Chapter 427

"Come back, this is a train, not a dragon, it looks useless, hurry back!"

Wang Er looked at Hong Chengchou who kept running on the railway, and shouted loudly while chasing him.

The speed of the train is getting faster and faster, and finally disappears directly on the railway.

Hong Chengchou bent over, put his hands on his knees and kept panting.

"Hoo hoo, this train can run so fast." Hong Chengchou looked out of breath as he looked at the train going away.

Wang Er came in front of Hong Chengchou, he pointed to the train going away, "You look like a worthless person, this is just a train, you don't need to be so excited, right?"

Hong Chengchou took several deep breaths in a row, looked at the direction where the train disappeared, and sighed: "This is simply a miracle, it can run so fast without cows and horses, how did it happen?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, I heard that it seems to be driven by a steam engine. These things are all secrets. I advise you not to inquire about them. Xuanzhen has a lot of secrets. You can't touch these things. A little touch will destroy your bones." end."

After Wang Er finished speaking, he pointed to the platform next to the railway, "Go, go up first, it's not a problem to stand here."

"Steam chicken? What steam chicken? How can a chicken have so much power?" Hong Chengchou thought it was the kind of chicken he was eating when he heard the word "machine", so he couldn't figure it out.

Wang Er climbed up to the platform, squatted on the platform, looked at Hong Chengchou who had not come up, "It's not a chicken from a rooster and a hen, I can't read, and I don't know what kind of chicken it is, anyway, it's not a chicken from a rooster and a hen.

All right, hurry up, the train is gone now, let's go.Someone should arrange accommodation for you later. "

Hong Chengchou nodded, hurriedly climbed up to the station, and followed Wang Er and the others towards the outside of the station.

Wang Er walked in front, and he turned his head to warn Hong Chengchou from time to time.

"Let me tell you about the prohibition of our Xuan Town first, so that you won't accidentally bump into it and lose your life." Wang Er cleared his throat and said, "In Xuan Town, if there is no order, ordinary people in the ironworks will be killed." It cannot be approached.

If ordinary people enter the ironworks by mistake, the consequences are not too serious. After being found out, if they die, they will spend ten days in prison.

However, the steam engine manufacturing plant in the ironworks is absolutely not allowed to enter, not even close to it.

The steam engine factory is located in the center of the ironworks. It was originally just a few ordinary factory buildings, but was later isolated by the commander-in-chief with a wall.

There are a large number of soldiers patrolling outside the steam engine factory every day. If there is no special pass, the patrolling soldiers have the right to kill directly. "

"So serious? Kill him directly?" Hong Chengchou looked at Wang Er with some horror.

Wang Er nodded, "This is an order personally issued by the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief once said that this steam engine is the most important thing to conquer and control the world, and there is no room for loss.

Trains are pulled by steam engines. If the railways are built throughout the entire Ming Dynasty, by that time, wherever there is a rebellion, the existence of the train will suppress the rebellion in a very short time. "

It is impossible for Hong Chengchou to be a fool to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Chongzhen. When Wang Erjiang had just finished speaking, Hong Chengchou immediately understood the importance of the train.

It is true that with the train, a large number of troops can be mobilized in a short period of time, and there is no need to worry about logistical support.

In this way, the number of soldiers will be greatly reduced, leaving only some elite soldiers.

Although the number of soldiers has decreased, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers has become stronger.

If the railway is really built throughout Daming, then the control over the southwestern chieftain will be even stronger.

Although the current Southwest Tusi is clearly under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, from the founding of the country to the present, the Southwest has not been completely controlled.

The reason why it was not under control was because the southwest was mountainous and the mountain roads were difficult to walk, so it was difficult for the imperial army to move in in a short time.

Even if they are transferred in, the rugged mountain roads will make the soldiers exhausted. If the rebels attack the soldiers at this time, it will often be a disastrous defeat.

Today's southwest is still dominated by chieftains, and the local people only recognize chieftains but not the imperial court.

The imperial army could not enter, and could not form an effective rule over the southwest, which led to the fact that although the southwest now surrenders to the imperial court on the surface, it is still doing its own thing secretly.

If the railway is really built to the southwest, if someone refuses to accept it at that time, the imperial army will come from the morning and evening, like a divine soldier descending from heaven, and with powerful weapons, they will completely wipe out the rebels.

At that time, as long as there is a train, which chieftain would dare to refuse to accept it?At that time, all the chieftains will be removed and replaced by court officials.

The more Hong Chengchou thought about it, the more excited he became. If the Southwest issue is really solved, it will be a great thing for the whole of China.

Since Qin Shihuang's southern expedition to Baiyue until now, although the southwest land has been under the jurisdiction of the Central Plains court, the court has never been able to intervene.

If the Southwest issue is really resolved, it will be equivalent to firmly holding this piece of land in his hands. By then, Zhao Wen will definitely be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Qin Huang Han Wu.

"Haha, you are right, as long as there are trains, if there is a rebellion in any place, the imperial army will come and wipe it out immediately.

If any place is affected by a disaster, the imperial court's disaster relief materials can also be transported in a very short time.Regardless of whether it is military or civil, this train is something that benefits the country and the people. "Hong Chengchou laughed, with excitement on his face.

Although Hong Chengchou's character is not good, he is not a waste, and the most basic benefits of the train can still be seen.

Seeing Hong Chengchou's excited look, Wang Er stopped, and said disapprovingly: "You are right, but what does this have to do with you? Come on, stop laughing, and I will tell you more I can't go anywhere."

Hong Chengchou put away his smile and looked at Wang Er, "Where else is there?"

"The other one is the mint. The original mint was in Xuanzhen City, but because more and more people were exchanging silver coins, the demand for silver coins was increasing, so the mint was moved outside the city.

The mint is located in a valley more than 50 miles west of Xuanzhen. The silver coins in Xuanzhen are all produced by the mint.

From ancient times to the present, anything linked to money cannot be touched.The mint in Xuanzhen can't be touched either. More than 1000 people are stationed around the mint. These people are all elite soldiers selected from various armies.

If you don't have a pass, let alone go in, you can't get close.

There are also places such as glass kilns and cement kilns, and you can't go to such places.These two places are the most profitable places in Xuanzhen, and the guards are also very tight.

The things produced by the cement kiln and the glass kiln are stored in a warehouse about two miles outside the factory building. You can get close to the warehouse. If you want to go and have a look, there is nothing wrong. "

Wang Er paused for a moment, and said again: "In a word, as long as it is related to military affairs and money, you can't touch it. I have thought of so much so far, and I will tell you later when I remember it.

In the future, you should pay attention. There are no special circumstances. You should not approach the places I mentioned. If you are arrested or beaten to death because of these things, don’t blame me for not notifying you in advance. "

Hong Chengchou nodded, remembering all these things Wang Er said in his heart.

When Hong Chengchou walked out of the station and was about to leave, he suddenly saw a young man who looked like a scholar passing by him on a bicycle.

As soon as he saw the bicycle, Hong Chengchou's eyes widened, "What is this? How is it so magical? The two wheels can still move? And there is no ox."

Wang Er chuckled and explained, "This is the most common means of transportation in Xuan Town. It's called a bicycle. A bicycle means a car that can move by itself. Don't look at this strange bicycle, but if you ride it, the speed Not slow either.

I've always wanted to buy a bike, but never had the time, plus I can't ride a bike yet. "

"It's so ingenious, it's so ingenious. With this kind of thing, you don't need to walk or rent a bullock cart when you travel far." Hong Chengchou looked at the bicycle going away, and kept praising it.

"Okay, don't look at it, go back quickly. Maybe the person who arranged for you is looking for you everywhere." Wang Er looked at the sky and hurriedly urged.

Hong Chengchou replied: "In that case, let's leave quickly."

Saying that, several people walked towards the direction of the Zongbing Yamen.

When Hong Chengchou came to the Zongbing Yamen, the crowded people in front of the Zongbing Yamen hadn't dispersed yet.

"These people really have perseverance." Hong Chengchou stood behind the square of the Zongbing Yamen, looked at the crowd in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Okay, don't be emotional, let's go." Wang Er urged Hong Chengchou a few times, and hurried to the office.

Hong Chengchou withdrew his gaze and followed behind Wang Er.

After a while, Hong Chengchou came to the door of the office.

As soon as he arrived, a scribe in a black padded jacket greeted him anxiously, "May I ask you, is Mr. Hong Chengchou Hong?"

Hong Chengchou cupped his fists and said, "I'm right here!"

"It's fine if it's you, hurry up and follow me. Lord Liu asked me to arrange a place for you, but I haven't found you after searching for a long time." The clerk turned around and walked forward as he said that.

Hong Chengchou hurriedly followed, as for Wang Er and others, they also followed behind Hong Chengchou.

A quarter of an hour later, the scribe led Hong Chengchou to stop at the posthouse in Xuanzhen.

"This is the post house in Xuanzhen, you should stay here for the next few days, Master Liu has already given the order.

If there is anything wrong, the steward in the posthouse can help you solve it. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, you can come to the office to find me. My name is Wang Haisheng, and I am in the house on the left hand side just after entering the office yard. middle. "

Wang Haisheng stopped in front of the gate of the post house. He pointed to the gate of the post house and kept talking to Hong Chengchou.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Haisheng continued: "I still have something to do now. I will escort supplies to Shanxi tomorrow. I am responsible for this matter, so I will excuse you first."

Wang Haisheng cupped his hands at Hong Chengchou, then turned and left.

After Wang Haisheng left, Hong Chengchou set his sights on the post house.

There are three buildings in the whole post house, and there is a small building with only two floors in front, which is the place to deal with things.

The two buildings are located behind the small building. There is a difference of more than 30 steps between the two, and the three finished characters.

The two buildings behind are taller, with five floors.Together with the small building in front of it, it was built with cement bricks and tiles.

Although the exterior of the post house still looks like the shape of this era, it looks a little weird.

The windows on the three upper floors are not paper windows of this era, but glass windows.

The three buildings are surrounded by a wall, with front and back yards.There were also some carriages and bicycles parked in the front yard, presumably they were people who came to Xuan Town for business.

"Let me tell you, this inn is the best in Xuan Town, and all the inns in Xuan Town can't compare with this inn.

Of course, not everyone can live in this post house, only officials from all over Xuan Town come to Xuan Town for business.

Moreover, there is no need to spend money to eat and drink here. I have wanted to stay here for a long time, but the level is not enough. "Wang Er looked at the post house, and his voice was straight.

"Haha, since that's the case, let's see how this post house is different from ordinary inns today." Hong Chengchou laughed twice, and walked in.

When Hong Chengchou and others walked into the two-story building at the front of the post house, a young servant came out to welcome them.

"Your Majesty's face is tense, have you never been here before?" The young man looked at Hong Chengchou with a smile on his face.

Hong Chengchou looked at the furnishings in the hall which were similar to those of an ordinary inn, but he didn't find anything strange.

Immediately, he felt a little disapproving, "It seems that there is nothing special about this post house, except that the building can be higher and the windows are glass, and there is nothing weird about it."

Zhao Wen's glass has been on sale for a long time. The nobles in the capital like to use this kind of transparent glass as windows, and Hong Chengchou has seen it a few times.

"His name is Hong Chengchou. We were arranged by Master Wang Haisheng." Wang Er pointed to Hong Chengchou who was looking around in the hall, and said to the boy.

"It turned out to be Mr. Hong Chengchou. Mr. Wang had already made arrangements before, so you follow me." The boy said and walked outside.

Wang Er poked Hong Chengchou's arm and hurriedly followed.

Hong Chengchou hurriedly closed his gaze, and chased after the young man.

Not long after, the servant led Hong Chengchou to the top floor of the building on the left rear.

"This is a suite, a room specially reserved for Mr. Hong." The boy took out the key, opened the door, and pointed to Hong Chengchou.

It sounds like it was left out on purpose, but in fact it is because no one lives in this house and it has always been empty.

Because it is the top floor, the house is cold in winter and hot in summer.

Although the roof is double-layered, it still can't keep out the cold.

There is a huge boiler room behind the two buildings of the post house, and the boiler room is the heating room of the post house.

The heat will be pressurized by steam engines through the paved official road and sent to each room of the post house.

But because it is the top floor, the pressure of the steam engine can barely send the heating up.

As a result, the room has been in a half-heated state.

This room is equivalent to three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom in later generations. Because there is no place to cook, the kitchen was converted into a dining room.

The design of this post house was designed by Zhao Wen with reference to the houses of later generations.

Because it is the top floor, a skylight made of glass is set on the roof, and the room faces south, so the room is very bright.

(End of this chapter)

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