Chapter 413
With the collapse of the entire army, Hong Chengchou was also put on the horse by He Renlong and ran at top speed.

At this time, Hong Chengchou was led by He Renlong on the horse and galloped at high speed.

And Hong Chengchou seemed to have lost his soul, allowing He Renlong to run wildly with him, without any reaction from the whole person.

There was no reaction on the surface, but his heart was already in chaos.

In the defeat of this battle, even if he gathers a large number of people and goes back, it is estimated that Chongzhen will not easily spare himself.

Back then, Chongzhen favored Yuan Chonghuan much more than himself, and Yuan Chonghuan could have been executed by Chongzhen Ling Chi, let alone himself.

It is estimated that compared with Yuan Chonghuan, it is only a different way of death.

Thinking that he would be executed by Chongzhen, Hong Chengchou became even more flustered.

No one is willing to die, let alone Hong Chengchou who has worked so hard to get to what he is now.

After defeating the Guanning Army, Zhou Laoliu led the cavalry and rushed directly towards Hong Chengchou's collapsed army formation.

When he was still some distance away from the army formation, he saw a middle-aged official in a scarlet official uniform being taken away by a big man.

The crimson official uniform is the color of the civil servants above the fourth rank of the Ming Dynasty. In this team, Hong Chengchou is probably the only civil official above the fourth rank.

"Brothers, chase after me!" Zhou Laoliu pointed at the direction He Renlong left and shouted loudly.

At the same time, those infantrymen chased and killed the collapsed infantrymen one after another.

When [-] infantry rushed over, these rout soldiers became terrified again. They let go of their girls and ran towards all directions all over the mountains and plains.

This scene is like a wolf chasing a flock of sheep.

The [-] infantry who were chasing were excited. They used the general flag as a unit to chase the rout.

After all, the living conditions of these defeated soldiers were very poor. They couldn't even eat enough to eat on weekdays. How could they run past Xuan Town and these well-trained and well-fed soldiers?

It didn't take long for these infantrymen to rush into the rout.

"Throw away your weapons, surrender and don't kill! Throw away your weapons, surrender and don't kill!"

Xuanzhen soldiers screamed loudly among the rout.

Some rout soldiers looked at the Xuanzhen soldiers who rushed up, and wanted to give it a go, brandishing their weapons and rushed towards the Xuanzhen soldiers.

However, what greeted them was cold bullets.

After a few gunshots, all the rout soldiers who wanted to fight to the death turned into corpses on the ground.

The remaining rout soldiers looked at these vicious Xuanzhen soldiers, threw away their weapons in panic, squatted on the ground and surrendered.

Anyway, they have already lost, since they can't escape, then surrender, it's better than being beaten to death.

The entire battlefield is full of Xuanzhen soldiers chasing routs, and even seven or eight people can capture three or four hundred routs.

"Give me an order to call out all the garrison troops from Chang'an Station and clean up the battlefield!"

Now that Hong Chengchou's army has completely collapsed, it is a good opportunity to capture prisoners.

These captives must not be wasted, this is the best coolie.

How can more than 5 people arrest 4 to [-] people? With so many people in hand, the construction of railways and the manpower needed by various mines can be greatly supplemented.

"As ordered!"

As soon as Zhou Laoliu finished speaking, seven or eight messengers left the brigade, turned a corner outside, and headed for the city of Chang'an.

"Pursue separately, I'll go after Hong Chengchou, you guys lead your own troops to chase other generals."

Looking at the chaotic and boundless battlefield, Zhou Laoliu yelled at the several cavalry generals who followed him.

"As ordered!"

After these cavalry generals took orders, they led their respective troops and left Zhou Laoliu.

At this time, Zhou Laoliu was less than two miles away from Hong Chengchou.

He looked at Hong Chengchou who was lying on the horse's back in front of him and being led by a burly man to run wildly, the excitement in his eyes became even hotter.

Under the protection of more than a dozen servants, He Renlong led Hong Chengchou towards the front without stopping.

From time to time, He Renlong turned his head to check on Zhou Laoliu who was chasing after him.

When he found that the distance between the two sides was getting closer, his face was full of panic.

"Catch up, after entering the range of the big black star, hit their horses under their crotch. Today, I have caught Hong Chengchou!" Zhou Laoliu looked at the ever-shrinking distance and roared loudly.

Zhou Laoliu's horse was Zhao Wen's horse from Horqin, and the quality of the horse was far superior to that of He Renlong and others.

In addition, Zhao Wen is also very concerned about these war horses, and the fodder for feeding the war horses is all high-quality concentrated feed.

To put it bluntly, these war horses of Zhao Wen's food is better than that of ordinary guard soldiers of Ming Dynasty.

"My lord, they are catching up, what should we do?" A servant on He Renlong's left looked at Zhou Lao Liu who was approaching from behind, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Because He Renlong's war horse carried two people on its back, the speed of the war horse could not be increased.

Now after hearing the servant's voice, He Renlong became even more anxious.

The whip in his hand kept whipping the horse's buttocks, and his face was full of anxiety.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" He Renlong shouted anxiously.

As time goes by, the distance between the two sides is constantly shortening.

Finally, there was less than 100 meters between the two.

At this distance, although the range of the big black star can be reached, it is not the best range of the big black star.

But Zhou Lao Liu didn't care about that much anymore. He grabbed the horse's reins with his left hand, pulled out the big black star from his waist, and shouted at the front: "Shoot me, hit their horses under their crotch, hit me!"

After the words fell, Zhou Laoliu kept pulling the trigger.

Beside Zhou Laoliu, other cavalrymen also began to shoot forward.

"Bang bang bang!"

The guns of the big black star rang out, and they all joined together.

The bullets flew forward with a whistling sound. He Renlong's face was full of fear when he heard the gunshots coming from behind him.

"Quick, faster!"

He Renlong kept whipping the horse under his crotch, hoping that the horse could increase its speed again.

However, the horse under his crotch was exhausted because it was carrying two people. No matter how much he urged, the speed of the horse couldn't be increased.

"Heh heh heh heh!"

The war horse under his crotch was panting non-stop, and the four horse legs kicked the ground vigorously.


At this moment, a bullet hit the buttocks of a servant behind He Renlong.

The war horse neighed in pain, and then fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke.

Zhou Laoliu and the others controlled the horse to avoid the fallen horse and He Renlong's servant, and shot at the horse under He Renlong's crotch again.

Although riding on a war horse is much less accurate, it can't stand the fact that there are so many people shooting.

There are more people shooting, and the bullets fired will always hit a few shots.


At this moment, a bullet shot towards the horse under He Renlong's crotch.

Unfortunately, this bullet did not hit the horse, but landed next to the horse's hoof.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of bullets flew towards He Renlong.

This time, He Renlong didn't have such good luck.

Three bullets hit the buttocks of He Renlong's war horse. The speed of the war horse stopped, and it rushed to the ground in front of him, throwing He Renlong and Hong Chengchou off the horse.

"Hey Law!"

Hit by a bullet at high speed, coupled with falling to the ground, the horse suffered huge damage and neighed non-stop.

He Renlong and Hong Chengchou had better luck, they fell into a piece of wild grass, and apart from some scratches, they had no other injuries.

"grown ups!"

He Renlong's servant looked at Hong Chengchou and He Renlong who had fallen to the ground, pulled the horse's rein hastily, and shouted at He Renlong.

Among them, several servants even wanted to pull the two of them onto the horses, but at this time Zhou Laoliu had already chased them up from behind with his troops, and instantly separated them.

Zhou Laoliu pulled the reins of the horse, and the horse neighed and stood up, and finally stopped in front of Hong Chengchou and He Renlong.

He Renlong rolled on the ground, drew out the long knife from his waist, and looked at Zhou Lao Liu vigilantly.

"Hehe, do you still want to resist?" Zhou Laoliu sneered, jumped off his horse, and raised the big black star to hit He Renlong's right hand.


With a gunshot, the bullet fired by the big black star hit He Renlong's right forearm.

The bullet got into his arm and came out from the other side. Fortunately, it was far away from the bone, otherwise his hand would be useless.

Under the severe pain, He Renlong let go of the handle of the knife in his hand.

The moment he let go of the handle of the knife, the people behind Zhou Laoliu rushed forward and pressed He Renlong to the ground, unable to move.

At this time, He Renlong's remaining servants were also controlled by the troops brought by Zhou Laoliu.

He Renlong's servants were all tied up with ropes by Zhou Laoliu's men and put aside.

Hong Chengchou stood up tremblingly from the ground, pretending to be calm and looking at Zhou Laoliu.

"You rebels, you have the ability to kill me!" Hong Chengchou's official uniform had holes in the east and dirt in the west, and the crimson official uniform became dusty.

His face was still covered with dirt, the hat on his head flew to nowhere, and there was only one shoe left on his feet.

"Kill you? It's too easy to kill you!"

Zhou Laoliu looked at Hong Chengchou jokingly, and then unloaded the big black star's magazine, and ejected the bullets inside.

Zhou Laoliu walked up to Hong Chengchou, held up the big black star and placed it on Hong Chengchou's forehead.

Hong Chengchou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes fixed on Zhou Laoliu, his body trembling constantly.

Although Zhou Laoliu unloaded the magazine and returned the bullets, Hong Chengchou had never seen the big black star, and he didn't know what happened to the operation just now.

So, now he thought that there were bullets in the big black star in Zhou Laoliu's hand.

"Come on, come on, say one more word, and I will kill you if you say one more word. One mouthful of rebels, one mouthful of Zhao bandits. You people are really beasts in clothes. Do you know who the beasts in clothes are talking about?

The clothes and beasts are yours. The official uniforms are embroidered with birds and beasts. They look majestic, but in fact they are all worthless, and they are all irrelevant. "

Zhou Laoliu looked at Hong Chengchou with a gloomy face, and cursed.

On Hong Chengchou's forehead, cold sweat continued to flow out. Seeing that death was approaching, he kept thinking back to his youth.

At that time, he was sent to the most famous local school by his parents.

And he also likes reading very much, and he is the hardest student in the school.

However, no matter how hard you study, it costs money.

At that time, the family was very poor, and going to school was a very expensive thing. In desperation, he had to drop out of school and go home to help his mother make dried tofu, and went to sell dried tofu in the streets the next day.

That time was the most difficult time in his life, so much so that until now, Hong Chengchou still vividly remembers it.

Hong Chengchou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and thought of when he was a Jinshi in high school. At that time, he was full of glory when he visited Jingkua Street.

He experienced something that he had never experienced in his life, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

At this moment, he was no longer the down-and-out young man selling dried tofu in the streets, but a student of the emperor who was born as a Jinshi.

After tasting the taste of being admired by thousands of people, Hong Chengchou could never go back.

The stark contrast between the poverty when he was young and the glory after becoming a Jinshi made Hong Chengchou have a desire for status far beyond ordinary people. From that moment on, he was a little afraid that he would lose everything.

The reason why he was able to make so many contributions in suppressing the bandits was precisely because he didn't want to lose it all.

The more a person lacks something when he is young, the more he wants to get something when he is an adult.

Once you get it, you don't want to lose it.

When Hong Chengchou surrendered to Huang Taiji in history, although he persisted in righteous words for a long time, who knows if he is putting on a show?

Who knows if he deliberately did this in front of Huang Taiji, so that Huang Taiji would take a look at him and reuse him?

Moreover, Hong Chengchou was still captured alive by Huang Taiji. If he was a truly loyal minister, it would be impossible for him to be captured alive.

Just like Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng, and Sun Chengzong in history, they have already died in battle instead of being captured alive.

I am afraid that from the moment he was captured alive, Hong Chengchou had other thoughts in his mind.

As the old saying goes, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.This sentence couldn't be more suitable for Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou looked at the big black star barrel on his forehead, and his body kept trembling.

When I think of half my life's hard work disappearing in smoke, I feel even more uncomfortable.

This is half of my life's hard work. I finally climbed to this position and got rid of the previous poverty. Is it going to disappear now?
I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled.What did I study hard for more than ten years?Isn't it for the sake of enjoying the glory and wealth in the future, isn't it for the sake of not selling dried beans in the streets?

Now all this is gone, I am not reconciled, I am really not reconciled.

Hong Chengchou's face changed in just a few breaths.

Zhou Laoliu looked at Hong Chengchou, chuckled, and shook his head, "Hehe, I think you'd better die!"

As he said that, Zhou Lao Liu pulled the big black star that had no bullets.


With a crisp sound, Hong Chengchou yelled directly, "Don't kill me, I'm still useful!"

"I didn't say I was going to kill you!" Zhou Laoliu took off the big black star aimed at Hong Chengchou's forehead, and shook it in front of Hong Chengchou with a playful expression.

Zhou Laoliu's move was just to scare Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou hastily touched his head, heaving a sigh of relief.

"You say you are useful? What is your use? Tell me what is your use? If you are really as useful as you say, then I can let you go, but if you are not, I believe, your head For Xuanzhen, it is a good thing to frighten the court!" Zhou Laoliu said calmly, but his tone was full of murderous intent.

Hong Chengchou hurriedly roared, "As long as you don't kill me, I can do anything. I have been familiar with military books and history since I was a child. As long as you don't kill me, I can play a big role.

Think about it, although Xuanzhen looks extremely powerful now, it still has too few talents in its hands. Governing the world is not about fighting and killing. "

"Do you mean that we can't govern the whole world without you?" Zhou Lao Liu said indifferently, playing with the big black star.

Hong Chengchou realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly changed his words: "No, I didn't mean that. Anyway, I am very useful. As long as I can survive, I will definitely be of great help to Xuanzhen!"

"It's so mysterious from what you said, so I'll believe you this time, and save your life for the time being!" Zhou Laoliu chuckled lightly.

"You want to surrender?" He Renlong, who was pressed to the ground, looked at Hong Chengchou and roared in disbelief.

Although Hong Chengchou didn't explicitly say that he surrendered, but in this situation, a fool can see what's going on.

"How can I call it surrender? This is just a stopgap measure!" Hong Chengchou said to He Renlong without confidence.

Hong Chengchou in history was able to surrender to Huang Taiji, and Huang Taiji was a Jurchen.

Zhao Wen is not from a foreign race, and Hong Chengchou surrendered to Huang Taiji without any psychological burden, let alone Zhao Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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