Chapter 407
When the footsteps completely disappeared, these people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now we just need to wait until it gets dark, and as long as it gets dark, we can run out while we're in trouble."

Li Tianhe looked at the crowd and lowered his voice very low.

Baihu led the soldiers and horses to chase outside for a long time, but they never found the governor.

He stopped at the end of a street, and said with a dull face: "We have been chasing for such a long time, how could there be no trace? This is not normal!"

"My lord, could it be that they hid in a certain common people's house? After all, he is the governor of Shanxi, and he should have some prestige in the Taiyuan mansion. If he really hid in a certain residence, then we really It’s hard to find.” A soldier looked at Baihu and expressed his thoughts.

Baihu nodded, "What you said is very reasonable. In my opinion, let's report to the Chief Soldier, and let the Chief Soldier release all the soldiers and horses to search the entire Taiyuan Mansion. Otherwise, relying on how many of us Well, if this goes on, when will it be the end?"

Baihu said and sent a few messengers to run in the direction of Prince Jin's mansion.

After Zhao Wen learned of this situation, he didn't hesitate, and directly issued an order to let all the soldiers start searching the Shanxi governor in the Taiyuan mansion.

At the same time as the search, it is also necessary to thoroughly clean up the defenders who have not been cleaned up.

At the same time, we will attack those green-skinned hooligans in the city who want to take advantage of the fire.

Not long after, all the soldiers and horses stationed in Taiyuan Mansion moved.

Taking the general banner as the unit, they began to conduct a carpet search in Taiyuan Mansion.

Unfortunately, until the sun set, the governor of Shanxi was still not found, and the governor of Shanxi seemed to have evaporated from the world.

The sky is about to get dark. In this era without street lights, it is not so easy to search for people at night.

Especially tonight, the sky is full of dark clouds, and it is about to rain, and the sky is even darker.

Zhao Wen stood outside the gate of King Jin's Mansion. Looking at the extremely dark night sky, he said to Li Xiaosan behind him: "Send the order, let the soldiers withdraw first, let them be stationed at the four gates, as long as the city Stand near the door, so you won't be able to catch them.

Now that it is about to rain, it is not a wise thing to search on a rainy night.

By the way, we will also send troops to patrol the city tonight, and we don't need to send many troops, just a hundred or so for each city gate. "

In this era without antibiotics, a small cold can kill a person.

Zhao Wen is not worried about a dozen people catching a cold, but he is afraid that many people will catch a cold and eventually form an epidemic, which will not be worth the candle.

Searching the governor of Shanxi is very important, but the soldiers under his command are even more important.

Although my soldiers also have raincoats, raincoats are not a panacea. With such heavy rain and the large number of people, some people will definitely catch a cold.

Besides, if the search continues at night, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people in the city.

Now that Taiyuan Mansion has just been captured, the first thing to do besides searching the governor of Shanxi is to appease the people in the city.

Li Xiaosan cupped his fists at Zhao Wen, "Follow your lord's order!"

After Li Xiaosan spread Zhao Wen's order to all the soldiers, these soldiers also began to go to the four city gates under the leadership of their respective captains.

The three city gates in the east, west and north were severely damaged, so there were more soldiers left behind at these three gates, and the south gate was almost intact, so there were fewer soldiers left here.


At midnight, the sky seemed to be leaking, and the rain suddenly became heavier.

The rain from the sky was astonishing as if someone was pouring a basin of water down.

It didn't take long for water to appear on the streets of Taiyuan Prefecture.

Li Tianhe and the others were squatting in the dry cesspool, rainwater was continuously flowing down from the gaps in the bluestone slabs above their heads, and it didn't take long for water to appear in the cesspool.

As the saying goes, one autumn rain and one cold, when the rain starts to fall, the cold also gradually rises.

The air was full of chill, and Wu Chen, who was squatting in the latrine, couldn't help but sneezed.

"My lord, why are we going?" A soldier wrapped his clothes tightly, but even so, he still couldn't stop the chill.

Li Tianhe said: "Let's leave after midnight, now let's wait a little longer."

The rain outside was getting heavier, and the people in the cesspit were also quietly waiting for the late night to come.

The Xuanzhen soldiers and horses in the city had already set up their camps. According to Zhao Wen's order, they set up their camps near the four city gates.

Because of the rain, there was no brazier raised in the camp.

The heavy rain kept falling, and soldiers in raincoats patrolled the camp quietly. Apart from these patrolling soldiers, there was almost no sound in the camp.

At this time, a team of about 100 people came out of the camp at the east gate.

The team walked out of the camp with guns on their backs and black raincoats.

These raincoats were found by Zhao Wen from the warehouse, and they had been distributed to the army for a long time.

After the 100-member team walked out of the camp, it was divided into five teams of 20 people each.

They walked in different directions in front of the camp and began to patrol the city.

Except for this city gate, the other three city gates also sent patrol teams.

It has not been long since Taiyuan Mansion was captured, and the security in the city will be more or less affected.

In order to better maintain the stability of Taiyuan Mansion, Zhao Wen had to send a patrol team at night.

Soldiers in raincoats walked through the streets expressionlessly.

Those green-skinned hooligans in the city who wanted to take advantage of the rainy night to rob them had no choice but to sneak back home after seeing these soldiers.

The rain was still falling, and these patrolling soldiers patrolled the streets with stagnant water without changing their expressions.

Li Tianhe and the others were squatting in the cesspool, and just as they were about to lift the bluestone slab above their heads out, they suddenly heard the sound of orderly footsteps.

The sound of footsteps mixed with the sound of rain, although it didn't sound very obvious, they heard it in an instant because of their nervousness.

"Don't go out in a hurry, wait until these people have left before going out."

Li Tianhe lowered his voice and whispered to the people next to him.

The patrolling soldiers walked slowly over the bluestone slabs above their heads, and the bluestone slabs vibrated slightly.

When the footsteps became smaller and smaller and finally disappeared, Li Tianhe took a deep breath and said to the people in the cesspool: "It's now, push the bluestone slab away, let's go!"

As soon as Li Tianhe finished speaking, the people in the cesspit stood up, supported the bluestone slab above with both hands and began to exert force slowly.

After a few breaths, the bluestone slab was pushed open a gap.

Large streams of stagnant water poured in from outside, and the rainwater in the cesspit kept increasing.

Not long after, they lifted the bluestone slab above the cesspool.


Li Tianhe said something in a low voice, and crawled out.

The servants inside also protected Wu Tong and climbed out of the cesspit.

"Cover the bluestone slab!"

After everyone climbed out, Li Tianhe pointed to the opened bluestone slab and said hastily.

The servant who crawled out pushed the bluestone slab onto the cesspool in the dark, covering the cesspool within a short time.

The rainwater flowed down their clothes non-stop, and Li Tianhe and the others started to walk slowly towards the outside of the city after the bluestone slab was covered.

"It is estimated that there are rebel guards guarding all the gates of the city, so we should find another way to get out of the city." Li Tianhe and others ran into a small alley in the heavy rain.

"What way?" Wu Xuan looked at Li Tianhe with a puzzled expression.

Li Tianhe said: "I remember that there is a drainage channel not far from the city gate in the south of the city. This drainage channel connects all the sewers and drainage ditches in the city, and drains the accumulated water in the city into the moat outside the city. Can run out of town from there.

I remember that a month ago, the governor ordered people to clear this drainage channel. Moreover, this drainage channel is located under the city wall, so it is relatively hidden, and we can just escape. "

The ancient drainage system was actually very developed, especially the key cities in ancient times.

Taiyuan is the provincial capital of Shanxi, and there is the Fen River outside the city, so the drainage system of Taiyuan Prefecture is also very developed.

In addition to the drainage ditches on the surface of the ground, there are drainage channels made of pottery pipes underground.

Making sewers with pottery pipes was very common in ancient times. The sewers of Chang'an City in Tang Dynasty were made of pottery pipes.

The drain that Li Tianhe mentioned was not too far from the southern city wall, that is, less than one mile away.

This drainage channel passes through the root of the southern city wall, and was specially reserved on the foundation of the city wall when the city wall was built.

In order to prevent water from flooding the foundation, this sewer is made of pottery pipes, and the outside of the pottery pipes is wrapped with waterproof materials such as sackcloth soaked in tung oil and charcoal.

The reason why this drainage channel is so shallow is to facilitate dredging.If you encounter a siege, you can also use stones to block the sewers.

This drainage channel is exposed on the ground before reaching the city wall, with a depth of about 1.5 meters six, which is a relatively deep ditch.

"I remember such a thing, I think this method will work!" Wu Sheng couldn't think of a better method, and agreed with Li Tianhe's method.

Li Tianhe nodded heavily, "In that case, let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, these people headed towards the south of the city.

Along the way, they encountered patrolling soldiers several times. Because of their high vigilance and the weather, they were always able to avoid these patrolling soldiers before they found them.

When they came to a position less than two miles away from the southern city wall, they stopped.

At this time, they were very close to the soldiers stationed near the gate of the southern city wall.

Although they couldn't see clearly the barracks where soldiers were stationed at the city gate, they could still guess.

They braved the heavy rain, bowed their bodies, and walked slowly towards the drainage channel in the rainy night.

After a while, they came to a drain.

This gutter is the gutter of the same gutter.

As soon as I walked near the drainage ditch, I could hear the rushing sound of the water flowing in the drainage ditch.

The water on the surrounding ground also kept pouring into it.

"This is the drainage ditch. It leads directly to the drainage ditch in the south of the city. Brothers, you must hold hands when you go down, and don't be washed away by the water."

Li Tianhe walked cautiously to the edge of the ditch, and whispered to everyone.

At this time, there was a lot of rain in the canal. When Li Tianhe and others went down, they had already reached the navel.

Li Tianhe and the others held hands, bent over, and walked with difficulty in the canal.

Because of the strong current, it is very difficult for these people to walk. If they walk unsteadily, they will be washed away by the current.

It is only less than two miles from here to the city wall. According to normal conditions, it would take a quarter of an hour or two. However, due to the current, it took half an hour to reach the city wall.

"Now take a deep breath, hold your breath, and go under."

Li Tianhe walked in the front, he turned around, shouted at the people behind, then took a deep breath, lowered his head, pressed against the water, and walked out from under the city wall.

The servant behind him and Wu Tong also took a deep breath, and followed closely behind Li Tianhe.

After Li Tianhe and the others entered the drain, they were still holding hands, showing no sign of letting up.

Walking in the drainage channel, the current keeps pushing people forward. If they are not holding hands, they will probably be washed away by the current soon.

Everyone walked in the gutter at an extremely slow speed.

After about a quarter of an hour, everyone finally walked out of the drain and came to the drain outside the city wall.

The outfall is more than one meter high from the moat, and the rainwater in the outfall pours into the moat.

"Jump down, into the moat, and swim across the moat."

Li Tianhe yelled at the people behind him, then pushed away the servant's hand behind him, and jumped straight down from the drain.

"Plop!" With a sound, Li Tianhe jumped into the moat.

Because the water from the drain kept pouring into the moat, the sound of splashes he made when he jumped into the water was quickly covered.

After Li Tianhe jumped into the moat, the servants behind him also started to jump into the moat.

Wu Zhen's position is in the middle, so it won't be long before it's his turn.

Wu Zhen took a deep breath and jumped down from the drain.

The moat is very deep, about three meters.

It's also fortunate that Wu Xin can swim, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to bear it all at once.

It didn't take long for everyone to swim to the opposite side of the moat.

At this time, the rain in the sky became heavier and heavier.

Taiyuan Prefecture and other places were dry for a whole summer in summer, and after entering autumn, it was like revenge, and the sky rained non-stop.

Li Tianhe stood opposite the moat and began to count the number of people.Fortunately, one is not bad.

"Brothers, let's escape now, hurry to the south wall!"

Li Tianhe was wet all over, and there was no dry place on his body.

Rainwater kept dripping from his clothes, and he could hardly keep his eyes open under the downpour.

Although Wu Xuan is a scholar, he didn't say much at this time.

"Let's go!" Li Tianhe gave an order, and these people protected Wu Sheng, and started running towards the south continuously in the rainy night.

 Thank you book friend 20171022214405893 for the reward, thank you for your support!

  I would like to recommend a master essay on urbanism, "My Black Technology System of Xueba", if you like to read the city, you can read it, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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