Chapter 408

At the same time, Huguang soldiers and horses have also arrived in the capital.

This time, there were more than 3000 Huguang soldiers and horses.

After these troops entered the capital, Chongzhen handed them over to Hong Chengchou. In addition to these soldiers, Chongzhen also transferred more than 3000 firearms soldiers from the Shenji Camp and handed them over to Hong Chengchou.

The current Hong Chengchou was named the Grand Marshal of the World's Soldiers and Horses by Chongzhen, and he holds his own Qin Army, Datong Army, Huguang Army, and Guan Ning Army in his hands.

As for the white soldiers, they have not yet reached the capital.

The total force in Hong Chengchou's hands also reached more than 5 people.

Moreover, Chongzhen also spent a lot of money. In order to keep these soldiers fighting, he directly opened up his internal funds and transferred a lot of money to Hong Chengchou.

This is also his last family property. In order to be successful, Chongzhen didn't care about anything.

At this time, there were still more than ten years before the Jiashen State Coup, and Zhao Wen wiped out the bandits quickly, so there was still a lot of money left in Chongzhen's internal funds.

But this time, in order to be able to wipe out Zhao Wen, Chongzhen had no choice but to pull out all his small coffers.

At this time, Hong Chengchou had already led these soldiers and horses away from the capital two days ago, heading towards Xuanzhen.

Because Zhao Wen has raised troops now, Zhao Wen has sent a large number of secret guard spies in the capital.

Not long after Hong Chengchou set off, the hidden guards in the capital sent the order back to Xuanzhen.

After Liu Wenzhong saw the news, he didn't feel the slightest bit. In his opinion, with Xuanzhen's current strength, the imperial court's attempt to deal with Xuanzhen was simply an egg hitting a rock. It is not something the imperial court can deal with, even though there are [-] troops.

Whether the [-] troops can break through the defense line to the east of Xuanzhen is still open to question.

At this time, Hong Chengchou has led an army of [-] to Changping Prefecture, and there is still a lot of distance from the east defense line of Xuanzhen.

Xuanzhen's east defense line gathered 6 horses, including [-] cavalry.

The weapons and equipment used by these 6 horses are similar to those of Zhao Wen's Chinese army.

These 6 horses were stationed in Qingyangkou, Dishuiyabao and Chang'an.

Each of these three places stationed [-] troops.

Among them, Wang Chong led 2 people to garrison at Qingyangkou, Zhang He led [-] people to garrison at Dishuiyabao, and as for the Chang'an office, it was Zhou Laoliu who had been active in Pingyang Mansion before.

Before Zhao Wen left, Zhao Wen transferred Song Hu and Liu Wu back from these two places, so Zhao Wen dropped Zhou Laoliu from Pingyang Mansion to Chang'an Office.

Zhou Laoqi was also with Zhou Laoliu, and Zhou Laoba was left in Pingyang Mansion by Zhao Wen.

Although it was raining heavily in Taiyuan Prefecture, it was cloudless in Changping Prefecture, with a bright moon and few stars in the sky.

Hong Chengchou brought the army into the city of Changping Prefecture and stationed in the military camp of Changping Prefecture.

As for the original guard soldiers in Changping Prefecture, they were sent home by Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou was not willing to deal with these guard soldiers in Changping Prefecture.These soldiers from the guards are enough to deal with bandits, let alone the elite soldiers of Xuan Town.

If these people were pulled together, they might be the first ones to escape back.

But even so, the troops he led still couldn't be stationed.

After all, there are not many guards in Changping Prefecture, and the barracks are not large.

As a result, some people were stationed outside the barracks.

After handling everything, Hong Chengchou led the lieutenant generals to the state government office.

Hong Chengchou was sitting in the hall of the Changping Prefecture Yamen at this time. He was wearing a scarlet official uniform and looked at the many generals sitting in the hall.

"Everyone, we are still more than 200 miles away from Xuandong's defense line. If you have any good suggestions or opinions, you can put them forward!"

Hong Chengchou sat on the main seat, looked at the crowd, and asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hong Chengchou's direct descendant, General He Renlong of the Qin Army, stood up.

"My lord, the meaning of the last general is that we should gather our troops in one place and directly attack Chang'an. The distance between Qingyangkou and Dishuiya Fort is relatively close, and the distance is only thirty or forty miles. If we attack somewhere in these two places , the rebels in another place will definitely come to help in a short time.

And Qingyangkou and Dishuiya Fort are close to the side wall, relying on the side wall, it is difficult for us to attack them.

And Chang'an is also nearly a hundred miles away from the nearest Dishuiya Fort. If we are fast, we will definitely be able to take Chang'an by the time the rebels at Qingyangkou and Dishuiyabao react. "He Renlong's voice was like a bell, and the voice kept echoing in the hall.

He Renlong, a native of Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province, was born as a martial artist. He is very skilled in martial arts and has outstanding abilities.

When he followed Hong Chengchou to suppress bandits in Shaanxi, he made repeated military exploits. He was the number one general under Hong Chengchou, and Hong Chengchou also valued He Renlong more.

"General He is right. I agree with General He very much. The strength of the rebel army is not comparable to ours. It can be seen just by taking Yanmen Pass in a short period of time. Although we have [-] soldiers and horses in our hands, but These [-] soldiers and horses must not be separated. If they were separated, they would definitely be defeated by the rebels one by one.

Therefore, I also agree with General He's view that the soldiers should unite as one and take the lead in attacking the isolated and helpless Chang'an Institute. "Guan Ningjun Zu Dashou stood up and expressed his opinion.

Wu Sangui also stood up, "I also agree with General He's opinion!"

Wu Sangui is now commanding the troops of Datong. Although he is vigorous and powerful now, he also knows the gap between his side and Xuanzhen. If he divides his troops to attack these three places, his death will only be worse.

Hong Chengchou sat on the main seat, stroking his beard and nodding non-stop, "You are right, this officer also thinks the same way, the power of the rebel army is indeed not something we can contend with, there is still a chance if the soldiers unite, but If we divide our forces, we will probably suffer a disastrous defeat."

"In this case, start to speed up tomorrow and arrive at Chang'an Office within three days!" Hong Chengchou stood up, patted the table, and gave an order.

At this time, in the city of Chang'an, Zhou Laoliu was sitting in the hall of the government office, holding a military newspaper that had just been delivered and looking at it.

Zhou Laoqi sat on his lower seat, looking at Zhou Laoliu anxiously.

"Brother Six, what is written in the military newspaper? Read it to me quickly!" Zhou Laoqi asked anxiously.

Zhou Laoliu raised his head and looked at Zhou Laoqi, "When you were in Pingyang Mansion, you were asked to read more books and learn more characters, but you just didn't want to, now you know let me read it?"

Zhou Laoqi said with embarrassment: "Reading and writing are really difficult. Whenever I see characters like ants, I get a headache. I'm really not this kind of material. Besides, aren't there counselors in the army? There are counselors." Now, I don’t need to read and write.”

"I really don't know what to say about you!" Zhou Lao Liu pointed at Zhou Lao Qi, hating iron for being weak.

"Brother Six, what did the military newspaper say?" Zhou Laoqi asked again impatiently.

Zhou Laoliu put down the military newspaper in his hand and said, "According to our spies' reports, Hong Chengchou has now led the army to Changping Prefecture, which is more than 200 miles away from our Chang'an office.

This Hong Chengchou is not an ordinary person either. He stayed in Shaanxi for such a long time and wiped out many thieves and bandits, and he is also a person who knows military affairs.

I estimate that he is very likely to lead all the troops under his command to attack my Chang'an office. "

"Why is the sixth brother so sure that he will come to attack my Chang'an office? Why didn't he attack Qingyangkou and Dishuiyabao first? Or divide his troops to attack these three places?" Zhou Laoqi asked repeatedly.

Looking at Zhou Laoqi's appearance, Zhou Laoliu sighed, "Are you really stupid or fake? Qingyangkou and Dishuiyabao are close to the Great Wall, and Qingyangkou is located on the Great Wall.

With the Great Wall as a support, it is not so easy to attack Qingyangkou.The distance between Dishuiyabao and Qingyangkou is very close. If you attack any of them, the other side will be able to rescue them in time.

If Hong Chengchou attacked these two places, he would be in danger of being surrounded. Hong Chengchou was not a fool, and he would definitely not attack these two places first.

Besides, our strength is estimated to be known by the imperial court, and Hong Chengchou will not divide his troops when attacking us, otherwise, he would be seeking his own death. "

"Sixth Brother is right. It seems that Hong Chengchou's main purpose is our Chang'an Office." Zhou Laoqi nodded thoughtfully.

Zhou Laoliu chuckled, "I hope that Hong Chengchou will come to attack our Chang'an office. Although we are the east line of defense in Xuanzhen, we have no battles. If we don't fight, we will have no military achievements.

Not to mention me, the entire barracks is now looking forward to fighting.If Hong Chengchou comes to attack us this time, it will be our time to make meritorious service. "

"Hehe, Brother Six is ​​right. I heard that Song Hu, Liu Wu, Zhao Daniu and the others have been following Mr. Zongbing, and they have made a lot of contributions now. We can't be worse than them.

Although we follow the adults not as early as Song Hu and the others, but also earlier than Wang Chong and Zhang He of Qingyangkou and Dishuiyabao. What are the two of them? Now they are on the same level as us. I really can't understand them . "As soon as Zhou Laoqi mentioned Wang Chong and Zhang He, he felt very uncomfortable.

I think back when I and others were in hundreds of households, these two were just two general banners, far behind me.

But when he dispatched his brothers to Pingyang Mansion, these two people rose rapidly.

If it wasn't for the rise of troops this time, it is estimated that the two of them would still be on their own heads.

"There must be a reason for the two of them to be promoted so quickly. It is impossible for the Chief Soldier to let them be promoted so quickly for no reason.

Although our promotion speed is not as fast as theirs, but you have to figure it out, we have followed the adults for a long time, and the adults will not treat us badly in the future. "Zhou Lao Liu didn't pay attention to what Zhou Lao Qi said.

I can't compare to Song Hu and the others in terms of qualifications, but I'm also completely blown away by Wang Chong and Zhang He.

From Zhou Lao Liu's point of view, he would have plenty of opportunities to be promoted in the future.

"By the way, go find the counselor, I have some things to discuss with him."

Zhou Lao Liu looked at Zhou Lao Qi and said.

Zhou Laoqi nodded, and then walked outside.

Not long after, a middle-aged scholar in a T-shirt and a square crown walked in.

Although he is a scholar, his eyes are piercing, and there is even a bit of murderous look between his brows.

This counselor is called Cui Lang, and he is a juren who joined Zhao Wen after Zhao Wen was promoted to the general of Xuanzhen.

His father used to be a butcher, and his skill of killing pigs and sheep was well-known in all parts of the country, and his father still had a bit of kung fu.

He worked for his father since he was a child, so he also learned a lot of crafts.

Like many parents, having money is like making life better for his younger generations, so his father sent him to school.

After entering the school, because of his hard work, he was awarded the title of scholar when he was around 20 years old, and after ten years, he was awarded the title of Juren.

Originally, he wanted to keep reading until he was admitted to Jinshi.

But who knew, because of his bad background, he was squeezed out everywhere, and in the end, because of this reason, he returned to his hometown in embarrassment and anger.

After returning to his hometown, because he is a Juren, he also has some prestige in the local area.

At that time, there were bandits in his hometown, and he was a juren, so he began to recruit young and strong locals and train them based on the mentality of self-cultivation, family management, country and world.

After the training, he led these young men to encircle and suppress the bandits nearby.

Although he is a scholar, he has also read a lot of military books, and his combat skills are not bad.

After his siege, the nearby bandits were almost wiped out by him, even if they were not dead, they were forced to stay away from their hometown.

Later, due to some reasons, he finally ran to Xuanzhen and took refuge in Zhao Wen.

For this reason, Zhao Wen arranged for him to join the army and become a counselor.

"Mr. Cui, this is the military newspaper just delivered, take a look!"

After Cui Lang sat down, General Zhou Laoliu gave him the report.

Cui Lang took the military newspaper and read it seriously.

After about ten breaths, General Cui Lang returned the report to Zhou Lao Liu.

"What do you think, Mr. Cui?" Zhou Laoliu asked.

Cui Lang didn't even think about it, so he said, "I think that Hong Chengchou is very likely to come to attack our Chang'an office."

As he spoke, Cui Lang expressed his thoughts.

When Cui Lang finished the last word, Zhou Laoliu said with a smile: "Mr. Cui, what you said is similar to what I think, and I think so too."

"General Zhou is also an old man who has followed Lord Zongbing for many years. Such an obvious matter must not be difficult for General Zhou." Cui Lang said with a smile on his face.

 Thank you for the ten-chapter monthly ticket of Sishui Lanting, and thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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