Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 416 Preparing to Send Surrendered Officials to Japan

Chapter 416 Preparing to Send Surrendered Officials to Japan
After Sun Chuanting got the newspaper, he went back to the hotel room by himself.

Because he has only been in the capital for a short time, Sun Chuanting has not found his place yet.

Sun Chuanting sat at the table in the center of his room and put all the newspapers in the cloth bag on the table.

On one side of the newspaper were several sheets of rice paper, pens and ink.

Sun Chuanting picked up a newspaper, frowned and read it carefully.

When the sun rose the next day, Sun Chuanting walked out of his room with a pair of huge dark circles under his eyes.

After a night of research, Sun Chuanting seems to have found the secret of Zhao Wen's rise.It's just that Sun Chuanting felt that there was something he hadn't grasped, and he vaguely felt that this thing was very important to him.

But what exactly it was, Sun Chuanting couldn't remember for a while.

After walking out of the door of the room, Sun Chuanting found his housekeeper.

"How do the houses in the capital look? It's not the same thing to live here all the time." Sun Chuanting said in a deep voice.

The housekeeper hurriedly replied: "Go back to the master, I have almost found it, and now the house is being cleaned up, and it is estimated that I will be able to live in it in a few days."

Sun Chuanting nodded, then walked outside with his hands behind his back.

Sun Chuanting has a habit, that is, whenever he encounters any difficulties, he will take a break and let his mind relax first.

A tense mind doesn't help much in solving the problem.

At the same time, Zhao Wen has also pacified the entire Taiyuan Mansion.

It's just that the only fly in the ointment is that the governor of Shanxi was not caught and he ran away.

But this is nothing, after all, Jin Wang's family was caught by him.

"My lord, now that Taiyuan Mansion has been completely taken down, and the routs in the city have been cleaned up, what should we do now?" Zhao Wen sat on the throne in the main hall of King Jin's Mansion, and Li Xiaosan stood in the center of the main hall, watching To Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wendao: "Since that's the case, then we can't waste any more time here. Let's take a rest today and go south tomorrow."

Li Xiaosan clasped his fists at Zhao Wen and was about to turn around and leave.

The moment he turned around, Li Xiaosan seemed to think of something, he turned his head again, looked at Zhao Wen, "My lord, what should we do with the officials who surrendered in the city?

There are quite a few of these officials. In addition to the chief envoy of Shanxi, there are also officials such as the inspector, the prefect of Taiyuan, etc. The number of these officials who surrendered is quite large. "

When Zhao Wen's subordinates took Taiyuan Mansion completely, many officials in Taiyuan Mansion saw that the situation was over, and most of them surrendered cleanly.

Although there were still a small number of officials who vowed not to surrender, they were also captured under the attack of Xuanzhen soldiers.

The number of these officials added up is not small.After all, Taiyuan Prefecture is the provincial capital of Shanxi, so there are many officials here.

Li Xiaosan's question stumped Zhao Wen. These civil servants were basically people who couldn't lift their hands or shoulders. If they were asked to build the railway, even if they were exhausted, they would not be able to exert much effort.

Obviously, it is not suitable for these civil servants to repair the railway.

But it wouldn't be appropriate if these civil servants were clicked.After all, they came here to surrender, and I just clicked these people, who will surrender in the future?

Zhao Wen still understands the reason why a thousand pieces of gold buys a horse bone.

Although no one in the whole world can stop my weapon, I try not to use it as much as possible. After all, I have beaten the city to pieces, and I have to spend money to repair it in the end.

But it's not appropriate to just let them go.Most of these civil servants are trash, and there are more than half of the reasons for the entire Ming Dynasty to fall into this state.Letting them go like this, Zhao Wen was really upset.

"These civil servants can't be killed, but I just let them go like this, I'm really upset.

Let's do this, send them out, these people are not very talkative, I think it's better to let them go to Japan. "

After much deliberation, Zhao Wensi finally came up with such a solution.

A long time ago, Zhao Wen gave Sakata Arui a team, and from the beginning until now, news has been coming back.

Today's Sakata Arui is also a well-known and tyrannical party in the Japanese country. With the manpower provided by Zhao Wen, Sakata Arui quickly conquered many places.

It's just that because of the lack of reasons for governing local officials, although these places were taken down by Sakata Arui, they did not really start to govern.

After all, the people assigned to Sakata Arui were soldiers. Although there were some counselors, the number was too small. Besides, these counselors had to manage the army and had no time to govern the local area.

Governing a place is not as simple as fighting and killing. It is not enough to rely on force to make the people on the captured land productive, make them pay taxes, and assimilate them.

With Zhao Wen's support, Sakata Arii attacked the city very quickly.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no one to govern the place, I'm afraid Sakata Arui would have attacked the city even faster.

Before Zhao Wen set off from Xuanzhen, Sakata Arii wrote to ask Zhao Wen to assign him some civil servants who could govern the place.

But because Zhao Wen was going to fight at that time, and because Zhao Wen didn't have many literati in his hands now, and Zeelandia City and Java also needed manpower, how could he spare manpower to send to Japan?
Therefore, this matter was shelved by Zhao Wen.

Now that Li Xiaosan asked how to deal with these officials who surrendered, Zhao Wen couldn't help thinking of the letter from Sakata Arii.

The students cultivated by the university must be given priority to Daming, and Zhao Wenke is reluctant to send the students he has cultivated with great difficulty to these places.

Besides, with the expansion of the territory, the demand for these students is also increasing.Now the number of these students trained in the university is enough to govern Shanxi, let alone send them to Japan.

But it is different now. As Zhao Wen continued to attack the city and seize territory, the number of civilian officials captured has also increased.

Although many of these civil servants are governed by Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, there is nothing outstanding, but what Zhao Wen wants is Xiao Gui and Cao Sui.

Let these civil servants build the basic framework for local governance first, and then deal with these matters after capturing the entire Ming Dynasty.

After all, the Wa country is only that big, the population is not very large, and it is convenient to govern.

Even if these civil servants are useless, these civil officials are all Confucian children after all, and those who can be admitted to Jinshi must have deep research on Confucian culture, and they are even more familiar with Confucian culture.

Let these civil officials go to the Japanese country to teach the Confucian culture to those Japanese people, let them speak Chinese, but it is possible to write Chinese characters.

Officials who are not good at governing the local area, then let you teach, at least teaching is no problem.He has taught books in the country of Japan for more than ten years, and strives to completely integrate the country of Japan with Confucian culture.

In fact, Japan also belongs to the Confucian cultural circle, and it is relatively easy to assimilate.

Confucian culture does not seem to be offensive, but if it is about integration, I am afraid that there should not be many in this world that can compare with Confucian culture.

What's more, not all civil servants are waste, and there must be civil servants who can govern the place.

Pick out officials who can govern the local area from the inside, and with some manpower, you can also govern the Wa country.

As for those outstanding officials, such as Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng, as long as they surrender, they can also be allowed to govern the local area.

After all, relying on university training alone is not enough in terms of speed and time.

In the future, more and more civil servants will be captured, and more and more territories will be opened up overseas.

It is simply not enough to rely on the students trained by the university.

These civil servants who surrendered can just fill this vacancy.

"My lord, send them to the country of Wa? Is this okay? I'm afraid these civil servants will not agree? These civil servants regard the overseas land as a barren land, and each of them is very taboo. Let them go to the country of Wa. I am afraid that these people will resist. "Li Xiaosan looked at Zhao Wen with some hesitation.

Although the civil servants of this era are unbearable, they look down on overseas places in their bones.When facing overseas, I am full of pride in my bones.

In their hearts, our territory is the best and the most civilized.No matter how miserable our people are, they are better than those barbarians overseas.

No matter how good overseas places are, they are just wild places.

In their view, the land of China is the best place in the world, and these dynasties in China are the Kingdom of Heaven.

For people like them, going overseas means going to die.

Zhao Wen sneered and said, "Tell them that there are only two ways to go, one is to die, and the other is to go to Japan.

Of course, it doesn't mean they won't be allowed to come back.You tell them that if they do well in Wa country, there is no hope of returning in the future.

And when he comes back, he might be promoted.By the way, by the way, those officials who are clean and honest and deeply loved by the people are picked out. It is a pity to send these people to the Wa country. "

"Obey!" Li Xiaosan didn't ask any more questions when he heard this, and retreated out as soon as he cupped his fists at Zhao Wen.


"Trash, what a rubbish, Hong Chengchou wiped out the [-] army, and this trash Wu Sheng lost the Taiyuan Mansion, and let the rebels capture King Jin's lineage!"

Chongzhen slammed a military newspaper on the ground, and at the same time stretched out his feet and stepped on the military newspaper non-stop.

After Wu Xuan and Li Tianhe escaped from Taiyuan Mansion, they came to Qi County, which had not been captured by Zhao Wen.

When they came to Qi County, without saying a word, they wrote a military report and sent it to the capital through eight hundred miles.

Originally, Li Tianhe wanted to postpone the delivery, but was blocked by Wu Yan. After all, this kind of thing cannot be hidden, and the court will know sooner or later.

Rather than doing this, it is better to report to the general early, so that the court can make plans early.

After the general sent out the report, Wu Tong asked the magistrate of Qi County to transfer all the guards in Qi County, and at the same time recruit young and strong people in the city.

After getting these people into their hands, Wu Tong and Li Tianhe took these people and ran to the south.

Wu Xuan knew that relying on a small Qi County alone would not be able to stop Zhao Wen's footsteps.

Instead of letting these soldiers be defeated by Zhao Wen in vain, it is better to lead them to follow what Li Tianhe and Chen Dehai said before, and run to Taihang Mountain to form a defense line to prevent Zhao Wen from going south.

It wasn't just the troops from Qi County, Wu Tong also planned to take all the guards in the south of Taiyuan Mansion with him.

Chongzhen walked back and forth in the imperial study with an angry expression on his face.

The eunuchs serving Chongzhen in the imperial study all lowered their heads, for fear of offending Chongzhen at this time.

"Damn it, really damn it. Taiyuan Mansion is an important town in Shanxi. If Taiyuan Mansion is lost, the whole of Shanxi will be safe. When Zhao bandits sweep south, once Shanxi falls into his pocket, Shaanxi and Henan will be in jeopardy."

When Chongzhen thought that after Zhao Wen captured Shanxi, he would march to Shaanxi or Henan, and he became extremely irritable.

(End of this chapter)

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