Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 421 Fan Wencheng's Trick

Chapter 421 Fan Wencheng's Trick
"However, how do you solve the silver problem? To build so many fortresses, the silver required is not a small amount. Can you first talk about how you solve the silver problem?" Chongzhen then asked.

Sun Chuanting pretended to be mysterious and said: "Your Majesty, the grassroots have their own opinions on this matter. As long as the grassroots are given rights, the grassroots will naturally solve the matter of money."

Sun Chuanting's words are true. Historically, the Qin army led by Sun Chuanting had limited money allocated by the imperial court. The military expenses of the Qin army during the battle were basically settled by Sun Chuanting himself.

In history, Sun Chuanting continued to expand his military strength and food and pay while he was in charge of military affairs in Shaanxi.

When he first arrived in Shaanxi, Sun Chuanting cut through the mess with a sharp knife and cleared out all the military settlements occupied by the gentry and powerful.

There were more than 5000 troops and more than [-] hectares of land around Xi'an Prefecture. Later, the land was occupied by wealthy gentry, and even the soldiers were only on the roster.

After clearing the land, Sun Chuanting began to recruit bankrupt refugees and reorganize guard soldiers who could not fight.

Clear out all the old, weak and underage soldiers in the guards, organize them into a garrison army, and work full-time on farming.

The cleared out troops and the recruited refugees resumed production in a short period of time.

After inspecting the soldiers in the guard station, Sun Chuanting recruited Liangjiazi into the barracks and continued training.

During Sun Chuanting's one-year presidency of military affairs in Shaanxi, Sun Chuanting received a total of more than 5000 elite soldiers, as much as 15 taels of silver a year, and a total of more than 3000 or nearly 4000 stones of grain such as rice and wheat.

The reason why Sun Chuanting in history was able to win every battle when dealing with thieves is precisely because he has strong logistics.

Sun Chuanting not only knows how to fight, but is also very capable in reclaiming land.

Chongzhen looked at Sun Chuanting in disbelief. The imperial court couldn't get the money needed to build the Yellow River Taihang line of defense. How could you get it?

"Why don't you tell me how you solved the money problem? So that I can have a clear idea." Chongzhen asked.

"Your Majesty, the Caomin can guarantee that as long as the Caomin is given enough rights, the Caomin will definitely be able to make enough money." Sun Chuanting did not answer directly.

Although Sun Chuanting is a loyal minister, he is not a fool.

If you tell me how to get money in this way, and kick me away when the time comes, then what am I planning?
The method that I worked so hard to come up with has become someone else's wedding dress, which is unacceptable to anyone.

"Hehe, you are a shameless person, a swindler, if the emperor tells you to say it, you can say it, if you don't say it now, is there no way to get money? Huh, I have seen it for a long time, you just want to use the rebel For bargaining chips, for their own interests."

Gao Qiqian pointed at Sun Chuanting and cursed in a cold voice, and then said to Chongzhen righteously: "Your Majesty, this person is a swindler, please Your Majesty put this person in prison."

Sun Chuanting looked at Gao Qiqian who repeatedly opposed him, and felt very evil in his heart.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely cut you into pieces!" Although Sun Chuanting didn't see anything on the surface, he had already scolded the eighteen generations of Gao Qiqian's ancestors in his heart.

Chongzhen looked at the impassioned Gao Qiqian, and then at Sun Chuanting, who was calm and sure of victory.

Although Sun Chuanting didn't reveal how he got the money, but seeing how sure he is of winning, he must have something to rely on.

Besides, being able to block Zhao Wen without spending a penny is what Chongzhen very much hoped for.

After a long time, Chongzhen finally made up his mind.

"In this case, I will appoint you as the admiral of Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan military affairs, governor of the three provinces, governor of counter-insurgency affairs, minister of the military department, scholar of Dongge University, censor of Zuodu, bestowed on Shang Fang with a sword, and has the right to kill first and then play... ..."

Chongzhen looked at Sun Chuanting and said a series of official positions.

A flash of excitement flashed across Sun Chuanting's face, he hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to Chongzhen.

Even the self-proclaimed has changed from grassroots to minister.

"My minister, Sun Chuanting, thanks the emperor for his kindness!" Sun Chuanting knelt on the ground, and respectfully saluted Chongzhen.

Gao Qiqian looked at Sun Chuanting with such an official position, and gritted his teeth with resentment.

Li Changgeng also looked at Sun Chuanting in surprise, he really did not expect Sun Chuanting to be so appreciated by Chongzhen.

"Okay, Sun Aiqing, you go down first, and I will send you the official uniform and other things later."

Chongzhen let out a long breath and looked at Sun Chuanting.

At this time, Chongzhen could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Before Hong Chengchou was defeated and the fall of Taiyuan weighed on his chest like a boulder, he could hardly breathe, and now he can finally relax.

Sun Chuanting once again saluted Chongzhen, and then followed Li Changgeng out.


At the same time, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, who had been active for a generation in Xunyang Mansion and Xiangyang Mansion in Huguang, also became active after Huguang troops went north.

In a small village more than 50 miles outside the city of Xiangyang Prefecture, there used to be more than 100 households in this village, but now all the people in the village are gone, replaced by thieves under Li Zicheng.

"Uncle, Huguang soldiers and horses have been out for more than two months, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, shouldn't we move now?"

In a broken thatched hut, Li Guo crouched in a corner, looking at Li Zicheng who was sitting on the bed.

Li Zicheng sat on the bed and looked out of the window. Instead of answering directly, he asked, "How many troops do we have now?"

"Uncle, since the defeat in Henan, we have fled all the way to Huguang, this way, except for our old battalion, basically everyone else has escaped.

After more than a year and nearly two years of accumulation, we now have almost 2 horses in our hands.If you didn't let us develop vigorously, I'm afraid we have 10,000+ people now. " Li Guo said a little angrily.

Since Li Zicheng was defeated by Zhao Wen in Henan and fled to Huguang, Li Zicheng seemed to be frightened, so he withdrew his troops and kept moving in the countryside.

Occasionally disguised as bandits to attack those gentry's manors, or robbed some ordinary people.

As for attacking the county seat, Li Zicheng didn't even think about it.

Even replenishing the troops in his hands is cautious, for fear of attracting the attention of the court.

In fact, it's not that Li Zicheng didn't want to make a big splash and recruit troops, but Li Zicheng didn't dare to do so.

When he fled from Henan, Li Zicheng was so frightened that he threw away all the refugees he had taken with him, and ran to Huguang with less than a thousand old battalion troops.

At the beginning, Li Zicheng followed what he did in Shaanxi, raised the flag, and then recruited troops.

Judging from the situation in Shaanxi, as long as the anti-flag is raised, someone will definitely respond.

However, the final result was beyond Li Zicheng's expectation.

Not only did no one come to join him, but it also attracted Huguang's officers and soldiers.

It is also true that there has been a severe drought in Shaanxi year after year, and the local people can't even eat enough to eat, so they had to rebel in order to survive.

But Huguang is different. Although Huguang has had disasters in recent years, compared with Shaanxi, it is still quite good.

The people in Huguang basically have a way to survive, so it is normal not to rebel.

At that time, Li Zicheng had been severely injured and lost his combat effectiveness. These Huguang officers and soldiers were like sharks smelling blood, and thousands of them rushed towards Li Zicheng.

Although Huguang's soldiers and horses might not dare to attack Li Zicheng in his heyday, they did not have the slightest bit of fear when facing Li Zicheng, who had already been beaten by Zhao Wen, who was terrified and decimated.

The Huguang officers and soldiers kept biting and biting towards Li Zicheng as if they were not afraid of death.

Not long after entering Huguang, Li Zicheng was chased by Huguang's soldiers and horses and ran around in Huguang.

In order not to let the officers and soldiers find out, Li Zicheng had to throw away all his flags, disguise himself as an ordinary bandit, and run around in Huguang.

It's not that Li Zicheng doesn't want to resist, but he simply doesn't have the strength to resist. There are only more than 1000 people in his hands. How can he fight against thousands of officers and soldiers?

Not to mention that the men and horses in his hands have already been scared by Zhao Wen. The rumors have already been jittery, and the morale is gone. How can we fight?
For such a long time after entering Huguang, Li Zicheng has been on the move, not daring to stop at all, for fear of being wiped out by the officers and soldiers.

Li Zicheng wanted to learn from the past, break through the city, and coerce the people, but Huguang soldiers and horses have been closely following them, chasing them, so they don't have enough time.

For such a long time, a total of [-] people have been coerced, and most of the [-] people are old, weak, sick and disabled.

Just when Li Zicheng thought he was going to be consumed by the officers and soldiers to death in Huguang, Huguang soldiers and horses suddenly stopped chasing them.

After inquiring in every possible way, Li Zicheng finally knew that Xuanzhen had rebelled, and the imperial court mobilized elite soldiers from Huguang to go north to quell the rebellion.

After knowing the news, Li Zijian became happy and began to move around Xiangyang Mansion.

But just in case, the scope of Li Zicheng's activities is not large, and he is cautious, for fear that this is a trap set up by the court to lure him out.

"Uncle, Huguang soldiers and horses will definitely not come back, what kind of people in Xuanzhen are like, others don't know, how can we not know?

The people who attacked us in Shanxi and Henan were the people from Xuanzhen. It was impossible for me to defeat Xuanzhen by relying on the soldiers and horses of the imperial court.

These soldiers and horses from Huguang will definitely not come back. We should seize this opportunity, raise a banner, recruit troops, and attack Xiangyang. "

Li Guo's eyes flashed brightly, looking eager to try.

"Wait first, if the Huguang army is defeated, there will definitely be news at that time. Let's wait and make plans after hearing the exact news." Li Zicheng was still a little worried. After the first failure, Li Zicheng became more and more stable.

Hong Chengchou's defeat took place only a few days ago, so the news had not reached Huguang.

Not only Li Zicheng, but even Zhang Xianzhong, who was not too far away from Li Zicheng, came alive.

Apart from these two thieves, Huang Taiji, who was far away in Shenyang, also set his sights on Daming.

"Let Fan Wencheng and Ning Wan come to see me!" Huang Taiji was sitting in the imperial study of the Shenyang Imperial Palace, holding a military newspaper in his hand, his fat face was full of smiles.

As soon as Huang Taiji finished speaking, the eunuch outside hurriedly ran towards the distance.

Not long after, Fan Wencheng and Ning Wanwo trotted all the way to the imperial study.

"The slave has seen the sweat!"

The two kowtowed and knelt down to the obese Huang Taiji extremely obsequiously.

Huang Taiji said with a smile: "Get up, it's a big deal for you to come here today!"

Fan Wencheng and Ning Wan and I kowtowed to Huang Taiji again, and then stood respectfully in front of the desk in front of Huang Taiji.

"This is the military newspaper sent by the spies in the capital of the Ming Kingdom just now, take a look!"

As Huang Taiji said, he handed over the military report in his hand to an eunuch beside him.

The eunuch took the military newspaper and hurriedly handed it to Fan Wencheng.

Fan Wencheng took the military newspaper and read it carefully.

After a while, Fan Wencheng looked at Huang Taiji in shock and excitement, "Khan, is this true?"

Fan Wencheng said the general report and handed it over to Ning Wan.

Huang Taiji picked up the ginseng tea on the desk and drank it in small sips.

When Fan Wencheng asked, he put down the teacup in his hand, and said confidently: "This is the military report sent back by the spies of Zhongtian in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. It cannot be faked!"

As soon as Huang Taiji said this, Fan Wencheng burst out laughing, he laughed three times, and knelt down on the ground while laughing.

"Slave congratulates the Great Khan, the Great Khan is full of blessings!" Fan Wencheng kowtowed to Huang Taiji repeatedly, with a flattering look.

At this time, after Ning Wan and I finished the general report, he also hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and shouted at Huang Taiji: "My servant, congratulations to the Great Khan, congratulations to the Great Khan, the great Khan is full of blessings!"

"Haha!" Huang Taiji laughed and said, "Okay, get up!"

Fan Wencheng and Ning Wan thanked me and stood up.

The content on the military newspaper is nothing but the military newspaper that Zhao Wen captured Taiyuan Mansion.

After being defeated by Zhao Wen, after returning to Liaodong, Huang Taiji began to step up spying on Daming's intelligence.

After Huang Taiji's investigation, Huang Taiji also found out who defeated him, and at the same time obtained a lot of information about Zhao Wen from the capital.

Although the Jin merchants were uprooted by Zhao Wen, causing Huang Taiji to lose a very important source of information, but there are always some people in this world who take advantage of the fire.

Huang Taiji spent countless gold and silver to bribe many officials in the capital.

Although most of these officials are just small officials, they can at least inquire about the basic movements of the Ming Dynasty Hall.

As early as before, Huang Taiji had received news of Zhao Wen's rebellion.

But at that time, Huang Taiji didn't quite believe it.

The reason why Huang Taiji didn't believe in Zhao Wen's rebellion was very simple, that is, when Zhao Wen rebelled, his first target was not the capital, but Shanxi.

You must know that Xuanzhen and the capital are next to each other. If there is a real rebellion, logically speaking, the capital should be attacked first, not Shanxi.

From Huang Taiji's point of view, there is no need to attack Shanxi. This is simply a matter of seeking distance.

Therefore, Huang Taiji doubted whether Zhao Wen really rebelled.

But what Huang Taiji didn't expect was that in the following time, there would be constant information. First, Zhao Wen broke through Yanmen Pass, and then Shanxi Town, until the current Taiyuan Mansion fell.

After Ning finished reading the general report, I respectfully returned it to Huang Taiji.

General Huang Taiji put it on the desk, looked at the two of them, "What do you want to say?"

Fan Wencheng cleared his throat and said, "Khan, from the perspective of a slave, this Zhao Wen must have been forced to rebel by the little Emperor Chongzhen. This matter is a disaster for the Ming Dynasty, but for us That said, it might not be a good thing.”

"You mean to take advantage of this opportunity to attack the Ming Kingdom?" Huang Taiji asked back.

"No, no, Khan, it is certainly a good choice to take the opportunity to attack Ming at this time, but it is not the best choice.

There is an old saying that goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.Therefore, the slave thinks, why don't we unite with Zhao Wen and win over Zhao Wen, when the two join hands, the entire Ming Kingdom will surely be destroyed by a two-pronged approach. "

(End of this chapter)

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