on the ground, then picked up the bucket, and began to pour water on Wu Xin slowly.

Maybe it was because the well water was too cold, Wu Zhen woke up all of a sudden.

"What's going on?" Wu Yan slowly opened his eyes, and Li Tianhe who was holding a bucket came into view.

When I looked again, I saw that he was wearing clothes that were still dripping water on the ground.

Wu Xuan's body felt cold, and he regained a lot of sobriety.

"What's going on here? Where is this place? Why is this officer here? Why are you like this?" Wu Yan came to his senses, pointing at Li Tianhe, he asked again and again.

Li Tianhe was taken aback for a moment, and then poured all the water in the bucket on Wu Sheng's body.

At this time, the dirty things on Wu Xuan's body were almost washed away.

Li Tianhe put down the bucket in his hand, and supported Wu Sheng to sit on the ground.

"My lord, don't be angry, just listen to me." Li Tianhe said hastily.

"What's going on? Who stripped me naked? Who did it? What's going on?" Wu Yan pointed at his upper body and looked at Li Tianhe angrily.

Li Tianhe scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing how to explain.

"Hurry up and get me the clothes. In broad daylight, how decent is this appearance?" Wu Sheng angrily scolded with dissatisfaction.

Li Tianhe hurriedly ran towards the well, and brought over the clothes that were almost washed but still dripping.

Wu Xuan didn't care about the water stains on the clothes, and put them on directly.

There is a stone table in the yard, not far from the well, and beside the stone table is a thick and big pagoda tree.

The leaves on the trees have withered and turned yellow and are beginning to fall to the ground.

Wu Zhen sat on the stone bench beside the stone table, looking at Li Tianhe with a gloomy expression.

Li Tianhe also knew that he was in the wrong, so he sneered, and now he was next to Wu Zhen, "My lord, you have to listen to me explain this to you slowly!"

"Okay, tell me!" Now Wu Tong was extremely annoyed, and when he saw the surrounding scenery, he already roughly understood what happened.

Don't think about it, it must have been escaped by the boy Li Tianhe.

Otherwise, it is impossible for me to sit here safe and sound.

Li Tianhe chuckled and said, "My lord, then I'll say it!"

As he spoke, Li Tianhe told the details of the incident, including the escape from the hut.

Wu Zhen's face became darker the more he heard it, and when he heard that he had escaped from the hut, his face was distorted out of shape.

"Li Tianhe, you did a good deed! Why did you save me? You are ruining my reputation, you are ruining my reputation. In ancient times, Wen Tianxiang kept his loyal heart to reflect the history, and this dynasty has Yu Shaobao to help the country and the country to be overthrown .

When it came to me, it turned into living in a dung pit to survive in the world.Li Tianhe, you are ruining my reputation.My fame in the first life was completely ruined by you. How do you want me to meet my ancestors in a hundred years? "

Wu Teng stood up all of a sudden, pointing at Li Tianhe, beard and hair all stretched out, furious.

What do readers value most?The most important thing is fame, especially for a traditional scholar like Wu Sheng.

In the eyes of these scholars, fame and integrity are more important than anything else.

Although the civil officials in the late Ming Dynasty were not in good shape, there were also many loyal ministers among them.

At the time of the Jiashen state change, many civil servants in Beijing and Beizhili in Shuntian Prefecture hanged themselves after they learned that Meishan in Chongzhen had hanged themselves.

According to historical records, during the Jiashen state change, about a thousand officials and scholars were martyred, and more than 8000 people died in battle and were martyred for the country, and there were as many as tens of thousands of people who died in the Manchu Dynasty.

When Li Zicheng's Dashun Army broke through the capital, thousands of eunuchs died in battle, hundreds of suicide martyrs, and more than 700 gentlemen and students also committed suicide with their families. Chongzhen's harem queens and concubines basically all committed suicide died.

Fan Jingwen, a scholar of Dongge University, and Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Households, all thirteen members of his family hanged themselves. Li Banghua, the censor of the Zuodu, drowned himself, Shi Bangyao, the deputy censor of the Zuodu, committed suicide, Wang Jiayan, the right servant of the Ministry of War, committed suicide, Ling Yiqu, the Minister of Dali Temple, hanged himself, and the right servant of the Ministry of Punishments committed suicide. Minister Meng Zhaoxiang committed suicide by throwing himself into a well, Ushi Yushi Chen Liangmo’s family committed suicide by throwing himself into a well, servant minister Xu Zhi committed suicide by throwing himself into the water, servant minister Gan Zhong’s family committed suicide, and Jin Xuan’s family committed suicide
For these martyrs, you can say that they did not have any abilities during their lifetime, you can say that they have nothing to do and talk about their temperament, and they will repay the king if they have a hard time.But you can't kill their loyalty to this country, you can't kill their integrity.

In the eyes of these people, integrity is more important than everything else.

And the current Wu Zhen is also such a person. In his heart, integrity is more important than life.

"My lord, it is meaningless to die like this. If your lord dies at this time, it will be meaningless to the entire Taiyuan Mansion, the entire imperial court, and the entire Ming Dynasty.

Your Excellency is talented, and you have fought against the rebels. Your Excellency's experience is exactly what the court needs now.Only by surviving can the rebels be better suppressed! " Li Tianhe looked at Wu Zhen impassionedly, and his words became more and more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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