Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 417 Sun Chuanting meets Chongzhen

Chapter 417 Sun Chuanting meets Chongzhen

Chongzhen walked back and forth in the imperial study with an impatient face, Taiyuan Mansion fell, and Hong Chengchou's [-] army was gone. Who in the whole Ming Dynasty can control the Zhao thief?

"Come here, let the elders of the cabinet and the six ministers come to the imperial study to discuss matters."

Although Chongzhen knew that these people might not be able to tell why, but there was nothing he could do now.

As the saying goes, when everyone gathers firewood, the fire burns high. What if someone can come up with a solution?

At the same time, Sun Chuanting was sitting in the study of the inn, sorting out the information he got from the newspaper.

At this moment, his butler rushed in from the outside in a panic without even knocking on the door.

Sun Chuanting put down the brush in his hand, looked at the housekeeper, and frowned, "Why are you in such a panic?"

"My lord, it's not good, it's not good. Just now, someone from the yamen of the Ministry of War reported that Taiyuan Mansion has fallen. The rebel army will soon go south, and it won't be long before the whole of Shanxi will be occupied by the rebel army!" The butler said to Sun Chuanting in a panic.

Sun Chuanting slapped the table, stood up suddenly, and looked at the butler in shock, "What? Taiyuan Mansion has fallen?"

"That's right, Taiyuan Mansion fell, all the defenders in Taiyuan Mansion were defeated, very few soldiers were able to escape, and King Jin's lineage was also captured, and now Taiyuan Mansion has fallen into the hands of bandits Zhao.

Judging by Zhao thief's posture, I am afraid that it will not take long for the whole of Shanxi to disappear.All these things are being discussed in the capital now. Coupled with the defeat of Hong Chengchou's [-] army, the people in the capital are panicking. Even some wealthy households have started to pack their luggage and prepare to flee south! "

The butler wiped the sweat from his head from running non-stop, and hurriedly told Sun Chuanting what he had heard.

Sun Chuanting suddenly became nervous, he walked back and forth in the room, "Taiyuan Mansion is gone, and the whole of Shanxi will be gone soon.

At that time, the rebels can attack the Central Plains in the south, Shaanxi in the west, and Beizhili in the east.

With the strength of the rebels, these three places can be easily taken by the rebels.

If Xi'an or Luoyang were captured by the rebels, and if thief Zhao took advantage of the situation to ascend to the throne at this time, the nature would change! "

Sun Chuanting also understood in his heart that the current Zhao Wen seemed to be powerful, and his momentum was indistinguishable for a while.

But to the whole world, they still exist like bandits and thieves.

But if these two places are taken down, then thief Zhao can use these two places to establish a country and establish a dynasty, and the nature will be different at that time.

These two places have been the capitals of emperors since ancient times, and at least there is no difference in legal principles in establishing a country in these two places.

At that time, the minds of the whole world will change, and I am afraid that the court will not be able to suppress it anymore.

"What should we do now? These places must not be taken by the rebels, but now there is no army in Daming that can stop the rebels. Are we going to watch the rebels attack the city?"

Sun Chuanting became anxious all of a sudden, he looked at more than half of the memorials written on the table.

At this time, he didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly rolled up the half-written memorial on the table, and hurried outside.

"Where are you going, Master?" The housekeeper hurriedly followed behind Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting said in a deep voice: "Prepare the car and go to the official office!"

"Yes!" The butler clasped his fists at Sun Chuanting, and hurriedly made arrangements.

Not long after, Sun Chuanting came to the gate of the official office in a carriage.

As soon as he jumped off the carriage, the guards at the gate of the official office rushed over.

"The yamen is an important place, and it is forbidden for idlers to enter and leave."

Sun Chuanting looked at the guards surrounding him, and said in a deep voice, "I am Sun Chuanting of Daizhou. I used to be the doctor of the Ministry of Officials, Ji Xun, and the Secretary of the Qing Dynasty. Now I have something to ask the Minister of the Ministry of Officials!"

"Shang Shu is not here, and the emperor has gone to the palace to meet you. You should leave first." The guard gradually softened his face when he heard that Sun Chuanting had served as an official in the Ministry of Officials.

"When did Master Shangshu leave? How long has he been away?" Sun Chuanting asked hastily.

Although Sun Chuanting wanted to go directly to Chongzhen with what he had written, it was simply impossible.

Now Sun Chuanting is just a white man, without even an official position, and it is simply impossible to get to see Chongzhen.

In the past, Sun Chuanting was a doctor of Jixun Qingli Division of the Ministry of Officials, so he wanted Li Changgeng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, to send the things he wrote to Chongzhen.

Originally, Sun Chuanting planned to send these things after writing them, but now Sun Chuanting couldn't wait any longer.

"Master Shang Shu has been away for almost half an hour, and he should be back soon after thinking about it."

The guard at the gate of the official office looked at the sky, made some calculations in his mind, and said to Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting nodded and said, "Then I will wait here now."

As soon as Sun Chuanting finished speaking, he took the housekeeper to the big tree not far from the gate of the official office and waited quietly.

The hard work paid off, Sun Chuanting waited for about half an hour, and Li Changgeng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, finally came back in a sedan chair.

Seeing this, Sun Chuanting rushed forward with his memorial.

"I have seen Master Shang Shu!"

Just as Li Changgeng stepped out of the sedan chair, Sun Chuanting stood in front of Li Changgeng and greeted him respectfully.

Li Changgeng was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Officials in the fifth year of Chongzhen, and Sun Chuanting was abstained from the Ministry of Officials and returned to his hometown in the second year of Tianqi. Get to know Sun Chuanting.

"Before I came down, it was Sun Chuanting, Ji Xun and the official secretary of the Ministry of Officials!" Sun Chuanting arched his hands and said.

When Li Changgeng heard this, he suddenly realized: "You are the old Sun Chuanting who abandoned his official position and returned to his hometown because he was dissatisfied with Wei Zhongxian's dictatorship?"

Although Li Changgeng didn't know Sun Chuanting, he had heard of Sun Chuanting's deeds.

In the era when Wei Zhongxian controlled the government, any official who abandoned his official position and returned to his hometown would be labeled as a non-conformist and upright, and would be praised by all officials.

Although at that time Sun Chuanting was only a fifth-rank Jixun Qinglisi Langzhong, his deeds were still well known by many people, and Li Changgeng had just heard of Sun Chuanting's deeds.

Sun Chuanting said modestly: "It doesn't matter if you don't mention the things back then, it's all in the past. At that time, Wei Zhongxian covered the sky with one hand. I really couldn't understand him, so I abandoned my official position and returned to my hometown."

"Now that Wei Zhongxian is gone, don't you want to contribute to the imperial court? Now that the imperial court has encountered difficulties, it is precisely people like you that are needed." Li Changgeng said calmly.

Sun Chuanting said: "I am here today to share the concerns of the imperial court. This is something I wrote during this period of time. Please read it, Lord Shangshu!"

Li Changgeng looked at the things Sun Chuanting handed over, and couldn't help being a little taken aback.

What I said just now was just to be polite to him, but who would have thought that he would actually climb up the pole, which is really a shame.

Unexpectedly, Sun Chuanting was also a person who was keen on official positions.

Li Changgeng sighed slightly, he looked at Sun Chuanting's sincere eyes, and he didn't want to tear his face directly.

He took the memorial written by Sun Chuanting from Sun Chuanting's hand and read it carefully.

It sounds like a memorial, but it doesn't look like a memorial.

It's just seven or eight sheets of rice paper stapled together, without a cover.

Li Changgeng looked at Sun Chuanting's memorial, shook his head slightly, and then read it.

After reading the first one, Li Changgeng looked at Sun Chuanting in shock, "You wrote this?"

Sun Chuanting nodded, "That's right, this is exactly what I wrote. My hometown is in Daizhou, not far from Xuanzhen, so I am quite familiar with some things in Xuanzhen.

In addition, when the rebels captured Daizhou City before, I also met the rebels, so it can be said that I have fought against the rebels. "

"Follow me!" Li Changgeng put away Sun Chuanting's memorial with a serious face, whispered to Sun Chuanting, and then walked towards the official office.

Sun Chuanting tidied up his clothes and followed.

Not long after, Li Changgeng sat in his classroom, and he put the official hat on his head on the table.

After sitting down, Li Changgeng looked at Sun Chuanting's memorial seriously.

Sun Chuanting stood in front of Li Changgeng, waiting quietly.

After about a quarter of an hour, Li Changgeng put down the memorial in his hand.

"Your memorial is not bad. It tells how the Zhao bandits rose up and how Xuanzhen grew stronger. But I think your memorial is not finished. About how the court dealt with Zhao bandits, you only said half of it. "

Li Changgeng pointed to the memorial on the table and looked at Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting said seriously: "My lord, I originally planned to hand in all these contents tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but today I heard that Taiyuan Mansion was captured by rebels, so I couldn't wait."

"How long will it take you to finish writing the rest?" Li Changgeng asked.

Sun Chuanting thought about it for a while, and said, "One and a half hours is enough!"

"Okay, okay, in this case, I will give up my place to you, and you hurry up and write the rest.

After finishing writing, I will personally take you to meet the Holy Majesty.In the past few days, the Holy Majesty has issued a death order to us officials, asking us to think of a way to deal with Zhao Bandit, but you also know that my governance of officials is not bad, so it is really difficult for me to find a way to deal with Zhao Bandit.

So, your stuff is just in time for me.Not only for me, but also for the Holy Majesty and the court, it is timely rain. "

After speaking, Li Changgeng stood up from his chair, asked Sun Chuanting to sit on it, and at the same time asked someone to grind ink for Sun Chuanting.

And Li Changgeng sat quietly opposite Sun Chuanting, closing his eyes and meditating.

An hour and a half later, the sky had begun to darken at this time, and candles were lit in the room.

Sun Chuanting put down the brush in his hand, moved his sore wrist, "My lord, it's done!"

Li Changgeng opened his eyes, and a gleam shot out of them.

He hurriedly picked up the memorial written by Sun Chuanting on the table and read it carefully.

After a while, Li Changgeng burst out laughing, "Okay, yes, yes, you follow me to meet the Holy One now."

Although Li Changgeng didn't quite understand Sun Chuanting's method of dealing with Zhao Wen, he had a vague feeling that this method was definitely possible.

Sun Chuanting pointed to the sky outside the door, "It's already dark now, I'm afraid the palace gates are locked at this time, right?"

"No, there is a decree from the Holy Spirit these days. As long as it is related to the suppression of the rebels, you can enter the palace at any time. You can pack up now and follow me into the palace."

"it is good!"

Not long after, Sun Chuanting followed Li Changgeng into the imperial study.

At this time, Chongzhen was sitting behind the imperial case and immersed himself in correcting the memorial. When Li Changgeng walked in, he put down the brush in his hand and looked at Li Changgeng, "The person who heard the report just now said that Li Aiqing has already figured out a plan to deal with Zhao thief. Way, is this true?"

Li Changgeng and Sun Chuanting first kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to Chongzhen, and then stood in the middle of the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, I didn't come up with this method."

Li Changgeng was a man of integrity and toughness in history, he did not cultivate party members, he dared to speak and act.

It is for this reason that Li Changgeng did not take the credit of Sun Chuanting for himself.

Li Changgeng pointed to Sun Chuanting who was standing beside him, "Return to Your Majesty, this is the one who thought it up."

Chongzhen looked at the talented Sun Chuanting, and couldn't help but believe it. He looked at Sun Chuanting, "You really came up with this method?"

In history, President Sun Chuan was indeed a talented person.

Later generations are an era of looking at faces, and ancient times are also an era of looking at faces.If you are ugly, you will be labeled as a person who does not look like a minister, or a villain with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and so on.

Most of the officials who were able to become high officials in ancient times had one thing in common, that is, they were not bad in appearance.

Sun Chuanting once again bowed three times to Chongzhen, "Caomin is Sun Chuanting of Daizhou. He used to be the doctor of Jixun Qingli of the Ministry of Officials. In the second year of Tianqi, because he was dissatisfied with Wei Zhongxian's dictatorship, he abandoned his official position and returned to his hometown."

"I didn't expect him to be a man of integrity." Hearing this, Chong Zhen kept nodding with a smile on his face.

When Chongzhen was still the king of Xin, he was often angry with Wei Zhongxian, and now he heard that Sun Chuanting was also angry with Wei Zhongxian, and he immediately had a good impression of Sun Chuanting in his heart.

"What is your solution? Tell me!" Chongzhen leaned forward and looked at Sun Chuanting.

Li Changgeng took out a stack of unorthodox memorials from his sleeve, "Your Majesty, this is his method!"

With that said, Li Changgeng handed the stack of memorials to Gao Qiqian who walked down from Chongzhen's side.

After Chongzhen got the memorial, he read it seriously.

The whole imperial study became quiet, except for the sound of Chongzhen turning pages, there was no other sound.

When Chongzhen watched half of it, he looked at Sun Chuanting excitedly, "It hits the nail on the head, it hits the nail on the head, it really hits the nail on the head.

I used to wonder how this thief Zhao grew to this point in such a short period of time. I asked the entire court, but no one could explain why. I didn't expect you to sum it up today. "

(End of this chapter)

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