Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 425 Start to Divide the Troops

Chapter 425 Start to Divide the Troops

The heavy snow is still falling, and the whole grassland is a piece of white.

After Wu Keshan got what Fan Wencheng brought, he led Fan Wencheng and others towards Xuanzhen.

Today's Horqin tribe has become Zhao Wen's most solid subordinate, so after getting the things Fan Wencheng carried, Bu He asked Wu Keshan to escort Fan Wencheng and all the things they found to Xuanzhen.

The winter is bitter and the snow is constantly heavy. The official roads of this era are very difficult to walk because there is no one to clear the heavy snow on them.

Zhao Wen was riding on a war horse, and his body was covered with heavy snow.

He looked at the gradually darkening sky, and said to Guo Yi beside him: "It will be dark in less than an hour, let's come here today, let's set up camp first. The road is difficult, and the marching speed of the army will inevitably be dragged down." .”

Guo Yi bowed his hands to Zhao Wen, and then passed on Zhao Wen's order.

Not long after, the taxis of the pro-guard camp began to camp in the snow.

Because it was winter, the soil on the ground was frozen, so the speed of camping was very slow.

The place where Zhao Wen is now is a place called Lengquankou, which is not far from Lingshi County, that is, a distance of forty or fifty miles.

If it hadn't snowed, Zhao Wen would have already arrived in Lingshi County at this time.

Originally, Zhao Wen wanted to work harder and bring the team to Lingshi County, but who knew that the snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the snow on the ground was already more than a foot thick.

With such thick snow, the marching speed was unusually slow, and Zhao Wen had no choice but to camp here now.

It was already night when the camp was completely settled.

Standing at the door of the large tent, Zhao Wen looked at the continuous heavy snow in the sky, and asked, "Where is the former army now?"

"My lord, according to the previous report from the scouts, the former army is now less than twenty miles away from Lingshi County. Because the snow suddenly became heavier, we had to stop first. It is estimated that we will reach Lingshi County tomorrow morning." Guo Yi Standing beside Zhao Wen.

Before Zhao Wen set off, the ex-soldier Ma set off first, and the general who temporarily led the ex-soldier horse was none other than Qi Dazhuang, who was rescued by Zhao Wen after fleeing from Shaanxi with his mother on his back a long, long time ago.

This Qi Dazhuang fought fiercely after entering the barracks. Every time he fought, he charged forward and made a lot of contributions.

In addition, he likes to study very much. In the military camp, as long as he has free time, he will ask the military counselor for advice.

Today's Qi Dazhuang dare not say that he can be admitted as a scholar, but he can read the Four Books and Five Classics.

Qi Dazhuang is also very calm and loyal to Zhao Wen.

So, now he has become a thousand households.

It was also for these reasons that Zhao Wen asked him to temporarily lead the former army to take the lead and take over Lingshi County, which is not far from Jiexiu County.

Zhao Wen nodded and looked at Guo Yi: "You will send someone to inform Qi Dazhuang later that after he enters Lingshi County tomorrow, he will divide the troops under his command into units of thousands of households, and distribute all these troops to me so that Receive the city as quickly as possible, and be sure to capture the entire south of Shanxi before the Chinese New Year.

In addition to Qi Dazhuang, Song Hu and Zhao Daniu also asked them to separate their troops and occupy the entire Shanxi as quickly as possible.There are also guards in the camp. Only 1000 people in the guards camp need to be left, and the excess will be dispersed. "

"But my lord, the safety of my lord is the top priority of Xuan Town, the guard camp cannot be separated." Guo Yi became anxious when he heard that Zhao Wen wanted to separate the guard camp.

In Guo Yi's heart, Zhao Wen's safety is more important than anything else.

Although there are more than 8000 people in the current guard camp, Guo Yi still feels that it is not enough.

Not only Guo Yi, but in the hearts of everyone in Xuanzhen, Zhao Wen's safety is the most important. Today's Xuanzhen can reach this point, which is inseparable from Zhao Wen. Without Zhao Wen, today's Xuanzhen The town simply cannot exist.

Therefore, Zhao Wen's safety is the top priority.

Zhao Wen waved his hand indifferently, "Now that the whole of Shanxi is about to fall into our hands, what danger can there be at this time? Besides, even if there is any danger, with a thousand armed guards, we can completely protect it." My safety."

"My lord, this matter is too dangerous, please think again, my lord." Guo Yi persuaded Zhao Wen anxiously.

But Zhao Wen didn't change his face, and he didn't change his mind at all.

"I have already decided that it is impossible to make any changes. You should pass on my order. Now that Shanxi is about to be taken by us, what do you have to be afraid of?

Besides, don't you believe in the soldiers of the Guards Battalion?Don't you think these soldiers can't protect me? "Zhao Wen chuckled, and then said to Guo Yi: "Okay, just follow what I said. "

Guo Yi looked at Zhao Wen who had made up his mind, and heaved a long sigh, so he had to obey Zhao Wen's order.

Under the darkness of the night, heavy snow fell, and a cavalry force of nearly 100 men rushed out of Zhao Wen's camp and rushed in all directions.

Zhao Wen's current camp is not far from Qi Dazhuang's camp, so the people who went to Qi Dazhuang's camp did not take long to arrive at Qi Dazhuang's camp.

In Qi Dazhuang's camp, Qi Dazhuang took the order given to him by Zhao Wen, and hurriedly shouted to the guards standing outside: "Come on, all the thousand households in the general and the counselors at the level of thousand households will be given to me!" Find it."

As soon as Qi Dazhuang's words fell, the guard standing at the door hurriedly ran towards the depths of the camp.

It didn't take long for Qi Dazhuang's big tent to be full of Qianhu and Qianhu's first-level counselors in the army.

Now Qi Dazhuang has a total of about 2 people, and there are about 20 counselors at the level of Qianhu and Qianhu.

These people filled the entire big tent to the brim.

"This is the military order issued by the commander-in-chief, I will read it to you!" Qi Dazhuang said and began to read the military order.

When Qi Dazhuang's last word fell, the thousands of households and the counselors in the big tent became excited.

The reason for these people's excitement is very simple, because in the eyes of these thousands of households and the counselors, only by separating themselves from these people can they make greater contributions.

Although many people are powerful, in the eyes of these people, their weapons are so powerful that they don't need to gather together at all.

Qi Dazhuang looked at these counselors from thousands of households, and said, "Have you understood the orders of your lord? I have decided to separate you from tomorrow. Except for No. 12 thousand households who follow me, the other thousand households are Take this thousand households as the unit, and start heading south.

Remember, your lord's order is to take the whole of Shanxi into your pocket before the new year. I hope you can complete this plan. "

"I will definitely complete the plan that the adults entrusted to us!"

These thousands of households and counselors in the big tent made an oath to Qi Dazhuang.

Qi Dazhuang nodded, "You guys go down first and make your own arrangements!"

At dawn the next day, Qi Dazhuang distributed the army in units of thousands of households.

After the separation, these thousands of households began to move towards the south of Shanxi.

Although the heavy snow in the sky has not stopped, these soldiers have not stopped marching because of the heavy snow.

Not only Qi Dazhuang, but even Song Hu and Zhao Daniu separated their men and horses after receiving Zhao Wen's order, and began to occupy the city in units of thousands of households.

Because Wu Zhen wiped out all the defenders and officials in almost all the counties in the south of Shanxi, the soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen did not encounter any resistance at all when they occupied these cities, and it was as easy as returning home.

After entering these cities, the Xuanzhen soldiers will first encircle and suppress the green-skinned hooligans who are making trouble in the cities, and at the same time appease the people in the cities.

Because the speed of occupying the city was too fast, coupled with the fact that the official roads in Shanxi were in disrepair for a long time and the heavy snow continued, this caused Zhao Wen's logistical pressure to be too heavy.

Liu Wu is at the rear, and his main task is to collect the fleeing refugees and escort the food and grass.

Because of the continuous heavy snow, the dilapidated official roads were covered by heavy snow, and the ground was slippery, so it was very difficult to transport grain and grass.

Liu Wu stood on a small hill not far from Taiyuan Mansion. He looked at the team stretching for several miles down the hill, his face full of anxiety.

"Did the grain and grass hoarded by the Taiyuan Mansion be sent to the adults?" Liu Wu asked, looking at a thousand households beside him now.

Since Zhao Wen captured Taiyuan Mansion, Taiyuan Mansion has become an important base for Zhao Wen's army to hoard food and supplies.

Liu Wuhui will store the delivered food and materials in Taiyuan Mansion first, and then send them to the front line.

The thousand households said: "Return to the general, I have already left this morning. According to the news sent back by the general soldier, the general soldier has now occupied Jiexiu and other places, and the general soldier has also ordered the whole army to send the soldiers to Thousands of households were scattered out to take over the city.

In this way, our logistics pressure will be even greater.The governor of Shanxi wiped out all the defenders, officials, and food every time he went to a city, and there was nothing left.We not only have to escort the army rations, but also the food for the resettlement of the common people, and even the quilts for the winter. "

"Okay, don't complain, there's nothing you can do about it. Now let's escort food and collect refugees with peace of mind! By the way, have the captives in Taiyuan Mansion been handed over to Master Sun Yuanhua?" Liu Wu said again asked.

"Return to the general, not yet, and it will take three or four days to arrive. Now the construction speed of the railway is also much slower because of the heavy snow, but because there were a lot of captives before, and both ends were started at the same time, so from now on. The railway from Xuanzhen to Yangyuan has almost been built, and I heard that it will be open to traffic in about a month." Qianhu replied.

Hearing this, Liu Wuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and said with emotion: "It's so good, when the time comes, the supplies and food in Xuanzhen town can be directly transported to Yangyuan by train.

Although Yangyuan is still relatively far from Taiyuan Mansion, at least it can save our soldiers from running a little. "

At the same time, Liu Wenzhong also received the letter from Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen's letter was the letter that asked Liu Wenzhong to choose the local officials who governed Shanxi.

When he got the letter, Liu Wenzhong called all the officials together and held a small meeting.

After the meeting, Liu Wenzhong conveyed the news of recruiting officials through newspapers.

After finishing these things, Liu Wenzhong sent a group of people to the university to select personnel.

The next day, just after dawn, sanitation personnel cleared the snow on the road.

It had also snowed heavily in Xuanzhen for several days before, and the sky only cleared up this morning.

Although the weather is sunny, the temperature is still very low. If you expose your hands outside, it will turn red in a short time.

However, even so, there are still some newsboys in padded jackets, caps, and satchels running back and forth on the street.

"Outside the nickname, it is expected that the whole territory of Shanxi will be captured before the Chinese New Year. Now there is a power vacuum in Shanxi. In order to form management of Shanxi in time, Mr. General Soldier plans to select administrators at the university. Apart from this method, the General Master Bing also plans to select personnel in Xuan Town.

Commander-in-Chief has an order, not only university students, but all gentry in Xuan Town who have lived in Xuan Town for more than one year and are active in various affairs of Xuan Town can sign up to participate. After passing the exam, they can take office. If there are university students in the family priority. "

Newsboys waved the newspapers in their hands and shouted loudly on the cold street.

Soon, the newsboy's voice attracted some people's attention.

Sun Qingchang's father, Sun Dong, was playing swords in the yard after breakfast. Now that his son has entered university, he has no worries about the future, and he doesn't have to worry about his son anymore.

Sun Dong, who has no worries about his future, also began to relax, and recently became obsessed with health preservation.

"What kind of sword are you playing in this snowy and cold weather? Are you not afraid of getting caught in the wind and cold?" Mrs. Sun Dong stood in the yard, looking at Sun Dong who was wielding a long sword, and said with some complaints.

Sun Dong said disapprovingly: "What do you know? I am exercising, and this set of swordsmanship was followed by a famous doctor in Xuan Town a few days ago.

That famous doctor is over 80 years old now, and his body is still very strong. He can eat three meals a day, and one meal can eat a large bowl of rice.

The reason why he can live so long is precisely because of this set of swordsmanship. Now that Chang'er has entered the university, his future will definitely not be bad.This good day has just begun, I want to live longer and enjoy it. "

"You only know how to enjoy yourself. Every day at home, you either drink with your friends or write poems. You don't even do any serious work on weekdays. You are only in your 40s now. Are you willing to continue like this?" Mrs. Sun Dong said a little The way of hating iron but not steel.

"Hey, our family's business is looked after by a housekeeper, and I can't get involved. I stay at home, so what do you think I should do? I want to do things too, but there's nothing I can do.

I can't get involved in the business, so let's become an official, and they don't want us sour scholars.If I don't do these things, what else can I do? "

Sun Dong stopped, inserted the long sword in his hand into the scabbard on the ground beside him, and said thoughtfully.

When Madam Sun Dong heard this, she pointed at Sun Dong's nose and wanted to teach him a lesson, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Look, those cronies of yours came here early in the morning, and they can't make people peaceful every day!" Mrs. Sun Dong pointed in the direction of the gate, and said with a gloomy face.

Sun Dong said with a smile: "Today's heavy snow has finally stopped, it's the best time to drink and chat, that's all, I won't talk to you anymore."

Sun Dong said and walked towards the gate.

When Mrs. Sun Dong saw Sun Dong leaving, she stomped her feet and walked towards the backyard with a long sigh.

When Sun Dong opened the door, a middle-aged scholar about Sun Dong's age held a newspaper and looked at Sun Dong excitedly, "Brother Sun, what a joyful event!"

Sun Dong didn't quite understand. He looked at the excited middle-aged scholar and asked with a puzzled expression, "What a happy event? What kind of happy event? There is still half a month before the Chinese New Year. What kind of happy event can there be?" ?”

The scholar didn't talk nonsense, and directly stuffed the newspaper in his hand to Sun Dong, "Look for yourself, today's headlines."

Sun Dong opened the newspaper and read it with a puzzled expression.

 Thank you for the reward of the sun in the summer, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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