Chapter 432 Three people?
Oceania is a good place. There are various types of minerals and large reserves, especially iron ore, which is amazingly large.In addition to minerals, there is also a large amount of guano.

The forest area accounts for about 9% of the total area and about 2% of the world's total forest area. It produces many kinds of precious woods such as pine, beech, palm, eucalyptus, fir, white sandalwood and mahogany.Grasslands account for more than 50% of the total area of ​​Oceania and about 16% of the world's total grassland area.

Rich in sardines, cod, eel, mackerel and whales.Oceania is also one of the best places to plant rubber trees. Before the emergence of industrial rubber, the rubber produced by rubber trees has provided great help to the industry.

Among these resources, guano is very important for farming. In the era when industrial synthetic ammonia was not available, guano was a very good fertilizer for crops.

This place is also very suitable for growing crops, and the geographical location of this place is also very important. If you want to attack Europa or America in the future, this place will be an important supply point.

In any case, Zhao Wen is bound to win this place in Oceania. There are only a few indigenous peoples living in Oceania today, as well as a few strongholds built by Hongyi and Flangji. There are still more than 100 years before the exiled prisoners in Great Britain time.

It is also because Oceania is too barren today, and there is no way to compare it with Asia, so now Western countries are not focusing on Oceania.

Today's Western countries are eyeing Asia. As a coachman on the sea, Hongyi is still the number one power in Europa. As for Great Britain, which is still wandering around the offshore of Europa, it will have to wait for them to defeat Hongyi. OK.

At this time, Oceania can be said to be in a period of power vacuum, and now is the right time to take Oceania.

Today, these Ming clans have a large population, and they can just be regarded as the vanguard of immigrants to Oceania.

"My meaning is very simple. I want you to go to the land in the northwest of Java. This place is very rich. As long as you go there, you will definitely be able to live well." Zhao Wen looked at Zhu Shenxuan and said flickering.

"My lord, how far is Java from Daming? Can we return to Daming?" Zhu Shenxuan asked cautiously.

Zhao Wen chuckled, "Java is not very far from Daming, you will definitely come back in the future."

Zhu Shenxuan didn't quite believe Zhao Wen's statement. This place in the northwest of Java is definitely not a good place, maybe it's very far away. If it's really that good, it's impossible to get his subordinates there. He would definitely send someone to occupy it. .

But now they are just Zhao Wen's prisoners. As a prisoner, they are not qualified to bargain. It's good to be alive, so they don't care where they go?
Zhu Shenxuan didn't have any extravagant wishes, as long as he could live in the future.

"Then when are we going?" Zhu Shenxuan asked.

"As for when to go, I can't tell. I'm here today to inform you in advance, so that you can prepare. It's probably three or four months at the latest." Zhao Wen looked at Zhu Shenxuan in front of him, " Of course, not only you, but also your relatives, such as King Qin, King Fu, King Dai, and King Shen. These people will definitely go there with you from the lineage of King Jin. If you don’t want to, then only It's a dead end."

Zhao Wen's last sentence was light and light, but Zhu Shenxuan could clearly sense the murderous intent from it.

In Shanxi, in addition to the lineage of the King of Jin, there is also the King Shen of Luzhou who was feudal. The lineage of King Shen is not inferior to the King of Jin in terms of inheritance, and it is also a very large lineage.

The current King Shen's lineage has now been captured by Zhao Daniu who is on the eastern front of Shanxi, and it is estimated that the King Shen's lineage will be sent over in another seven or eight days.

In addition to these two, there is also the Dai Wang located in Datong. The first Dai Wang is one of the Nine Great Sai Kings. He is powerful and has a very large family.Dai Wang's lineage is now also captured by Mangui and imprisoned in the land of Datong.

Seeing Zhao Wen like this, Zhu Shenxuan's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, "Everything is small, the adults shall prevail, and I will do whatever the adults ask me to do."

"Okay, I'm here today to do these things, and now that I've told you about it, I won't delay the good things of you and your wives and concubines.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that when you get to the place I mentioned, you can give full play to your strengths and have more children.If there are many births, maybe I will be rewarded. Zhao Wen looked at Zhu Shenxuan playfully, then left with a big smile.

To be honest, these descendants of Zhu Yuanzhang are more productive than each other. It is like creating a nation by one person.But I have to say that these skills are exactly what Zhao Wen needs for Zhao Wen.

At the same time, on the vast sea, a huge fleet arrived in Annan.

After Zheng Yiguan received Zhao Wen's letter, he led the ships docked at Phi Island, Liuqiu, Taiyuan Island and Fujian towards Annan.

Zhao Wen's order to Zheng Yiguan was to ask Zheng Yiguan to get some food from Taiwan Yuan Island and Southeast Asia. As for how to get the food, Zhao Wen didn't say clearly.

Before Zheng Yiguan was recruited by the court, he was a famous pirate at sea. When Zhao Wen's order was issued, Zheng Yiguan's first thought was to rob.

As for who is robbing, of course it is countries such as Annan Luzon.

Today's Old Port and Java have been occupied by Zhao Wen, so of course it is impossible for Zheng Yiguan to grab these two places.

Now Luzon and Annan are still stationed by Frangji people. Zheng Yiguan has long been displeased with these people, so Zheng Yiguan directly pointed the spearhead at them.

Zheng Yiguan led almost 200 warships this time. In order to be able to load as much food as possible, Zheng Yiguan brought all the eight treasure ships left by Zhao Wen.

The most powerful advantage of treasure ships is that they are big, that is, they can carry goods.

The grain loaded by the eight treasure ships can even be compared to dozens of ordinary fortune ships.

Except for the treasure ships, the rest of the ships are basically Fu ships loaded with goods.

After all, this time I came here mainly to get food, not specifically to fight.

Besides, with eight fully armed treasure ships in hand, who on the entire sea can stop him?

Zheng Yiguan stood on the deck of the treasure ship Yang Wei, holding up the binoculars left by Zhao Wen and looking at the sea ahead.

At this moment, a soldier standing on the watchtower shouted at Zheng Yiguan.

"My lord, the Francobots on the coast fired at us."

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Yiguan heard several gunshots, and following the sound of the cannonballs, Zheng Yiguan saw the fort built by the Fulang robot on the coast.

"Hehe, I really don't know how to live or die. Order the whole army to press me directly and end the battle within an hour. As for the Frang robot on the coast, I don't want to see it."

Now that Zheng Yiguan is powerful in his hands, all the ruthlessness hidden in his heart has been exposed.


The soldiers on the watchtower roared and waved the order flag in their hands to pass on Zheng Yiguan's order.

When Zheng Yiguan's order spread to all the ships, the warships in front began to line up on the sea.

The eight treasure ships also lay across the sea, pointing their sides at the coast.

In the sound of rumbling cannons, the Frang robot and their fort were blown up to ashes.

After the coast was cleared, the fleet led by Zheng Yiguan docked on the coast.

When the sun began to slant to the west, Zheng Yiguan led the soldiers brought from Phi Island to the coast of Annan.


"Where are the guards in Henan now?" Sun Chuanting was wearing a scarlet official robe, sitting in the county government office in Jiyuan County, looking at the many officials standing in the county government office.

"Master Huidu, in addition to Jiyuan, the guards from Xin'an, Mianchi, Xuanyang and Luoyang have also begun to come to Jiyuan, and it is estimated that they will arrive in seven or eight days."

Zhang Taixu, the general soldier of Henan, walked from the side of the hall to the center of the hall, cupped his hands at Sun Chuanting, and said.

Sun Chuanting has been in Henan for almost seven or eight days. When he came here, he issued an order to recruit all the troops in Henan.

However, after these orders were issued, little effect was achieved.Except for a few cities not far from Jiyuan, there is almost no movement in the rest of the place.

"What about the rest of the places? Did the guards in these places not move?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help feeling dissatisfied when he heard that Zhang Taichu didn't mention other places in Henan.

Zhang Taichu said bitterly: "Master Supervisor, if the guards from other places want to reach Jiyuan, I'm afraid they can't do it without two or three months."

Although Zhang Taichu didn't really want to tell Sun Chuanting about this matter, but now that Sun Chuanting had asked about it, he couldn't do without it.

After Sun Chuanting heard Zhang Taichu's answer, he sneered
Sun Chuanting also knew what quality these guard soldiers were, and it would be considered good if they could come within two months, maybe none of the guard soldiers from other places could come.

It's not that Sun Chuanting doesn't trust Zhang Taichu, but that Sun Chuanting doesn't dare to trust Zhang Taichu.

After a while, Sun Chuanting asked again: "It's fine if you can't come, let me ask you, how many soldiers from these local guards who came to Jiyuan in total?"

Zhang Taichu's face turned red in an instant, and he said with embarrassment: "Only, there are less than 3000 soldiers, and there are probably less than [-] soldiers capable of fighting."

"What? There are less than 3000 people? How can there be less than 3000 people? There are less than 3000 soldiers? How is this possible? Among other things, Luoyang alone cannot have only [-] people, right?
As far as I know, there are more than 3000 registered soldiers in Luoyang alone, and the number of soldiers in each prefecture and county ranges from [-] to [-]. Even if there are only soldiers from the places you mentioned, it is impossible to have only [-] soldiers. ? "

Sun Chuanting looked at Zhang Taichu, his expression changed from shock to anger, and finally turned gloomy.

"My lord, the escape from the guard is getting worse and there is no way around it. Don't say that there are more than [-] people in Luoyang now, I am afraid that the whole of Henan can gather only [-] guards."

Zhang Taichu's words are true, Henan is located in the Central Plains, there is no war all year round, and there is a long period of peace, so the degree of military households fleeing is more serious than that of the Nine Frontiers, and there is no way to do it.

Sun Chuanting leaned on the grand teacher's chair, looking at the roof of the county government hall, with a worried expression on his face.

Before he came here, he had already thought about the serious problem of soldiers fleeing from the guards in Henan, but he really didn't expect it to be so serious.

Henan soldiers are so serious, what about Shaanxi?What's more, before he came, Hong Chengchou completely lost the Qin army he brought.

Zhang Taichu stood quietly in the hall, not daring to breathe.

As for the other officials in the hall, they also lowered their heads, not daring to make the slightest movement.

After a long time, President Sun Chuanting sighed, sat up straight, his face was full of loneliness, he pointed to Zhang Taichu, and said: "Oh, forget it, it's not your fault alone, the matter has come to an end , there is no other way, that's all right, you should step back first."

Zhang Taichu cupped his hands at Sun Chuanting, thanked him, and then retreated.

"Okay, you all step back." Sun Chuanting pointed to all the people in the hall, and said weakly.

Seeing that Sun Chuanting asked them to retreat, the officials in the hall hurriedly bowed their hands at Sun Chuanting, and then walked outside with relief.

Seeing the backs of them leaving, Sun Chuanting had a wry smile on his face.

"Hehe, it seems that my previous method is completely farting. Now the entire Henan land can gather two to three thousand soldiers to death. How can these people hold the Yellow River Taihang line of defense?" Sun Chuanting shook his head and stood Get up and walk outside.

His housekeeper Sun He hurriedly followed behind him.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Sun He looked at the worried Sun Chuanting and asked softly.

Sun Chuanting sighed softly and said, "It's really unreliable to rely on these guard soldiers. We have to recruit troops ourselves. The standard battalion must be recruited in time. The guard soldiers are useless and dare not use them."

"But we don't have money in our hands now, what should we do?" Sun He asked.

"Money? How could there be no money? I will move to Luoyang in a few days, and there will be plenty of ways to get money by then.

There are quite a lot of military fields in and around Luoyang City. These fields have been swallowed up by the local tyrants. These things do not belong to them. I want them to spit out all these things to me.

Don't forget, when I came here, His Majesty gave me Shang Fang's sword, and I have the right to cut it first and then play it. At that time, I will see who dares to be presumptuous in front of Shang Fang's sword. "Sun Chuanting's eyes shone brightly, and he sneered again and again.

"What about the guard soldiers from Jiyuan? What should they do?"

"What else can I do? Let them go back and forth from wherever they come from. 3000 people are really not shameful enough. These 3000 people probably ran away before seeing the rebels." Sun Chuanting shook his head, not thinking about this problem anymore . "By the way, where is the governor of Shanxi, Wu Zhen?"

"Returning to the master, Wu Yan has already crossed the Taihang Mountains, and it is estimated that he will reach the city of Jiyuan in three or four days." Sun He replied.

Sun He has followed Sun Chuanting for a long time, and he is also very loyal to Sun Chuanting, so Sun Chuanting has left many things to Sun He to do.

"Hehe, let's wait for Wu Chen to arrive before entering Luoyang. I heard that Wu Zhen almost evacuated the entire south of Shanxi. I will take over the things he brought."

(End of this chapter)

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