Chapter 429 Arriving at Yangyuan
After about half an hour, all these people in front of the train station came to the train platform.

At this time, the train was ready and stopped quietly beside the platform.

The carriages loaded with goods at the back have also been filled with goods to be transported to Shanxi.

Hong Chengchou stood at the front of the platform and looked at the train in front of him. He couldn't help but think of the scene where he chased the train. There is some excitement.

"This brother's name?" Sun Dong stood behind Hong Chengchou, he looked at Hong Chengchou who was staring at the train closely, and he cupped his hands at Hong Chengchou with some familiarity, and asked.

Hong Chengchou turned around, bowed back, and said, "I'm Hong Chengchou, whose name is Yanyan, and I don't dare to take my honor and surname."

"I'm Sun Dong, named Tingliang." Sun Dong replied, and suddenly remembered something, "Isn't your Excellency the captured Hong Chengchou?"

Hong Chengchou blushed, and said with some embarrassment: "No, I'm here!"

"Uh, I didn't mean to offend, but I was just curious, please forgive me." Sun Dong also knew that he was a bit taboo for asking such a straightforward question, so he hurriedly apologized.

Hong Chengchou waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's okay, this matter has passed. By the way, are you all going to Shanxi?"

Sun Dong nodded with a smile on his face, "That's right, those of us are going to Shanxi and receiving officials from all over Shanxi. Now the whole of Shanxi has not been captured except for a few counties, and almost all of the rest have been captured." down.

There are still seven or eight days until the Chinese New Year, and I hope to arrive in Shanxi in time for the Chinese New Year.The place I govern is Yangqu County, I wonder which place Brother Hong governs? "

Hong Chengchou took a deep breath, and slowly replied: "I am not in charge of governing the region, but the Commander-in-Chief asked me to go to Shanxi. I don't know exactly what it is."

"So that's it. By the way, which seat is Brother Hong? This is the platform of the third carriage!" Sun Dong then asked.

Hong Chengchou glanced at the ticket Wang Haisheng gave him, and then replied: "The next seat is number four."

"You are No. [-]? I am No. [-]. We are connected. I have done this train several times. There are two rows of seats, and there are three people in each row. The two of us happen to be next to each other. .” Sun Dong said excitedly.

When Hong Chengchou heard that Sun Dong's seat was next to his, he burst out laughing with a smile on his face, "Haha, if that's the case, then we have to help each other along the way."

"No problem, no problem!"

While the two were talking, a siren sounded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a puff of thick smoke emerged from the chimney of the locomotive and flew towards the sky.

"Get ready to get in the car, this time I will send you to Yangyuan!"

Wang Haisheng led dozens of patrolmen running back and forth on the platform, shouting loudly.

"Ready to get in the car!"

Before Wang Haisheng could finish his sentence, the flight attendant on the train opened the train door, stood beside the platform and shouted at the crowd.

Hong Chengchou pointed to the car door, and said politely to Sun Dong, "Brother Sun, get in the car!"

"Brother Hong, please!"

The two greeted each other politely, and then boarded the train.

The seats on the train are made of wood, and their appearance is similar to that of later generations, except that they are covered with a layer of cotton cloth, which makes them somewhat insulated when sitting.

But despite this, it is much more comfortable than riding in a carriage or walking.

Walking into the train carriage, with the help of Sun Dong, Hong Chengchou quickly found his seat.

"It seems that this carriage can accommodate more than 200 people." Hong Chengchou looked at the seats in the carriage and couldn't help sighing.

Sun Dong sat beside him and said, "That's right, although there are more than 800 people going to Shanxi this time, four carriages can accommodate them all. If the seats in the train are removed, it is estimated that one carriage It can accommodate thousands of people.

There are almost eight carriages at the back of the train, all of which are used to transport supplies. "

"It's almost 200 miles from Yangyuan to Xuanzhen. How long does it take for the train to get there?" Hong Chengchou asked.

Sun Dong thought about it in his mind, and said: "The train can travel two hundred miles in an hour. The distance from Xuanzhen to Longmenbao was originally about 130 miles. When the railway was built at that time, in order to cover a larger area, the railway It took a lot of detours.

In this way, the length reached 220 miles.Including the time of stopping at various stations, it only takes an hour and a half from Xuanzhen to Longmen Fort.If it is fast, it will take less than an hour and a half.

It is more than 200 miles from Xuanzhen to Yangyuan, and I estimate that it should be more than an hour, not more than an hour and a half. "

"Hiss, I didn't expect the speed of this train to be so fast." Hong Chengchou gasped and said in disbelief.

"Haha, what is this? Just get used to it in the future." Sun Dong laughed with a smile on his face.

At this time, almost all the people on the platform had come up, and the originally empty seats in the carriage were also full of people.

The entire workshop was full of conversations, quite noisy.

The flight attendant checked around the compartment, and after finding that there was no shortage of passengers, he returned to the door and closed the door.

After a dozen or so breaths, a loud siren sounded, and immediately after, the train began to move slowly.

Hong Chengchou looked at the constantly receding scenery outside the window, the shock on his face never faded.

As time passed, the speed of the train became faster and faster, and the scenery outside the window flashed by.

When the train left the boundary of Xuanzhen town, the surrounding environment suddenly became empty.

Although the number of people in Xuanzhen is very large now, these people are basically gathered around the town of Xuanzhen, so when the train is built far away from Xuanzhen, the houses along the railway line are becoming rarer and rarer, leaving only Luoman The snow-covered earth.

Looking at the white snow in the distance, Hong Chengchou was filled with emotion.

"This train is something that benefits the country and the people. I don't know how the train works."

Sun Dong said with a smile: "The train is driven by a steam engine, and not everyone can drive a train. Now there are eight trains running in Xuan Town, and the people who drive these trains are Sun Yuanhua, Mr. Sun and Mr. Song Yingxing. disciple."

"Sun Yuanhua and Song Yingxing? Where did these two come from?" Hong Chengchou became a little confused.

"These two people are not ordinary. They are very popular among Lord Zongbing. The train manufacturing and railway laying are supervised by these two people. Now Sun Yuanhua and Mr. Sun are still in Yangyuan and are building the railway to Datong.

I heard that it will be repaired in one or two months, and then you can take the train to Datong directly.A few days ago, the newspaper said that the captives brought from near Taiyuan Mansion had been handed over to Mr. Sun, and now Mr. Sun is also starting to build a railway from Yangyuan to Taiyuan Mansion.

Originally Master Sun's plan was to build the railway to Datong, and then build it from Datong to Taiyuan Prefecture, but as the whole of Shanxi was captured, more and more prisoners were taken, so Master Sun changed his original plan and planned to do both. "Sun Dong looked at the scenery outside the window and explained.

"Then how long will it take to build the railway from Yangyuan to Taiyuan Prefecture? Is it possible in one year?" Hong Chengchou asked.

Sun Dong shook his head, "I don't know, the newspaper didn't say it. It stands to reason that it will definitely be possible within a year. Now Mr. Sun has an estimated 3 captives in his hands. These people plus the original railway workers, within a year. It will definitely work out inside.”

In the following time, the two sat in their seats and chatted non-stop.

On the railway where the train is running, there is a clanging sound when passing the interface between the railway and the railway.

Although this has some impact on the stability of the train, in the eyes of these people in the train, this degree of shaking is almost negligible.

No matter how swaying the train is, it is much better than a carriage driving on the official road.

After about an hour and a half, the train entered Yangyuan territory, and the train also began to slow down.

At this time, the flight attendant also came out of his office, stood in the middle of the carriage, and shouted loudly to the people in the carriage: "The train is coming to the station soon, everyone, get ready and get off."

Hong Chengchou looked at the slowly slowing scenery outside the window, and hurriedly took his things off the shelf above the seat.

"We've finally arrived at Yangyuan, and the road ahead may not be easy." Sun Dong also took down his belongings, and said worriedly as he looked at the workers who were still working outside the window.

"This is something that can't be helped. Before there were no trains, officials basically relied on their legs to take office." Hong Chengchou persuaded.

Sun Dong chuckled, "You are right, now that there are such convenient things, people will inevitably become a little lazy."

"Haha, this is normal, this is normal." Hong Chengchou laughed.

The speed of the train kept slowing down, and when it entered the crude train station in Yangyuan, the train finally stopped.

"Get off the bus, come one by one, don't squeeze." The flight attendant opened the door, stood on the platform and shouted to the people inside.

Because Hong Chengchou was relatively close to the door of the train, he and Sun Dong got off the train quickly.

As soon as he got off the train, a gust of air-conditioning hit his face, and Hong Chengchou couldn't help shivering.

"Everyone gathers outside Yangyuan Station, and you will have to register your name later. If you don't arrive after an hour, you will be deemed to have given up automatically. Don't play tricks, everyone." Wang Haisheng led dozens of patrols on the platform and shuttled non-stop. with.

After Hong Chengchou and Sun Dong got off the train, they followed the flow of people towards the square outside Yangyuan Station.

The square outside Yangyuan Station sounds like a square, but it is actually a construction site that has just been completed.

The ground has not been hardened with cement, but is paved with loess.

There are even some sleeper rails that haven't had time to be removed.

The area of ​​the square cannot be compared with the area of ​​Xuanzhen Station.

As soon as he walked to the square, Hong Chengchou saw dozens of strangely dressed soldiers standing in the most conspicuous position in front of the square.

Although the clothes on these people looked very weird, they set off the spirit of the soldiers very much.

"Who are these people?" Hong Chengchou looked at these people and asked Sun Dong who was walking beside him.

Sun Dong pointed to these people and explained: "These people are the soldiers of the commander-in-chief's personal guard battalion. The clothes they wear are designed by the commander-in-chief himself, but shouldn't the commander-in-chief be in Shanxi now? These people How would it appear here?"

"Then what's going on?" Hong Chengchou asked with a puzzled expression.

Just when Hong Chengchou was puzzled, these dozens of soldiers shouted loudly, "Hong Chengchou, where is Hong Chengchou, the commander-in-chief has ordered us to escort you.

Hong Chengchou, where is Hong Chengchou?Hear so come here, hear so come here. "

"I'm looking for you. These people were specially sent by the commander-in-chief to pick you up. Hurry up." Sun Dong looked at the soldiers of the personal guard battalion, and said to Hong Chengchou with envy.

Hong Chengchou's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, I really didn't expect that the commander-in-chief would send someone to pick me up in person. I really can't afford it."

"Brother Hong, let's just say goodbye, and see you later!" Sun Dong clasped his fist at Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou also returned a salute to Sun Dong, "Brother Sun, take care, just say goodbye, there will be a later date."

With that said, Hong Chengchou walked towards the soldiers of the pro-guard battalion with his own burden on his back.

"I'm Hong Chengchou!" Hong Chengchou came to these guard soldiers and shouted loudly.

"You are Hong Chengchou? Well, then we will ask you a few questions. If you can answer them, then we will believe that you are Hong Chengchou."

"Okay, you can ask."

"The names of the three generations of your ancestors, your hometown, what year and month were you selected as a scholar, a selected person, and a Jinshi?"

These questions were naturally taught by Zhao Wen to these soldiers. Although Zhao Wen had never met Hong Chengchou, Zhao Wen was still clear about Hong Chengchou's information.

Although Hong Chengchou was a little puzzled, he answered them one by one.

"That's right, you are Hong Chengchou. We arrived here the day before yesterday, and now the commander-in-chief is in Yangcheng, the southernmost part of Shanxi. Follow us quickly." The leading soldier was Deng Jiang, and he watched Hong Chengchou speak these words fluently. Answer the questions one by one, and no longer doubt.

"Can you ride a horse?" Deng Jiang pointed to the war horse not far away.

Although Hong Chengchou is a literati, he can also ride a horse. Although it is not as good as those generals who ride horses all the year round, it is not too bad.

"Can ride a horse!" Hong Chengchou nodded.

"Then let's go." After Deng Jiang finished speaking, he walked towards the war horses.

After a dozen or so breaths, dozens of war horses headed towards Yangcheng, Shanxi.

Compared with taking the train, riding a horse is simply suffering, especially riding a horse in the winter, it is even more suffering.

The cold wind whizzed across Hong Chengchou's face, like a knife, cutting his face painfully.

Although these soldiers gave him a small jar of lard to rub on his face and wrapped it in cotton cloth, the effect of this was not very great.

(End of this chapter)

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