Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 433 Wu Shen Arrives in Jiyuan

Chapter 433 Wu Shen Arrives in Jiyuan

At this time, Wu Zhen had just walked out of the Taihang Mountains with the troops brought out from the south of Shanxi.

Because of the heavy snow, Wu Tong and others moved very slowly.

Wu Sheng recruited more than 4000 guard soldiers from the south of Shanxi, and Qing Zhuang almost recruited more than 1 soldiers.

However, along the way, many guard soldiers and young adults took the opportunity to run away.

In the end, there were only about 4000 soldiers left, and less than [-] young and strong soldiers.

It's okay to be young and strong, but the remaining guard soldiers are basically just old, weak, sick and disabled who can't run.

Not only these people ran away, but also a large part of the gentry who fled south with Wu Sheng, either to Beizhili or Shaanxi.

That is to say, after arriving at the Taihang Mountains, the situation will get better.

After all, in the Taihang Mountains, if you get out of the main force in the snow in this winter, you may get lost.

Getting lost in deep mountains and old forests like the Taihang Mountains often ends badly.

On the contrary, those county magistrates brought out by Wu Zhen still rarely escaped.

Before leaving Shanxi, Wu Xin also took away all the food and money that could be taken away in the south of Shanxi.

Thanks to the food and money, it has been able to persist until now.If there wasn't so much food and money, Wu Chen felt that the people he got would probably run away completely.

Together, these people stretched for several miles in a mighty way, marching on the rugged path on the Taihang Mountains.

Wu Zhen did not carry food and other things in a centralized manner, but distributed them to the guard soldiers and young men, asking them to carry some each.

Moreover, Wu Xin promised that as long as he walked out of the Taihang Mountains, half of the food that everyone carried would be his own.

It is for this reason that there is no great difficulty in transporting food.

Jiyuan is at the foot of Wangwu Taihang Mountains, not far from Wangwu Taihang Mountains.

Originally, it would not take such a long time, but because of the heavy snow, the speed on the road was very slow.

Wu Zhen leaned on a cane, looking at the whiteness in front of him, sweating profusely.

"How many days are we away from Jiyuan?" Wu Xuan looked at Li Tianhe who was following behind him.

Li Tianhe looked around and replied: "My lord, we have already left the Taihang Mountains, and we should not be far away from Jiyuan. There was news before that the new governor of the three provinces is now in Jiyuan."

"Since the new governor-general of the three provinces is in Jiyuan, let's go directly to Jiyuan." Wu Yan pointed to the front, and then said to Li Tianhe: "Let the people behind speed up and get to Jiyuan as soon as possible. , you can take a good rest."

Li Tianhe cupped his hands at Wu Xin, and then led his servants to run to the back.

Three days later, Wu Zhen came to a place about five miles outside Jiyuan City.

Before that, Wu Zhen had already sent someone to report.

So when he came to this place, Sun Chuanting and his troops had been waiting here for a long time.

Leaning on his crutches, Wu Zhen looked at Sun Chuanting, who was wearing a scarlet official uniform and well-equipped with a guard of honor not far ahead, heaved a long sigh, and hurried up to meet him.

Li Tianhe also led the servants behind him and hurriedly followed behind Wu Sheng.

"I pay my respects to the governor!" Wu Tong saluted Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting sat on the chair that had been prepared, and his guard of honor was neatly arranged on both sides.

Behind him are many civil and military officials in Henan.

Sun Chuanting looked at the exhausted and ragged Wu Zhen who was kneeling in front of him, and said expressionlessly, "You are the governor of Shanxi, Wu Zhen?"

Wu Zhen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with a bitter face: "The next official is the governor of Shanxi, Wu Zhen."

"Hehe, you have lost the whole of Shanxi. I don't know what kind of face you have to come to see me." Sun Chuanting shot two sharp lights in his eyes, and walked towards Wu Zhen.

Wu Xuan lowered his head, with a wry smile on his face.

Losing a city or land is a felony, and Wu Zhen also knew that he had a hard time today.

"The criminal deserves death. Losing the city and losing the land is a felony. What's more, the criminal let the Jin King's lineage be captured by the rebels. The criminal has a serious crime. Please forgive me." Wu Yan knelt on the ground, his body The clothes were in tatters, and he said in a low tone.

Sun Chuanting looked at Wu Tong quietly and did not speak for a long time.

Behind Wu Sheng were Li Tianhe and some county magistrates who escaped with Li Tianhe.

Sun Chuanting looked at them quietly with a gloomy face.

After a long while, Sun Chuanting said: "Now I am the governor of the three provinces, the governor of counter-insurgency matters, in command of the soldiers and horses of Shanxi, Shanxi and Henan provinces.

Your position as governor is gone, but His Majesty did not explicitly convict you. However, it is an unchanging fact that you lost your city and land, not to mention that you have also lost your relatives.Whether it is losing the city and land or losing the pro-vassal, this is a serious crime. "

Wu Tong's head sank even lower. Hearing Sun Chuanting's emotionless words, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Your position as governor is gone, and the counter-insurgency affairs will be taken over by this official, and you have personally fought against the rebels and have experience in fighting the rebels, so the court decided not to execute you.

But it doesn't mean that you will be safe and sound. From now on, you will be white.But counter-insurgency matters cannot be slack, and your experience against the enemy is also very important, so you will have to contribute to counter-insurgency in the future. "

As soon as Sun Chuanting's voice fell, Wu Tong looked at Sun Chuanting in disbelief.

According to his thinking, he lost the whole of Shanxi, which is a serious crime, and the lightest crime is exile. He really didn't expect Sun Chuanting to spare himself so lightly?

Besides, what Sun Chuanting said later, he has become white, so how can he contribute to the suppression of the rebellion?
In fact, before Sun Chuanting came, Chongzhen was going to ask Sun Chuanting to arrest Wu Zhen and send him to the capital after seeing him.

But Sun Chuanting didn't want to do this. Although Wu Zhen lost Shanxi, it can't be all blamed on Wu Zhen. After all, Zhao Wen's weapon is too powerful.

Besides, Wu Xuan had fought against Zhao Wen and was familiar with Zhao Wen's army, which is exactly what the current court needs.

Therefore, after Sun Chuanting earnestly pleaded for Wu Xin, Chongzhen finally agreed with Sun Chuanting not to arrest Wu Xin.However, Wu Zhen could not continue to be an official.

According to Chongzhen's temperament, Chongzhen originally didn't want to spare Wu Tong, but what Sun Chuanting said was very reasonable, after all, Zhao Wen couldn't be compared with other people.

"And you people, you should also get up. This battle is a crime other than war, and has little to do with you. Bandit Zhao's weapon is too powerful."

Sun Chuanting pointed to the officials kneeling behind Wu Tong, and said.

Anyway, even Wu Tong was exonerated, so Chongzhen also took advantage of the opportunity to exonerate these people.

When the officials behind Wu Tong heard Sun Chuanting's words, they heaved a sigh of relief, and finally relaxed a lot.

"However, you are the same as Wu Zhen, and you can no longer be officials." Sun Chuanting changed his tone and looked at them.

Can't be an official?It doesn't matter whether you can become an official or not, at least your life will be saved.As long as you save your life, there may be a turning point in the future.

"Thank you, sir!" These officials saluted Sun Chuanting and stood up.

Sun Chuanting stood up from the chair and walked in front of Wu Sheng.

"Brother Wu, originally His Majesty wanted to punish you. If I hadn't argued for it, I'm afraid that the people who greeted Brother Wu at this time would not be me but Jinyiwei and Dongchang." Sun Chuanting looked at Wu Shen with a calm tone. Said.

Looking at Sun Chuanting's sincere eyes, Wu Tong hurriedly cupped his hands at Sun Chuanting, "Thank you for your help, sir. I really don't know how to repay you."

Regarding Sun Chuanting's words, Wu Tong was still somewhat puzzled.But Wu Xuan soon figured it out, after all, he had lost the city and land, and lost his pro-vassal.These charges are serious crimes of losing one's head. Now that he has been exempted from punishment, I am afraid that what Sun Chuanting said is very likely to be true.

Sun Chuanting said: "Hey, what can I say to repay you? Brother Wu fought against the rebels in Shanxi, and he has experience. And this experience is exactly what we need. If Brother Wu doesn't dislike it, can you help me and make suggestions for me to calm down as soon as possible? Rebels."

"If that's the case, then I'll be disrespectful." Now that this point has been reached, Wu Zhen has no other choice but to agree to Sun Chuanting's conditions.

I was originally the governor of Shanxi, a great official in the borderlands, but now I can only submit to others and become an aide who advises others.

The gap here is really too big, but the matter has reached such a point, Wu Sheng has no way to refuse.

Sun Chuanting took Wu Tong's arm and burst out laughing.

After a while, Sun Chuanting put away his smile, "By the way, I heard that you evacuated the entire south of Shanxi this time, is that true?"

"Returning to my lord, I can't say that the entire south of Shanxi has been emptied, but only a part of it has been moved. The number of gentry who followed in the south is not very large. As for those gentry who didn't come, they have a small calculation in their hearts. Say, grown-ups know too.

And not all the officials who came to the south with me were willing to come to Henan. A large part of the gentry were unwilling to come down to Henan, so they ran away halfway, some went to Shaanxi, and some went to Beizhili , the remaining gentry add up to no more than 80 households.

Not only the gentry, but even the soldiers and young men in Xialong also left a lot. Now there are only more than 6000 soldiers and young men in total.

Because it is winter, coupled with the continuous heavy snow, the consumption of food is very serious.Now almost half of the food I have produced has been consumed, and as for the silver produced, I have also used up more than half of it in order to boost morale. " Wu Zhen replied.

Listening to Wu Tong's description, Sun Chuanting kept thinking.

To be honest, Sun Chuanting's expectations of what Wu Zhen said were also within his expectations.

After all, losing battles has always been like this from ancient times to the present, and fortunately they didn't run away.

"This kind of thing is also very normal. After all, we have lost the battle." Sun Chuanting sighed softly, and then said: "Brother Wu is very tired from walking all the way, why don't you go back to the city to rest first, as for the rest of the matter. give it to me."

Wu Xuan is not a fool, of course he knows what Sun Chuanting is doing, he wants to swallow all the horses he has brought out through hard work.

But now I have become a white body, even if I don't agree, it doesn't work, let alone Sun Chuanting is still the governor of the three provinces.

"If that's the case, then I'll hand over all these troops to your lord." Wu Tong cupped his hands at Sun Chuanting and was about to leave.

Sun Chuanting pointed to Sun He who was standing behind him, and shouted: "Get a sedan chair for Brother Wu, Brother Wu has worked hard all the way here, let Brother Wu have a good rest."

Sun He nodded at Sun Chuanting, and hurriedly led several servants to run to the back.

After seeing off Wu Xin, Sun Chuanting walked forward again.

"My lord, the culprit is Li Tianhe, the commander-in-chief of Taiyuan!" Seeing Sun Chuanting approaching, Li Tianhe hurriedly saluted Sun Chuanting.

Sun Chuanting waved his hand and said indifferently: "The general is not guilty of any crime. You are what the imperial court needs most. Do your best for the imperial court and recover Shanxi as soon as possible."

"The last general takes orders!" Seeing that Sun Chuanting didn't care about his crimes, Li Tianhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After Sun Chuanting finished inspecting all these officials, Sun Chuanting found one of his confidants.

The servant Sun Chuanting found was called Sun Da, who used to be a soldier of Zhenwuwei, but by mistake, Sun Chuanting took him under his command.

Sun Da was wearing cotton armor and stood in front of Sun Chuanting, "My lord!"

"You bring some people to gather all the soldiers and young men brought by Wu Xin, as well as the food and money brought by Wu Zhen. These things are very important to me, and I must not lose them." Sun Chuanting pointed out Pointing to the long queue ahead that was still coming this way, he said to Sun Da.

"Obey!" Sun Day clasped his fists together, and then led a dozen servants to ride forward on horses.

After Sun Da left, Wu Tong called Xuan Mo, the former governor of Henan, over.

Xuan Mo was originally the governor of Henan Province, but since Sun Chuanting came with the imperial decree, Xuan Mo became Sun Chuanting's subordinate.

His title of governor was also changed to the chief secretary of Henan, and the original chief secretary was transferred away.

"Now you lead some people to bring these gentry and officials from Shanxi back to Jiyuan City first. Remember to settle them properly, especially these gentry." Sun Chuanting said to Xuan Mo who was standing in front of him.

Xuan Mo nodded, "Your Majesty will definitely remember your lord's order and arrange all these people properly."


In about ten days, Zhao Daniu and Song Hu sent all the captured officials to Yangcheng, and the captured King Shen was also sent to Yangcheng.

After these prisoners were sent to Yangcheng, Zhao Wen began to send the captured officials to Dengzhou.

As for Jin Wang Shen Wang and others, Zhao Wen has no such plan now, after all, Oceania is a bit far away from Daming.

While sending these officials, Zhao Wen also sent Hong Chengchou there.

Although Hong Chengchou's character is not very good, he still has some abilities. With Hong Chengchou in charge, at least the affairs of the Wa Kingdom can be improved a lot, and the Wa Kingdom can be pacified a lot faster.

During the escort, Zhao Wen dispatched almost 3000 troops. These 3000 troops also carried a large amount of weapons and ammunition when they left, mainly light weapons. As for the 107 rocket launcher and the 152mm cannon howitzer, they did not carry it.

Heavy weapons are too heavy to transport well.The weapons they carry are mainly to deal with the daimyos in the territory of Wa, and these light weapons are almost enough.

After sending all these officials away, Zhao Wen did not take any further action.

The whole of Shanxi seems to have calmed down all of a sudden, but all this is just an appearance.

The reason why Zhao Wen did not act was because the officials who came to Shanxi were not yet in place.

After about a month or two, officials from Xuanzhen finally took over the whole of Shanxi.

When the whole of Shanxi was taken over, Zhao Wen did not choose to send a large army to attack Shaanxi or Henan, but launched a vigorous campaign to attack the local tyrants and divide the fields.

Although Wu Zhen took many gentry with him when he fled south, these gentry were still too few compared to the whole of Shanxi.

Nowadays, there are still many gentry in Shanxi. If you want to realize the imperial power to go to the countryside, you must limit the rights of gentry.

At this stall, Wu Keshan escorted Fan Wencheng to Zhao Wen's place.

 Thank you for the reward of the sunshine in summer, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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