Chapter 411
"Ah, mother, mother, run, mother, this is a will-o'-the-wisp, this is a will-o'-the-wisp, run!"

Wu Sangui's men and horses who were covered by white phosphorous incendiary bombs fled to the surroundings and rear like a tide.

Hong Chengchou pointed to the front, and shouted at He Renlong beside him: "Quickly mobilize some troops to go up, don't let these routs attack the army formation, once the army formation is hit, our whole army will be defeated. How do you go to meet the emperor when the time comes?"

Hong Chengchou's face was full of panic. He looked at the rout soldiers fleeing from the front, his legs were trembling.

Once these rout soldiers hit the army formation, it will be a rout on my side at that time, and the 5 horses may be gone all at once.

He Renlong ran back with a solemn face, led 3000 troops to block the front of the army, and began to divert the defeated soldiers.

"Stop the shelling!" Zhou Laoliu held up his binoculars, looked at the defeated soldiers, and gave the order to stop the shelling.

After a few breaths, the shelling stopped.But the fleeing soldiers did not stop because of the cessation of artillery fire.

They yelled and fled towards the surroundings and rear in panic.

When they fled from the battlefield, thousands of corpses fell on the remaining battlefield.

Some of the corpses were still burning, and they looked like they would not give up until they were burned clean.

The air is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and burning, which is disgusting.

Because of Hong Chengchou's timely arrangement, these routs did not hit the army formation.

Although they did not hit the army formation, the soldiers in the army formation also began to waver at this moment.

These routs were gathered by He Renlong's troops in front as hard as they could, but because of the large number of them and the fact that these routs were already in a state of disarray, they couldn't all be gathered for a while, and He Renlong could only guarantee that these routs would attack Not in the army.

The infantry in Hong Chengchou's army looked at the battlefield like purgatory, and a large part of them began to panic.

The hundreds of households in the army brought their own servants to shuttle continuously in the army formation, trying their best to suppress the panicked soldiers in the army formation.

Wu Sangui was dragged back by his servant with a look of embarrassment.

At this moment, he was covered in dirt, and there were still some bloodstains on his body.

His helmet didn't know where it flew, and the originally shiny armor on his body became gray and dull.

His hair was also dusty, and his face was covered in dirt.

"My lord, I'm defeated!" Wu Sangui came to Hong Chengchou with a dejected look on his face.

He really didn't expect that his army could be defeated so quickly, so quickly.

Hong Chengchou looked at Wu Sangui in front of him and heaved a sigh of relief. The panic on his face had just disappeared, "A crime not committed by war, a crime not committed by war, this is not General Wu's fault, this is a crime not committed by war."

Hong Chengchou couldn't say anything, even if this kind of scene pulled the most elite soldiers of Ming Dynasty, it would have no effect, let alone Wu Sangui's 1 troops?

Wu Xiang rode a war horse and led his servants to Hong Chengchou's side. He bowed to Hong Chengchou first, then jumped off the horse, and took Wu Sangui's arm, "Are you all right?"

Wu Sangui nodded, "Father, I'm fine. The rebel artillery is so fierce that I can't resist it at all, especially the kind of will-o'-the-wisp they fired. Once it lands on a person, it can't be extinguished at all. Even if you have no clothes on you, you can still burn.

I saw with my own eyes that the will-o'-the-wisp fell on the faces of several soldiers, burning the entire skin, exposing the bones inside, and the flames even attached to the bones and burned. "

When Wu Sangui thought of the scene he had just encountered when he was fleeing for his life, his heart trembled with fear.

That kind of scene was really terrifying. The flames directly burned the human skin, and even burned the bones.

Wu Xiang took Wu Sangui's arm, watched carefully, and felt relieved when she saw that Wu Sangui was really not injured.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Wu Xiang looked at Hong Chengchou and asked in a deep voice.

Hong Chengchou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with a bitter face: "Withdraw the troops, retreat another [-] li, let's make plans at that time.

If the fight continues today and the scene just now happens again, I am afraid that all these troops will be lost today.

A big defeat in the first battle is probably not a good sign, and it will have a big impact on morale.After withdrawing later, you must strictly guard your subordinates so that no mistakes are made! "

"It has to be like this!" Wu Xiang sighed.

Although Hong Chengchou is unwilling to accept this fact, he has to accept some things if he does not accept it.

"Order the whole army, follow me and break through the enemy camp!"

Zhou Laoliu put down the binoculars in his hand, grabbed the reins of the horse with his left hand, took out a handful of big black stars from his waist with his right hand, and rushed towards Hong Chengchou's army while speaking.

Although Zhou Laoliu only has 1 horses now, in Zhou Laoliu's view, his 1 horses can completely sweep Hong Chengchou's [-] officers and troops!

"The general has an order, the whole army goes out!"

The orderly next to Zhou Laoliu shouted to convey his order.

The soldiers behind were all excited. Looking at Hong Chengchou's army ahead, they all geared up.

After the two thousand cavalry behind Zhou Laoliu rushed out, the infantry also rushed out.

If it weren't for these cavalry and infantry soldiers to give credit, Zhou Lao Liu would have had people directly bombard Hong Chengchou's army with cannons.

Although the use of cannonballs can solve the opponent in the shortest speed, but the cavalry and infantry cannot be ignored.

Can't just let the artillery make meritorious service, and let the cavalry and infantry watch?

Zhou Lao Liu has 2 troops in Chang'an, including 3000 cavalry. This time he mobilized [-] garrisons and [-] cavalry.

These cavalry were placed in front of the infantry by him.

The sound of horseshoes hitting the ground made a dull sound.

The dust on the ground was trampled by the horseshoes and flew into the air.

When Hong Chengchou heard the sound of horseshoes, he hurriedly looked forward.

I saw a cloud of smoke coming towards me.

"No, I'm afraid the enemy's cavalry is catching up!" Hong Chengchou's heart tightened, and he hurriedly looked at Wu Xiang, "General Wu, please lead the Guanning Iron Cavalry with you and General Zu Dashouzu to block the rebel cavalry. so that our army can retreat!"

If the infantry chooses to retreat under the attack of the cavalry, once the cavalry catches up, the retreat is likely to turn into a rout.

Wu Xiang put her right hand on her forehead, squinted her eyes and looked forward.

After all, Wu Xiang had dealt with cavalry all year round, so he could get a general idea of ​​the number of cavalry Zhou Laoliu had at a glance.

"It is estimated that there are more than 2000 cavalry. To deal with these cavalry, Guan Ning's iron cavalry can also do it!"

As Wu Xiang spoke, he stepped on his horse and headed towards the place where Guan Ning's cavalry was next to him.

In ancient marches and battles, cavalry either opened the way in front, or they were arranged on both sides of the army formation to guard the infantry's flanks.

After a few breaths, Guan Ning's cavalry on both sides of Hong Chengchou's army started to move, and began to rush towards Zhou Laoliu from both sides of the army.

Each of the two thousand cavalry led by Zhou Laoliu was equipped with two big black stars, which were quite powerful in terms of firepower configuration.

On the other hand, most of the Guanning iron cavalry used cold weapons such as waist knives. In addition to these, some soldiers used firearms such as three-eyed firecrackers.

The three-eyed firecracker is a combination of a cold weapon and a firecracker. There are three iron pipes at the front end of the three-eyed firecracker. These three iron pipes are fixed together and filled with gunpowder and iron sand.

Three-eyed firecrackers are divided into two types. The body of the first kind is made of three tubes, forming a character shape. The three tubes are not connected to each other, and each has its own fire door, which is ignited and fired separately, and a wooden handle is installed.

It is also possible to bond the fuzes of the three-eyed firecrackers together and ignite the fuzes at the same time to meet the requirement of launching together.

Another type of gun barrel is a whole, with three gun halls inside, and the gunpowder chambers are connected to each other. After ignition, the three barrels are fired in volley, which is very powerful.

The length of the two types of three-eyed firecrackers is basically about [-] centimeters.

Since the mid-Ming Dynasty, the second type of three-eyed firecrackers has gradually decreased, and the first type has increased.

After all, the first type is more powerful than the second type, that is, it can be single-shot or three-shot salvo.

No matter what kind of three-eyed gun, there will be a socket for installing a wooden stick on the back of it.

You can choose the length of the sleeve according to your own situation.

After the ammunition inside is fired, the three-eyed firecracker will become a weapon similar to a mace.

The iron pipe in front of the three-eyed firecracker is very thick and long, and it is full of weight in the hand, and it is also powerful when the soldier swings it.One hammer down, not dead, but half disabled.

Because of its simple manufacture and low cost, it is deeply loved by Guan Ningjun.

But this three-eyed firecracker has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the range is short and the accuracy is poor.

The best shooting range of the three-eyed firecracker is about [-] steps. If the gunpowder is good, the three-eyed firecracker can penetrate armor within [-] steps.

Ordinary soldiers without armor can be killed within fifty steps, and beyond fifty steps, there is almost no lethality.

This is just an ideal state. If it exceeds thirty steps, the lead or iron sand shot out by the three-eyed firecracker will deviate greatly. At a distance of fifty steps, the hit is almost entirely due to luck.

The reloading speed of the three-eyed firecracker is also very slow, and the cavalry can basically only fire it once. After one shot, the three-eyed firecracker can only be used as a stick.

Because the cavalry on Zhou Laoliu's side set off earlier than that of Guan Ning's army, the speed of Zhou Laoliu's cavalry had reached the highest speed.

These cavalrymen pressed forward like wind and clouds.

Although Guan Ning's army also rushed forward to meet them, at this time, only a part of the cavalry of Guan Ning's army raised their horse speed, and the speed of the rest of the cavalry was still very slow.

Those rout soldiers on the battlefield who hadn't escaped saw the two groups of cavalry rushing towards them, and fled in all directions, fearing that they would be trampled into flesh by these horses.

"Kill me!"

A thousand households in Guan Ning's army rushed to the front. He brandished a waist knife and looked fiercely at the cavalry rushing forward.

The distance between the two sides is constantly approaching, and the distance between the two is only about 300 meters.

Beside this Qianhu, there are more than a dozen burly men holding three-eyed firecrackers. Because the recoil of the three-eyed firecrackers is astonishingly large, the soldiers who use the three-eyed firecrackers in the army are basically burly men. .

These burly men took out the three-eyed firecracker from the horse's back, clamped it firmly under the left arm, took out a firefoil with their right hand, tightened their legs around the horse's belly, and the firefoil on the right hand went to the fuse of the three-eyed firecracker. click to go.

The cavalry in the Guanning Army are basically cavalrymen who have been cavalry for a long time, so leaving the reins of the horse with both hands can stabilize the body on the horse's back.

After igniting the three-eyed firecrackers, they aimed at the cavalry ahead.

Because the speed of the war horse is very fast, the three-eyed firecracker must be ignited in advance, and it will be too late to ignite it after entering the range.

At this time, Zhou Laoliu's cavalry also took out the big black star and aimed at him.

The effective range of the big black star is 50 meters, which is about as far as the range of the three-eyed firecracker.

Almost at the same time, the gunfire of the big black star and the sound of the three-eyed firecracker rang out.

It's just that the sound of the big black star's gun is obviously more intense than the sound of the three-eyed firecracker.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were chaotic gunshots and the sound of three-eyed firecrackers.

Some people on both sides began to fall off their horses, because the three-eyed firecrackers of Guan Ningjun's side could only fire once, so they were inferior in firepower.

The number of Guanning soldiers who fell off their horses was dozens of times more than Zhou Laoliu's.

The war horses used by the Guan Ning Army have undergone special training. As long as it is not the sound of the shell explosion just now, these war horses can basically withstand it.

So when Guan Ningjun used the three-eyed firecrackers, the horses under their crotches were not frightened.

Although the fire rate of the big black star is not as fast as the 56 Chong, it is still much faster than the firearms of this era.

The cavalryman holding the big black star held the horse's reins tightly with his left hand, leaned on the horse's back, stretched out his right hand, stretched out against the horse's back, and pulled the trigger at the Guan Ning army in front.

The distance between the exchange of fire between the two sides was only five to sixty meters away. At this distance, the bullets of the big black star penetrated into the body of Guan Ningjun with ease.

In addition, the two are moving towards each other, and the relative speed is also high, so the initial velocity of the bullet will also be relatively large.

Even for those elite servants in iron armor, the iron armor on their bodies was like paper at this moment, and they were shot down one by one.

Under the suppression of the big black star's rate of fire, many soldiers holding three-eyed firecrackers were killed before they could fire.

Therefore, when the two sides collided, Guan Ning's army had already lost two to three hundred troops, while Zhou Laoliu's side had only a dozen or so.

Because of the high speed of the two sides and the fact that they were facing each other, Zhou Laoliu's cavalry could only empty one magazine.

After the two sides collided, Guan Ning's army brandished a waist knife and slashed towards Zhou Laoliu's cavalry.

The cavalry who were at the forefront and took the lead in fighting Guan Ning's army also hurriedly put away the big black star, took out the waist knife made of Xuanzhen stainless steel, and fought with Guan Ning's army.

The moment the waist knives in the hands of Zhou Laoliu's cavalry collided with the waist knives in Guan Ningjun's hands, they chopped the waist knives in Guan Ningjun's hands one after another.

Most of the waist knives in Guan Ningjun's hands were made of iron-clad steel, and they quickly lost the wind in the chopping with Zhou Laoliu's cavalry.

The cavalry who hadn't fought each other held a big black star and fired black guns in the rear.

After the two sides collided together, the speed quickly dropped.


Shortly after the cavalry from both sides collided, the infantry behind also rushed up.

"Brothers, it's time to make meritorious deeds, go!"

An infantryman Qianhu waved the 56 Chong in his hand and rushed towards the Guan Ning army who was fighting with Zhou Laoliu's cavalry.

 Thank you Jinshiju, that ray of sunshine in summer for your reward, and thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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