Chapter 431

"Reserve policy? What is this reserve?" Hong Chengchou became a little confused when he heard this term that he had never heard before.

Zhao Wen looked at the puzzled Hong Chengchou and slowly explained.

After a long time, Hong Chengchou suddenly realized: "So it is so, so it is so. But my lord, you also plan to use the form of recruiting troops for the reserve service. In this way, the financial pressure will be very heavy."

"It must be in the form of recruiting troops, and finances are not a problem, and local reserve soldiers cannot be stationed locally. The reserve service does not leave the province, which means that the reserve service is stationed in different counties in the same province.

In this way, the reserves can be prevented from covering up the local area in certain matters.As for the regular army, I also plan to adopt the form of recruiting troops. For the regular army stationing, I plan to use mixed stationing.

In other words, the soldiers stationed in the south are not only soldiers recruited from the south, but also soldiers recruited from the north.Not only the south, but the whole world I plan to adopt this method. There is also the military counselor system, and this system will also be carried forward in the future.

The reason why the Mingwei system is so corrupt today is in the final analysis because the soldiers are not circulated, and the officers are not circulated.As long as there is no accident, a person under the jurisdiction of a hundred households will still be these people even after more than ten years.

Coupled with the hereditary system of military officers in Ming Dynasty, this phenomenon was aggravated.The reason why the privatization of the military is so serious today is inseparable from these two systems.
Therefore, these two systems must be abolished. "Zhao Wen said slowly, expressing his idea.

In fact, Zhao Wen's concept also adopted the management of the army of later generations, which has been tested and is worth using.

Hong Chengchou listened to Zhao Wen's voice and kept thinking in his mind. After a while, Hong Chengchou looked at Zhao Wen, "Master, your method is good, but it is not like this method has never appeared in history, but it was abandoned in the end. up.

Your system has a very large demand for officers, and they are capable officers, but the number of such officers is very small.

As for the mixed stationing of soldiers from the north and the south, it is not too difficult to implement this method now that there are trains in hand.

The most difficult thing is the officers. Although the officers of Daming are all waste, why do these wastes always exist?They don't just rely on the imperial decree of Emperor Hongwu.

What they rely on is the knowledge of marching and fighting that is left in their families. This kind of thing is basically passed down from father to son. Ordinary soldiers don't know it at all, and there is nowhere to learn it.

If the hereditary system of officers is abolished, I am afraid that there will be fewer and fewer officers who will lead troops to fight in the future.Although these officers are useless, as long as these officers are in hand, as long as they are brought to a place with a large population, it will not take long to pull up an army.

Civil servants are easy to train, and they can be trained in a few years.But military generals are different. If you don't have decades of kung fu, don't even think about cultivating it.In the past few years, the imperial court has also established Wu Juren, but with little effect. "

What Hong Chengchou said is true. In ancient times, especially in the Ming Dynasty, although military officers had a low status, the military officers in the entire Ming Dynasty were basically monopolized by these people.The reason why these people are in a monopoly position is because the ability to lead troops to fight is all learned from their families.

Although there are quite a few military books and art of war at this time, these things are all large-scale things, and there are very few things involving specific soldiers.

Low-level officers basically deal with ordinary soldiers, and the management of ordinary soldiers has been passed down from generation to generation. No matter how powerful the general is, without the existence of these officers, the army will cease to exist.

Zhao Wen chuckled, "I'm planning to abolish the hereditary system of officers, so don't I have a solution?"

Hong Chengchou looked at Zhao Wen holding the winning ticket, and looked at Zhao Wen respectfully, "Please enlighten me, my lord."

Zhao Wen stood up, flicked his sleeves and walked slowly to the door of the hall.

"Since I can build a school for training civil servants, why can't I build a school for training generals? If the hereditary system of officers is not abolished, even in a clever system, sooner or later they will become the private army of generals." Zhao Wen turned around. Looking at Hong Chengchou, a gleam shot out of his eyes.

"Training officers? Can this work?" After all, Hong Chengchou had just surrendered to Zhao Wen and didn't spend much time. He didn't understand many things in Xuanzhen, so he was a little confused about Zhao Wen's method now.

There has never been such a thing as training military officers in all dynasties. Can this kind of thing really work?
"I don't do things that I'm not sure about. If the policy of hereditary officers is not completely destroyed, soldiers will always be soldiers of generals, not soldiers of the court." Zhao Wen said loudly.

"Okay, let's stop here today. You have been on the road for such a long time, and you should go to rest. Come and arrange Mr. Hong."

Seeing Zhao Wen like this, Hong Chengchou had no choice but to salute Zhao Wen and then walked outside with the guard Zhao Wen called over.

Looking at the back of Hong Chengchou leaving, Zhao Wen secretly said: "He is capable, but unfortunately his vision is limited by the times."

After Hong Chengchou left, Zhao Wen came to the study of the county government.

Now that Shanxi has been captured, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu have also begun to escort the captured officials to Yangcheng, and they will be able to get them all in about two or three days.

And these people are going to be sent to the Wa country. There are many things in it, and it is impossible to deal with it properly and formulate detailed regulations.

While Zhao Wen was dealing with these matters, people gathered in a huge courtyard not far from the county government office in Yangcheng, discussing it.

This courtyard was specially set aside by Zhao Wen to guard the captured officials. For these officials, Zhao Wen did not neglect them, and the meals provided every day were provided according to the meals of officers in the army.

"Master Liu, now the whole of Shanxi has been captured by Zhao Wen, and we are probably about to be sent to Japan." A middle-aged scholar in his 40s, wearing a padded jacket, squatted in a big tree in the middle of the yard with a look of hatred on his face. Below, I looked at the middle-aged scholar who was standing in front of him without haste and still punching.

"Does it need to be said? Zhao Wen will definitely send us to the Japanese country. We are all Zhao Wen's captives. Whether we live or die is just a word from him." The middle-aged scholar named Master Liu He stopped, took a long breath and looked at this person.

Master Liu's full name is Liu Haicheng, and he is the county magistrate of Yangcheng.The person who asked him was called Sun Wenping, a fellow acquaintance of Yangcheng.

Originally, the two of them were going to flee south with Wu Sheng, but for some reason, they left a bit late, and they were captured by Zhao Wen's personal guard cavalry before they fled for a long time.

Sun Wenping looked at Liu Haicheng worriedly, "Aren't you worried at all? The country of Wa is a land outside the culture. I heard that the people there don't know Wang Hua, and they are very barbaric. Now it is still in the era of ruthlessness and blood drinking. If Throw us to Wa country, I'm afraid we will never come back."

When Sun Wenping heard that he was going to be thrown to the Japanese country, he felt a burst of fear in his heart.

That is the country of Wa, which is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Ming Dynasty, and there is still a sea in the middle. If it doesn't work, it will die on the sea, and the people there are all barbarians. Can these people survive?
"This Zhao Wen is really true. From ancient times to the present, as long as there are officials who surrendered, no matter whether they are civil or military, there is no one like him. Those generals and soldiers don't know where they got them. Now they want to take us Sending us to the Wa country, isn't it obvious that we are going to be sent to a dead end? Doesn't he need us to govern the place for him?" Sun Wenping cursed angrily.

Liu Haicheng seemed to resign himself to his fate, "Who knows? Zhao Wen never played his cards according to the routine. From ancient times to the present, is there anyone who rebels like him? He left the capital and went to this remote place. "

Liu Haicheng sighed, with a depressed expression on his face.

"Wo country, how can people live in this kind of place!!!" Zhao Wenping squatted on the ground, looking at the sky with no image and kept sighing.

These people didn't want to go to Wa country at all. When they heard the news for the first time, they made a fuss several times, but every time they made a fuss, it was the gunshots of Xuanzhen soldiers. Gradually, these people didn't Dare to make a fuss.

When the sun was setting on the western mountain, Zhao Wen walked out of the study, shook his neck, and after soothing his tiredness, he led more than a dozen guards towards the courtyard not far from the county government office, which was close to the prison officials' yard. Walk to the adjacent yard.

No one else was imprisoned in this courtyard, but Jin Wang Shizi Zhu Shenxuan and his big family.

Those who were imprisoned in this courtyard were the direct descendants of Zhu Shenxuan's line, while the collateral descendants were imprisoned in other places.

Not long after, Zhao Wen came to the gate of this courtyard.

"How is Zhu Shenxuan?" Zhao Wen asked slowly, standing in front of the courtyard gate, looking at the soldiers in front of the courtyard gate.

The soldier who was asked hastily replied: "My lord, this Prince Jin's son is really a hobbit. When we first captured him, he was still crying and screaming and going on a hunger strike. But after so many days, this But the boy has become like a normal person, eating and drinking all day long, and even having fun with his wives and concubines every night, this is a prisoner, this is obviously the uncle."

When Zhao Wen heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud, "Haha, yes, yes, this kind of mentality is what I want."

Zhao Wen smiled and pushed the door open and walked in.

This courtyard is still relatively large, and can accommodate all of Zhu Shenxuan's direct descendants.

Because of the large number of collaterals at the first level of the county king who were not too closely related to Zhu Shenxuan, they were separated and detained by Zhao Wen in other places.

After all, Prince Jin's Mansion has been passed down for hundreds of years and has a large population, so one courtyard cannot hold so many people.

As for those people who don't know how many generations have passed, the poor Jinguo Lieutenant Fuguo Lieutenant, Zhao Wen didn't care about them.

Although these people have the names of sons and grandsons of the dragon, they are too far away from the Jin Palace in terms of blood relationship, and these people are still poor, so it is useless to capture them.

Among the people captured by Zhao Wen, a large number of them were women. Except for Zhu Shenxuan's sisters, these people were his and his brothers' wives and concubines.

When Zhao Wen walked into the courtyard, he heard Yingying Yanyan's laughing and joking. Hearing this sound, Zhao Wen couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"The heart is really big, I have been captured, and I am still in the mood to play with my wife and concubine." Zhao Wen laughed and cursed a few times, and then walked towards the hall in the courtyard.

As soon as he walked into the hall, Zhao Wen saw Zhu Shenxuan who was making a fuss with his wives and concubines in the hall.

"Stop it all!" The guard behind Zhao Wen yelled when he saw this scene.

It was only then that Zhu Shenxuan came to his senses. He looked at Zhao Wen who appeared at the entrance of the hall, his fat body trembling non-stop.

"Master big, little one..."

Zhu Shenxuan fell to his knees with a puff, sweating and trembling non-stop.

The wives and concubines behind him also hurriedly knelt on the ground, looking at Zhao Wen in horror.

The clothes on these people were all brought out from Prince Jin's mansion, apart from being a little dirty, they were also gorgeous.

The guards behind Zhao Wen also hurried to the back of the courtyard.

Not long after, the entire courtyard was filled with prisoners of Jin Palace.

Zhu Shenxuan also walked out of the hall on his stomach, and came in front of these people.

These people in Prince Jin's Mansion were already terrified by Zhao Wen, but now when they saw Zhao Wen, their legs kept shaking.

Zhao Wen stood in front of the yard, looked at these people kneeling on the ground, and said, "If you put it on someone else, you will only die."

"I understand, I understand, the little ones understand, the adults are magnanimous and live forever!" Zhu Shenxuan hastily complimented.

"Okay, you don't have to compliment me anymore. I'll ask you a question now, do you want to live or die?"

As soon as Zhao Wen said this, the people kneeling in the courtyard panicked, they thought Zhao Wen was going to kill them.

"My lord, what do you mean?" Zhu Shenxuan swallowed, raised his head and looked at Zhao Wen with fear.

Zhao Wendao: "Now you have a way to survive, I don't know if you want it or not."

"If you want, as long as you can survive, sir, you can tell us to do anything!" Zhu Shenxuan's head was like a chicken pecking at rice, and he kept ordering.

Not only Zhu Shenxuan, but also the brothers and sisters behind Zhu Shenxuan kept nodding their heads.

"In this case, let me tell you clearly. Do you know Java?" Zhao Wen looked at these people.

"Java? What is this place, I don't know."

Zhu Shenxuan is proficient in eating, drinking, and playing, but he doesn't know anything about these things.

The people kneeling in the yard all looked at Zhao Wen with confused faces.

"Java is an overseas land. In the northwest of Java, there is a piece of land no smaller than that of Ming Dynasty. This land is rarely visited by people, but this land is rich in resources. Therefore, I want to send you there. go."

What Zhao Wen was talking about was not elsewhere, but Oceania in later generations.

Zhao Wen's idea is to exile these clans to Oceania.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the population of the clan was huge. Since the Jiajing Dynasty, the population of the clan has been increasing day by day, showing a blowout or a surge.

Before Jiajing, the Ministry of Households recorded the newly born clan population, but after the Jiajing Dynasty, the Ministry of Households did not pay much attention to these new populations.

It's not that they are unwilling to record, but that the speed of their recording is far behind the number of new additions.

The population of the clan at the end of the Ming Dynasty has always been a mystery. In later generations, some say a million, some say 30, and some say 60 to [-]. In short, there are various theories.

"Ming Shenzong Records" records that in the 23rd year of Wanli, the total population of the clan was 16. "Wuzazu" records that in the last years of Wanli, the clan had a population of more than [-].

However, Xu Guangqi also has some records. Xu Guangqi recorded in the 32nd year of Wanli that "there are 13 subordinates, and no less than [-] survivors".

That is to say, there are 13 clans according to official records.

It should be noted that what Xu Guangqi recorded was the number of clan members ten years ago, that is, the 22nd year of Wanli.

From Xu Guangqi's records and the population growth during the Hongwu period, we can basically see such a fact, that is: "It took ten years to increase by one-third, that is, it doubled in more than 30 years"!
This means that it will increase by one-third in ten years and double in 30 years.

Calculated according to Xu Guangqi's records, there were 22 people in the 13nd year of Wanli. Then by the 48th year of Wanli, which is the last year of Wanli, the official population of the clan was nearly 30.

Later generations have great disputes about the official records and Xu Guangqi's records. Some people say that these records only have males and no females.

They based it on the fact that only males could enter the family tree in ancient times.

Moreover, after Jiajing, the only clans that can be officially recorded are the clans that went up from General Zhen Guo. For those Lieutenants of Zhen Guo and Fu Guo Lieutenants, the official records are not very official, after all, the records will be given to the salary.

No matter how you calculate it, although the number of clans in the late Ming Dynasty may not be as exaggerated as one million, there should be four to five million.

As for these blood-sucking worms lying on Daming's body and sucking blood, Zhao Wen didn't want to spare them easily.

Lieutenants Fengguo and Lieutenants Zhenguo who don't take their salaries can be spared, but those who are promoted by the generals of Zhenguo can't do without punishment.

It is obviously not appropriate to kill them all.It can be released, but it is not suitable.

So after much deliberation, Zhao Wensi chose to exile them to Oceania.

(End of this chapter)

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