Chapter 412
The infantry outflanked from both sides of Zhou Laoliu, because Zhou Laoliu led the cavalry and the Guan Ning army to fight, and it was impossible for these infantry to interfere directly. The fight of the cavalry.

So the 5000 infantry were divided into two teams, each with [-] soldiers, and the two teams were like eagles with spread wings, outflanking the Guan Ning army.

"No, their reinforcements are here. Brothers, follow me and overwhelm these rebel reinforcements. They are just ordinary infantry. Let's rush over!"

At this moment, Zu Dashou, who was leading a large group of troops, looked at the infantry encircling from both sides, and hurriedly pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, turned around, and led the cavalry behind him towards the infantry on the left rush away.

If you don't break through the outflanking infantry, once they are successfully encircled by them, the cavalry who lose their speed will be lambs to be slaughtered.

No matter when, as long as the cavalry is fighting, the most important thing is to keep the cavalry at high speed.

Only cavalry who are running are real cavalry, and cavalry without speed will only be overwhelmed by the incoming infantry.

The infantry on the left looked at Zu Dashou rushing over, not only did not panic, but even excited.

"Type 56 light machine gun ready, 40 fire ready!"

A thousand households stopped their subordinates, and at the same time kept conveying orders.

Near him, the other four thousand households also stopped, giving the same order.

Zu Dashou rode on the horse and ran non-stop. When he saw the crowd in front of him suddenly stop, he couldn't help feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"What's going on? Why did they stop? Are they trying to escape? But they don't look like they are fleeing. Which army will line up neatly when they flee?"

Zu Dashou was puzzled. Although he really wanted to understand why these soldiers stopped suddenly, the horse under his crotch had already reached the maximum speed, and the cavalry behind him were also accelerating at full speed.

At this time, it is simply unrealistic to stop and investigate the enemy's situation.


Zu Dashou shook his head and stopped thinking about this question.

He waved the waist knife in his hand, roared towards the front, and rushed directly.

At this time, the formation of the infantry that Zu Dashou attacked was almost ready.

Type 56 light machine gun, 40 fire, 56 rush and 56 semi are arranged in place in turn.

I don't know how long I have been training in the army for such a change of formation. These soldiers have long been familiar with the way to deal with cavalry. It didn't take long at all, and the formation was completed.

Seeing the Guan Ning army getting closer to the infantry formation, a thousand households stood in the command position in the middle of the formation, with a frenzy flashing across his face.

Zu Dashou looked at the infantry who had changed their marching formation into a defensive formation in a short period of time, and his heart was full of fear.

It is very difficult to quickly change the formation in such a short period of time, especially when the cavalry is pressing down on the border. This army is not simple.

That's right, after all, this is the army of Zhao Bandit in Xuanzhen Town. Although he has never fought against Zhao Bandit, there are rumors that Zhao Bandit is good at governing the army. I didn't quite believe it before, but when I saw it today, I believed it.

In just a few short breaths, Zu Dashou thought a lot.

"Come on!!!"

Zu Dashou looked at the infantry formation that was getting closer and closer in front of him, and hurriedly withdrew his thoughts, focused on the infantry in front, and at the same time leaned his body on the horse's back.

Looking at the Guan Ning army who entered the range, a thousand households sneered, waved their hands, and shouted: "Attack with all your strength, those of us on the eastern defense line finally encountered such an opportunity to make meritorious deeds, brothers, we must seize it!" Already!"

When Qianhu gave an order, the soldiers under his command opened fire.

The first to fire was the 40 shooters at the front. They squatted on the ground and looked at the cavalry rushing forward with excitement on their faces.

In their eyes, these people are not human beings, but military exploits that can move one by one.


When the sound of the first 40-fire firing sounded, the remaining 40-fire shooters also pulled the triggers.

"Chi la chi la chi la!"

In an instant, the rockets fired by the 40 fires flew forward with orange tail flames and kept screaming.

Hearing this strange call, Zu Dashou's heart sank suddenly.

The war horse under his crotch also began to show a little commotion.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a few breaths, the rockets landed in his formation.

Explosions sounded one after another, and the fragments produced by the explosion flew towards the surroundings at high speed, knocking down soldiers one after another.

After the explosion of the rocket, the Type 56 light machine gun, 56 Chong and 56 Semi also hissed.

"Da da da!"

A round of bullets flew forward with a whistling sound, and the tracer bullets filled in the magazine to indicate the direction were drawn across the air, with red or green light, just like laser weapons in later science fiction movies Similarly, they kept flying towards Zu Dashou's cavalry.

A rainstorm of metal bullets flew towards the cavalry with the sound of piercing the air.

It was as if these cavalry had hit an invisible wall, and when the first wave of bullets arrived, they were turned on their backs instantly.

"Hey Law!"

The war horses under the cavalry's crotch also began to commotion. Although these war horses have undergone good training, no matter how hard they are trained, they can't compare with actual combat.

Zu Dashou rushed to the front, and the horse under his crotch also started to stir.

He hurriedly took out a black cloth from his pocket and covered the horse's eyes.

"Blindfold the horse and charge straight over!" Zu Dashou lay on the horse and shouted loudly.

The battlefield was covered with the sound of gunshots and neighing of war horses. Although Zu Dashou had screamed with all his strength, his voice only traveled a little distance before being covered by various voices.

The servants beside him hurriedly shouted in unison, "My lord has an order to cover the eyes of the war horse!"

Under the yelling of the servants in unison, although it couldn't spread too far, it could be heard by the surrounding soldiers.

After the surrounding soldiers heard it, they shouted again in unison.

In this way, Zu Dashou's order was passed down layer by layer.

Horses are inherently timid and easily frightened.

And once the war horse's eyes are covered, the war horse will continue to gallop forward in panic.

Although this method was somewhat cruel, Zu Dashou didn't care so much at this moment in order to rush in.

After the cavalry in front blindfolded the horse's eyes, the speed of the horse increased a lot.

It's a pity that under the hot weapon, no matter how fast the speed is, it is futile!
The weapons that surpassed this era for more than 300 years continued to spit out flames, and the bullets flew forward one after another.

The cavalry who charged ahead were constantly hit by bullets, and if they were lucky, they could be killed directly on horseback.Those who were unlucky were hit by the horse in the crotch, and fell to the ground by the horse, and were finally trampled to death by the horse that followed.

At this time, the Guan Ning Army has come to a distance of 200 meters in front of the infantry formation. If it were changed in the past, the distance of 200 meters would be reached in an instant.

But at this time, the distance of 200 meters was like a natural moat, and Guan Ning's army couldn't rush in no matter what.

There were more and more corpses piled up in front, and blood flowed out from the corpses. Horse blood mixed with human blood pooled on the ground, dyeing the ground scarlet.

"Damn it, damn it, really damn it!" Zu Dashou cursed with a livid face as he watched the servant who was protecting him keep falling to the ground.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly became empty.

It turned out that the servants who were protecting him in front of him had been killed.

Looking at the infantry defense line in front, Zu Dashou felt as if he had fallen into a hole in the ice for three or nine days, his whole body was extremely cold.


A bullet flew towards Zu Dashou with a whistling sound, and hit the head of the horse under his crotch.

The war horse was killed on the spot without even making a neighing sound.

The war horse stopped suddenly and fell towards the land in front of it.

Zu Dashou's body also rose into the air and fell to the ground.


The guards on both sides and behind Zu Dashou looked at Zu Dashou who flew out, and cried out in horror.

The moment Zu Dashou flew into the air, his head was in a daze, his whole mind was empty, and there was nothing.


In the blink of an eye, Zu Dashou fell to the ground.

The moment he touched the ground, Zu Dashou finally came to his senses.

He hurriedly covered his head with both hands, curled up and rolled forward, releasing the force of impacting the ground.

After he fell off his horse, a rain of bullets hit the servants on both sides of him and behind him.

Like him, these people rolled towards the ground one after another.

"Call me!!!"

A thousand households looked at Guan Ningjun who kept falling to the ground in front of him, his eyes were full of fire.

These are military achievements, and these are silver houses.

As the firepower continued, Guan Ning's army finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Those cavalrymen who didn't rush up looked at the purgatory-like scene ahead, and their calves were spinning.

The horses under their crotches were either frightened or reluctant to move forward.

"It's over, it's over, who are these people? What are the weapons in their hands? Why are they so powerful? Why is this?"

All of a sudden, the cavalry who didn't rush up from behind howled to the sky one by one.

At this time, they didn't care about anything, and the horses were not frightened, so they controlled the horses to escape to the rear or around.

When the horse was frightened, it jumped off the horse, and fled to the rear or around on its two legs.

The defeat of the Guan Ning Army in this direction even led to the defeat of the Guan Ning Army led by Wu Xiang.

After the chain reaction, the entire Guanning Army began to be defeated.

The military quality of Guan Ning's army is better than that of ordinary guard soldiers. Although they were defeated, they did not attack Hong Chengchou's retreating army like ordinary guard soldiers. Avoid the military formation as much as possible.

At this time, before Hong Chengchou led the army back a few steps, he saw the defeated Guan Ning army.

"What's going on? How long did it take to go up? We lost so soon? What happened?" Hong Chengchou turned around and looked at the Guan Ning army fleeing behind him, his heart fell to the bottom.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, the fifty thousand army is not guaranteed, the fifty thousand army is not guaranteed."

Now that the Guan Ning army is also defeated, these rebels will definitely attack the remaining troops next.

The rest of the troops were a little panicked at first, but now seeing the defeat of the strongest cavalry of Ming Dynasty, Guan Ning Army, the fear in their hearts became more serious.

"We are defeated, we are defeated, we are not opponents, we are not opponents!" The Datong soldiers who were gathered back were already terrified by the previous battle, but now seeing that Guan Ning's army was defeated, they panicked even more.

Now they don't care about anything, let go of the girls, and run around regardless.

"Run, Guan Ning's army is defeated, we are not opponents!"

In the Huguang army formation, whoever shouted first, the entire Huguang army formation began to collapse.

The Huguang Army Formation was in the middle. When the Huguang Army Formation began to collapse, even the troops from the Shenji Battalion and the Qin Army Army began to riot.

As the defeat continued to increase, all the military formations began to panic.

Hong Chengchou was at the back, looking at the chaotic army formation in front of him, his eyes were dull and dark, if He Renlong next to him hadn't supported him in time, he might have fallen off the horse.

"Why is this? Where did Thief Zhao get such a weird weapon? Why is this?" Hong Chengchou opened his hands and sighed with grief and indignation.

"My lord, run quickly, we can't do anything now, let's run quickly, gather our soldiers and horses after escaping, and then make plans."

Although He Renlong couldn't accept this fact for a while, but now that the matter has come to this point, if he doesn't run quickly, he may die.

"No, I can't run away, I want to fight the rebels to the death!"

Hong Chengchou pulled the reins of the horse in his hand, turned the horse's head, and drew out the long knife at his waist with a look of death, and looked at the fleeing Guan Ning army in front of him with a stern look.

"I want to fight the rebels to the death!"

Did Hong Chengchou really want to fight the rebels to the death?
no, he is not.Hong Chengchou knew in his heart that the imperial court managed to piece together the [-] troops and let him go to attack Xuanzhen. Now he was defeated without even seeing Xuanzhen. If he went back, Chongzhen would definitely not be able to spare him.

No matter how miserable Yuan Chonghuan's death was back then, his own could be as miserable as his own.What's more, he was the one who proposed the plan to attack Xuanzhen.

Perhaps even his family members would be implicated. Instead of this, it would be better to die here, at least to die in battle. For the sake of death in battle, Chongzhen thought he would spare his family.

But, can a person like Hong Chengchou fight to the death?For the most part, no.

He looked at Zhou Laoliu's cavalrymen who were chasing and killing him, his hand holding the long knife kept trembling.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his body was shaking violently.

Obviously, he was extremely nervous.

"My lord, run!" He Renlong shouted at Hong Chengchou.

But Hong Chengchou seemed to be stupid, he didn't respond at all, no matter what He Renlong called, he didn't respond.

He Renlong slapped his thigh, no matter what, he rushed to Hong Chengchou, dragged Hong Chengchou onto his horse, and fled for his life.

(End of this chapter)

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