Chapter 428 Heading to Shanxi
After the little servant gave Hong Chengchou a detailed introduction to the room, he left the room, leaving Hong Chengchou, Wang Er and others here.

"You should sleep here tonight."

Because the boy didn't arrange a room for Wang Er and the others, Hong Chengchou had no choice but to let them sleep with him.

In the past, it would have been absolutely impossible for Hong Chengchou to sleep in the same room as Wang Er, but now that he is under the eaves, he has to bow his head.

Wang Er stood in the living room of the room, looked at Hong Chengchou excitedly, "Haha, thank you very much. I didn't expect that one day I would be able to enjoy it in this posthouse!"

The furnishing of the living room is still dominated by the furnishing of this era. There is no sofa in it, but there are official hat chairs and a few long tables of this era.

The location of the living room is the southernmost part of the room, and there is a skylight above the living room.

Because of the skylight and the windows facing south, the whole living room is very bright.

There is a washroom between the living room and the door. There are two washrooms in the whole house, and there is a place to take a bath in the washroom.

The location of the second bathroom is next to the largest bedroom next to the living room.

"Why do I feel that it's not too cold here? On the contrary, it's still warm? This is the top floor, and the sun can shine in, but it shouldn't be so warm, right? The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Although the weather is sunny today, it's still relatively cold. It stands to reason Why is it impossible to say that the room is so warm?" Hong Chengchou sat on the chair, and it didn't take long for him to notice the difference.

Wang Er walked back and forth in the living room, checking the things in the living room curiously.

When he heard Hong Chengchou's voice, he walked to the south wall of the living room and patted the radiator hanging on the south wall.

"That's because there is heating in the room, let me tell you, in the entire Xuan Town, except for the General Military Mansion, only the post house has heating.

Even the offices of those officials are just burning earth dragons, this heater is a good thing.I've heard it often before, but this is the first time I've seen it. "Wang Er said with a smile on his face as he tapped the radiator.

The radiator in the room was specially produced by the iron factory, which is similar to the radiator of later generations.

When Hong Chengchou heard the term heating, which he had never heard before, he became a little puzzled.

He stood up and walked to Wang Er's side, putting his hands on the radiator.

As soon as I put it on, a warm current came from my hand, although the temperature was not too high.

"This is too amazing. These iron pipes are actually hot. How did this happen?" Hong Chengchou looked at Wang Er excitedly.

"Hey, this is what I heard. I heard that there is a special place for heating in the backyard of the post house. In this house, the hot water will be sent to the heating pipe by the pipeline driven by the steam engine.

And heating is distributed throughout all the rooms in the post house, so these rooms in the post house will be very warm even if there is no fire.

This is still the top floor. I heard people say that the heaters on the first and second floors were too hot to touch. "Wang Er recalled the gossip he had heard from somewhere, and said to Hong Chengchou with a showy face.

Listening to Wang Er's explanation, Hong Chengchou heaved a long sigh and felt a little lonely.

"I didn't expect that the new things I saw in the past few decades were not even as many as I saw when I walked around Xuan Town.

Yiye Zhiqiu, just from these places, the strength of Xuanzhen can be seen. It seems that the dispute between Xuanzhen and the imperial court is a foregone conclusion. "Hong Chengchou said a few words in his heart, then stood outside the south window of the living room, and looked out through the glass of the south window.

Except for the bank building in Xuanzhen Town, the building of the Post House is the tallest.

Looking at the low houses outside, Hong Chengchou suddenly had the feeling of seeing all the small mountains.

Time passed slowly, and when the night was approaching, the post house delivered the dinner.

The dinner that was delivered was just a regular meal, neither how delicious it was, nor how bad it was.

After dinner, all the candles in the room were lit.

There are many candles in the room, all of which are of high quality and burn very cleanly without black smoke.

Although the effect cannot be compared with the electric lamps of later generations, it is still acceptable in this era.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." Wang Er just came out of the bathroom. He looked at Hong Chengchou who was sitting beside the south window of the living room, quietly looking out of the window in a daze. How to go to the toilet.

"Mr. Hong, Mr. Hong?" Wang Er walked to Hong Chengchou's side and called softly a few times.

Hong Chengchou turned his head to look at Wang Er, "What's wrong?"

"It's like this. I forgot to tell you how to use the hut. According to my observation, there are two huts in this house, and there is one next to the largest bedroom."

As soon as Wang Er said this, Hong Chengchou looked at Wang Er incredulously, with an extremely exaggerated expression, "What? The hut? The hut is still in the room? How can this make people feel safe?"

The huts of this era, whether they are ordinary people or gentry, are not good places.

In order to save money, ordinary people dig a hole in the ground in their backyard when building a hut, and then surround it with thatch.

Those with a slightly better family background or those who live in towns either dig a cesspool behind the hut and connect it to the hut.Either use the toilet, put all the excrement in the toilet, and then quietly wait for the person who collects the golden juice tuberose the next day.

The toilet of this era is not the flush toilet of later generations, but a wooden barrel that changes the content.

In those big cities, there is even the profession of flushing toilets.

The gentry is not much better, generally similar to the above two.The high-end is not high-end, and it means that the decoration of the hut can be better, or the material of the toilet can be more precious.

However, no matter what kind of hut it is, Hong Chengchou has never heard of placing a hut in a room.

Even the poorest families probably wouldn't put the hut in the room.

"I said, why are you so surprised? The hut in the post house is not the hut you thought, come and have a look first." Wang Er waved at Hong Chengchou, then pointed to the hut behind him. "Is this the hut?"

"How is it possible? If this is a latrine, it is impossible that there will be no stench coming from it. Why can't I smell it?" Hong Chengchou stood up from his chair and walked over with a puzzled expression.

Seeing Hong Chengchou's disbelief, Wang Er directly opened the door of the bathroom, pointed to the flush toilet at the innermost part of the bathroom, and said to Hong Chengchou, "See, this is the latrine. This is called the flush toilet. Invented by adults.

Nowadays, this kind of thing is very popular in Xuan Town, and many people like to use it.In addition to this kind of flush toilet, there is also a kind of squatting pit. How should I put it, it is cheap anyway. "

It is not difficult to manufacture a flush toilet, so after the steam engine was manufactured, Zhao Wen made a slight modification of the flush toilet of later generations and took it out.

Hong Chengchou looked at the strangely shaped toilet that glowed with ceramics, and then at Wang Er, "This thing is a hut? How is this possible? The toilet is made of ceramics, isn't that too extravagant?"

"Don't worry about luxury or not, I'll tell you how to use it."

Flush toilets are also a very common thing in Xuanzhen now, and Wang Er's family also has them, so it's not surprising that they use them.

Then, Wang Er explained to Hong Chengchou how to use the flush toilet in detail.

After a while, Hong Chengchou suddenly realized: "No wonder it can be installed in the room. It turns out that all the contents inside are sent out through the pipe. No wonder, no wonder."


After almost ten days, the assessment of the gentry was basically over.

A total of more than 100 people were selected in this assessment, but there were more than 2000 gentry who applied for the examination. The admission rate of [-] to [-] is relatively high compared to the imperial examination.

In addition to the selected gentry, there were more than 500 students selected from the university.

Not only gentry and students, Liu Wenzhong also transferred almost 200 scribes from all over Xuanzhen.

These people add up to more than 800 people, but compared with the whole of Shanxi, these people are still far from enough.

In the Ming Dynasty, Shanxi had four prefectures, twenty prefectures, and 77 counties.

In a county, there are about six officials who receive imperial salaries, and those who catch fast government servants in the county are not considered officials, and do not receive imperial salaries, but local finances.

According to this calculation, there are about 600 officials in Shanxi receiving imperial salaries.

Although there are more than 800 people transferred from Xuan Town to govern Shanxi, compared to the whole of Shanxi, it is still too few, that is to say, the whole of Shanxi is barely controlled.

As the saying goes, you can't eat a fat man with one bite, and it will take a lot of time to realize imperial power and go to the countryside.

After selecting these people, Liu Wenzhong spent another three days to start allocating the places they managed.

For the sake of fairness, Liu Wenzhong used the fairest and simplest method of this era, that is, drawing lots.

Some of the students selected from the university have a father-son relationship with the selected gentry. In order to prevent the two from jointly governing the same place, Liu Wenzhong separated them in advance.

These people are basically governing the county towns of Shanxi. As for those prefectural cities in Shanxi, capable officials have to be dispatched again.

After everything was finalized, about fifteen days had passed in total.

At this time, the railway from Xuanzhen to Yangyuan has been basically completed, and the railway has basically been completed.Although there is still almost half a month before the actual completion, the train can still run on the railway.

On the morning of No.17, Hong Chengchou woke up not long before there was a knock on the door.

Hong Chengchou opened the door and looked at Wang Haisheng who was standing at the door, "Are you going to leave?"

The night before, Hong Chengchou got the news of leaving for Shanxi.

"That's right, the train will leave in two hours, so hurry up." Wang Haisheng said calmly.

Hong Chengchou was overjoyed, "Could it be that the railway from Xuanzhen to Shanxi has been completed?"

"No, the railway in Xuanzhen has only been built to Yangyuan. After arriving in Yangyuan, you need to walk to Shanxi." Wang Haisheng said.

"That's not bad!" Although I didn't reach Shanxi, it's not bad to be able to reach Yangyuan by train.

"In that case, I'm leaving first. You should pack up quickly. You have to hurry up. The train doesn't wait for anyone. If you miss today's train, you can only wait for tomorrow." Wang Haisheng told Hong Chengchou a few words, and then left the post house.

After Hong Chengchou sent Wang Haisheng away, he simply tidied up and took Wang Er and the others downstairs.

Hong Chengchou was captured after all, and he had nothing but a few changes of clothes, so he packed them up very quickly.

"Mr. Hong, since you are going to Shanxi, we will return to Chang'an Station. We have also taken you to the train station, so we won't see you off." Wang Er stood at the gate of the posthouse and directed Hong Chengchou cupped his hands.

"Aren't you going to Shanxi with me?" Hong Chengchou looked at Wang Er suspiciously.

Wang Er chuckled, "We are under the jurisdiction of General Zhou, and we cannot go to Shanxi without a transfer order.

Now Xuanzhen has a batch of supplies to be transported to Chang'an Station, we have to rush there in time and go to Chang'an Station with the people who delivered the supplies, so we can't send you to the train station.

Mr. Zongbing is a person who values ​​ability rather than background.Although the husband is a prisoner, but with the ability of the husband, the commander-in-chief will definitely reuse him. "

Before leaving, Wang Er clasped his fist at Hong Chengchou, and said solemnly: "Mr. will meet later!"

Seeing this, Hong Chengchou couldn't say anything, so he bowed his hands to Wang Er and the others, and said with a serious face: "There will be a time later!"

Although Wang Er and the others were just ordinary soldiers, they were the only ones who accompanied Hong Chengchou these days, and they also explained so many things about Xuanzhen to him in detail.Now that we are going to part suddenly, Hong Chengchou will inevitably feel a little bit disappointed.

Hong Chengchou also knew that the identities of the two were quite different, and if there were no accidents, they might never meet again.

Seeing Wang Er and the others leaving, Hong Chengchou felt a little uncomfortable.

Wang Er often talks about being a prisoner, but he never looks down on him because he is a prisoner.

If possible, Hong Chengchou really hoped that they could go to Shanxi with him, after all, he was quite familiar with them.

After a long time, Hong Chengchou let out a long sigh, and walked towards the train station with a bag containing a change of clothes on his back.

A few quarters of an hour later, Hong Chengchou came to the square outside the train station.

Now the square of the train station is full of people, these people are basically gentry students and scribes going to Shanxi.

Wang Haisheng led dozens of patrolmen running around the square, keeping order.

(End of this chapter)

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