Chapter 406
After listening to Li Tianhe's impassioned words, Wu Sheng also gradually accepted the current reality.

"Well, whatever you said, there is some truth to what you said. Now that you have escaped, it is impossible to go back.

In this case, let's start to leave Taiyuan Mansion and go to the capital. "Wu Chen sighed and said with a lonely face.

"Quickly, quickly, search all around for me, don't miss any corner."

At this moment, a hurried voice sounded from outside.

Wu Xuan looked towards the direction outside the door, and suddenly frowned.

"What's going on here? Could it be that the rebels came to search? By the way, it's the same when I think about it. If I haven't been found in the governor's office, these rebels will definitely not let it go. I just didn't expect the speed of these rebels to be so fast. Hurry up!"

Li Tianhe took the waist knife that was on the ground in his hand, and walked towards the door with a vigilant expression.

At this time, the servants who were taking a bath also stopped. They put their clothes on their bodies, took out their weapons one after another, and followed Wu Zhen with vigilance, slowly pushing towards the gate.

The footsteps outside the door became louder and louder, and Li Tianhe lifted his heart to his throat.

He looked out the door, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"My lord, what should we do now?" A servant pointed to the door and looked at Li Tianhe with a nervous expression.

Li Tianhe let out a long breath and calmed down his nervous mood.

"What else can we do? Now these rebels are searching for us. It's not safe here now. Let's leave here quickly." Li Tianhe said.

"But my lord, if you go out at this time, you will definitely be caught by them."

"Nonsense, of course I know that I will be caught. We have to figure out a way to hide here first, and then go out after dark, and then find a way to get out of the city."

"There is nothing in this house, where are we going to hide? There is nowhere to hide."

"Nowhere to hide? How could there be no place to hide?"

A gleam appeared in Li Tianhe's eyes, and he looked towards the back of the yard.

The guards behind him immediately understood, "Master, don't you want to squat in the latrine again? Isn't that bad?"

Li Tianhe slapped him on the forehead, "As long as you can survive, it doesn't matter what is good or not. Stop talking nonsense, the sound outside is getting closer, hurry up and clean up the surroundings first."

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Li Tianhe walked towards the back with a waist knife in his hand.

"My lord, the rebels are here, we have to hide first, and then find a way to leave the city after night." Li Tianhe ran up to Wu Zhen softly, and said to Wu Zhen.

Wu Xuan frowned and said, "Where are we hiding?"

"Where else can we continue to hide in the hut this time. This house has not been lived in for a long time, and no one has been here except that the government will send people to clean it every few years.

So there must be no such things in the latrine in this house, and it is safe for us to hide in it. "Li Tianhe spoke quickly and kept talking.

Wu Tong's face was full of chills, he was led by Li Tianhe to escape from the latrine before, but he escaped without his knowledge.

But this time was different, this time I was still very sober, and it was really unbearable to let myself hide in the latrine while sober.

Li Tianhe looked at Wu Xin's hesitant look, and hurriedly persuaded him: "My lord, what time is this now, why do you care about these things? Gou Jian can do everything, let alone us? My lord, don't think about it, rebels!" Seeing that it’s coming, let’s make a decision quickly.”

Wu Zhen still couldn't make up his mind. Scholars generally have cleanliness, and Wu Zhen is also a famous doctor, so it was difficult for him to accept.

Hearing the approaching voices outside the door, Li Tianhe couldn't care less.

Before Wu Xin agreed, Li Tianhe picked up Wu Zhen and ran towards the backyard.

The servants in the back had almost cleaned up the scene. They looked at Li Tianhe who ran out, and hurriedly followed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Not far from this house, a Xuanzhen soldier knocked on the door of a house.

"Who is it!" A vigilant voice came from inside.

The leader of these Xuanzhen soldiers is a hundred household officer, who will squint his eyes and look inside through the crack of the door.

"We are soldiers and horses from Xuanzhen, came to search the enemy, and asked this uncle to open the gate, let us go in and search.

Don't worry, uncle, we will never damage your things after we go in. If it is damaged, we will definitely compensate you according to the price. "

The hundred household officials shouted earnestly towards the inside.

"You wait, I'll come right away." As soon as the voice fell, a figure slowly walked towards the door.

At this moment, a woman rushed out of the main room behind.

She hastily grabbed the man's arm and said nervously, "There are rebels outside. If you let them in, who knows what they will do."

The man pushed the woman's hand away and said with a wry smile: "Do you think we can block them by breaking the door of our house without letting them in?

These are rebels, and the officials and soldiers in the city can't stop them, let alone a broken door by our family.

If we really don't let them in, we will be the ones who will suffer if they are annoyed. "

This is the reason, but the woman is still a little tangled.

She grabbed the man's arm again and shook her head at him.

The man let out a long breath, and pushed the woman's hand away, "Listen to me, you're right!"

After the man finished speaking, he walked towards the door.


With the sound of friction between the wooden shaft and the door frame, the man opened the door.

"Uncle, we are Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, not bandits, don't be afraid."

As soon as the man poked his head out, Bai Hu greeted him with a smile on his face.

"What do you want to do?" The man looked at Baihu anxiously.

Baihu said with a smile: "We are hunting for fugitives now, and now we have to go in and search for it. Uncle, please help me."

The man hesitated for a moment and said, "Come in!"

Baihu thanked him, turned around, and shouted to the soldiers behind him, "Go, go in!"

As soon as the words fell, Baihu led the men and horses and walked in mightily.

A quarter of an hour later, Baihu came out with an expression on his face.

"Damn it, no, I have searched several houses here, and there is no movement. Could it be that the governor of Shanxi has grown wings, and he is nowhere to be found." A soldier said with a depressed face.

Baihu said: "Now is not the time to complain, if he can be found so easily, he will not be a governor. Let's go to the next one!"

Not long after, Baihu led the team to the outside of the house where Li Tianhe was staying.

Baihu adjusted his mentality, went to the door, and knocked.

"Bang bang bang!"

The knock on the door kept ringing, echoing in the alley.

"No one?" Baihu couldn't help but feel puzzled after knocking for a long time without any response.

"My lord, what should we do? There is no one in this house, should we still search?" A soldier asked.

Hundreds of households were heartbroken, and said in a deep voice: "Search, continue to search. There is no one in this house. At worst, I will compensate the owner of this house some money in the future. But if the governor of Shanxi escapes because of no search, it will not be worth the loss."

After Baihu finished speaking, he took a few steps back, then sped up and rushed towards the gate.

The moment he approached the gate, Baihu raised his right foot and kicked it suddenly.


The door slammed loudly and began to shake.

Baihu's kick did not kick the door open.

"Go together!"

Baihu waved his hand and looked at the soldiers behind him.

After a few breaths, seven or eight soldiers rushed towards the gate.


After a loud noise, the door was knocked open, and the latch behind the door was also broken.

As soon as they rushed through the gate, Baihu saw a well.

There are some footprints beside the well that have not been cleaned up, and there are some water stains on the edge of the well.

There is a stone table and stone bench under the locust tree next to the well. The other stone benches are covered with dust and dead leaves, but only one of them is not only free of dust, but even has a watermark on it.

Although the courtyard was cleaned by Li Tianhe's servants, he became a little flustered after all, so it was inevitable that some clues were left behind.

Baihu looked at these things, and said with a puzzled look: "It doesn't look like no one lives here, but why didn't anyone respond to the knock on the door just now?"

"Is anyone there?" Baihu immediately looked inside and shouted loudly.

The soldiers behind him also hurriedly searched the yard.

"Anyone? Anyone?"

Baihu shouted several times, but there was still no response.

This weird scene made Baihu feel suspicious.

"My lord, this house has not been lived in for a long time." At this moment, a soldier approached Baihu.

Baihu asked, "How can you see that?"

"My lord, isn't that obvious? If there are people living in it, then there can't be so many fallen leaves in this yard. Besides, look at this house, it's covered with cobwebs outside. If people live in it, it's impossible It will look like this." The soldier pointed to the yard and the house behind the yard and explained in detail.

Baihu's eyes gradually lit up as he listened to the soldier's explanation.

"It seems that the governor of Shanxi should have fled here. Brothers, follow me and rush in and capture the governor of Shanxi alive!" Baihu took the 56 off his shoulder and rushed inside with excitement.


Baihu kicked open the door of the main room and rushed in.

As soon as he rushed in, a huge cloud of smoke filled the air.

Baihu coughed twice, squinted his eyes and looked into the main room.

I saw a thick layer of dust on the ground in the main room, which was brought up a lot by the kicked open door just now.

"Go in!"

Baihu didn't care about whether it was clean or not, so he led the people and walked in.

After searching the main room, Baihu led the troops to search all the rooms again.

Unfortunately, no trace of Wu Zhen was found.

"Impossible, it doesn't make sense!" Baihu's face flashed blankly, and he looked at the backyard again, "Since there is no one in the house, then follow me to the backyard, I still don't believe it, there is still no one in the backyard! "

Baihu said and led the soldiers to the backyard.

As soon as they ran to the backyard, Baihu saw that the back door was wide open, and there were several water-stained, undried footprints left on the bluestone board of the back door.

Seeing this, Baihu shouted excitedly: "They must have run away from the back door, and chased after me!"

The eager Baihu didn't think too much about it at all. When he saw the open back door, his first reaction was to lead his troops to chase after him.

The door that opened was Li Tianhe's strategy. Now that there are Xuanzhen soldiers everywhere in the city, even if people like him escape, they may not be able to escape far. They might as well use the trick and let them mistakenly think that they are running out.

Li Tianhe and the others squatted in the dried cesspool, looked at the top of the latrine, and heard the sound of footsteps going away, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The appearance of this cesspool is similar to that of the governor's yamen, and the cesspool is large enough to accommodate people like them.

"My lord, my stomach hurts, I can't do it, I want to take a shit!"

At this moment, a soldier clutched his stomach and suddenly yelled loudly.

Hearing this voice, Li Tianhe's heart was relieved and suddenly suspended again.

"What did you do? Why do you want to shit now?" Baihu looked at the soldier helplessly.

"Last night, my stomach got cold, and this morning I ate cold canned food and drank some cold water, so now I have a bit of a stomachache." The soldier held his stomach in pain.

"Hurry up, I'll lead the men and horses away first, and you will follow up quickly later." Baihu warned, and led the rest of the men and horses to chase outside.

The soldier clutched his stomach, crossed his legs, and staggered towards the inside.

"The hut, the hut!" The soldiers kept talking about the hut.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Li Tianhe and the others hurriedly held their breath.

The location of the hut is conspicuous, just in the northeast corner of the backyard, it is a thatched shed built with thatch and earthen walls.

Because of disrepair for a long time, the withered grass on the thatched shed has long since rotted, revealing big holes one after another.

The floor of the hut is covered with rotten thatch, these things are black and rumbling, spread on the floor of the hut.

There are a few inconspicuous footprints on it, and there are traces of some people passing by in the latrine.


The moment the soldier rushed into the hut, there was a violent rumbling in his stomach.

The soldier squinted his eyes and frowned, rushed across the ground where footprints were still left, and ran to the latrine.

At this time, the soldiers were already suffering from suffocation, so they didn't bother to observe these changes.

He stood on the latrine, untied his trouser belt in a panic, and squatted down.

The moment he squatted down, a majestic air gushed out, and the soldier breathed a sigh of relief.


The soldier's stomach was rumbling non-stop, and the bottom was also dripping non-stop.

Li Tianhe and others squatting in the cesspool looked at the yellow viscous liquid left along the slope, and hurriedly covered their noses and mouths.

After a while, the soldier let out a sigh of relief, took a few clods of soil from the wall next to him, and wiped them.

"It's comfortable!" The soldier threw away the clod in his hand, stood up, tied up his trouser belt, picked up the gun beside him, and walked outside.

 I recommend a book from a friend. The second brother is right, "My Xueba Black Technology System" is from the city, and it has already been signed. If you like to read the city, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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