Chapter 422 Win Zhao Wen
"You mean to ask Zhao Wen to join us?" Huang Taiji narrowed his eyes slightly, and he looked at Fan Wencheng and asked with some doubts.

Before Fan Wencheng could answer, Ning Wan, who was standing at the side, said, "Khan, I think this is a good idea. No matter how powerful Zhao Wen is, he is still a courtier and a general.

Why did these generals of the Ming Dynasty rebel?Isn't it just for glory and wealth?We will give him glory and wealth, as long as he can help us enter the Central Plains, we will give him whatever glory and wealth he wants. "

Ning Wan, my words are about the same for ordinary Ming generals, but if they are for Zhao Wen, they are farting.

Also, although Huang Taiji had a large number of spies in the capital, these spies were basically small officials, and his impression of Zhao Wen was still in the court records.

They had never been to Xuanzhen, and they didn't know the true strength of Xuanzhen, so they mistakenly thought that there was no difference between Zhao Wen and ordinary general soldiers, except that their weapons could be stronger.

"The weapon in Zhao Wen's hand is so powerful, can he join us? Besides, why should Zhao Wen surrender us?" Huang Taiji looked at Fan Wencheng and Ning Wan me with some doubts.

"Great Khan, the weapons in Zhao Wen's hands are very powerful, but fighting the world is not just about being powerful. Genghis Khan Kublai Khan's force was even stronger, but what happened? After conquering so much land, in the end the remaining What did you do?" Fan Wencheng looked at Huang Taiji and explained in detail.

Ning Wan and I also explained with a serious face, "Khan, these military generals in the Ming Dynasty are basically people who have no ambitions and hope to be prosperous and rich.

If Zhao Wen is not such a person, if he is an ambitious person, why didn't he attack the capital directly?Xuanzhen is not far from the capital. If he is real, he has made up his mind to rebel and just break the capital, wouldn't it be enough?Is it worthwhile to go to great lengths to attack Shanxi? "

As soon as Ning Wan and I said this, Huang Taiji leaned forward and looked at Ning Wan and me seriously, "How do you say that?"

After finishing Ning, I cleared my throat, "Khan, isn't this obvious? Zhao Wen must want to use the land of Shanxi as a threat to get the little emperor Chongzhen to promote him, give him a title, and give him glory and wealth.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to attack Shanxi?From ancient times to the present, throughout the dynasties, as long as they were sincere rebels, all of them had the main goal of attacking the capital. How did they change when they came to him?
Therefore, the slave can be sure that Zhao Wen definitely wants to use Shanxi as a threat to demand prosperity and wealth, otherwise, he has no need to do so. "

"That's right, the slaves think so too. The reason why Zhao Wen attacked Shanxi was because what Zhao Wen asked for was only some glory and wealth.

It is estimated that Zhao Wen himself is not sure that he can conquer the whole world, so he will settle for the next best thing and use Shanxi as a threat to demand prosperity and wealth.

Since his goal is only glory and wealth, and the little Emperor Chongzhen won't give it to him, then we will give it to him. "Fan Wencheng also hastily explained a few words.

Huang Taiji sat on the chair, twirling the beard on his chin, listening to the analysis of the two dog-headed military divisions, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"The two lovers are worthy of being well-read poets and capable people, but they analyzed Zhao Wen clearly and logically." Huang Taiji's head kept lighting up like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Khan, this servant thinks that we should get in touch with Zhao Wen as soon as possible and win him over. If the little Emperor Chongzhen can't hold on and gives Zhao Wen glory and wealth, it will have nothing to do with us then." Fan Wencheng looked at him. Huang Taiji, with a smile on his face, hastily reminded him.

Huang Taiji put away his smile and nodded, "You're right, but we must show our sincerity in wooing Zhao Wen, and make Zhao Wen feel that our Dajin Kingdom is really wooing him.

Moreover, the envoys sent out to woo must have a certain status, and Zhao Wen cannot be made to feel that our Dajin Kingdom has neglected him. "

"That's right, Da Khan's words are not bad. This slave thinks it should be done. And the reward for Zhao Wen must be enough, so that he thinks that our Great Jin Kingdom is better than the little Emperor Chongzhen." Fan Wencheng continued.

"Yes, that's it!" Ning Wan and I said hastily.

"Then what do you think should be done?" Huang Taiji looked at the two of them.

Fan Wencheng thought for a moment, then said, "Khan, this servant thinks it should be done..."

In the following time, Huang Taiji discussed with Fan Wencheng and Ning Wanwo for nearly an hour, and finally settled on the matter of wooing Zhao Wen.

This time, Fan Wencheng was mainly in charge of the matter, and Fan Wencheng led the mission to Xuanzhen to contact Zhao Wen in person.

As for the reward for Zhao Wen, Huang Taiji chose to reward Zhao Wen as the first-class Heshuo prince.

You must know that Prince Heshuo is the highest title in the Kingdom of Jin other than the emperor. Generally speaking, it is only awarded to the emperor's own son, and this son must have certain military achievements.

It can be said that Huang Taiji's reward for Zhao Wen was not insignificant. Huang Taiji was able to win Zhao Wen over, so it can be said that he paid a lot of money.

A few days later, a large-scale mission set off from Shenyang to Xuanzhen.

Because of the obstruction of Shanhaiguan, this mission did not take the line of defense of Shanhaiguan, but the grassland.

At the same time, Zhao Wen has led the army to break through Yuci, Qingyuan, and Qi counties, and came to Jiexiu.

Now Zhao Wen has captured about [-] or [-] officials, big and small. These officials Zhao Wen planned to send to Japan, but they haven't acted yet.

In Zhao Wen's original plan, after taking down the whole of Shanxi, he would gather with the officials captured by Zhao Daniu and Song Hu, and then send these officials to Japan, Java and other places.

At this time, Song Hu from the west also led his troops to Puzhou, not far from Pingyang Mansion.

And Zhao Daniu in the east also led the army to Qinzhou.

As for Liu Wu, he led his men and horses at the end, gathered the people together, and was responsible for escorting food and grass.

Now it can be said that most of Shanxi has fallen into the hands of Zhao Wen, and it is a matter of time before the entire Shanxi is taken.

Zhao Wen stood in front of the gate of the Jiexiu County Government. He looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky and let out a long sigh.

Now it is the sixth year of Chongzhen, and after the new year is the seventh year of Chongzhen, his eldest son Zhao Mingyu is one year old, and his second sons Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan are also eight or nine months old.

Looking at the snowflakes falling on the ground, Zhao Wen couldn't help thinking of his son and daughter.

It is already late November, and the Chinese New Year will not be long. It seems that this year will be spent outside again.

"My lord, there is an urgent military situation!"

Just as Zhao Wen was thinking wildly, Li Xiaosan ran over from a distance holding a bamboo tube sealed with wax paint.

"My lord, this is an urgent military message sent by Brother Wang Qi!" Li Xiaosan stopped in front of Zhao Wen, and took out a bamboo tube from his arms without caring about cleaning the snow off his body.

Now Wang Qi is active in the south of Shanxi, spying on Zhao Wen's military situation.

Zhao Wen took the bamboo tube, checked the wax seal, opened the bamboo tube, and took out a piece of rice paper with military information written on it.

Looking at the contents on the rice paper, Zhao Wen let out a long breath, and said with a relaxed face: "It's really unexpected that the imperial court has given up the whole of Shanxi now!"

"Abandoned Shanxi? What's going on?" Li Xiaosan looked at Zhao Wen with a puzzled expression.

Zhao Wen handed the military report in his hand to Li Xiaosan, "You can see for yourself!"

Li Xiaosan rubbed his hands, and the general took over.

The content displayed in the military newspaper is very simple, that is, since Wu Zhen failed in Taiyuan Mansion, he has fled all the way south. Whenever he passed by the county town, Wu Zhen would transfer the soldiers of the guards in the county town and recruit some young men.

Before leaving, all the officials in the county and all the food that can be taken away will be taken away.

Originally, Wang Qi thought that if Wu Tong did this, he would definitely be arrested by Chongzhen.

Unexpectedly, a few days ago, Chongzhen suddenly issued an order to evacuate all the personnel and everything that could be taken away in the south of Shanxi.

Now the entire south of Shanxi is in chaos, especially the counties where the guards and officials were taken away. These places have fallen into chaos.

Those gentry with wealth in the city who were willing to leave followed Wu Zhen, and those who were unwilling to leave recruited nursing homes to protect their property.

As for the ordinary people in the city, they are in dire straits.

The government no longer exists, so does order, and those green-skinned hooligans in the weekdays have also become active.

At the beginning, they were still worried, fearing that the government hadn't really left, but as time passed, they found that the government was really gone, and no one was in charge of them, so the trouble became more intense.

These county towns without official guards have fallen into the carnival of green-skinned hooligans, and ordinary people are killed and robbed almost every day.

Some ambitious green-skinned hooligans even learned from Li Zicheng and his like to stand on their own hills, form cliques, and attack the countryside.

Without order, the green-skinned hooligans in these county towns suddenly had unlimited desires. They gathered in groups in the county town and the villages near the county town to do things that they would not even dare to think about on weekdays.

After a while, General Li Xiaosan returned the report to Zhao Wen.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Li Xiaosan looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wendao: "What else can we do? Order the entire army, speed up, and take over these counties as quickly as possible.

By the way, I will write a letter later and ask Liu Wenzhong to transfer a group of people from Xuanzhen to manage the area. "

Zhao Wen returned to the county government office as he spoke.

At this time, seven or eight braziers had been placed in the county government office, and high-quality coal was burning in these braziers, which warmed the hall of the county government office.

Zhao Wen sat on a chair in the hall, took out a piece of rice paper, and began to write.

The content on the rice paper is very simple, that is to ask Liu Wenzhong to send another group of people over.

Because this time it is the whole of Shanxi, the number of personnel required is huge, so Zhao Wen did not stick to the university.

Zhao Wen wrote in the letter that this time not only college students, but all gentry in Xuan Town who have lived in Xuan Town for more than one year and are active in various affairs of Xuan Town can sign up. After passing the exam, they can take office. Those with college students at home are preferred.

The reason why the gentry with college students at home is given priority is because these gentry are basically Zhao Wen's supporters.

Enabling one's own children to enter university is, to some extent, an affirmation of university.

For the content of the exam, Zhao Wen also made a detailed plan. The exam should not only test the Four Books and Five Classics, but should focus on the mastery of practical studies, such as mathematics and finance.

There is no way for Zhao Wen to do this. There are only so many college students. This time, Shanxi will be emptied of all these people. What about the rest of the place?
In addition to these things, Zhao Wen also asked Liu Wenzhong to increase the enrollment of universities, and at the same time increase the enrollment of elementary and middle schools.

After writing this, Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand and began to think.

"It seems that with the expansion of the territory in the future, all the captured officials cannot be dispatched, and the truly capable and honest officials will be retained to assist Xuanzhen in governing the place together. Otherwise, the manpower in our hands is really not enough. .

That's right, we can't let all the people who govern the place come from Xuan Town, otherwise, there will definitely be disasters in the future. "

Zhao Wen looked at the letter on the table, muttered a few words, and then began to write a letter to Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu.

Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I can't be with them this year, so I wrote a letter to comfort them.

After writing all these things, Zhao Wen remembered the military situation that Wang Qi had just sent.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Wen took out another piece of rice paper and started to write.

This letter was written to Zheng Yiguan, asking Zheng Yiguan to get some food from Southeast Asia and Taiwan Yuan Island.

Shanxi is about to be taken down, and it will cost a lot of food just to resettle the people. Although after so many years of accumulation, Xuan Town has also accumulated a lot of food, but it is still necessary to plan ahead.

After writing all the letters, a thick layer of snow had fallen outside. Zhao Wen rolled up the letters, then asked Li Xiaosan to find a bamboo tube, stuffed the letters into the bamboo tube, and sealed it with wax. .

"Send these letters out, remember, the speed must be fast!" Zhao Wen handed these letters to Li Xiaosan and urged.

Li Xiaosan took the letter and patted his chest, "Don't worry, my lord, I will send the letter as quickly as possible."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiaosan ran out quickly.

Seeing Li Xiaosan leaving, Zhao Wen walked out of the county government office wearing a cloak and leading a dozen guards in new military uniforms.

Zhao Wen entered Jiexiu in the afternoon of the day before yesterday, because the guards inside and a large number of young men were taken away by Wu Sheng, so it didn't take long for Zhao Wen to completely hold Jiexiu in his hands.

Speaking of which, this is Zhao Wen's second visit to Jiexiu.

The first time he came here was in the third year of Chongzhen. At that time, he was promoted to the general soldier of Xuanzhen, and together with Cao Huachun, he inspected Shanxi merchants, and the hometown of Shanxi merchant Fan Yongdou was in Jiexiu.

Zhao Wen walked on the snow-covered street and looked at the houses on both sides of the street.

"It's been more than three years, and it still hasn't changed at all." Zhao Wen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"My lord, have you been here before?" A seventeen or eighteen-year-old personal guard following Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Wen and asked with a puzzled expression.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, a 30-year-old man in a new-style military uniform standing next to him shouted sharply: "Shut up, how can you talk nonsense in front of adults? Don't you know the order of dignity?"

When the young guard was scolded like this, he was so frightened that he shut his mouth hastily.

Zhao Wen shook his head with a smile, "Okay, everyone has curiosity, so there's no need to beat him to death with a stick."

"Thank you sir." The man stared at the boy and said in a deep voice.

The young man hurriedly saluted Zhao Wen, "Thank you, my lord!"

"Haha, why are you thanking me? It's just a very normal thing, Guo Yi, you're making too much of a fuss!" Zhao Wen pointed at the man and scolded with a smile.

This Guo Yi followed Zhao Wen quite early. He followed Zhao Wen when Zhao Wen was promoted to the defense of Longmen Fort.

Guo Yi escaped from Shaanxi, and his younger sister and younger brother also escaped with him. If it weren't for Zhao Wen, Guo Yi and his brothers and sisters would have starved to death.

Since then, he has been Zhao Wen's personal guard, and has always been loyal to Zhao Wen, and now he is also a thousand households in the personal guard camp.

Guo Yi smiled honestly, "My lord, the rank and order are orderly, and your majesty cannot be violated."

"Where did you hear this? You are still talking about it now. In the past, you asked me a lot of questions, such as why the big black star is called a big black star, why is 56 and a half called 56 and a half, these things Have you forgotten?" Zhao Wen looked at Guo Yi with a smile on his face.

As soon as Zhao Wen said this, the guards following Zhao Wen couldn't help laughing.

If it wasn't for Zhao Wen's presence, I'm afraid these people would all be laughing.

Guo Yi's face turned red instantly, and he was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Zhao Wen waved his hands, turned around, and then walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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