Chapter 419

"Are you sure? Are you sure this kind of train can only run on special railways?" Chongzhen continued to ask with some uneasiness.

The point is that this kind of thing is really terrible. It takes less than a day to send 10,000+ troops outside the capital.

To some extent, the threat of this kind of train is even greater than the threat of a hundred thousand troops.

Sun Chuanting looked at the terrified Chongzhen, knowing that the current Chongzhen was frightened, he hurriedly explained, "Return to Your Majesty, this kind of train can only run on special railways, if it is placed on the ordinary ground, it is only a train. The weight can crush the ground.

Only steel can withstand this level of crushing. If this kind of train can really run on ordinary ground, then it is estimated that the rebels have already captured the entire Shanxi. "

After repeated questioning and Sun Chuanting's affirmative answer, Chongzhen finally felt relieved.

Not only Chongzhen, but everyone in the Imperial Study Room breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Li Changgeng who brought Sun Chuanting to make his study.

If Sun Chuanting really annoyed Chongzhen for this reason and was punished by Chongzhen, then he would not be in a good position.

Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Sun Chuanting, "Do you know how Zhao Thief made such a thing? And this kind of thing can really pull 10,000+ catties of goods?"

After recovering, Chongzhen became interested in this train again.

That’s right, it can pull 10,000+ catties, and it doesn’t need oxen and horses. This kind of thing has never appeared in Daming, and Chongzhen will inevitably have some curiosity.

Sun Chuanting explained: "In fact, the grassroots have never really seen this kind of thing, but anyone who has been to Xuanzhen will go to see this kind of train.

According to people who have seen it, the power source of this kind of thing is coal, which is pulled by a locomotive. As soon as the locomotive smokes, it can move when it is called again.

The locomotive can pull more than a dozen tall carriages, and these carriages can pull people and load goods.I heard that Xuanzhen is building a railway for this kind of train on a large scale, and it seems that the whole Xuanzhen is going to be covered with railways. "

"No, sir, what you said is wrong." When Sun Chuanting had just finished speaking, Gao Qiqian looked at Sun Chuanting suspiciously.

All of a sudden, everyone turned their attention to Gao Qiqian.

"Why not?" Sun Chuanting asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong here? You haven't been to Xuanzhen yet." Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian with a puzzled expression.

Gao Qiqian bowed to Chongzhen, and then said: "My lord, a catty of pig iron among folks costs more than 20 Wen, and a good kitchen knife costs more than 30 Wen.

Twenty or thirty Wen a catty of iron does not sound expensive, but iron is heavy, and a fist-sized piece of iron weighs four or five catties.

Although I don't know what the railway in Xuanzhen looks like, but I heard from this gentleman that now all of Xuanzhen will have railways laid.

I think that in order to lay the entire Xuan Town on the railway, I am afraid that the amount of iron needed is definitely a very large number.How can the rebels get so much iron?Moreover, where did Xuanzhen get so much money to buy iron? "

As soon as Gao Qiqian said this, Chongzhen also became suspicious.

"Yeah, how do you explain this? Although I don't know the price of the iron, Gao Daban is right. How did Zhao thief get so much iron?" Chongzhen looked at him with a puzzled expression. Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting explained without even thinking about it, "Your Majesty, Bandit Zhao has built countless iron-making blast furnaces in Xuan Town. I heard from people who have been to Xuan Town that the factory consisting of iron-making blast furnaces stretches for more than ten years." inside.

Moreover, Caomin also heard that Xuanzhen's iron-making blast furnace can produce steel, and the quality of the steel is very good, even if it is directly used to make waist knives and weapons, it is more than enough.

When Caomin was in Daizhou, the rebel army rushed into the city and when they were fighting with the officers and soldiers in the city, they could cut the weapons in the hands of the officers and soldiers in half with one knife.

Caomin accidentally got a waist knife made by Xuanzhen. If His Majesty is willing, Caomin can dedicate it to His Majesty. "

"The iron-making blast furnace stretches for more than ten miles? Mister, are you drinking and talking nonsense? Ten miles? I have been to Xuanzhen before, but why have I never seen it?
I really don't believe it, and you just said that you want to send a knife to His Majesty?What do you mean? "Gao Qiqian looked at Sun Chuanting with a dark and cold gaze.

There is a very obvious characteristic of this person who takes a high dive, that is, he is stingy.

He can't see that others are better than him, especially civil servants.

Looking at Chongzhen's appearance, it is obvious that he is more interested in Sun Chuanting. If he is really valued by Chongzhen, his power will definitely increase by then, which is exactly what Gao Qiqian doesn't want to see.

Sun Chuanting couldn't help becoming angry when he saw Gao Qiqian who kept tearing him down.

Now he really wants to tear Gao Qiqian's mouth apart, but the difference in status is huge, so he has no choice but to endure it.

Chongzhen waved his hand, and said to Gao Qiqian: "Okay, don't talk about it now. I'm interested in the waist knife he said, and I want to see how this kind of knife is different from the army's knife."

With that said, Chongzhen looked at Sun Chuanting, "How far is your residence from here?"

"Going back to Your Majesty, it's not too far. The Caomin's steward is outside the palace now. Your Majesty can send someone out to find the Caomin's steward. The Caomin's steward knows where the knife that Caomin got is kept."

Chongzhen nodded, "In that case, then Gao Qiqian, you can send a few people there."

"My lord, I'm afraid this will be detrimental to my lord, please think again!" Gao Qiqian hastily saluted Chongzhen, kowtowed and bowed nine times.

"I've made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me any more, you can go now!" Chongzhen has made up his mind, no matter how Gao Qiqian persuades him, Chongzhen has no intention of changing his mind.

Gao Qiqian had no choice but to walk out of the imperial study room according to Chongzhen's wishes.

The inn where Sun Chuanting lived was not too far from the imperial palace, and if he rode a horse, it would only take one or two quarters of an hour.

A few quarters of an hour later, Gao Qiqian walked into the imperial study with the Xuanzhen Saber that Sun Chuanting had mentioned.

"My lord, that's the saber!" Gao Qiqian carefully placed the saber on Chongzhen's royal case.

Chongzhen picked up the Xuanzhen saber and looked it over carefully.

The shape of this knife is similar to that of the Yanling Sword used by the officers and soldiers, there is no difference.

The scabbard is wooden and has been dyed black.There is no decoration on it, it looks ordinary.

The handle of the knife is tied with a layer of black hemp rope. This design is used to prevent slipping, and it is also available on the Yanling knife.

"There's nothing strange about this knife!" Chongzhen said calmly, looking at the knife.

Sun Chuanting said: "Your Majesty, why don't you take it out and have a look!"

Chongzhen nodded, then grabbed the handle of the knife and slowly pulled out the Xuanzhen saber.

As soon as it was pulled out, a cold light shot out from inside.

There is a string of small characters engraved near the handle of the knife, "C Zi 510 No. [-]!".

This string of small characters is the serial number of this knife.

Chongzhen glanced at the serial number, and then drew out all the knives in his hand.

After all the Xuanzhen sabers were drawn out, Chongzhen seemed to feel that the temperature in the imperial study room was a little lower.

The entire body of the blade reflected cold light, and shadows could be seen on it, and the blade was extremely sharp.

Chongzhen's heart tightened, and he couldn't help praising, "The cold light is stern, just from this aspect, it is a good knife."

Pointing to the Tao in Chongzhen's hand, Sun Chuanting said slowly: "Your Majesty, the sabers used in the army are iron-clad steel, that is, there is a little steel on the edge of the knife, and the rest is all iron.

This kind of knife is still relatively good. The knife used by ordinary soldiers in the army is white iron knife, and the whole body of the knife is made of white iron.

Although the knives made by these two methods are cheap, they are not sharp. After a battle, the knives must be re-sharpened or remade.

But this Xuanzhen saber is almost entirely made of steel, and the whole knife is extremely sharp.

If these two kinds of knives chop against each other, only the Xuanzhen Army Knife will win. "

When Sun Chuanting said this, he paused for a moment, and then said loudly, "Your Majesty, one leaf knows the autumn, just from an ordinary saber in Xuanzhen, the amount of steel in Xuanzhen is absolutely astonishing. .

If thief Zhao is willing, he can arm all the people in Xuanzhen.Even if thief Zhao didn't use his weapon, just relying on this kind of knife would not be something the officers and soldiers could resist.

Therefore, if the imperial court wanted to defeat the Zhao bandits and pacify Xuanzhen, they could only imitate Xuanzhen's way, and then become strong.Now Daming, there is only this way. "

Chongzhen looked at Sun Chuanting, put the Xuanzhen saber in his hand back into the scabbard, and put it on the table.

How could Chongzhen not know what Sun Chuanting said in the memorial?

However, can these things be touched?Back then, Wei Zhongxian had such great power and ruled the entire court, but did he touch this place?
During the Zhengde period, Liu Jin's power was not inferior to Wei Zhongxian of Tianqi, even higher than Wei Zhongxian, but why when he implemented the New Deal, someone suddenly said that he was rebellious, and evidence of rebellion was found in his home?
Isn't there something else in it?
The content of Liu Jin's new policy is very simple, including streamlining the personnel of the court, collecting mining taxes in various places to increase the internal treasury, checking the gentry's land, prohibiting the common people from contributing land, suggesting that the gentry should pay grain together, restricting the descendants of civil servants and generals, and letting Hanlin Court officials go out for training.

In addition to this, there is also an inventory of all guards in the Ming Dynasty, an inventory of the number of guards and military households in the guards.

These two policies were also supported by Emperor Zhengde. It stands to reason that Liu Jin's rights plus Zhengde's rights should be able to carry out these policies.

Unfortunately, within a few years of implementation, Liu Jin was killed for treason, and Emperor Zhengde finally fell into the water and died of illness.

The key is that Emperor Zhengde was in his prime and practiced martial arts all year round.This sudden sudden death, if there is nothing in it, Chongzhen would not believe it at all.

And Liu Jin, a eunuch, how could he come up with so many new policies?Does Liu Jin's implementation of the New Deal really have nothing to do with Zhengde?
Connecting all the above, although Chongzhen is not sure, he is also [-]% sure that Emperor Zhengde's fall into the water is definitely related to Liu Jin's new policy.

Although Chongzhen was not a wise emperor, no one who could become an emperor was a fool.

When Tianqi passed away, he once told Chongzhen that civil officials could not be trusted.At that time, Chongzhen didn't take it seriously, but as time passed, Chongzhen felt more and more that what Tianqi said was right.

Regardless of the emperor's aloofness, it seems that he has the power of life and death, but if the interests of these vested interests are really touched, the consequences will be disastrous.

Why was Chongzhen in history so suspicious, so mean and ungrateful? Speaking of which, he was forced by these people.

Historically, Chongzhen ruled for 17 years. Even if the country was about to perish, Chongzhen only dared to raise taxes on the common people, and dared not even mention these vested interests.

Even if they were asked to donate, it was in a negotiable tone, but even so, they were severely humiliated by these vested interests.

Doesn't Chongzhen know that these vested interests are blood-sucking bugs lying on Daming's body?Didn't he know that as long as these vested interests pay taxes, it is possible to solve Ming's financial problems?
But why didn't he do it?Because he didn't dare, in the nearly 300-year history of Ming Dynasty, Ming Xiaozong Zhu Youxi suppressed the power of the cabinet in the late Hongzhi period, and later he fell ill and died in his prime.

Ming Wuzong asked Liu Jin to implement the New Deal. Liu Jin died because of conspiracy, and he also died of illness because of falling into the water.

Long Qing switched off the switch, offended the gentry along the coast who mainly rely on smuggling, and he ordered an inventory of the gentry's land, and finally died of the love potion.

All kinds of things are inextricably linked to these vested interests.

Chongzhen sat on the chair, recalling these things in his mind, finally, he sighed, and put his eyes on Sun Chuanting again, "By the way, the current problem is not here, the current problem is whether you have the ability to strengthen the army?" Strategy? Block Zhao thief first.

You have fought against the rebels, you must know the depth of the rebels. "

In fact, Chongzhen also understood that what Sun Chuanting said in the memorial would definitely make Ming Dynasty stronger.However, Chongzhen could not follow this method.

Compared with the one that rose in Xuanzhen, the whip method back then was like a child's play, but what happened later?With Zhang Jiangling's death, more than half of the whip method was also abolished, and finally ended up with the result of one person's demise.

If Liu Jin's new policy and the one-whip law are to let those with vested interests spit out their own interests, then the method of Xuanzhen's rise is to dig up other people's ancestral graves.

Sun Chuanting pondered for a while, then said, "Yes, but I need money, a lot of money."

When Chongzhen heard that Sun Chuanting mentioned Yinzi, his face completely collapsed.

In order to allow Hong Chengchou to invade Xuanzhen, he had already taken out all the money left in his internal funds. Where is the money now?
As for the national treasury, it has been full of food for a long time, and rats can run in it. The taxes sent up every year will be gone in the treasury within seven or eight days. Where can I get the money back.

"Is there a way to block Thief Zhao without using money?" Chongzhen felt a little embarrassed as soon as he said this.

How could such a thing happen in this world, Chongzhen also knew that he was in a difficult position.

Just when he was about to take back his words, Sun Chuanting replied: "Yes, yes, but..."

Before Sun Chuanting finished speaking, Chongzhen slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "Really? Well, well, as long as there is, I will promise you whatever you want!"

Now Chongzhen is poor and crazy, and he can't get any money. As long as he can block Zhao Wen without spending money, he can do whatever he wants.

"The method is that the grass-roots should be fully responsible for the affairs of Xuanzhen. The grass-roots want rights, absolute rights."

As soon as Sun Chuanting finished speaking, Gao Qiqian jumped out again, pointing at Sun Chuanting and yelling loudly: "It's so shameless that you use the rebel army as a bargaining chip to seek your own interests, use the rebel army to blackmail your majesty, and try to control the government in vain.

OK, OK, you now finally show your fox tail. "

Not only Gao Qiqian, but even Li Changgeng who was standing aside looked at Sun Chuanting in shock.

In the eyes of these people, Sun Chuanting's remarks seemed to be to control the rhythm of the government.

Chongzhen also looked at Sun Chuanting with hesitation. It is good to be able to stop the rebels without spending a penny, but Sun Chuanting's absolute power made Chongzhen very worried.

 Thank you for the reward of the sunshine in the summer, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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