Chapter 426 This is a Giant Dragon
After a while, Sun Dong looked excitedly at the middle-aged scholar, "Is this true? Are we gentry really going to govern Shanxi?"

The middle-aged scholar laughed loudly, pointing at the newspaper in Sun Dong's hand and laughingly said: "Hahaha, it's clearly written in black and white, what are you afraid of? There are less than three days left before our exam, three days later The exam is about to take place, let's hurry up and sign up first."

"Let's go, hurry up and sign up!" Sun Dong said, returning the newspaper in his hand to the middle-aged scholar and running inside.

A moment later, a carriage headed towards the Zongbing Yamen.

Unlike university admissions, the place for gentry to register is in the square outside the Zongbing Yamen.

When Sun Dong and his friend Zhu Miao came to the square in front of the Zongbing Yamen, a large number of gentry had already gathered in the square.

Sun Dong jumped out of the carriage, looked at the crowd in the square, and said with a depressed face, "I thought we came early enough, but we are still late!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Dong looked at the coachman, "You park the carriage outside the square and wait for me, remember, don't run around, don't cause trouble!"

"Brother Sun, let's go quickly." Zhu Miao looked at Sun Dong.

Sun Dong nodded and rushed forward.

There is a row of tables at the front of the square, with about thirteen tables.

Behind these tables sit scribes with brushes in hand, who record the names and places of origin of the gentry.

Despite the severe cold, these gentry did not feel disgusted in the slightest.

In ancient times, the purpose of studying was to become an official. At the beginning, these people thought that Zhao Wen would never let them, gentlemen, become officials again, but who knew that they would become officials now.

The hearts of these gentlemen suddenly became hot.

When these gentry signed up, a middle-aged man in a black cloak, accompanied by several soldiers, walked into the office near the Zongbing Yamen.

Led by the guards at the gate of the office, the middle-aged man walked into Liu Wenzhong's classroom.

"You must be Mr. Hong Chengchou, right? I heard that you will arrive today, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Liu Wenzhong looked at Hong Chengchou who appeared at the door of his classroom, stood up calmly, and greeted him.

Hong Chengchou was flattered and said: "How can the criminal officer let the adults greet him in person, this is absolutely impossible!"

Liu Wenzhong laughed loudly, took Hong Chengchou's arm and walked into the classroom.

The earth dragon was burning in the basement of the classroom, and as soon as he walked in, there was a wave of heat hitting his face.

Hong Chengchou's body immediately warmed up.


Liu Wenzhong pulled out a chair from the side and placed it in front of his desk, then sat in his seat.

Hong Chengchou declined a few times, but he couldn't, so he had to sit on the chair with half of his buttocks, and sat respectfully opposite Liu Wenzhong.

"Before, I received the military report from Zhou Lao Liu and told me about you. It is also a good thing that you can abandon the dark and turn to the bright."

Liu Wenzhong stroked the beard on his chin and said with a smile on his face.

Hong Chengchou also replied with a smile on his face: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a wise king to serve. Criminal officials just don't want to fall with the court."

"What you said is really worthy of being a Jinshi. Just this thick-skinned, it is not comparable to ordinary people." Liu Wenzhong slandered in his heart when he heard Hong Chengchou's words.

"By the way, the imperial court still doesn't know that you have surrendered to Xuanzhen, and the spies in the capital haven't heard the news that the imperial court knows that you have surrendered to Xuanzhen. Why didn't you take your family over first?" Liu Wenzhong asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Hong Chengchou heaved a long sigh, "Oh, the culprit wanted to, but the culprit has no one and no money, and now I have lost the army of the imperial court. will catch me."

"What is this? Since you have surrendered to my Xuanzhen, then your family's affairs are naturally my Xuanzhen's affairs. It is impossible for my Xuanzhen to let it go. In fact, I sent someone to you a few days ago. Home, pick up your family. It is estimated that we will arrive in Xuanzhen during the Chinese New Year.

Although the imperial court still thinks that you died in battle and did not blame your family members, but the fire cannot be contained in the paper. Sooner or later, the imperial court will know about your submission to Xuanzhen, so it is necessary to bring your family to Xuanzhen as soon as possible. ! "

As soon as Liu Wenzhong said this, Hong Chengchou stood up gratefully.

He arched his hands at Liu Wenzhong and saluted.

"Lord Liu can treat me like this, I can't repay you!" Hong Chengchou looked at Liu Wenzhong gratefully.

Liu Wenzhong hurriedly stood up, walked in front of Hong Chengchou, and helped Hong Chengchou up, "Haha, I didn't do this, I was asked to do this by the Chief Soldier!"

In fact, Zhao Wen had already learned that Hong Chengchou had taken refuge in him.

To be honest, at the beginning, Zhao Wen was a little disgusted with Hong Chengchou's refuge.After all, Hong Chengchou's reputation in history is not very good. Compared with people like Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng, it is far worse.

But after Zhao Wen thought it over, he finally figured it out.

Although Hong Chengchou in history was not a good character, he was also capable.What's more, in this era, he did not take refuge in Huang Taiji, but in himself.

As long as he takes refuge in himself, even if he has any ideas that he shouldn't have in the future, he won't be able to realize them.

Besides, the imperial court cannot all be from one faction or from one background.

Although the personnel under his command come from all over the world, they have lived in Xuanzhen for so many years, so they can naturally be called Xuanzhen faction officials.

A monolithic situation is not what Zhao Wen wants to see. Although nothing can be seen now, everything can be achieved without warning, and there is always nothing wrong with making early plans.

Although Zhao Wen captured many officials in Shanxi, these officials were incomparable with Hong Chengchou.

No matter how bad Hong Chengchou's character is, he still has skills.Most of these captured officials are trash, and it would be better not to rely on them to balance the government.

After figuring it out, Zhao Wen started to ask Liu Wenzhong to send people to Hong Chengchou's hometown to pick up Hong Chengchou's family.

Zhao Wen still understands the reason why a thousand pieces of gold buys a horse bone.

"What? It turned out to be the order of the commander-in-chief? Is this true?" Hong Chengchou became excited all of a sudden.

Liu Wenzhong helped Hong Chengchou up, and said in a slow voice: "Yes, the Chief Soldier asked me to do this. The Chief Soldier thinks highly of you, and this is the first time I have seen the Chief Soldier do this. After you You can't live up to the expectations of the commander-in-chief."

Looking at Liu Wenzhong's sincere eyes, Hong Chengchou was full of emotions in his heart. After a while, he said loudly to Liu Wenzhong: "I will definitely live up to the high expectations of the commander-in-chief, and I will do my best to serve the commander-in-chief."

He really didn't expect Zhao Wen to be so thoughtful and arrange his family before he thought of it.

At this moment, Hong Chengchou suddenly had a feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant.

"Haha, if that's the case, it would be great. Now the whole of Shanxi is about to be included in the bag. According to the letter from Mr. Zongbing, before the Chinese New Year, the whole of Shanxi can be completely captured.

In a few days, I will send a group of officials to Shanxi to govern Shanxi. You will also go with me when the time comes. This is the request of the commander-in-chief. "Liu Wenzhong laughed a few times, and then sat in his seat again.

Hong Chengchou was a little puzzled, "At this time, the commander-in-chief asked me to go to Shanxi, why?"

"I don't know, anyway, if the Chief Soldier tells you to go, go." Liu Wenzhong replied.

"In that case, then I will go to Shanxi in a few days." Hong Chengchou nodded, no longer thinking about why Zhao Wen asked him to go to Shanxi.

Hong Chengchou sat opposite to Liu Wenzhong. He looked at Liu Wenzhong and suddenly said: "When I came in just now, I saw a lot of people outside the Zongbing Yamen. What are these people doing? I really want to I don’t understand what these people who are counting in Hantian are doing here.”

"This matter is not a secret. Since you have surrendered to us, there are some things that should be known to you."

Liu Wenzhong took a long breath, adjusted his breathing, and began to explain to Hong Chengchou.

Liu Wenzhong explained a lot of content, almost all the big and small things in Xuanzhen.

Because there were so many things, Liu Wenzhong talked for almost half an hour.

And Hong Chengchou sat upright in front of Liu Wenzhong, listening to Liu Wenzhong's narration quietly.

If you don't listen, you don't know. When you hear it, you are shocked.With Liu Wenzhong's continuous narration, Hong Chengchou finally understood what kind of existence Xuanzhen is.

It's no wonder that when the imperial court faced Xuanzhen, not only did they not have the tendency to fight back, but they didn't even have the tendency to parry.

When Liu Wenzhong's voice fell, Hong Chengchou suddenly realized: "It turns out that these people are officials selected from Shanxi, so I said how could these people be like this."

"This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, and it will happen again in the future. Now that Shanxi has been won, if everything goes well, in my opinion, the entire Ming Dynasty will definitely be won within two years. By that time, everything will be destroyed. Xing, it's time for us to show our talents, you still have to work hard."

Liu Wenzhong looked at Hong Chengchou expectantly, and said earnestly.

In terms of age, Liu Wenzhong was seven or eight years older than Hong Chengchou, and Liu Wenzhong was Zhao Wen's confidant, so there was nothing wrong with Liu Wenzhong advising Hong Chengchou in this tone.

Hong Chengchou nodded, and said loudly: "I will definitely work hard, and I will not forget the training of Master Zongbing!"

Liu Wenzhong nodded, "Okay, you go down first. Someone will arrange a place for you later, and I still have something to do, so I won't keep you!"

As Liu Wenzhong spoke, he picked up the teacup on the table and looked at Hong Chengchou.

Seeing this, Hong Chengchou didn't bother him anymore, he bowed his hands to Liu Wenzhong, and then retreated out of Liu Wenzhong's classroom.

After walking out of the office, Hong Chengchou looked at the noisy crowd in the square in front of the Zongbing Yamen, his eyes shone with anticipation.

"Compared to Xuanzhen, the court is an old man who is extremely old. Mr. Liu is right. Now that the world is full of waste, it is time for us to show our talents!"

Hong Chengchou said a few words with emotion, and looked at the entourage following behind him.

These people were arranged by Zhou Laoliu for Hong Chengchou. They were said to protect Hong Chengchou, but they were actually used to monitor Hong Chengchou.

"Just now, Master Liu said that there is a very magical train in Xuan Town. Where is this train now, I want to go and see." Hong Chengchou looked at a follower behind him.

This entourage is called Wang Er, and he is the leader of Hong Chengchou's entourage.

When Wang Eryi heard Hong Chengchou mention the train, he straightened his chest, as if he made the train.

"This train is the most powerful thing in our Xuan Town. It can travel thousands of miles a day without getting tired." Wang Er looked at Hong Chengchou proudly. Although he didn't overtly despise Hong Chengchou, the contempt in his eyes was real of.

Hong Chengchou looked at Wang Er like this, smiled lightly, and was not too entangled.

Originally Zhou Lao Liu planned to have Hong Chengchou brought to Longmen Fort, and from Longmen Fort to take a train to Xuanzhen.

But when he was leaving, it suddenly snowed heavily, and the further north he went, the heavier the snow, so Zhou Lao Liu had no choice but to give up this idea and let someone take him to Xuan Town in the west.

"Is it so amazing?" Hong Chengchou looked at Wang Er in disbelief.

Wang Er said with a stinky face: "Of course, let me tell you, I have only made trains once, and this thing is more stable than the emperor's frame. Even if it is raining heavily outside, it is not at all Don’t be afraid. Besides, the train is something made by Mr. Zong Bing.”

As soon as Wang Er mentioned Zhao Wen, his eyes lit up and his face was full of reverence.

"In that case, why don't you take me to have a look?" Hong Chengchou asked.

Wang Er patted his chest and said confidently: "Follow me. There are many streets in Xuan Town, which are much bigger than the old town of Xuan Town before. If you go by yourself, you may get lost."

As Wang Er spoke, he raised his head and walked in front of Hong Chengchou.

Seeing this, Hong Chengchou couldn't help laughing, shook his head and followed.

The distance from Zongbing Yamen to Xuanzhen Railway Station is still relatively far. The location of the railway station is at the outermost edge of Xuanzhen, while Zongbing Yamen is in the very center of Xuanzhen.

About three quarters of an hour later, Wang Er led Hong Chengchou to the train station.

"This is the train station!" Wang Er led Hong Chengchou to stop outside the train station, pointing to the train station in front of him and said to Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou looked at the train station in front of him, his face was full of shock.

The shape of the train station is the shape of this era, but because of the use of cement, the train station is very large.

Hong Chengchou, who is famous for his knowledge and knowledge, has never seen such a huge building.

"This scale is probably bigger than the Golden Luan Palace." Hong Chengchou looked at the waiting hall of the station and said incredulously.

"Don't you want to watch the train? Come with me quickly, and I'll tell you, I can guarantee that this train will definitely exceed your expectations." Wang Er said and walked towards the train station.

Hong Chengchou hurriedly followed behind Wang Er.

Not long after, the two came to the platform.

At this moment, a train started to move slowly.

From the completion of the railway to the present, the train manufacturing workshop in the ironworks has produced many locomotives, so the number of train operations has also increased.

It has grown from two trips a day at the beginning to four trips a day now.


The running train was going to Longmen Fort. When the train passed by Hong Chengchou, a huge puff of white smoke rose from the chimney at the front of the train, and it drove along the railway with a long whistle.

When the first carriage passed Hong Chengchou, a head popped out of the window.

"Which compartment are you in? Why haven't you got on the train yet?" This person is the ticket inspector in the first compartment.

Wang Er shouted at the ticket inspector: "We are here to see the train, not to take the train!"

When the ticket inspector heard this, he retracted his head and closed the window.

"This is a giant dragon, this is a giant dragon!"

Hong Chengchou pointed at the train made of steel, his pupils shrank, and he shouted in horror.

"Calm down, calm down, it's just a train, it looks like nothing!" Wang Er hurriedly pulled Hong Chengchou's arm and shouted loudly.

The speed of the train was getting faster and faster. Hong Chengchou looked at the running train, threw off Wang Er's arm, jumped directly onto the railway, and started chasing it.

 Thank you for the reward of that ray of sunshine in summer, thank you book friend 160522134201432 for your nine monthly tickets, and thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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