Chapter 434 What a Fan Wencheng
At this time, Zhao Wen had already returned to Taiyuan Mansion. After all, Taiyuan Mansion was the provincial capital of Shanxi, and Taiyuan Mansion was much closer to Xuanzhen than Yangcheng. It was more convenient to do business in Taiyuan Mansion than in Yangcheng.

Besides, Zhao Wen is the commander-in-chief of Xuanzhen, so no matter what, Zhao Wen shouldn't just stay in Yangcheng, and Zhao Wen has no plans to attack Henan and Shaanxi at present, so it would be inappropriate to stay in Yangcheng.

When Zhao Wen went to Taiyuan Mansion, he only brought his own guards and horses, and the remaining soldiers were left near Yangcheng by Zhao Wen.

Although Zhao Wen does not intend to attack Henan and Shanxi now, it does not mean that he will not attack these two places in the future.

King Jin and King Shen were left in Yangcheng by Zhao Wen. Sooner or later, these people will be sent to Oceania.

When Zhao Wen came to Taiyuan Mansion, according to Zhao Wen's order, the entire Taiyuan Mansion had already started a vigorous campaign to beat local tyrants and divide the land.

Zhao Wen had done these things in Xuan Town before, so Zhao Wen was also very handy in this kind of thing of beating local tyrants and dividing the land.

Because of the important geographical location of Taiyuan Prefecture, the magistrate of Taiyuan Prefecture was a capable official specially selected from Xuanzhen.

When this He Yu was in Xuanzhen, he was a capable general under Zhou Runyu, the head of the official department. He was born in Juren and was very capable in the administration of officials.

It was for this reason that Liu Wenzhong sent He Yu to Taiyuan Prefecture as the magistrate.

He Yu also came with more than 1000 college students and more than a dozen scribes. Besides these, there were nearly [-] reserve soldiers.

After these people arrived in Taiyuan Mansion, they quickly settled down Taiyuan Mansion and began to restore Taiyuan Mansion.

Because of the heavy snow before, construction materials such as cement were not delivered in time, so now it is only doing some simple repairs to Taiyuan Mansion.

Only the city walls of Taiyuan Mansion were severely damaged, and the impact on these people in Taiyuan Mansion was not great.

"My lord, the story of beating local tyrants and dividing the land has spread throughout Taiyuan Mansion, and now the people around Taiyuan Mansion basically understand these policies.

More than half of the land near Taiyuan Mansion has been cleared, and I believe that it will not take long to clear all these lands. He Yu looked at Zhao Wen who was sitting in the main seat in the hall of the governor's yamen in Taiyuan Mansion, holding a document in his hand, reading slowly.

Because currently only Shanxi has been laid down, and it is relatively easy to manage, there is no Shanxi governor.

In this way, the governor's yamen became vacant and became the magistrate's yamen.As for the former magistrate's yamen, it was changed to another yamen.

Listening to He Yu's report, Zhao Wen kept nodding his head, "That's right, you've done a good job. The land of King Jin's family must be cleared, and the land of those powerful gentry should also be cleared." .

While clearing the land, those gentry cannot be beaten to death with a single stick.If the land of some good gentry was obtained through reasonable means and the people have no objection, then bypass them, but if not, all of them must be checked except for the land they originally owned.

These lands are to be distributed to the poor local people in Taiyuan Prefecture, so they cannot be sloppy.When clearing the land, it is also necessary to find out which gentry are good and which are extremely vicious. For the vicious gentry, a public trial meeting will be held, and those who should be sentenced will be sentenced, and those who should be imprisoned. "

Before this public trial meeting, Song Hu had done it when he captured Daizhou City. At that time, Zhao Wen asked people to take that public trial meeting as a model, and wrote a booklet of the public trial meeting and passed it to Xuanzhen.

Therefore, He Yu is no stranger to the public trial meeting that Zhao Wen mentioned.

"Obey!" He Yu put away the documents, cupped his fists at Zhao Wen, then turned and left.

Not long after leaving, Li Xiaosan ran in from the outside.

Zhao Wen brought Li Xiaosan with him when he returned to Taiyuan Mansion.

"My lord, Fan Wencheng was escorted here by Wu Keshan Taiji."

Before Zhao Wen could speak, Li Xiaosan shouted excitedly at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen's eyes lit up, and he stood up from the chair suddenly, "Here you are? Where are you?"

Before Zhao Wen set off from Yangcheng, he had already learned about Fan Wencheng. For Fan Wencheng, a big traitor, Zhao Wen had long wanted to see and see.

Fan Wencheng is a well-known big traitor in history. This bastard even claimed to be the descendant of Fan Zhongyan, a famous minister of the Song Dynasty. If Fan Zhongyan knew that he had such a descendant, he would probably jump out of his grave angrily.

"My lord, we have already arrived outside the city, and now we are about to enter the city." Li Xiaosan pointed out the gate, and said excitedly.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that Fan Wencheng is still alive today. Pass my order to let Wu Keshan take Fan Wencheng directly to the prison." After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and led the ten or so people in the hall. The guard walked outside.

Not long after, Wu Keshan brought Fan Wencheng to the gate of the prison.

Zhao Wen had already waited at the gate of the prison. When Zhao Wen saw the prison cars behind Wu Keshan, two cold lights shot out from his eyes.

"My lord!" Wu Keshan looked at Zhao Wen at the gate of the prison, jumped off his horse and went to meet him.

Zhao Wen waved his hand, "Get up, and bring me this bastard, Fan Wencheng."

Wu Keshan beckoned to the back, "Come here, bring this dog Fan Wencheng and his dog legs, by the way, and those things that Huang Taiji asked Fan Wencheng to bring along."

It was about ten breaths, and Fan Wencheng and others were escorted in front of Zhao Wen.

"Which one is Fan Wencheng?" Zhao Wen asked, looking at the dozens of prisoners who were pinned down in front of him.

After all, Zhao Wen had never met Fan Wencheng, so Zhao Wen couldn't tell the difference for a while.

Wu Keshan pointed to the little old man with a pig tail in the middle, and said to Zhao Wen, "My lord, this is the thing."

"Haha, I didn't expect the famous Fan Wencheng to be here today." Zhao Wen laughed a few times, and then said to Wu Keshan: "Except for Fan Wencheng, I will kill the rest of these people and keep them." It's just a waste of food."

"Pull these people down and cut them off." Wu Keshan looked at the soldiers holding these people down and shouted.

"Damn Nikan, sooner or later the sweat will cut off your head."

"Damn Mingren, you really are a fraudster."

For a while, these Jian slaves spoke Jurchen language and kept yelling at Zhao Wen.

The Jiannu who came with Fan Wencheng were basically Huang Taiji's elite troops assigned by Fan Wencheng. These people were all ruthless stubble who had been licking blood on knives all year round.

These people can also understand a lot of Chinese during the years of fighting against Daming.

So when they heard that Zhao Wen was going to kill them all, they all became angry and yelled at Zhao Wen non-stop.

Although Zhao Wen couldn't understand what they said, he could tell from their expressions that they didn't say anything good.

Looking at the slaves who were dragged down, Zhao Wen said coldly: "Give me all their heads to be nitrated with lime, and give them to Huang Taiji as gifts in the future."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he looked at Fan Wencheng who was kneeling in front of him.

"You are Fan Wencheng?"

At this time, Fan Wencheng was wearing a blood-stained prison uniform, and buried his head low, not daring to look at Zhao Wen.

The pig's tail on the back of his head slid over his head, looking very funny under the breeze.

The part of the head where there is no hair is blue in the reflection of sunlight.

"Fan Wencheng, it is rumored that he is the No.17 grandson of Fan Zhongyan, he liked reading very much when he was young, and he was known as a child prodigy since he was a child.

Wanli was admitted as a scholar in Shenyang County in 43, which was not enough.If you can pass the examination as a scholar, you can also be called a child prodigy.

In the 46th year of Wanli, when Hou Jin conquered Fushun, Fan Wencheng and his brother Fan Wencai took the initiative to ask Nurhachi to see him, and they were valued by Nurhachi.

When Huang Taiji succeeded to the throne, Fan Wencheng returned to Huang Taiji in time to make suggestions for Huang Taiji.I heard that in the second year of Chongzhen's reign, Huang Taiji's detour to Xifengkou was done by Fan Wencheng. "

Zhao Wen looked at Fan Wencheng who was kneeling on the ground, and read out all the information about Fan Wencheng in his mind.

In fact, Fan Wencheng's role in Huang Taiji is not only limited to these.

The reason why Huang Taiji and his ilk were able to grow from a local bandit to a local regime is Fan Wencheng who contributed the most.

In the end, when Huang Taiji passed away and Dorgon entered the Central Plains, he was the one who played the most important role.It can be said that without Fan Wencheng, it would not be so easy for Dorgon to enter the Central Plains.

Hearing Zhao Wen's emotionless voice, Fan Wencheng's body kept trembling.

"My lord, this is the imperial decree brought by Fan Wencheng, please read it." Wu Keshan took out a long box with complicated patterns from the things he carried over and handed it to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took the box and said with a sneer: "Hehe, there is still an imperial edict for me? What kind of imperial edict is this? How can someone who is not a king give an imperial edict?"

After opening the box, Zhao Wen looked at the rough imperial decree inside the box, and couldn't help but scornfully said, "A barbarian is a barbarian, and the imperial decree is like paper towels."

With that said, Zhao Wen took out the imperial decree from the box.

Fan Wencheng's body kept trembling. At first, he thought that Zhao Wen just wanted to ask for glory and wealth, so he attacked Shanxi. Even if he captured all of Shanxi, he only wanted glory and wealth.

When he entered Xuanzhen, he already understood how naive his original idea was. After seeing the clean concrete roads in Xuanzhen and the well-dressed people in Xuanzhen, Fan Wencheng knew that Zhao Wen definitely didn't just want Prosperity and wealth.

When he got on that magical train, he realized that he was wrong, and he couldn't be more wrong. His original idea was like thinking out of his ass.

 Thank you for being too lazy to think of a new name, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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