Chapter 435 Clearing the land
"Hehe, give me back my glory and wealth? Also make me a prince? This is simply the funniest joke in the world. I haven't troubled him yet, but this guy wants to recruit me now. What a joke, he Why did Huang Taiji recruit me? He is just my subordinate."

As Zhao Wen said, he handed the imperial edict in his hand to Li Xiaosan who was standing behind him, "Burn this imperial edict, it's useless to keep it."

Li Xiaosan took Huang Taiji's imperial edict and ran outside.

"Fan Wencheng, I heard that you are a descendant of Duke Fan Wenzheng. I would like to know if you are a descendant of Duke Fan Wenzheng. I am very curious now. You said that if Duke Fan Wenzheng knew that there was such an unworthy descendant as you?" If so, what would be your reaction?" Zhao Wen looked at Fan Wencheng who was kneeling on the ground with his head buried very low.

Fan Wencheng's body kept trembling, and he said with a panicked expression: "It's just that the positions are different, the matters are different, and each has its own policy."

"Hahaha!" Zhao Wen burst out laughing when he heard this, "Different positions, different matters, different policies? Hahaha, are you trying to laugh me to death? This is the first time I have grown up so big To meet a brazen person like you.

You are originally from Shenyang, you were known as a child prodigy when you were young, and you were admitted as a scholar when you were young.If you keep taking the imperial examinations, you may be able to win the Jinshi in the future, but you actually regard Nurhachi as the master and completely forget your ancestors.

Fan Wenzheng is a loyal minister with a long history, how about you?A dog with a broken spine, an incompetent person, a person who has forgotten his ancestors, and a villain who does not respect his ancestors.When Nurhachi was stationed in Shenyang, you were the first scholar to surrender to Nurhachi.You have read so many books, it can be said that you are full of knowledge.But you have not learned loyalty, honor, disgrace, and shame. Are your knees so soft? "

The more Zhao Wen said, the more angry he became, and the more he said, the more angry he became, until finally he roared directly at Fan Wencheng.

"What can I do? I also want a way out, Nurhachi is powerful, I just don't want to die." Fan Wencheng was still defending himself.

"Bah!" Zhao Wen smiled coldly, and spit a mouthful of thick phlegm directly on Fan Wencheng's head, "Look at your pigtail hairstyle, your ancestors' face is almost lost by you. You said You want to live? You want to live, don’t the hundreds of thousands of people living in Liaodong not want to live? The defeat of Saerhu, the hundreds of thousands of people in Liaodong don’t want to live? As long as you, Fan Wencheng’s life is life, those people Is life not life?
In the second year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji sent troops to break through Xifengkou, and the land of Gyeonggi was corrupted.There are countless people killed and injured, should these people deserve to die? "

Hearing the murderous look in Zhao Wen's voice, Fan Wencheng was terrified. He wanted to defend himself, but he couldn't speak.

"Hmph, pull him down and watch him carefully. When I level up Liaodong, I will use his head to pay homage to the spirit of the people in Liaodong." Zhao Wen's chest was heaving and heaving because of anger, and he directed at the escort. The soldiers who watched Fan Wencheng waved to them to take Fan Wencheng to prison.

After Fan Wencheng was taken into prison, Zhao Wen looked at the things Fan Wencheng brought before him, and said in a deep voice, "Take all these things with you, confiscate the valuable ones, and burn the worthless ones."

"As ordered!"

As soon as Zhao Wen gave an order, the surrounding soldiers carried all these things down.

"Remember, this bastard Fan Wencheng can't die now, he has to watch it for me, I want him to see with his own eyes how his master died." Zhao Wen shouted in the direction of the prison cell, and then turned outside go.

Seeing this, Wu Keshan hastily followed.

Looking at Wu Keshan who was following him, Zhao Wen chuckled, "Did you go to see your sister and your nephew when you came here?"

When Wu Keshan heard Zhao Wen mentioning Hailanzhu, he smiled like a flower, "I really want to see it, but unfortunately time is too urgent, so I didn't have time to watch it."

"If you don't watch it this time, it's okay to see it next time." Zhao Wen laughed.

"By the way, my lord, your train is really powerful. It's the first time I've seen such a magical thing when I grow up. I think, if this train is built directly on the grassland, then from the grassland to Xuan There will be a lot of cattle and sheep delivered to the town soon." Wu Keshan said.

"Okay, after all the things in Shanxi are done, I will start to build the railway to the grassland. But now I can only build it to Dushikou."

The grassland is not inland. Although the grassland is very flat, the population on the grassland is very sparse and the area is too large. If a railway is built on the grassland now, it will be a money-losing business.

Although the railway is very important to control the grassland, everything has a priority. The most urgent task now is to build the railway to Shanxi and Datong first.

"It's okay to build it to Dushikou. As long as it is built to Dushikou, it will be much more convenient for us to transport cattle and sheep. Now the whole tribe lives on cattle and sheep. Just last year, we raised two cattle and sheep the year before. times more.

When I came here, Father Khan also planned to increase the number of cattle and sheep this year. If it is repaired to Dushikou, it will be much more convenient to transport cattle and sheep. When Wu Keshan thought of the cattle and sheep raised in the Horqin tribe, his heart became hot.

"Okay, go back and tell your father Khan that no matter how many cattle and sheep there are, I want them. I also want things like wool and cowhide." When Zhao Wen heard that Buhe wanted to expand the number of breeding, he couldn't help but Laughed out loud.

It's good to raise more cattle and sheep, it's better to raise more cattle and sheep, the more you raise, the better, then these cattle and sheep will tie you all up.

Just like farming, all the people are controlled on the land.

Once it is controlled, it will not be so easy to break free.

"Hey, what I want is your words, my lord. To tell you the truth, I have nearly 1 cattle and sheep in my hands. These cattle and sheep are precious to me now.

Big cows give birth to calves, and big sheep give birth to lambs. After giving birth, the big cows and big sheep are sold. It will not take long for the calves and lambs to grow up. When the time comes, they will continue to give birth and then sell them.This is a steady stream of money. "When Wu Keshan mentioned his cattle and sheep, he became excited.

Now he still has the same look as when Zhao Wen first met him, and now Wu Keshan looks like a simple and honest old farmer.

"Haha, I see you are very happy. Let's not talk about it. Now you have sent Fan Wencheng here, and there is no business for you here. You can go back first. When you go back, you will send a message to your father. In a word, let him stop worrying about his cattle and sheep now, and let him train all the soldiers in his hands. I decided to pacify Liaodong and attack Liaodong after the beginning of spring." Zhao Wen suddenly put away his smile and looked serious. Looking at Wu Keshan.

Wu Keshan's expression turned serious, and he asked, "My lord, are you going to attack Huang Taiji now?"

"That's right, it's the end of January, and we will attack Liaodong in March or April. Let your father prepare early. After you go back, you have to start wooing the tribes on the grassland.

If anyone is willing to submit to me, I will not refuse anyone who comes, but if someone does not submit to me, you can tell them clearly that when the army arrives, no one will stay. "When Zhao Wen said the last sentence, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"Understood!" Wu Keshan clasped his fist at Zhao Wen and said loudly.


There is a town more than 50 miles west of Taiyuan Prefecture. This town is called Wangfeng Town.

Because this town is relatively close to Taiyuan Mansion, most of the land in this town belongs to King Jin.

The rest of the land is basically the land of those famous gentry in Taiyuan Mansion.

The people in this town are basically the tenants of King Jin and the gentry.

Although the place is relatively close to Taiyuan Mansion, Zhao Wen's attack on Taiyuan Mansion was relatively fast, and in addition to chasing and suppressing the defeated soldiers in a timely manner, the town was not affected.

There are two families surnamed Chen and Wu in the town. There were scholars in the two families before, and now the patriarchs of these two families are all from Juren, so the prestige of these two families in the town is very great.

The land of King Jin in the town and the land of Taiyuan gentry in the town are managed by these two families.

These two families will collect rent for the Jin Palace and the gentry in the city during the summer and autumn harvests every year.

Except for the gentry in Prince Jin's Mansion and Taiyuan Mansion, the rest of the land basically belonged to these two families.

The land rent set by the gentry in Jinwang Mansion and Taiyuan Fucheng is [-]%, that is, [-]% of the harvest of one mu of land is rent.

Thirty percent say high is high, and neither high nor high.In this era, one mu of dry land can produce two stones of grain, but if you take care of it diligently, it will only cost three stones of grain.

Changed to the unit of measurement of later generations, it is two to three hundred catties of grain.

This is still when the year is good. If the year is bad, it is not bad to have a stone.

Paddy fields can produce more grain, but not much.

If one mu of land is calculated as three shi of grain, then the rent paid is nine dou, which is nearly one shi of grain.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for these tenants in the town to rent only one mu of land, so if they rent [-]% of the land, they can survive.

However, there are exceptions to everything.When the Chen family and the Wu family collected the rent for the king of Jin and the gentry in the city, they didn't collect [-]% of the rent.

The rent they collect is [-]%, which means that half of the output of one mu of land must be handed over to these two families.

For this reason, the Chen and Wu families became more and more wealthy in Wangfeng Town, which also made their power in Wangfeng Town more and more powerful.

The words of the Chen and Wu families in Wangfeng Town are more effective than those of the imperial court.

And those ordinary people, who worked so hard for a year to plant the land, only half of it was left in the end.

After paying the rent and removing the seeds of the next year, the remaining food can barely last a year.

The salt and other things that the people eat are also provided by these two companies, but the price of the salt they sell to the people is much higher than that outside, and it is only the lowest grade coarse salt.

Because of the existence of these two families, the people in Wangfeng Town are very poor.

The most difficult time for the people here is during the Chinese New Year, because the weather is cold in winter, and the family has no money to buy cotton, so when winter comes, the whole family can only huddle on one kang.

This crowd lasted a whole winter, and the clothes at home could only be worn when going out to pay New Year's greetings.

Some families have little land and don’t even have quilts, so they can only use reed flowers to keep warm.

"Master, now those rebels are clearing the land in the whole town, aren't you worried?"

In the hall of the Chen family's ancestral house, the butler Chen Quan bowed his body and looked at Chen Tong who was sitting in his arms holding a hand stove in the hall.

Chen Tong chuckled and said, "Afraid? Why should I be afraid? No matter what dynasty or generation they are in, as long as they want to govern the world, they must rely on us.

If there are no people like us to manage the place, who will manage the people for them?It's nothing more than changing the emperor, what's the big deal. "

When Zhao Wen attacked Taiyuan Mansion, Chen Tong thought that Zhao Wen was a bandit like Li Zicheng, so he packed his things and prepared to run away.

Unexpectedly, An Min's notice came down before he could run away.He even came to the town with some things for the winter. Seeing this posture, Chen Tong gradually settled down.

"Master, what you said is reasonable." Chen Quan flattered him with a smile on his face.

"Okay, stop flattering. Have you put away the things you got from those muddy hands before? Hide them all for me, so that no one will find them." Chen Tong looked at Chen Quan.

Chen Quan replied: "Master, don't worry, those things are well hidden, and I guarantee that no one else will find them.

I don't know what happened to these people, they were just some rebels.You say that if you are a rebel, you can be a rebel, and if you want to rebel, you can rebel, but why do you still send such good things to those mud legs?
Tsk tsk, the winter coat is filled with high-quality cotton, which is very warm.In addition to the cotton-padded clothes, some food was also distributed, especially the kind of canned food they distributed.It's filled with meat, it's a waste to feed these mud legs. "

"Why do you care so much? Let me tell you, as long as these people still distribute things in the future, as long as they are distributed to those mud legs, you will get them for me." Chen Tong sat up straight and looked at Chen Quan with eyes full of tears. greedy.

"Understood!" Chen Quan said flatteringly.

When Zhao Wen asked the general to distribute the supplies in Wangfeng Town to the people in Wangfeng Town, the Chen and Wu families focused on these things.

After Zhao Wen led the soldiers and horses to leave, the Chen and Wu families coerced and lured them into their own hands.

At the same time, one of the general banners of the reserve forces in Taiyuan Prefecture led his men and horses and followed a college student to clear the land in a village called Daqiao Village near Wangfeng Town.

A 20-year-old youth named Feng Feng was standing in a field near the village with a booklet and charcoal pencils.

"Master Yang, there are five acres of land here." General Banner Qin Shiyou ran over from the other end of the field.

Feng Feng looked at the topography of the land in front of him, and then began to write on the booklet in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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