Chapter 420

A courtier doesn't want money, but power, which is a very serious matter for any emperor.

The emperor is a creature of power, and they are extremely sensitive to power.

Although it doesn't cost much money to stop Zhao Wen, which is very attractive to Chongzhen, but it is difficult for Chongzhen to ask for power.

If you don't give rights, you have to give money, but now Chongzhen is so poor that there is nothing left, so where did you get the money to give to Sun Chuanting.

"Your Majesty, the rights that the grass-roots people want are only the rights they had when they pacified Xuan Town, and they have no other rights."

Seeing Chongzhen's hesitant expression, Sun Chuanting hastily explained.

Standing beside Chongzhen, Gao Qiqian kept sneering, "Hehe, our Ming Dynasty has been established for nearly 300 years, and it is the first person like you who wants power with open mouth. You said that you only want to put down the power of Xuanzhen , Who would believe it? Who knows what you are thinking in your heart? You don't want to be the second Zhang Juzheng, do you?"

Sun Chuanting looked at the provocative Gao Qiqian, his face darkened.

"This stray dog ​​will finish him sooner or later." Sun Chuanting glared at Gao Qiqian and cursed in his heart.

At this moment, Chongzhen spoke, "You might as well tell me your plan and let me hear it. If your method is really feasible, then why not give you the right?"

Chongzhen also made up his mind that no matter how great the power was given to a civil servant, he could take it back through other means, but if Zhao Wen attacked, he just wanted to give Sun Chuanting power again, and he had no chance.

Sun Chuanting cleared his throat and said, "Your Majesty, the rebels are now attacking Shanxi, and it won't be long before Shanxi is captured.

After capturing Shanxi, the Caomin felt that the rebels were likely to attack Shaanxi to the west and Henan to the south.

As for the attack on Beizhili, Caomin felt that the chances were not high. "

"Why?" When Sun Chuanting said that Zhao Wen would not attack Beizhili, Chongzhen couldn't help being puzzled.

You must know that as long as Beizhili is taken down, the capital will become a turtle in the urn, and you can handle it as you want. Faced with such a tempting temptation, it is impossible for the rebels to remain indifferent.

"Think about it, Your Majesty, if the rebels really wanted to attack Beizhili and the capital, why didn't they attack Beizhili and the capital at the very beginning?
The cannons used by the rebels are so powerful that even the extremely strong city walls of Yanmen Pass can be blown down by the cannons of the rebels, let alone the city walls of the capital?

The rebels didn't want to attack the capital at that time, and it is estimated that they would not attack the capital after taking Shanxi, otherwise they would have attacked the capital in the first place.

So after the rebels took Shanxi, their only targets were Shaanxi and Henan.Today's Shanxi is definitely not able to stop the offensive of the rebels, so Caomin felt that Shanxi should be abandoned directly, and all remaining troops in Shanxi should be withdrawn and stationed in Tongguan, Lingbao, Bailangdu, Yuanqu and Taihang Wangwu Mountains.

In addition to withdrawing the remaining troops in Shanxi, all the troops in Shaanxi and Henan were also transferred to the places mentioned above.

With the Wangwu Taihang Mountains as a natural moat, build fortresses in the places Caomin just mentioned, and gather all the soldiers from Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Henan to block the rebels in Shanxi. "

Sun Chuanting talked about his plan in the imperial study without any haste.

To be honest, Sun Chuanting's plan is not bad. Although it can't stop Zhao Wen's artillery, it is still a good way.

But this method is not perfect. It is not an ordinary difficulty to put all the soldiers in the three places on the defense line from Tongguan to Wangwu Taihang.

After all, these are the forces of the three places. It must be difficult to get along with each other, and there will inevitably be some friction. If there is no absolute right, it is not so easy to make the forces of the three places cooperate well.

"In addition to the soldiers in the guards, the Caomin felt that they had to recruit more soldiers in Shanxi and Zhili in the north and south of Henan to prevent shortage of manpower.

In addition, all the people within a hundred miles south of this line of defense were all moved south.After these people were removed, a fortress was built on this line of defense.

The quality of the forts built does not have to be good, but the quantity must be large.

This line of defense takes Yuanqu as the dividing line, with the Yellow River to the west and Wangwu Mountain to the east.

On the west side of the line of defense, the Yellow River can be used to connect the fortresses mentioned by Caomin just now. For example, ditches can be used to divert the water from the Yellow River to spread all over the fortresses.

With the fortress and the drawn Yellow River water as barriers, it can effectively organize the march of Zhao's rebels.

Even if they bombard them with cannons, it will not help.

In the east, there is no need to build so many forts because of the Wangwu Taihang Mountains as a resistance.

With the existence of the Yellow River and Wangwu Taihang Mountains, even if the rebels wanted to attack the Central Plains, it might not be so easy.Shaanxi has the Yellow River as a barrier. As long as Tongguan is guarded, the rebels will not be able to enter Shaanxi. "

Sun Chuanting's voice echoed non-stop in the imperial study room. Everyone listened to Sun Chuanting's method, with different expressions on their faces.

Chongzhen frowned tightly, constantly thinking about the feasibility of this method.

To be honest, using the Yellow River and Wangwu Taihang Mountains as a barrier to prevent Zhao Wen from advancing is indeed a relatively good way.

The mountain roads in the Wangwu Taihang Mountains are rugged and not suitable for large groups of people to march. It is also difficult for Zhao Wen's various artillery to pass through the Wangwu Taihang Mountains.

Although the artillery in the team led by Zhao Wen was transported directly in the warehouse, it is impossible for Zhao Wen to do nothing but go to Wangwu Taihang Mountains to transport the artillery.

Besides, if we encounter such things in the future, let Zhao Wen go there in person, then Zhao Wen will not do anything in the future, and only do this kind of thing.

The Wangwu Taihang Mountains are not suitable for large groups of people to march. Even if Zhao Wen transported the artillery there, it would be useless without gunners and enough soldiers.

And once they entered the Wangwu Taihang Mountains, the power of Zhao Wen's firearms would be greatly reduced. Although the imperial army was still no match for Zhao Wen, at least it didn't look like Zhao Wen's army was helpless on the plains.

In the Yellow River defense line, it is not suitable for large groups of people to march.

Although the Yellow River began to calm down after entering Henan, the sediment carried by the Yellow River also deposited here, and over time, it formed a hanging river hanging above the ground.

In Sun Chuanting's view, at that time, fortresses will be built on the south bank of the Yellow River, and the water in the Yellow River will be drawn out with diversion canals, spreading throughout the entire defense line.

With the obstruction of the Yellow River water and sediment, even if Zhao Wen's artillery could not be stopped, it could still stop his steps and stop Zhao Wen's army from advancing.

Chongzhen stroked the beard on his chin, listened to Sun Chuanting's voice seriously, and nodded from time to time.

"Your method is good. I think it can indeed block the rebels in Shanxi. However, what you said about building fortresses, digging aqueducts, mobilizing troops, and recruiting troops all need money.

Judging from the scale you mentioned, the amount of silver needed is massive, and the imperial court does not have such silver at all.

Besides, according to what you said, it will take a lot of time to build those fortresses. How can the court afford to wait now? "

Chongzhen's remarks are not without reason. It takes a lot of money and time to mobilize an army of this size, let alone recruit soldiers and build fortresses.

If it really proceeded step by step, I am afraid that Zhao Wen has already entered the Central Plains, but the defense line has not been repaired.

"Your Majesty, Caomin can think of a way to deal with the matter of money, and besides, these things cannot be done in one step, nor can it be done in one step. Caomin thinks this way, and divides this matter into several stages.

The first stage is to mobilize troops and horses. Shaanxi and Henan are relatively close to the Yellow River Taihang line of defense, and the time required is short, that is, ten days and a half months.

After transferring these troops to the defense line, start recruiting soldiers.Nowadays, there are many natural and man-made disasters in the Ming Dynasty, and the recruitment of soldiers is more convenient, and they can be recruited directly from the refugees.

If you want to build a fortress, you can put it at the end, and build the whole line of defense first.

Now that winter is about to enter, to prevent the Yellow River from freezing, all these troops should be transferred to the Yellow River Taihang line of defense.

If it is not possible, then abandon the construction of the fortress, build a levee about a hundred miles south of the Yellow River, and then dig the Yellow River.

At that time, the silt accumulated in the Yellow River will flood the entire defense line, and no matter how powerful the rebel army is, they will not be able to rush through the silt of the Yellow River. "

Sun Chuanting's words were not surprising, and he kept dying, digging up the Yellow River to resist Zhao Wen's marching army. For these people in the imperial study, this is really unimaginable.

From ancient times to the present, anyone who dared to dig up the Yellow River to resist the enemy, no matter how he tried to cover it up, would be nailed to the pillar of shame.

"No, you can't dig the Yellow River. There is no need to discuss this matter. Although you said to build a levee, it is not so easy to build this levee. Don't even think about building it without a year or two.

Even if the embankment is built, the Yellow River is not another river. After the Yellow River is dug up, the Yellow River will not move as you expected.In the end, if there is a slight mistake, the entire Central Plains will be a swamp country, which is not as good as building a fortress. "

Chongzhen shook his head like a rattle, and he disagreed with Sun Chuanting's digging of the Yellow River.

Sun Chuanting also knew that the risk of digging up the Yellow River was too great, but this was the best way to stop Zhao Wen's progress, and it was also the cheapest and fastest way.

Although it was the fastest and cheapest way, digging the Yellow River was just Sun Chuanting's talk. If Chongzhen really asked Sun Chuanting to dig the Yellow River, Sun Chuanting would never do it.

Just kidding, the Yellow River was dug up, and the entire Central Plains was completely wiped out. Even if Zhao Wen was blocked, he would be completely nailed to the pillar of shame, and he would be liquidated if he failed.

If it was dealing with ordinary enemies, Sun Chuanting would never have considered the method of digging up the Yellow River, or even the method of building fortresses.

To deal with ordinary enemies, Sun Chuanting only needs to station troops along the Yellow River.

But to deal with Zhao Wen, Sun Chuanting had to consider this method.After all, he had personally experienced the power of Zhao Wen's artillery, and if he didn't do this, it wouldn't work at all.

If soldiers were stationed on the south bank of the Yellow River as they were dealing with ordinary enemies, they would probably be blown up by Zhao Wen's artillery in a short time.

In fact, Sun Chuanting said that digging the Yellow River was just a way of comparison, and that retreat was the way to advance. He compared digging the Yellow River with building a fortress.

Since they do not agree to build a fortress, then dig the Yellow River.If you can't accept the fact that the Yellow River was dug up, you can only accept the construction of fortresses.

Between advancing and retreating, Chongzhen was forced to agree to the first method invisibly.

(End of this chapter)

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