Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 424 Huang Taiji's Worries

Chapter 424 Huang Taiji's Worries
Not long after, Wu Keshan came to Horqin's prison.

There is no difference between Horqin's big prison and ordinary prison cells, and the general design is the same. After all, the entire Horqin City was built with Zhao Wen's help.

As soon as Wu Keshan entered the cell, he heard the sound of a whip.

The sound of the whip was also mixed with Fan Wencheng's screams.

In the largest cell of the prison, Fan Wencheng was hung on the wall, and next to him were several big men holding whips, beating Fan Wencheng non-stop.

Because of Shanhaiguan, Fan Wencheng could only go to Xuanzhen through the grassland, but when they first set foot on the grassland, they encountered heavy snow not long after.

The heavy snow on the grassland this year is very heavy, far exceeding that of previous years. The entire grassland is covered with heavy snow, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.

Fan Wencheng and others lost their way after walking on the grassland for a few days.

Lost, they wandered around on the grassland like headless flies, and entered Horqin's territory without knowing it.

Although when the heavy snow came, Buhe moved the people in the tribe into Horqin City, but regarding his territory, Buhe did not let it go, and still sent people to patrol his territory.

After Fan Wencheng entered the Horqin territory, he was discovered by the Horqin cavalry patrolling the grassland not long after.

Although Fan Wencheng wore Hanfu to deceive people, the pigtail hairstyle on their heads could not deceive Horqin's troops.

After being noticed by Horqin soldiers, they originally wanted to run away, but how could they run away on the vast prairie?In the end, Fan Wencheng and others were captured by Horqin's troops and brought to Horqin City.

To be on the safe side, Fan Wencheng hid the imperial edict given to him by Huang Taiji and other things on the grassland covered by heavy snow before he and others were caught.

Fan Wencheng was severely tortured after he was taken to prison.

But no matter what, Fan Wencheng didn't speak.

As for those followers of Fan Wencheng, these people were only sent by Huang Taiji to follow Fan Wencheng, and they didn't know what Fan Wencheng was going to do.

"Aren't you going to tell me? What did Huang Taiji ask you to do?" A big man whipped Fan Wencheng with a whip and shouted fiercely.


There was a crisp sound, followed by Fan Wencheng's screams like killing a pig.

"I don't know anything, I don't know anything!" Fan Wencheng screamed in despair as his head shook like a rattle.

Wu Keshan stood at the door of the cell, looked at Fan Wencheng who was beaten, and walked in with a sneer.

"Taiji, this guy's companions don't know their purpose very well, only this stubborn dog knows.

However, no matter how we interrogated him, this bastard kept silent. The big man who interrogated Fan Wencheng looked at Wu Keshan who walked in, and rushed to meet him.

Wu Keshan waved his hand at him, and looked at Fan Wencheng, "Haha, here, do you think you can survive without telling? I advise you to tell everything you know, so as not to suffer physical pain."

Fan Wencheng looked up at Wu Keshan who came in, and shouted hoarsely: "Khan and Horqin are related by marriage, you can't treat me like this."

Wu Keshan sneered, and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm directly on Fan Wencheng's face, "Hehe, why did you say it so nicely? Why didn't I see Huang Taiji, a bastard, say that we are related by marriage when I was hit by a white disaster in Horqin? Woolen cloth?
Married with Huang Taiji for so many years, Huang Taiji took away many benefits from us, and what did he leave for us in the end?Now that I think of it, there is still this in-law relationship between us?This is simply a big joke. "

Although Horqin and Huang Taiji are related by marriage, Horqin and Zhao Wen are also related by marriage.In the eyes of these people in Horqin, even ten Huang Taiji tied together are not as good as Zhao Wen.

Among other things, the two are completely different in their attitude towards Horqin.

When Huang Taiji treated Horqin, he didn't take Horqin seriously at all. He treated Horqin as if he were his own domestic slave.

In the past, as long as Huang Taiji went out, he would let Horqin send troops. It sounds nice to let Horqin share the spoils, but in fact he let Horqin's people serve as cannon fodder.

When charging, Horqin's troops are always at the forefront, and when the spoils are finally distributed, Horqin is kicked aside.

In the end, Horqin didn't get any benefits, and suffered heavy casualties.

And what about Xuanzhen?Since taking refuge in Xuanzhen, Xuanzhen has treated Horqin surprisingly well. Among other things, the construction of Horqin City alone will throw Huang Taiji away by an unknown distance.

Although Horqin spent the money to build Horqin City, at least they also repaired it.If this kind of thing was placed on Huang Taiji, would he build it?

What's more, after taking refuge in Xuanzhen, Xuanzhen procured Horqin's war horses, cattle and sheep, and all kinds of fur in large quantities, and I don't know how much benefit it has brought to Horqin every year.I don't know how many herdsmen have been brought livelihood, and how many herdsmen have been supported.

Since taking refuge in Xuanzhen, more and more new children have been born in the Horqin Department in recent years, and with children there is a future.Xuanzhen even reserved some places for children from the Horqin tribe in the elementary and middle schools set up in Xuanzhen, allowing them to enter the school and get rid of illiteracy.

Today's Horqin no longer has to fight and kill on the grassland for the sake of living space, and can earn a lot of money just by providing war horses for Xuanzhen.

With silver, you can purchase a series of daily necessities such as grain, salt, tea, etc. in Xuan Town, and you can even buy iron pots that were banned from being sold to grasslands by the imperial court.

Now the Horqin tribe has become more and more fond of this way of life, and the scene of working desperately with other tribes for a little living supplies is gone forever.

After all, no one likes to fight with others from birth. If it is not to solve the problem of eating, who would like to fight to the death with others?Now you can live well without fighting, so why do you still have to fight?Wouldn't it be nice to earn money to support the family safely?

What was the purpose of the Alda soldiers besieging the capital?Isn't it just to allow the imperial court to open a few more places to trade with the grassland?

Now that this wish has come true, what is the fight?

Moreover, when Horqin took refuge in Xuan Town and was able to buy a large amount of materials needed for the grassland from Xuan Town, the status of the Horqin tribe on the grassland gradually rose.

Although the tribes on the prairie did not bow down to Horqin on the surface, which of these tribes on the prairie would not respectfully call Borzigit Khan when they saw Buhe?
Even those tribes who had enmity with Horqin personally went to Horqin to apologize to Borzigit Khan, hoping that Buhe could help sell their tribe's cattle and sheep to Xuan Town.

Now the grassland is covered with heavy snow. If it were in the past, I don’t know how many cattle and sheep would be frozen to death, and I don’t know how many herdsmen would be frozen to death.

But with the existence of this Horqin city, the Horqin tribe can safely spend this winter.

These things were brought by Xuan Zhen, not by Huang Taiji.

Now Fan Wencheng suddenly appeared on the grassland, which immediately aroused Buhe's vigilance.

He was afraid that the scheming fat man would alienate his relationship with Xuan Zhen, so when Fan Wencheng was just caught, Bu He sent Fan Wencheng to jail.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, just tell me quickly, what is your purpose for coming to the grassland? What does Huang Taiji want you to do?" Wu Keshan's face gradually became gloomy.

The scars on Fan Wencheng's body were still oozing blood. Although several braziers were placed in the cell, the temperature in the cell was still very low.

Fan Wencheng was stripped so that only his shirt was left, and he was hanging on the cold wall, trembling non-stop.

Fan Wencheng looked at Wu Keshan's cold expression, but never spoke.

"Don't say it, hehe, I didn't expect you, Huang Taiji's dog, to be so loyal. Since you don't say it, don't blame me." Wu Keshan sneered, looking at the big man who was interrogating Fan Wencheng beside him, "will All the braziers in the cell were removed, and a hole the size of a fist was cut on the wall behind Fan Wencheng's waist for me.

Now that it's snowing heavily outside, I want to see if it's his mouth that's hard or the wind and snow outside! "

After Wu Keshan finished speaking, someone brought a chair and sat in front of Fan Wencheng.

At the same time, several big men walked towards Fan Wencheng with hammers and chisels.

Outside the wall where Fan Wencheng was hung was the courtyard of the cell. Although there was a wall around the courtyard to block it, the wind and snow were still heavy.

A few quarters of an hour later, a hole the size of a fist appeared on the wall.

As soon as the hole was dug open, the strong wind from outside rushed in with snowflakes.

Fan Wencheng was also hung on the wall again, with the waist of his back pointed at the hole.

As soon as it was hung on the wall again, Fan Wencheng felt the cold rush towards his waist like a knife.

Although this cold air is not as sharp as a knife, it is more uncomfortable and painful to cut a person's body than to cut with a knife.

It didn't take long for Fan Wencheng to lose feeling in his legs, and he became incontinent.

"I said, I said, I can say everything!" Fan Wencheng couldn't bear it anymore, and he said weakly to Wu Keshan.

Wu Keshan pointed to Fan Wencheng, "Block the hole behind him."

Saying that, the big man interrogating Fan Wencheng in the cell blocked the hole behind Fan Wencheng again.

"Tell me!" Wu Keshan looked at Fan Wencheng who looked a little better, and asked.

After the terrible feeling just now, Fan Wencheng said everything he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Wu Keshan sat quietly in front of Fan Wencheng, listening to Fan Wencheng's voice, a trace of sarcasm gradually appeared on his face.

When Fan Wencheng said everything, Wu Keshan burst out laughing.

"Haha, Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji, doesn't he often say that he is a character like Zhuge Liang? Why is he so stupid now? He still wants to win over Mr. Zongbing? It's just a dream."

After a while, Wu Keshan put away his smile and looked at the big man who was interrogating Fan Wencheng in the cell, "Give him some good food for the past few days, and treat his injuries in time. I will give this Fan Wencheng to the Chief Soldier, so that the Chief Soldier My lord loses."

"Obey!" The big man in the cell shouted loudly at Wu Keshan.

Wu Keshan waved his hand, then turned and left.

After leaving the cell, Wu Keshan led more than 100 soldiers towards the place Fan Wencheng said was hiding Huang Taiji and asked him to bring it to Zhao Wen.

Not long after, Wu Keshan stopped in a bush covered with heavy snow.

Wu Keshan looked at the gradually darkening sky, and shouted loudly: "Search for me!"

When Wu Keshan gave an order, all the soldiers behind him jumped off their horses and began to search the bushes.

Not long after, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old soldier suddenly found a long and beautifully decorated box from a snowdrift.

"Taiji!" The soldier hurried to Wu Keshan with the box.

Wu Keshan took the box and immediately recognized that it was the box used by Huang Taiji to hold his imperial decree.

There are several such boxes in the Horqin tribe, and they were the imperial decree issued by Huang Taiji before Horqin took refuge in Xuanzhen.

Wu Keshan looked at the perfect sealant on the box, and filled it with excitement.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be hidden here. Brothers, keep searching. Anyone who finds it will be rewarded!"

Wu Keshan's voice pierced the hearts of these soldiers, and they quickly searched the snow.

Before it was completely dark, Wu Keshan took the things he found and headed towards Horqin City.

Not long after leaving, Daxue covered up all the traces of Wu Keshan and others' search.

At the same time, Huang Taiji stood at the door of the imperial study room of the pseudo-imperial palace in Shengjing, watching the heavy snow falling from the sky.

"I don't know if Fan Aiqing has arrived. I think it should be not far from Xuanzhen." Huang Taiji sighed, feeling a little worried.

"Big Khan, even if we don't arrive soon!" Ning Wanwo stood hunched over behind Huang Taiji and said flatteringly.

"Let's not talk about it now, how much food is left in the city?" Huang Taiji looked at Ning Wan and me, and said worriedly.

After Ning Wan, my face suddenly collapsed, and he looked at Huang Taiji with some fear, "Khan, there is only one month left."

"Only one month left? I remember that there is still a lot of food? Why is there only so little left?" Huang Taiji looked surprised.

Before winter began, Huang Taiji personally sent someone to count the grain in the city. According to the statistics at that time, there was no problem at all in getting through this winter.

But how long has it been? Why is there only one month left?

"Khan, this year's weather is extremely cold, the heavy snow is falling non-stop, and there are many disaster-stricken places inside and outside the city, so the food consumption is fast." Ning Wan, I was afraid of offending Huang Taiji, and said cautiously .

Listening to Ning Wan's voice, Huang Taiji didn't answer, and looked worriedly at the heavy snow in the sky.

Now he only hopes that the heavy snow will stop as soon as possible, otherwise, with the remaining food, he will not be able to survive this winter at all.

(End of this chapter)

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