Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 409 Chapter 409: Hong Chengchou strikes

Chapter 409 Chapter four hundred and nine: Hong Chengchou strikes
"Hong Chengchou is not an ordinary person, he was born in Nan'an Yingdu, Quanzhou, Fujian, in the 21st year of Wanli.

When he was seven or eight years old, he was sent by his parents to study in the famous local school——Xiyi Hall.

In the end, he dropped out of school at the age of 11 because of his poor family.After dropping out of school, he helped his mother make dried tofu at home, and went to the streets every morning to sell dried tofu.

In the end, he was favored by the nobles, so that he could return to school.After returning to the school, he was very interested in military books and so on. It can be said that he read all the military books that have been handed down.

In the 43rd year of Wanli, 23-year-old Hong Chengchou went to the province to take part in the provincial examination, and was the No. 19 candidate in the Chinese style of Yimao Ke.In the 44th year of Wanli, Hong Chengchou went to Beijing for the examination, and Lian Jie was admitted to the imperial examination.

Since his background is similar to mine, I learned about him in detail.

Hong Chengchou suffered a lot when he was young, so he values ​​his current status very much. He can seize any opportunity that can be seized, and he will not give up any opportunity to make himself rich. In order to keep his status, he can do out of everything.

This person has not only the perseverance, but also the cunning and greed of the market. "

What Cui Lang said is true. A large part of the reason why Hong Chengchou surrendered to Jianlu in history was because he didn't want to lose his status. He didn't want to become a little commoner with nothing again, let alone die.

"What does Mr. Cui mean by this? Why can't I understand?" Zhou Laoliu looked at Cui Lang blankly, he really couldn't understand the meaning of Cui Lang's words.

Cui Lang chuckled, "Isn't Hong Chengchou what he wants most? Wealth and glory? I think we can give it to him."

"Are you talking about persuading Hong Chengchou to surrender? How is this possible? Hong Chengchou now has an army of [-] and is blessed by the Holy Grace. How could he surrender to us? Besides, we now have a lot of talents in Xuanzhen Town. Why do we need him?" Zhou Lao Liu Looking at Cui Lang in disbelief, he really couldn't figure out why he wanted to persuade Hong Chengchou to surrender.

No matter how powerful Hong Chengchou is, it is impossible for him to stop the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen.

Besides, there are so many talents in Xuanzhen now, one more or one less Hong Chengchou is useless at all, not to mention that he is still an enemy now.

Cui Lang shook his head with a smile, "I'm not saying to recruit him now, but to defeat his soldiers and horses under Chang'an Station, and then take advantage of the situation to force him to surrender to us."

"Since I have defeated his soldiers and horses, why should I recruit him? This is unreasonable, besides, what ability does he have, why should he be recruited?" Zhou Laoliu's eyes widened, he really couldn't figure it out , Why did Cui Lang do this.

"You still don't understand what I mean. It's not a surrender, but a forced surrender. Although there is only one word difference between the two, they are very different.

Surrendering will make the surrender feel that we are begging him, and he may not be sincere in doing things when the time comes.Forced surrender is to make the surrender feel that he is dispensable to us, and if he does not act sincerely, he may be abandoned.

Under this kind of mentality, in order to stabilize his position, he will definitely work hard with all his heart. "Cui Lang said calmly.

Cui Lang's tone changed, and he said worriedly: "My lord has raised troops now, you said that your lord has a lot of talents in his tent, but there is one person in your lord's tent who is capable of both civil and military skills, who can serve as a soldier and manage the local people. ?”

Zhou Laoliu hurriedly said: "Yes, how could there be no? Isn't our Chief Soldier the same?"

"Then what about Mr. Chief Soldier?"

"Except for Mr. Chief Soldier?" Zhou Laoliu was taken aback for a moment, and then recalled it in detail in his mind.

Mr. Liu Wenzhong, Mr. Liu, he has good skills, and he cooperates with the commander-in-chief to manage Xuanzhen in an orderly manner.But if he is asked to lead the army to fight, I'm afraid it won't work. I have never seen him lead the army to fight in Xuanzhen for such a long time.

Mr. Zhang He Langzhang, it is not bad to let him handle money and manage the bank, but if he is asked to serve as a soldier to fight wars and manage the local area, I am afraid it will not work.

Mr. Sun Yuanhua Sun, building things is not bad, but if he is a soldier to fight and govern the country, he is not so interesting.

As for the remaining people in Xuan Town, I am afraid that none of them can serve as a soldier and manage the local area.

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Laoliu discovered that there really is no such talent in Xuan Town.

"No, no. Didn't Mr. Zong Bing set up a school? Maybe there will be such a student in these schools in the future." Zhou Lao Liu suddenly thought of the university in Xuanzhen.

As soon as Cui Lang heard Zhou Lao Liu mentioning Xuanzhen University, he suddenly laughed again, "It seems to me that the establishment of a university by Mr. Zongbing is indeed very good.

But you have overlooked a question, how many people can this university enroll every year?How many people in it can serve as soldiers and manage the local area?

Moreover, it will definitely take a long time to cultivate such talents, two, three or four years?

I know what Master Zongbing thinks, he wants to use the students he cultivated to replace all the officials of the entire Ming Dynasty.

This method is very good, but it cannot be realized in a short time.The reason is very simple, that is, Daming is very big. If you manage the entire Daming, it is impossible without 10,000+ talents.

Besides, judging from your performance, your lord is still planning to send the imperial power to the countryside. In this way, more talents will be needed, and the number of talents may exceed one million.

This does not include the territories that the adults will develop overseas in the future. If you bring all these lands, do you think the talents trained by the adults in the university are enough?
Relying on my lord's ability, as long as my lord is willing, I can conquer the entire Ming Dynasty at any time.But why didn't the chief soldier do this?Because the commander-in-chief understands that the speed of cultivating talents by himself is far inferior to the speed of attacking cities and territories. "

"But the university can continue to build and recruit students, and one day it will be able to cultivate so many talents." Zhou Laoliu said a little unconvinced.

"Haha, talents can wait, but Huangtu Baye won't wait. By the time all the talents are cultivated, the day lily will be cold!" Cui Lang laughed loudly, and then continued: "I don't think Mr. May not have thought about this question.

In my opinion, in the future, it is very likely that the commander-in-chief will select some officials with good moral character and outstanding ability from Ming Dynasty, and let these officials and the talents trained by the university govern the local area together.

This method is the most affordable, the fastest, the most labor-saving, and the most convenient method.

If your lord didn't think this way, then I wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be the military counselor.After all, I am also a Juren! "

What Cui Lang said made Zhou Laoliu speechless. He thought about it and tried everything to refute it, but he couldn't think of it.

In fact, Cui Lang didn't tell Zhou Laoliu one thing, and that was the strategy of checks and balances.

Although Zhao Wen didn't show such an appearance now, Cui Lang believed that Zhao Wen would definitely do so in the future.

Now Zhao Wen's land is still small, and he can't see anything, but what if the land grows bigger in the future?

These people around him are the first to follow him, and they are the people he trusts the most.

With the expansion of the territory, Zhao Wen's status is also getting higher.

In the future, the status of these people will definitely increase. These people can be called the Xuanzhen faction. Even if there are competitions and conflicts among these people, they are one after all.

At that time, if Zhao Wen is determined to rule the world and become the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, the court will be full of people from the Xuanzhen faction, and even the current university will be created by these people.

In this way, the imperial court is full of people from the Xuanzhen faction from top to bottom.

Zhao Wennai was the founding king of the country, and with his military exploits and prestige, he was naturally able to suppress these people.But what about the emperor behind?Can they still have the prestige of Zhao Wen?
After the death of Prince Yiwen, Emperor Taizu Gao wanted to clean up the heroes in the court because he wanted to clear the way for Emperor Jianwen.

A monolithic imperial court is something no emperor would want to see.Because at this time the courtiers will kidnap the emperor, making the emperor not free.

Therefore, the surrender faction has become the best means to contain these people.

It has to be said that Cui Lang's ability to see into the subtleties is really powerful, and he can directly see more than ten years later.

"What you said makes sense, but it's all just your conjecture. You're not the chief soldier. How do you know what the chief soldier is thinking?" Zhou Laoliu asked back.

"Haha, you're right, this is just my guess. But, I think that forcing Hong Chengchou to surrender is of great benefit to us."

In the next hour, Cui Lang continued to persuade Zhou Laoliu.

In the end, Zhou Lao Liu had to agree with Cui Lang's suggestion.


Three days later, Hong Chengchou led an army of [-] to a place about [-] miles away from Chang'an.

Although Hong Chengchou thinks that he has done a good job of keeping secrets, their whereabouts have long been exposed to the surveillance of the Chang'an garrison at night.

Because of the existence of binoculars, Ye Bushou of the Chang'an Institute was able to spot the whereabouts of Hong Chengchou's soldiers and horses from a long distance, but they didn't notice it.

"Stop advancing and set up camp on the spot. After the camp is completed, all the generals will come to my tent."

Hong Chengchou pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, and shouted at the orderly behind him.

It was now noon, and it was already afternoon when the camp was pitched.

Hong Chengchou sat on the main seat of the large tent of the Chinese army, looked at the generals sitting on both sides of the big tent, and said, "We are only [-] miles away from Chang'an, and I decided to repair it today and tomorrow morning." How do you feel about another surprise attack on the Changan Institute?"

"My lord, the general thinks it's okay!" He Renlong stood up, cupped his hands at Hong Chengchou, and said loudly.

"The final general also agrees!"

"The final general also agrees!"

All the generals in the entire big tent agreed with Hong Chengchou's opinion.

"In that case, let's set the general attack tomorrow morning. Who will be the first batch at that time?" Hong Chengchou looked around the big tent for a week, looking at the crowd.

Upon hearing this, Wu Sangui stood up without hesitation, "My lord, the general is willing!"

At this time, Wu Sangui was full of vigor, coupled with his young age, he wanted to make a great contribution under his youthful vigor, and was the first to rush into Chang'an Office.

Wu Xiang, who was sitting beside Wu Sangui, hurriedly grabbed Wu Sangui's clothes corner, trying to drag him off, but Wu Sangui was determined to do his best, standing there no matter how much Wu Xiang pulled him, he couldn't pull him off.

"Is Zhao Wen so easy to deal with? Why are you so reckless?" Wu Xiang kept muttering in her heart, because she was in the big tent, so Wu Xiang didn't say it out.

Hong Chengchou stroked the beard on his chin, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, it's really a hero. Mr. Wu, you really gave birth to a unicorn!"

Hong Chengchou looked at Wu Xiang and kept praising him.

Wu Xiang looked at Hong Chengchou in embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a while.

"If that's the case, let's make it a decision. Tomorrow's first batch of attacks will be undertaken by Wu Sangui and young general Wu." Hong Chengchou said loudly.

The matter has come to this point, and it is irreparable, Wu Xiang can only sigh, hoping that tomorrow will be smooth.

In the following time, Hong Chengchou formulated a more detailed plan for tomorrow's attack.

At the same time, Zhou Laoliu sat in the office of the Chang'an Office, and all the generals in the generals gathered together.

"Now that Hong Chengchou has led the army less than twenty miles away from Chang'an, what do you think?" Zhou Laoliu sat on the main seat and looked at the people in the hall.

As soon as Zhou Lao Liu finished speaking, Zhou Lao Qi stood up, "If you have any other ideas, just fuck him directly. Let's go out of the city now, and beat them down completely before they get a foothold."

"I don't agree with this opinion, I think we should beat them upright.

Just when they were ready to attack the city, we completely defeated them! " Cui Lang said.

"Why?" Zhou Laoqi didn't understand what Cui Lang's move meant, and stared at Cui Lang with wide eyes.

Cui Lang smiled slightly, "Only defeating the enemy upright when they are sure of victory can make them truly fear. We must make these people fear us from the bottom of their hearts, and let them understand that they will never be able to resist us. The presence."

"Mr. Cui's method is good, I think we should follow the method Mr. Cui said!" Zhou Lao Liu made a decision.

Time passed slowly, and in the early morning of the next day, the Chang'an Office and the military camp twenty miles outside the city also began to move.

Hong Chengchou also got up early in the morning. After breakfast, he gathered all the troops and headed towards Chang'an Office.

This time Hong Chengchou pressed all [-] troops, and he planned to take down Chang'an in one fell swoop.

Zhou Laoliu also transferred [-] soldiers from Chang'an Station, and set up a battle one mile outside Chang'an Station, quietly waiting for Hong Chengchou's arrival.

For Zhou Laoliu, [-] against [-] is enough.

Hong Chengchou's army continued to march towards Chang'an Station, and when the sun rose to mid-air, it had already arrived at a position three miles outside Chang'an Station.

"What's going on? Why did the rebels leave the city?" Hong Chengchou, who was at the forefront just after arriving at this position, saw soldiers lined up neatly in front of him.

He couldn't help feeling a little flustered, thinking that there was a fraud.

(End of this chapter)

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