Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 410 Defeating in an upright manner

Chapter 410 Defeating in an upright manner
To deal with Hong Chengchou's officers and soldiers, Zhou Laoliu didn't need any tactics at all, just fight face to face.

After all, there is a big generation gap between the two, and there is no need to plan any tactics.

"My lord, this is not right. Why did these rebels stop outside the city? Could it be that they came here to wait for us on purpose? But how did they know that we are going to launch an attack today?"

He Renlong, who was walking beside Hong Chengchou, looked at Hong Chengchou suspiciously.

Since ancient times, in siege warfare, one side guards the city wall and waits for the other side to attack, unless the defending army is far stronger than the soldiers attacking the city.

But the number of soldiers in the current Chang'an Institute is far less than the number of soldiers on my side, but why do they actually fight against my side outside the city?

Did they really think their weapons were invincible?Had they known that they had an army of [-] here, including the firearms troops of the Shenji Battalion, wouldn't they be afraid?

For a while, He Renlong, who had never seen Xuanzhen firearms before, was very puzzled by this.

Hong Chengchou frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice: "How does this official know, now pass on the order to stop the whole army from advancing, and prepare for the attack at the same time, these rebels seem to want to fight us in the field.

Since they want to fight in the field, then we will give them their all. We have an army of [-] in our hands. "

He Renlong cupped his hands at Hong Chengchou, turned his horse's head and ran back.

At this time, Zhou Laoliu was riding a war horse and standing at the forefront of the army formation.

He held up the binoculars and looked at Hong Chengchou in front of him, with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect him to really come.

Order the whole army to prepare for the attack. The artillery positions on both sides of the army formation are waiting for my order at any time. "

"Obey!" The orderly next to him clasped his fists at him and passed on his order.

After Zhou Lao Liu's order was passed on, all the soldiers behind him cheered up and looked ahead excitedly.

These soldiers have long been tired of staying in Chang'an, and now they can't wait to fight these enemies.

There are a total of 120 artillery pieces on both sides of the army formation, including eight 107mm mortars, eight 152mm rocket launchers, and four [-]mm cannon howitzers.

When Zhou Lao Liu's order was conveyed here, all the gunners began to get ready to fire.

"My lord, what should we do now?" After He Renlong came back, he pointed at Zhou Laoliu's army formation ahead and looked at Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou said: "What else can we do, since they have all come out, let's take advantage of the situation and charge over."

After Hong Chengchou finished speaking, he said to He Renlong: "Let Wu Sangui lead the Datong army first, then the Huguang army, and then the Guanning army. As for the Qin army and Shenji battalion, put them last."

After all, the Qin army is Hong Chengchou's direct descendant, and the army that Hong Chengchou relies on for his survival. Hong Chengchou loves his own army very much.

The Shenji Camp was sent by Chongzhen, and it was Chongzhen's facade. If it was wiped out right after the start of the war, Chongzhen would definitely lose face. Even if Hong Chengchou won a big victory, Chongzhen would be dissatisfied.

If the strength of Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses is similar to that of the bandits, then Hong Chengchou will definitely let his soldiers and horses and Shenjiying go first.

But Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses were obviously not comparable to those of the thieves, so he put the Shenji Camp and his own lineage at the end.

A few quarters of an hour later, Wu Sangui rode a war horse from the rear of the army formation and led Datong soldiers and horses slowly towards the front.

When passing by Hong Chengchou, Hong Chengchou stopped Wu Sangui.

"General Wu, I see that you have the order to be a marquis and worship a general. Maybe after breaking Xuanzhen this time, the imperial court will definitely make you a nobleman who will live with the country!" Hong Chengchou's face was full of joy, and he couldn't see Make other expressions.

After hearing these words, Wu Sangui became even more excited, as if what Hong Chengchou said could come true.

Wu Sangui rode on the horse, and bowed his hands at Hong Chengchou, "By your lord's good words, this time, the general will definitely break through the rebel army formation. By then, our army will definitely defeat the rebel army."

"I wish you the best of luck!" Hong Chengchou said with a smile on his face.

Wu Sangui said: "Thank you, my lord, the general will go!"

As he said that, Wu Sangui led the men under his command and rushed towards Zhou Laoliu's army formation ahead.

The Datong Army led by Wu Sangui has a total of more than 1 people, and these people are basically infantry.

The original cavalry inside was also taken away by Man Gui.

When Wu Sangui led the army forward for about a mile, Zhou Laoliu put down the binoculars in his hand, and said to the messenger beside him: "Order the artillery to fire with all its strength, and defeat this army!"


Several war horses rushed towards the artillery position continuously.

Not long after, the artillery positions on both sides of the army array suddenly let out two cannon shots.

On each side of the army formation, a shell flew towards Wu Sangui's army formation.

These two shells were used for calibration, and when they fell into Wu Sangui's army formation, they exploded instantly.

The soldiers around the point where the shells fell were knocked to the ground by the two high-explosive shells fired from the 152mm cannon howitzers.

The soldiers who survived the disaster around the landing point suddenly panicked. They looked at the soldiers who were killed and injured by the bombing in front of them with horror on their faces.

"What's going on here? Why did it explode suddenly?"

The location of the explosion was in the middle and rear of the army formation. Before these soldiers knew what happened, they heard two muffled sounds, and then exploded on the spot.

Unaware of the truth, they thought that the explosion was caused by the anger of the gods, and they were suddenly frightened and panicked.

"The god is angry, the god is angry, run, run."

The soldiers near the explosion fled around in a panic. They didn't have the mood to fight at this moment.

So many people were bombed to death for no reason, how can we fight?
"You muddy legs, this is the artillery of the rebels, not the anger of the gods. If anyone of you dares to talk nonsense, if anyone dares to run away, let me keep your head!"

A hundred households rushed to the place of the explosion with seven or eight servants. He drew out the waist knife from his waist and chopped off the head of a deserter who was making a fuss.

Under Baihu's bloody suppression, the panicked soldiers were also forced back by Baihu, and then walked forward.

But at this time, the hearts of these soldiers were already confused.

"What's going on? What happened?" Wu Sangui hurriedly looked at the guard beside him after hearing the two explosions.

The war horse under his crotch was also startled by the explosion, jumping and screaming on the spot, as if encountering a natural enemy.

Wu Sangui kept comforting the frightened war horse. It didn't take long for the war horse that had been with him for a long time to be calmed down by him.

"Report, there were two explosions in the military formation, and there was a little commotion among the soldiers. More than 80 people were killed and injured in total. Now the commotion has subsided."

At this moment, a messenger ran over quickly from behind and shouted at Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui looked at the messenger, and said coldly: "It is estimated that the rebels from the Chang'an Office fired, and I ordered Qianhu, Baihu, and Zongqi to show me their men and horses. If any team didn't If my order escapes, then there is only one way to go, and that is death.

This battle can only be won, not lost.This is related to the imperial government's plan to wipe out the rebels in Xuanzhen. Those who dare to disturb the morale of the army and escape without permission will only die. "

"Obey!" The orderly hurriedly ran towards the rear again.

At this moment, the artillery positions on both sides of Zhou Laoliu's army formation crackled like firecrackers set off during the New Year.

A total of twenty cannons fired at Wu Sangui in unison.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Chi la chi la chi la!"

There was a sound of shells piercing the air, and a scream of rockets flew towards Wu Sangui's army formation.

Wu Sangui rode on the horse and walked in the front. Hearing the strange voice in his ear, he looked forward with a puzzled expression.

I saw the continuous flames coming out from both sides of the army formation in front, and those strange screams were accompanied by the flames.

"No, the rebels are firing!" Wu Sangui hurriedly yelled, jumping off his horse.

The moment he landed, the flying shells landed in the army formation he led.

"Bang bang bang!"

A round of high-explosive bombs exploded in the crowd, and each explosion could kill and blow up soldiers near the point of impact.

Flames and explosions resounded continuously in the crowd, and each explosion could take away the lives of some soldiers.

Every explosion made the army panic more.

When a soldier watched the soldiers dozens of steps ahead of him being engulfed by the explosion and was never seen again, he threw away the weapon in his hand in panic, turned around and ran away.

"Run, run, God is angry, God is angry."

He was scared out of his wits, covered his head, and kept yelling at the top of his throat.

Where have these soldiers seen such an explosion.

Wu Sangui's war horse was completely frightened, no matter how Wu Sangui comforted him, he couldn't calm down the war horse.

"Hey Law!"

Wu Sangui's war horse neighed, broke free from the reins in Wu Sangui's hand, and galloped away into the distance.

Seeing the fleeing horses, Wu Sangui also began to panic.

No matter how high-spirited Wu Sangui was, under the attack of this kind of artillery fire, he was no different from an ordinary soldier.


A high-explosive bomb landed dozens of steps away from Wu Sangui, killing the surrounding soldiers in an instant.

The fragments produced by the explosion of the high-explosive bomb flew towards the surroundings with the roar of death, penetrated into the bodies of the surrounding soldiers, and shattered their vitality.

Wu Sangui was so frightened by the explosion that he lay on the ground. Don't look at Wu Sangui's high spirits now, but in the face of death, everyone is equal, and no one can be calm.

"My lord, let's go!"

One of Wu Sangui's servants pulled Wu Sangui up, dragged him by the arm, and ran towards the rear.

After only two or three rounds of shelling, the army led by Wu Sangui began to be defeated.

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, these soldiers fled towards the surroundings and the rear.

Although the number of artillery pieces was small, Wu Sangui had relatively dense troops, and soldiers in this era had never seen such artillery fire, so under the bombardment of this kind of firepower, these soldiers quickly began to be defeated.

Hong Chengchou looked at the army formation rushing forward, his face was full of panic.

"What kind of firepower is this, and why is it so powerful?" Although Hong Chengchou had heard that Zhao Wen's firearm was powerful, he had never seen it with his own eyes. Seeing it today was really hard for him to believe.

"Is there really such a weapon in this world? With such a weapon, we are no match at all." Wu Sangui looked at the continuous explosions and flames in the front army formation, his face was full of shock.

"Change incendiary bombs, let these people taste our power."

Zhou Laoliu looked at the army formation that had begun to crumble in front of him, and a ruthless look flashed across his face.

Only when they are completely scared can they know how powerful they are.

"My lord, don't let the artillery fire again. If the artillery is allowed to fire like this, then what credit do we infantry get?

All the credit goes to these artillerymen, if these officers and soldiers are really solved by the artillerymen.Those soldiers under me have to tear me alive. "

A thousand households stood behind Zhou Laoliu, saying with a dissatisfied expression.

Zhou Lao Liu laughed loudly, "Don't be afraid, if you fight this battle, you will definitely have a chance to make meritorious deeds, so don't be afraid."

After hearing Zhou Laoliu's voice of assurance, the Qianhu was relieved a lot.Otherwise, if these artillerymen have been allowed to bombard them all the time, what is the matter with their own infantry?Shouldn't the credit be taken away by them?
It's not easy to meet an opportunity to make meritorious service, but you can't just let it go.

"Change all incendiary bombs!"

The messenger who conveyed the order came to the front of the artillery position, and he ran around the artillery position with a loud voice, conveying Zhou Lao Liu's order.

A few quarters of an hour later, the artillery that was replaced with incendiary bombs roared and flew forward.

The sound of cannon fire was loud, like the fire from heaven falling into the world, falling on Wu Sangui's panicked army formation.

The moment the incendiary bomb touched the ground, the shell was exploded by the explosives inside, blowing out the white phosphorus inside.

The moment the hot white phosphorus came into contact with the air, it began to burn violently.

As long as it is touched by a white phosphorus incendiary bomb, almost everything starts to burn.


A white phosphorous incendiary bomb fell behind a soldier who was running for his life, and a muffled sound sounded.

Burning white phosphorus splashed on the soldier's back.

The soldier didn't dare to look back, but kept running forward with his head buried.

The white phosphorous that fell on him adhered to his clothes, instantly igniting his clothes.


When he reacted, his whole body was engulfed in flames.


The soldier screamed as he was burned by the flames, his whole body was on fire, and he kept rolling on the ground.

Several soldiers who knew him saw this scene, hurriedly took off their clothes, and kept waving at the soldier, hoping to extinguish the flames on him.

But no matter how they beat the flame, there was no sign of extinguishing it, instead it burned even more intensely.

The flames even burned their bodies along their clothes.

"Bang bang bang!"

A few more white phosphorus incendiary bombs landed beside them.

The burning white phosphorous instantly enveloped them.

A cloud of white phosphorous splashed on a soldier's face, and his face immediately started to burn.

He covered his burning face and kept screaming.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers panicked and hid aside.

"Run, this flame is a will-o'-the-wisp, not only can't be extinguished, it can even burn the flesh, run."

These soldiers became even more flustered all of a sudden, they fled like sheep being chased by wild wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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