Chapter 436 Treating the Child

"What are you doing there?"

While Feng Feng was recording the field data, an old man in thin clothes and five or six young people came over.

Feng Feng put down the pen in his hand and looked along the place where the voice came from, "We are here to clear the land."

"Qingzhang's land? This piece of land is the land of Prince Jin's mansion. Aren't you afraid of offending King Jin when you clear these lands?"

The old man squatted in front of the field ridge, squinting at the soldiers who were working in the field.

In the past, when the old man saw the soldiers, no matter where the soldiers were, he would have run away early, but now it is different.

Since Zhao Wen asked the soldiers under his command to send supplies for the winter to these people, these people were not so afraid after seeing these soldiers under Zhao Wen's command.

"Offend King Jin? Hehe, King Jin is nothing." Feng Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Master, why do you wear so little in this cold weather? Aren't you cold? What about the new padded jackets I gave you earlier? Why haven't you seen them wearing them?" Feng Feng closed the booklet, held it in his left hand, Walk towards this old man.

Seeing Feng Feng approaching, the old man stood up hastily, and was about to kneel on the ground and kowtow to Feng Feng.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Feng Feng helped the old man up.

"What are you doing? Our soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen don't advocate this, sir, get up quickly." Feng Feng said in a calm tone while supporting the old man's shoulder.

Being supported by Feng Feng like this, the old man became a little nervous, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

"Master, I see you are shivering from the cold, why don't you put on the padded jacket we gave you? It's freezing cold, so don't be cold." Feng Feng held the old man's hand in the old man's hand. The trembling body also trembled.

The old man let out a long breath, a grievance flashed in his eyes, and then he knelt down in front of Feng Feng without waiting for Feng Feng to react.

"Get up quickly, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Feng Feng hurriedly handed the booklet in his left hand to Qin Shiyou who was walking over, and then helped the old man.

But this time, no matter what Feng Feng said, the old man was unwilling to get up.

"Please help this old man." Tears welled up in the old man's eyes on the icy ground.

Feng Feng said with a surprised face: "What's going on? Get up and talk."

The old man shook his head and said, "My little grandson got a cold a few days ago. He woke up this morning with a hot head and started talking nonsense. If we delay for another day or two, I'm afraid he will die."

"Have a cold? We sent you things for the winter before, how can you have a cold?" Feng Feng withdrew his hand and looked at the old man with some doubts.

"Please ask this master to save the child, he is only eight years old."

At this moment, the young people behind the old man also knelt on the ground together, kowtowing to Feng Feng non-stop.

Since the old man's grandson got sick, the old man tried all kinds of methods, but they were of no use at all.

This morning, I heard that some soldiers came to the village, wearing the same clothes as the soldiers who delivered things last time, so the old man wanted to try his luck.

"Qin Zongqi, hurry up and send a few people to invite the military doctor." Feng Feng shouted at Qin Shiyou who was behind him, and then looked at the old man in front of him.

"Master, now I have sent someone to call for a military doctor. It won't be long before the military doctor will arrive. You can get up first before talking." Feng Feng stretched out his hand again.

At this time, Qin Shiyou also hastily sent several soldiers under him to gallop in the direction of Taiyuan Mansion on fast horses.

"Yes, sir, get up quickly, the military doctor will be here soon, get up quickly." Qin Shiyou also came up and persuaded the old man kneeling on the ground.

The old man looked at the leaving reserve soldiers, kowtowed to Feng Feng and Qin Shiyou a few more times, and was then helped up by Feng Feng and Qin Shiyou.

"Get up quickly too." Feng Feng looked at the young men behind the old man and persuaded them.

After everyone stood up, Feng Feng asked again: "Didn't we distribute winter supplies to you before? Why are you still wearing such thin clothes now?"

If the old man's clothes are so thin, Feng Feng can still figure it out, after all, older people like to save good things.But these young people behind him are also dressed in thin clothes, which is somewhat inexplicable.

"This, this, this..." The old man looked at Feng Feng's eyes and kept dodging, and he hesitated and couldn't speak.

Seeing this, a man behind him came up anxiously, "Uncle, when is this? Why don't you say it? If you don't say it, I will!"

The old man looked at his nephew, slapped his thigh, and let out a long, dark sigh.

The man who spoke walked up to Feng Feng, and said angrily: "My lord, the winter supplies you gave us are gone, none of them are left, and all of them were taken away by Mr. Wu and Mr. Chen in the town. "

"Master Wu? Master Chen? Who are they?" Qin Shiyou interrupted.

The man let out a long breath, and spoke angrily.

After a while, Qin Shiyou's face was full of anger.

"Okay, okay, really good, dare to do such a thing at this time, I will kill him with a single shot."

Qin Shiyou was a refugee who escaped from Shaanxi before he became a soldier.

When he was in Shaanxi, the environment he was in was similar to the old man in front of him.

The entire village is the tenant of the King of Qin, and they often don't have enough to eat and are oppressed by others.

Now when he heard the man tell the real reason, Qin Shiyou immediately thought of the bullying he had received when he was in Shaanxi.

"Calm down, can this matter be done like this? Do you still remember the order from the Commander-in-Chief? A public trial meeting must be held to publicly try those evil gentry and bullies, and let the people vent all their anger in their hearts." Feng Feng hurriedly stopped Qin Shiyou tried his best to persuade him.

Qin Shiyou narrowed his eyes, and murderous aura surged all over his body, "Since this is the case, what do you think should be done now?"

"What should we do now? Let's treat the uncle's grandson first." Feng Feng pointed to the old man next to him.

Qin Shiyou nodded, "Then listen to you, these two bastards must not be let go."

After about an hour, the soldiers sent by Qin Shiyou finally invited the general doctor.

This military doctor is called Zheng Liang. Although he is a doctor, he can also ride a horse.

"The military doctor is here!" Feng Feng looked at Zheng Liang who was coming on a horse, his eyes lit up, and he hurried up to meet him.

Zheng Liang jumped off his horse, carrying a wooden box on his back, and hurriedly asked, "Who is injured?"

"My name is Feng Feng, and I am the steward of Qingzhang land in this village.

No one was injured, it was a child in a villager's family who had a cold, so please come and have a look. "

Feng Feng first introduced himself, and then began to explain for Zheng Liang.

"So that's what happened? I thought it was something. They didn't tell me clearly when they came to me, so they asked me to come here quickly. I thought someone was injured."

After hearing that no one was injured, Zheng Liang was relieved.

"It's saved, it's saved, Niu'er is saved." Seeing Zheng Liang walking over with a medicine box on his back, the old man wept with joy.

"Let's go, lead the way." Feng Feng looked at the old man and said.

The old man nodded heavily, and hastily turned around to lead the way.

The man who came with the old man also hurried to the front to lead the way for everyone.

Not long after walking, Feng Feng came to a dilapidated courtyard.

The yard is very dilapidated, the walls of the yard are half-cut, and there is an old well in the yard without a rain shelter.

In the middle of the yard is the old man's house, and the house is also very dilapidated. Because there is no money, the holes in the windows can only be blocked with wooden boards.

The house was built of loess, very low, with pits and hollows on the walls of the house, and the whole house showed a yellowish brown color.

The house was very small, and it seemed a bit crowded after only four or five people entered.

On the south wall of the house there is a huge kang, on which lay an eight-year-old boy covered with a quilt.

Now the little boy's face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, his body was still shivering, and a colorless towel was covering his head.

After seeing Zheng Liang, Feng Feng and others, the female relatives in the room were overjoyed and then hurried out, went to the kitchen next to the room and started to light a fire to boil water and make tea for these people.

The old man's son was a man in his 20s. When he saw these people coming in, he hurriedly stood up from the kang and stood aside respectfully.

"Sirs, sit down!" The old man found a few low stools from his home and placed them next to the kang.

Zheng Liang said: "Don't be in a hurry, look at the child first, the child is important."

Zheng Liang sat on the kang with the medicine box as he spoke.

The old man stood by and watched Zheng Liang quietly.

Feng Feng and Qin Shiyou stood on the bench next to the earthen kang, also quietly looking at the children on the kang.

As for the rest of the people, they all stood in the yard.

Sitting on the kang, Zheng Liang first uncovered the colorless quilt.

As soon as it was opened, I saw the child's naked body.

"Why don't you wear clothes?" Zheng Liang asked casually, but soon Zheng Liang regretted it
"I can't afford clothes. In previous years, my child's clothes were too small to fit. Originally, the child's mother wanted to change them, but this year's harvest is too bad. After paying the rent, I can't even afford needles and threads." The old man said. He let out a long breath, his face full of helplessness.

Zheng Liang put the quilt aside, touched the child's armpits, then quickly retracted his hand, and then covered the child with the quilt.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Liang took off the towel from the child's forehead and put his hand on it.While putting it on, Zheng Liang looked at the child's face again.

After doing all this, Zheng Liang began to feel the child's pulse.

Everyone in the room looked at Zheng Liang, and all became cautious, even holding their breath, for fear of disturbing Zheng Liang.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Zheng Liang withdrew his hand and looked at the old man and his son, "The child has entered the body with cold and evil air, and it is not very serious. Fortunately, I came early. If it is delayed until tomorrow, it will be regarded as a rescue." If you come back alive, I'm afraid it will also hurt your intelligence."

Hearing this, both the old man and his son became nervous.

The old man looked at Zheng Liang and asked worriedly: "Then what's going on now? Does it matter now?"

Zheng Liang stroked the beard on his chin, smiled lightly and said, "It's not serious now, it's just a matter of taking some medicine."

The old man and the old man's son finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Zheng Liang opened the box on the kang, and took out several small paper bags wrapped in hemp paper.

"This is cold powder from the army. It's winter now, and it's specially formulated to prevent soldiers from getting cold and apoplexy. Now it's also suitable for your children." Zheng Liang put the medicine bag in his hand on the edge of the kang, and urged : "The medicine powder here is one packet at a time, mixed with warm water and given to the child to drink, twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed at night."

The old man hastily picked up the medicine bag on the edge of the kang, held it in his hands, and kept bowing to Zheng Liang.

The old man's son and the child's father hurriedly bowed to Zheng Liang.

Zheng Liang waved his hand and said: "It's nothing to worry about."

After Zheng Liang finished speaking, he took out a small porcelain bottle the size of a fist from the box.

This porcelain bottle is filled with alcohol. In the current Xuanzhen Army, in order to prevent infection, Zhao Wen would ask the military doctors in the army to match it with a bottle of alcohol.

Zheng Liang put the alcohol on the edge of the Kang, and took out some balls of cotton from the box.

"Come here and help!" Zheng Liang held the cotton ball in his left hand, and lifted the quilt from the child with his right hand.

The old man hurriedly stuffed the medicine bag in his hand into his arms, and then walked in front of Zheng Liang with his son.

Zheng Liang unplugged the top of the alcohol bottle, and then carefully poured the alcohol inside onto the cotton ball.

As soon as the alcohol was poured out, a strong smell of alcohol pervaded the air.

After all, the old man and his son had never seen alcohol, so after smelling alcohol, they thought it was wine.

"Is this wine?" The old man looked at Zheng Liang who was pouring alcohol and asked.

Zheng Liang shook his head, "This is not wine, but alcohol, which is extracted from wine, and it takes more than ten catties of wine to extract such a catty of alcohol.

This alcohol is very good for treating wounds, and it is also good for cooling down.Now your child is very hot, you must cool down the child quickly. "Speaking, Zheng Liang put down the alcohol bottle in his hand, took the cotton soaked in alcohol and began to wipe the child's body.

After wiping the front, Zheng Liang said to the old man and his son, "Turn the child over."

The old man and his son hurriedly turned the child over according to Zheng Liang's instructions.

Not long after, Zheng Liang used up more than half of the alcohol in the alcohol bottle.

When putting away the alcohol, Zheng Liang took out a honey pill from the box and stuffed it into the child's mouth.

There is honey in the honey pill, so as soon as it is put in the child's mouth, the child starts to chew subconsciously.

"The child was given antipyretic medicine just now, and it won't take long for the child's high fever to subside. Give the child the medicine powder I just gave you when you go to bed tonight, and drink it for another day tomorrow.

It is estimated that it will be better in a day or two.If there is any leftover medicine, you can keep it, and if someone suffers from a cold in the future, you can also drink it.You don't need to pay for these medicines, so don't worry. "Zheng Liang tidied up the box and carried it on his back, and then he greeted Qin Shiyou and Feng Feng who were sitting in the room and walked outside.

"Sir, please have a sip of tea?" Seeing Zheng Liang and others who were about to walk out of the gate, the old man hurriedly shouted.

At this time, the old man's son rushed over with a bag.

"My lord, my family is poor, and I really can't afford the medical expenses. This is some food, and I ask some adults to accept it." The old man's son put the bag of food in front of Zheng Liang and the others, with a sincere expression on his face .

"The commander-in-chief has an order not to take needles and thread from the people, otherwise we will punish them and we can't take these things. It's winter now, so let's leave these grains to the children." Zheng Liang pointed to the grain on the ground and said nothing.

The old man and his son couldn't refuse, so they had to collect the grain on the ground.

"My lord, take a sip of tea!" The child's mother shouted at Zheng Liang and the others.

Zheng Liang waved his hand and said, "No need, we have something to do, so let's go first."

Saying that, Zheng Liang and the others walked outside.

"grown ups!"

The moment Zheng Liang and others turned around, the old man and his family all knelt on the ground.Not only the old man's family, even the people who went to find Feng Feng with the old man before all knelt on the ground.

The old man's eyes were filled with tears of gratitude. He looked at Zheng Liang and the others in front of him, choked up and said, "The old man's family is poor, and he has nothing to repay the adults, so he can only kowtow and give it to the adults."

Saying that, the old man's family and the young people before him kowtowed to Zheng Liang.

Zheng Liang stopped, turned around and shouted at them: "Don't thank me, but thank our commander-in-chief, Zhao Wen. Remember, we are soldiers and horses of Xuanzhen."

After Zheng Liang finished speaking, he left with Feng Feng and the others without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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