Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 414 The Escaped Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui

Chapter 414 The Escaped Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui

"Haha, since that's the case, Master Hong will follow me back first!"

Zhou Laoliu looked at Hong Chengchou and laughed out loud.

Hong Chengchou hurriedly apologized twice, and said respectfully: "The general said so, and the criminal officer should be respectful rather than obedient."

Zhou Laoliu nodded, waved his hand, and shouted at the cavalry behind him: "Go, go back to Chang'an Office!"

Anyway, Hong Chengchou has been captured now, and Hong Chengchou has surrendered, so there is no need to stay here.

With that said, Zhou Laoliu took Hong Chengchou and the captured He Renlong and his family members towards Chang'an Office.

At this time, all the garrison troops in Chang'an were mobilized, and these soldiers kept chasing after the scattered and fled soldiers.

A large number of captives have gathered on the current battlefield, and these captives are also sent to Chang'an non-stop by soldiers.

After questioning, Zhou Laoliu learned that almost 2 people had been captured.

Among them are Huguang General Soldier and Zu Dashou of Guanning Army.

Because of their special identities, they were escorted back to the city of Chang'an in advance.

As for Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang's father and son, there is no news yet, but the cavalry who went to pursue them have already set off, and they should be able to catch up.

Zhou Laoliu gave some instructions to these soldiers who were searching for the rout, and at the same time handed over He Renlong and his servants to these soldiers.

And he led Hong Chengchou towards Chang'an Office.

Hong Chengchou was riding on a war horse, his heart was full of emotion.

He looked at the strong and well-armed Xuanzhen soldiers and horses passing by him, and shook his head helplessly.

These soldiers and horses are all wearing extremely elite armor, which is black and shiny, and it seems that they are all made of fine steel.

Armors made of fine steel may only be equipped by the most elite servants.

But among soldiers in Xuanzhen, almost everyone has them.

"The defeat is not unfair, the defeat is not unfair." Hong Chengchou sighed full of emotion.

Seeing this, Hong Chengchou also began to change his mentality, because he understood that now he could only hug Zhao Wen's thigh tightly, otherwise, his end would be extremely miserable.

The imperial court couldn't go back, no matter whether he surrendered or not, Chongzhen would not let him go.All [-] soldiers and horses were lost in the First World War. It would be a strange thing if Chongzhen could let him go.

If he wanted to survive, he could only hug Xuan Zhen's thigh tightly.

Not long after, Zhou Laoliu brought Hong Chengchou to the front of Chang'an Office.

Zhou Laoliu stopped next to the artillery position in front of the city of Chang'an.

"Master Hong, come and see what this is!"

Zhou Laoliu jumped off his horse and walked to the side of a 152mm cannon howitzer.

He patted the barrel of the cannon howitzer, and said to Hong Chengchou with a smile on his face.

The artillerymen who were cleaning and maintaining the artillery at the artillery position saw Zhou Laoliu approaching, and hurriedly stopped what they were doing, and stood respectfully where they were.

Zhou Lao Liu waved his hands at them and said in a low voice, "You go about your own business and leave me alone."

The artillerymen started to work again.

Hong Chengchou jumped off his horse and walked to the cannon howitzer.

"Could it be the artillery that the general used to bombard Wu Sangui's army?" Hong Chengchou pointed at the artillery and looked at Zhou Laoliu with a puzzled expression.

In Hong Chengchou's opinion, the appearance of these artillery pieces is really weird. Generally speaking, the artillery pieces of this era are basically some thick and extremely thick barrels, the length and thickness of which are amazing, and the weight is even more amazing.

This is the first time Hong Chengchou has seen such a strange-looking artillery with a small barrel.

"I think the barrels of these cannons are a bit small. Such a small barrel is really so powerful?" Hong Chengchou looked at Zhou Laoliu in disbelief.

Although he had seen the power of artillery before, Hong Chengchou still couldn't believe it now. The horrible explosion was caused by these ugly and weird-looking artillery in front of him.

In Hong Chengchou's view, to create such a terrifying explosion, the artillery must weigh at least tens of thousands of catties, but he did not expect it to be so small.

To be honest, the barrel of the 152mm cannon howitzer is indeed smaller than the red cannon.

Zhou Lao Liu chuckled, "Hehe, don't look at the small barrels of these guns, they are quite powerful.

With one shot down, no living things will be left within a radius of more than ten feet.I heard that when the Chief Soldier attacked Yanmen Pass, he used artillery to blow up the walls of Yanmen Pass.

The city wall of Yanmen Pass, I think I don’t need to say that you know that the city wall of Yanmen Pass can’t stop it, let alone you mobs? "

Zhou Lao Liu's face was full of pride. Although Zhou Lao Liu spoke very calmly, the threat in his tone was very obvious.

Hong Chengchou was not a fool, of course he could hear these threats from Zhou Laoliu's tone.

"I will definitely not betray the commander-in-chief in the future, and I will definitely follow the leader of the commander-in-chief in the future!" Hong Chengchou hurriedly cupped his fists at Zhou Laoliu, and promised in a low voice.

Hong Chengchou felt extremely bitter in his heart, and with Zhou Laoliu's current status in the imperial court, it was just a defense.

But he is the generalissimo of the soldiers and horses, even if the chief soldier meets him, he has to salute him.

But now, not only did he have to be respectful, but he even had to keep his voice low.

But this is something that can’t be helped. Now the situation is stronger than people, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Okay, you don't have to be loyal to me, you have to be loyal to the commander-in-chief. How about this, I will send you to Xuanzhen in a few days. It is useless for you to stay in Chang'an. After you go to Xuanzhen , See what arrangements Mr. Liu Wenzhong Liu has for you.

Mr. General Soldier is not in Xuanzhen now, and Mr. Liu left an order before he left. Everything is subject to Mr. Liu Wenzhong. " Zhou Laoliu said.

"Liu Wenzhong? Who is he? Such a high status in Xuan Town? How can he be valued so much by the Chief Soldier?"

Who the hell is this Liu Wenzhong, who is so valued by Zhao Wen? After he left Xuanzhen, he actually handed over all the affairs of Xuanzhen to this Liu Wenzhong.

This kind of thing is not something anyone can do.

Now that Zhao Wen has surrendered, there are some things that need to be clarified first to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future.

Zhou Laoliu explained: "Let's put it this way, this Mr. Liu was the first literati who took refuge in Mr. Zongbing, and he was only a little later than me in the time of refuge.

Furthermore, Lord Zong Bing's official wife, also our mistress, is Liu Wenzhong's adopted daughter.

And the mistress also gave birth to a son for Mr. Zongbing, who is estimated to be seven or eight months old now.Do you think Mr. Liu can't be valued by Mr. Zongbing?
In fact, the reason why Mr. Liu is valued by Mr. Zongbing is not only because of this matter, Mr. Liu's ability is not small.Every time the commander-in-chief goes out on business, he can always manage the entire Xuan Town in an orderly manner, which is not acceptable at all! "

Hong Chengchou was surprised when he heard Zhou Laoliu's explanation, "I didn't expect that Liu Wenzhong's background was so deep, he turned out to be the adoptive father of Zhao Wenzheng's wife, and his adoptive daughter even gave birth to a son for Zhao Wen.

No wonder Zhao Wenneng entrusted him with the affairs of Xuanzhen. It seems that this Liu Wenzhong is Zhao Wen's hard-core confidant. If he wants to gain a foothold in Xuanzhen, he must first establish a good relationship with this Liu Wenzhong. "

Hong Chengchou made up his mind that as soon as he arrived in Xuanzhen, he must first establish a good relationship with this Liu Wenzhong, otherwise, there would be no good fruit to eat.

"Then does this Liu Wenzhong have any hobbies? Or what does he like to do?" Hong Chengchou asked nonchalantly.

Zhou Lao Liu chuckled, and instantly understood Hong Chengchou's thoughts.

It's nothing more than trying to please Liu Wenzhong by doing what he likes.

"I really don't know what you're talking about. Although I followed Lord Zongbing very early, I didn't stay with him for long. I was sent to Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi a long time ago. I don't know many things." Zhou Laoliu said slowly, slapping the barrel of the cannon howitzer in front of him.

Hong Chengchou was taken aback, "Shanxi Pingyang Mansion? What's going on here?"

Hong Chengchou didn't know that Zhao Wen also sent people to occupy Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi, so he was a little confused when he heard Zhou Laoliu mentioning Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi.

Looking at the bewildered Hong Chengchou, Zhou Laoliu was not hiding anything, "Forget it, you have surrendered to us now, and there are some things that should be known to you. Anyway, this matter can be regarded as a death penalty in Xuan Town." well-known things.

A long time ago, the Chief Soldier was just guarding Longmen Fort. At that time, the Chief Soldier sent me and a group of brothers to Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi.

I have led the people to run Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi for several years. I dare not say that I have managed Pingyang Mansion as a monolith, but it can be said that I have firmly held Pingyang Mansion in my hands. "

Hong Chengchou looked at Zhou Laoliu as if he didn't seem to be lying. Although he was calm on the surface, there was a huge wave in his heart.

Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi has been in operation since the time when Longmenbao was guarding. At that time, it was the second year of Chongzhen, that is to say, Zhao Wen had already turned his back five or six years ago.Since then, the rebellion has been planned.

Hong Chengchou was agitated, and the hairs on his body were counted down. If it was true as he said, then this Zhao Wen was really terrifying.

"Okay, I'll just say so much first, let's go back first, there will be something for you to do later."

Zhou Laoliu clapped his palms, took the reins of the horse from the hand of the guard behind him, then got on the horse and headed towards the city of Chang'an.

Hong Chengchou also hurriedly stepped on his horse and chased after Zhou Laoliu.

At the same time, more than a dozen fast horses galloped across the ground, and about three or four miles behind these people, there was a group of cavalry from Chang'an, armed with live ammunition, who kept chasing them.

Among the fleeing cavalry, there was a young general in silver-white armor with a panicked face. He turned his head from time to time and looked behind.

The armor on this man is not someone else's, it is the armor on Wu Sangui.

Although the armor belonged to Wu Sangui, this man's appearance has nothing to do with Wu Sangui.

This person is wearing Wu Sangui's armor, the servant who led away the pursuers for Wu Sangui.

In addition to wearing Wu Sangui's armor, there is also a servant wearing Wu Xiang's armor.

In the previous time, Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang had no choice but to exchange their own armor with those of their servants in order to avoid being chased by the cavalry in Chang'an, while they wore the armor of ordinary soldiers and pretended to distract the pursuers. Fleeing in another direction with five or six servants.

The main targets of the Changan cavalry chasing after Wu Sangui were Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang, and these cavalry had never seen Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang, so when Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang were wearing ordinary soldier armor to distract them, they didn't even look at them , let Wu Sangui go.

After all, compared with the captives Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang, a few dispensable minions were really not of interest to them.

At this time, Wu Sangui was wearing the armor of an ordinary soldier, riding on a war horse, and galloped towards the capital.

Beside him is his father Wu Xiang.

Now there are only less than five or six of them left. Originally, they had gathered three or four hundred cavalrymen of the Guanning Army.

However, under the constant pursuit and killing of the cavalry in Chang'an, these cavalry gathered wave after wave to lure the pursuers away, and in the end there were only a few around them.

"Gui'er, have you seen Lord Hong before?" Wu Xiang followed closely beside Wu Sangui, and he shouted at Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui replied: "According to what the cavalrymen gathered before, Master Hong seems to have been captured by the rebels. Now it is estimated that there is more danger than good luck, and he may have died for his country!"

When Zhou Laoliu captured Hong Chengchou, he was seen by some defeated Guan Ning troops, and some of these defeated Guan Ning troops fled, and were finally gathered by Wu Sangui.

The Guan Ning army gathered by Wu Sangui told Wu Sangui the news.

Wu Xiang sighed, "Ah, according to the character of the rebels, I'm afraid Mr. Hong will be more dangerous than good."

"Father, now is not the time to talk about this, let's hurry up and run now!" Wu Sangui flicked the whip in his hand, once again speeding up the horse a lot.


The next morning, seven or eight war horses appeared on the outskirts of the capital.

The moment they appeared, the defenders in the capital noticed them.

"Someone came from the west on a war horse, and the number is about seven or eight!"

Soldiers standing on the watchtower of the city wall were the first to spot them.

Following the shouts of the soldiers on the watchtower, the soldiers guarding the city suddenly became tense.

The seven or eight war horses that appeared were none other than Wu Sangui, Wu Xiang and others.

"We are the Guan Ning Army, and this is our identity token!" About a mile in front of Wu Xiang's city gate, he jumped off his horse and took out his identity token.

At this time, a hundred households rushed to Wu Xiang with their subordinates.

"It turned out to be Liaodong General Soldier Wu Xiang and Wu General Soldier. Didn't you follow Lord Hong to Xuanzhen to attack the rebels? Why did you come back suddenly?"

The hundred households returned Wu Xiang's identity badge to Wu Xiang, seeing Wu Xiang's downcast look, looked at Wu Xiang with doubts on his face.

Now Wu Xiang is in a state of desperation, his face is full of fatigue, his helmet is lost somewhere, his hair is gray, and the armor on his body is also the armor of ordinary soldiers.

Wu Xiang let out a long breath, "It's hard to explain this matter, please disperse the people at the gate of the city, I have a serious military situation to meet the emperor."

Baihu nodded, "In that case, I will disperse the people at the gate of the city according to the command of the commander-in-chief."

After speaking, Baihu led his men and horses towards the gate of the city, and began to disperse the people coming in and out of the gate.

After the people were dispersed, Wu Xiang got on his horse again and led the rest of the people into the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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