Chapter 418 The Scared Chongzhen
"Your Majesty, Caomin's hometown is in Daizhou, not far from Xuanzhen, and you can hear some things about Xuanzhen on weekdays.

Moreover, the grassroots will also collect the newspapers issued every issue of Xuanzhen and study them carefully.In Caomin's view, the reason why Xuanzhen can grow so powerfully in such a short period of time is nothing more than one thing. "

When Sun Chuanting said this, he stopped and made a fool of himself.

Chongzhen hurriedly asked: "What? Can you manage Xuanzhen into what it is now in just a few years?"

Sun Chuanting went on to say: "Actually, this thing is order. Thieves Zhao rebuilt a set of order in Xuanzhen that is completely different from that of Daming.

These things are all written in the memorial, and please read it further, Your Majesty. "

Chongzhen nodded, stopped talking, and then looked.

Two or three quarters of an hour later, Chongzhen put down the memorial in his hand, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with some helplessness: "The reason why Zhao thief can grow to this stage is that it should be similar to what you wrote in the memorial."

Sun Chuanting said in the memorial that the reason Zhao Wen was able to grow to this point in just a few years was precisely because Zhao Wen rebuilt a completely different order in Xuanzhen from that of Ming Dynasty.

What is the current order of Ming Dynasty?The current order is that gentry do not pay taxes, merchants do not pay taxes, and officials and gentry collude with each other to exploit the common people.

In addition to these two, there is honor.These nobles are almost all families that have been passed down for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, they have continuously merged land, causing a large number of people to lose their land.

People without land either become tenants of these people, or become beggars on the streets, or become refugees.

The reason why the imperial court's annual tax revenue continues to decline is not because the population is decreasing.On the contrary, from the founding of the country to the present, the number of people has been continuously increasing.

But why the number of people has been increasing, but the tax revenue is getting less and less?That's because although the number of common people is increasing, these extra common people are not the common people of the imperial court, but the common people of gentry, honorable and powerful.

The food produced and grown by these common people has nothing to do with the imperial court, and it is all handed over to the gentry and nobles.

The gentry and nobles do not pay taxes, so the taxes handed over to the court will be less and less.

Today, the business in the southeast is developed, which is countless times more developed than when the country was founded. Unfortunately, these merchants never pay taxes. This has caused the merchants to gradually become richer and richer, while the court has become poorer and poorer.

These people are like vampires, lying on Daming's body and sucking blood continuously.

Nowadays, the tax revenue of the imperial court is basically supported by the taxes paid by those self-cultivating farmers, but the number of these self-cultivating farmers is not unlimited.

Sooner or later, these self-cultivating farmers will be swallowed up by the gentry and nobles. In addition to the continuous natural disasters, the grain production of the self-cultivating farmers is also decreasing year by year. Sooner or later, the self-cultivating farmers will die out.

At that time, where should the court's taxes be collected?
But Xuanzhen is different. Taxes in Xuanzhen are not only paid by the farmers, but from the bottom to the top, from ordinary people to Zhao Wen, no matter who you are or what your status is, everyone has to pay taxes.

For tax purposes, Zhao Wen even set up a tax collection agency.

In Xuan Town, if you refuse to pay taxes, it is a very serious matter.

According to the regulations of Xuanzhen, those who fail to pay taxes due to some force majeure reasons can be postponed for three to ten months.

If you refuse to pay taxes, once you are found out, you will be fined by the tax collectors. If you refuse to pay taxes for the first time, and have a bad attitude, you will be fined three times the tax amount you paid this time.

If you refuse to pay the tax for the second time, you will be fined six times the tax amount paid this time.

The third time is nine times. If you refuse to pay taxes three times in a row, you will be caught in prison.

If you refuse to pay even the fine, the tax collector will warn you three times. If you still don’t pay within three times, you will be arrested directly in prison, the property will be liquidated, and the tax amount will be made up.

All in all, no one in Xuanzhen can escape the problem of paying taxes.

In addition to the above reasons, there are also military reasons.

Why is Zhao Wen's army invincible?Is it just because Zhao Wen's weapon is fierce?It is undeniable that a large part of the reason why Zhao Wen's army is powerful is because of his weapons.

But other than that, it also depends on the order of Zhao Wen's army.

Zhao Wen's army clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, credit is credit, and mistakes are mistakes.

Those who made military achievements were rewarded, and those who made mistakes were punished.In addition to a set of strict and orderly rewards and punishments, why worry about the army not being able to make meritorious service?
Moreover, the living standards of soldiers in the army are also very high, as can be seen from the procurement information published by the army in newspapers alone.

Needless to say, daily food such as rice noodles and oil, the demand for all kinds of meat is very large.One leaf knows the autumn, just from these procurement information, it can be seen that the living standard of soldiers in Xuanzhen is very high.

Not only these, in Zhao Wen's army, there are also counselors.

The counselor system is not a secret thing in Xuanzhen. I dare not say that everyone knows about it, but there are quite a few people who know it. There have also been information about the recruitment of counselors in the newspapers.

Although at the beginning, Sun Chuanting didn't know what the counselor was doing when he learned about the position of the military counselor, but after thinking about it, rummaging through newspapers and talking with others, Sun Chuanting finally understood what the counselor was. what is it.

To put it bluntly, this counselor is similar to Daming's guarding eunuch, but it is not the same as this guarding eunuch.

Although guarding eunuchs also have the duty of monitoring generals and preventing generals from committing misconduct, there are only a small number of guarding eunuchs, and guarding eunuchs are generally at the level of the commander-in-chief, who specialize in monitoring the commander-in-chief.

However, the counselor Zhao Wen set up is spread all over the army, except for the smallest flag, there are others at all levels, and they are basically scholars.

Counselors and military officers at all levels belong to the same level and are managed by different organizations.

Counselors are managed by the counselor's room set up by Zhao Wen, and officers are managed by the military room set up by Zhao Wen.There is no question of who is older and who is younger between the officer and the counselor, they are all at the same level.

Among them, officers are in charge of military warfare, and counselors are in charge of formulating marching plans, logistical support, and ideological issues of soldiers.

If the officer has the intention of treason, the counselor can directly arrest the officer without reporting.

Similarly, if the counselor has the intention of treason, the officer can also directly arrest him.

The two cooperate with each other and contain each other, which can effectively prevent the army from becoming the private army of a certain officer.

Under the counselor system, even if Zhao Wen didn't care about anything, he could hold the army firmly in his hands.

Strict reward and punishment measures coupled with the counselor system, why worry about the army not winning the battle?
On the other hand, in Ming Dynasty, the army is basically controlled by some big and small military leaders. The emperor's orders are not as effective as these military leaders in the army, and the soldiers in the army are miserable. How can such an army win battles?
In addition to these, Zhao Wen also encouraged business in Xuan Town, and treated businessmen very well.

The merchants of Ming Dynasty are merchants, but they are basically gentry wearing merchant's skin.

Without the escort at the official level, it is simply impossible for a businessman to make money.

But in Xuan Town, a businessman is a businessman. If an official dares to investigate the businessman's affairs, the consequences will be very serious.

Sun Chuanting remembered that there was such a news published in a newspaper, saying that there was an official in Xuan Town who said he was not too big, but he was not too small. The younger brother of this official was a businessman.

In order to seek more benefits for his younger brother, this official used his power to continuously suppress his younger brother's competitors.

In this way, his brother's business grew bigger and bigger in Xuanzhen.

However, when the incident was exposed by the victim, Zhao Wen had the official arrested without saying a word.

After a rigorous interrogation, the official finally confessed to his crimes.

As a result, the official was sentenced to death, his brother was also sentenced to more than ten years in prison, and all the property of him and his brother's family was confiscated.

At that time, Sun Chuanting thought that Zhao Wen was making a fuss out of a molehill, but now, Sun Chuanting finally understood that only violence can deter some people's dirty desires.

In Xuan Town, such things are strictly prohibited, as long as they are found together, they will be dealt with without mercy.

But in Daming, such a thing is just an ordinary thing that cannot be more ordinary.

These days, if an ordinary businessman does not have officials to escort him, no matter how much he earns, he is just a fat sheep raised by corrupt officials.

It's just a matter of when people choose to eat it.

Ming Dynasty's business is just a puppet attached to the gentry class, a deformed business, not a real business.

Compared with Daming's business, Xuanzhen's business is much more free. Without the exploitation of corrupt officials, the vitality is many times stronger than Daming's business.

The stronger the business vitality, the more business taxes will be collected.

Not only in business, Zhao Wen also attaches great importance to craftsmen.

In Xuan Town, craftsmen are no longer lowly people, but free people who are similar to ordinary people.

If the government wants to recruit craftsmen to work, the government must pay the craftsmen.

In Daming, this kind of thing is unthinkable.

In addition to all the above, there are also a series of things such as schools and agriculture.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Xuanzhen has risen to this level in just a few years.

Comparing Daming and Xuanzhen, Daming is like an old man on the verge of death, while Xuanzhen is a young man full of energy.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Zhao Wen rebuilt a completely different order in Xuanzhen from that of Daming.

Chongzhen flipped through the contents of the memorial again, the more he looked at it, the colder his heart became.

After a long time, Chongzhen looked at Sun Chuanting, "In your opinion, if Daming wants to wipe out the Zhao bandits, he has to go the way of Xuanzhen?"

"Your Majesty, the reason why Xuanzhen has grown to such an extent in just a few years is precisely because he has rebuilt a set of order in Xuanzhen.

If the court wants to completely defeat Zhao Bandit, it must learn from Zhao Bandit's method, enrich the country and strengthen the army, and fundamentally change the status quo. "

In fact, Sun Chuanting really wanted to tell Chongzhen that the current Ming Dynasty was rotten to the root, and it would be impossible not to dig up the bones to cure the poison.

However, Sun Chuanting did not dare to say such words to Chongzhen.

What Sun Chuanting wrote in the memorial is to compare Daming and Xuanzhen in every way, and let Chongzhen sum up by himself.

In fact, there is one thing that Sun Chuanting did not dare to write about, and that is the issue of the clan of the Ming Dynasty.

Today's Ming clan is really a huge burden. Not only do these people not pay taxes every year, but the imperial court also pays them salaries.

Each of them owns countless fertile lands, but they can only move in and out. The annual salaries given to them by the imperial court have already exceeded half of the annual tax revenue.

But the clan issue is Chongzhen's family matter after all, if Sun Chuanting raised this issue rashly, it would be bad if Chongzhen was dissatisfied.

"Your method is good, but today's imperial court can do more than just doing this. The old story of Zhang Jiangling's implementation of a whip method is right in front of us, so I have to be cautious." Chongzhen sighed with some hesitation .

"Your Majesty, Caomin once read a news in the newspaper, saying that Xuan Town now has a very powerful means of transportation. This kind of means of transportation does not require cattle and sheep, but only needs coal to pull it.

This means of transportation is called a train, and it can pull tens of thousands of catties or even 10,000+ catties of goods.And the speed is very fast. According to the newspaper, if it takes four or five hours from Xuanzhen to the capital, it will take no more than one day to transport these things.

At the beginning, Caomin didn't believe it, but after asking the businessmen who had been to Xuan Town, Caomin found out that it was true.If this kind of thing is used to transport troops, it may take less than a day to transport 10,000+ troops outside the capital. "

As soon as Sun Chuanting's words came out, everyone in the imperial study room became horrified.

Chongzhen's body trembled even more involuntarily. He pointed at Sun Chuanting and said tremblingly: "What you said is true? Is there really such a thing in this world?"

"Presumptuous, shameless, you are talking nonsense here, threatening Your Majesty, how many heads do you have?" Gao Qiqian stood up, pointed at Sun Chuanting and started yelling.

Li Changgeng also hurriedly frowned and looked at Sun Chuanting, and shouted in a deep voice: "How can His Majesty speak wild words in front of you? Shut up now!"

The matter of the train is not a secret thing in Xuanzhen. The people in Xuanzhen basically know about it, so it is not surprising that Sun Chuanting knows about it.

Sun Chuanting glanced at Gao Qiqian lightly, and then said loudly: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely true that Cao Min is willing to use the head of Cao Min as a guarantee. This kind of train is well known in Xuan Town. Know."

There was cold sweat pouring out from Chongzhen's forehead, he leaned on the armrest of the chair with horror on his face, and forced himself to sit on the chair, "If this thing is true, wouldn't it mean that thief Zhao Wanting to attack the capital is only a matter of a moment? As long as he wants, he can take the capital at any time?"

Chongzhen felt fear for the first time, and powerlessness for the first time.

Even when Jianlu soldiers besieged the capital, he was never so frightened and powerless.

Cold sweat kept pouring out of his body, and Chongzhen was terribly frightened when he thought of the train that delivered 10,000+ troops in one day.

"Your Majesty, no. I heard that this kind of train must run on special railways. If it is on ordinary roads, it will not run at all.

However, there is no railway from Xuanzhen to the capital, so it is impossible for this kind of train to appear outside the capital.Therefore, please rest assured, Your Majesty. "When Sun Chuanting saw Chongzhen's appearance, he hurriedly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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