Chapter 437 Public Trial Assembly

When Zheng Liang and the others left the village, Feng Feng looked at Qin Shiyou and said, "It's not dark yet, so you take advantage of this time to lead your troops to publicize to the people in the village, which means that tomorrow morning we will They are concentrated in the town.

If the people ask why, you tell the people that we will give them things for the winter.I believe that the people in the town will definitely come. "

"My lord, do you mean to hold a public trial meeting?" Qin Shiyou was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized it.

Feng Feng sneered, "Hehe, the Chen and Wu families have committed many crimes, if they are not completely eradicated, the whole town will have no peace.

If we want the people to live and work in peace and contentment, we must eradicate all these evil gentry and tyrants. If they are not eradicated, it is impossible for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. "

A fierce light flashed in Qin Shiyou's eyes, he patted his chest, and said darkly: "Don't worry, this matter will be left on me, and I will definitely notify all the people."

After Qin Shiyou finished speaking, he led his troops towards the distance.

Zheng Liang looked at Qin Shiyou who was leaving, and murmured: "I think this time when eradicating evil gentry and bullies, we should give free medical treatment to the people in the town.

It's winter now, and there must be a lot of people who are sick. These poor people are suffering from all kinds of diseases. This phenomenon is not a good thing. "

"Mr. Zheng is right. Tonight, I will report this situation to the Chief Soldier. I hope that the Chief Soldier can send some doctors." Feng Feng nodded.


In the early morning of the next day, a reserve team of about 100 people rode into Wangfeng Town on horseback.

At this time, people began to gather in the town continuously.

After Qin Shiyou notified the distribution of things yesterday, the people in the whole town got up early this morning and hurried towards the town.

The reservists walked on the potholed road in the middle of the town, and the streets were full of people standing on both sides.

These people were dressed in rags, and their eyes were full of expectations when they looked at these soldiers.

Feng Feng rode a war horse at the front of the team, and walking beside him was a hundred household named Zhou Liang.

At the end of the team was a team of more than 20 military doctors. At the end of these people were several large carts loaded with medicinal materials.

As for the things distributed to these common people, they are still in the homes of Chen and Wu.

After all, the Chen and Wu families took away all the things that were originally distributed to the people.

There is an open space in the center of the town, which is relatively large and can accommodate many people.

Feng Feng rode his horse and headed slowly towards the open space.

The people gathered on both sides of the road hastily followed behind the team.

At this time, Chen Tong led a group of servants out of the house.

He was wearing a fur coat, smiling like a flower.

"Haha, I didn't expect these fools to give things to these mud legs. Now our Chen family is going to make a fortune." Chen Tong looked greedy.

It didn't take long for Qin Shiyou to pass on the news last night before Chen Tong knew about it.Not only Chen Tong, but even the Wu family knew about it.

Chen Quan, the housekeeper of the Chen family, walked behind Chen Tong with a bowed body, and his face was also full of greed.

"Master, these rebels are really rich. From ancient times to the present, they have never seen mud-legged people treated like this." Chen Quan said flatteringly.

Chen Tong snorted coldly, "Hmph, no matter how rich they are, didn't they enter the gate of our house? Okay, let's go, I guess this time they should still be in the open space in the center of the town.

Let's hurry up, if Wu Liang beats us first, it won't be worth it. "

Chen Tong said and walked towards the sedan chair placed in front.

Not long after, Chen Tong sat in the sedan chair and headed for the central open space of the town.

In addition to Chen Tong, Wu Liang, the Patriarch of the Wu family, also led a group of servants in sedan chairs towards the open space in the center of the town.

After a while, the two led their servants to the open space in the center of the town.

At this time, Feng Feng led the reserve forces to build a high platform in the open space in the center of the town.

In about half an hour, the high platform was built.

The people in the town also began to gather towards the open space, and the number increased.

In the very center of the platform is a hardwood table with a gavel on it.

Feng Feng sat behind the table, quietly watching the people gathered around the high platform.

Chen Tong and Wu Liang led their servants to stand at the front of the crowd, their eyes full of greed.

"Brother Chen, how much are you going to make this time?" Wu Liang looked at Chen Tong with a strange look.

Chen Tong snorted coldly, "Hmph, can you take care of it? You should take care of you first and then talk about it."

Although the two are the two largest families in Wang Feng Town, there are often frictions between the two families.

After all, the town is only so big, and there are only so many benefits. If you want to get more benefits, you will inevitably collide with another family, so the relationship between the two is not good.

Feng Feng looked at the people below, and first slapped the gavel in his hand.


A crisp sound was transmitted from the high platform, and all the people below fell silent and looked towards the high platform.

Feng Feng cleared his throat and said, "Today we are here to distribute winter supplies to you, you must remember that we are the soldiers and horses of Xuan Town, and these winter supplies are distributed to you by Zhao Wen, the general soldier of Xuan Town. "

Beside Feng Feng stood dozens of big men with big arms and round waists. Every time Feng Feng said a word, these big men would repeat Feng Feng's words and shouted down.

"But before distributing winter supplies, I have a question. This question is, we sent you winter supplies before, but why didn't you see you wearing the padded jackets we gave you?

Even if you are reluctant to wear it, your body is important. What should you do if you get cold out of it? "

As soon as Feng Feng said this, all the people below turned their attention to Chen Tong and Wu Liang.

Chen Tong looked at Feng Feng on the high platform, and his heart skipped a beat, "Could it be that this kid knows something? Impossible, it's impossible for these mud-legged people in the town to have such courage."

Feng Feng looked at the people below, changed his tone, and said, "Yesterday, I cleared the land in a village in Zhao Hao, Wangfeng Town, but this time, I met a commoner.

At that time, he was wearing thin clothes, only a very thin padded jacket, and he was shivering constantly from the cold.

Out of curiosity, I asked him why he didn't wear the padded jacket we gave him.Guess what the people said? "

After Feng Feng finished speaking, he stopped, and his eyes kept scanning the people below.

"This kid must have known something. What kind of unknown thing leaked the news, and I'm going to kill him alive."

Sweat began to come out on Chen Tong's forehead, Feng Feng said it so clearly, if Chen Tong didn't understand what was going on, he would be a fool.

Wu Liang also began to worry. He and Chen Tong searched all the winter supplies distributed to the people. If anyone leaked this matter, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

After a long time, Feng Feng said: "This commoner said that all their winter supplies were taken away by the Chen and Wu families.

I am very curious as to what kind of existence the Chen and Wu families actually dare to take away the things we distributed to the common people. "

When Feng Feng's words fell, the whole place was completely silent.

Chen Tong and Wu Liang's foreheads were dripping with cold sweat.

The people around them also set their eyes on them.

Chen Tong took out a handkerchief from his arms, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and at the same time glared at the people around him, "What are you looking at? I have a lot of money, how could I want your things?"

"I'm very curious, these things were sent to the people by the Chief Soldier. Could it be that the Chen and Wu families are so domineering that they don't take the Chief Soldier seriously? Earlier, the Chief Soldier once told me , anyone who dares to covet the supplies that Mo distributes to the common people will have a dead end. I really don’t understand who gave the Chen and Wu families such courage to covet the supplies that Mo distributed to the common people?

Don't the Chen and Wu families even fear the Chief Soldier?That's right, you haven't seen the Chief Soldier, the power of our Xuanzhen, and you haven't seen the scene when Taiyuan Fucheng was breached.Maybe the Chen and Wu families thought that Mr. Zongbing was easy to bully.

However, I want to say that the Chen and Wu families made a wrong calculation and recited the wrong scriptures.Master Chief Soldier is not something anyone can handle. Feng Feng's voice became louder, and he slapped the gavel on the table heavily.

"Come on, go to the Chen and Wu families and arrest the principals of these two families." Feng Feng asked.

Chen Tong and Wu Liang hurriedly shrank back, wanting to take the opportunity to escape.

How could they not understand Feng Feng's words to such an extent?
"My lord, the head of the Chen and Wu families is here!" An old man not far from Chen Tong and Wu Liang suddenly yelled loudly.

This old man is exactly the old man Feng Feng helped yesterday.

After Chen Tong heard this voice, his body trembled for a while, and he hurriedly speeded up, leading his servants to shrink back.

"Hehe, there is nowhere to look for when you break through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get here. Someone, bring them up to me." Feng Feng gave an order, and Zhou Liang, who was standing under the high platform to maintain order, led dozens of soldiers Go in the direction of Chen Tong and Wu Liang.

Chen Tong and Wu Liang looked at the soldiers running over and panicked for a moment.

Only now did they understand that these people were not fools, but rebels, the rebels who broke through Taiyuan Mansion and took the whole of Shanxi.

Chen Tong withdrew his gaze, panicked and led his servants to squeeze back.

But how can their speed compare to well-trained soldiers?

Not long after, Zhou Liang surrounded Chen Tong, Wu Liang and their servants.

The surrounding people also hurriedly retreated to the side, allowing Chen Tong and others to come out.

"Let's go!" Zhou Liang looked at the two of them coldly.

"No, I'm not going, I'm not going." Chen Tong kept backing away like a drunken maniac.

"It's up to you if you don't go, tie him up for me." Zhou Liang pointed at Chen Tong and shouted.

The soldiers around Zhou Liang took out the ropes they had prepared and walked forward.

At this moment, the servant next to Chen Tong hurriedly stood in front of Chen Tong.

"Stop them for me, stop them for me." Chen Tong looked at the soldiers approaching and shouted.

Although these servants were also terrified, but under Chen Tong's order, they had to bite the bullet and force them towards these soldiers.

Zhou Liang looked at the servant who was forcing him over, without saying a word, he took out the big black star from his waist and aimed at the servant in front of him.

After a few gunshots, several corpses fell on the ground, blood flowed on the ground, and all the servants beside Chen Tong turned into birds and beasts.

The surrounding people also avoided snakes and scorpions, and hurriedly retreated, and Chen Tong's surroundings suddenly became empty.

Not only Chen Tong, but even Wu Liang was surrounded by Zhou Liang's soldiers.

"Take it, and as for the servants of the two of them, take it too."

Zhou Liang gave an order, and the soldiers rushed towards the two of them and tied them up.

The servants beside Chen Tong and Wu Liang were also pinned to the ground by the soldiers and tied up.

Feng Feng sat on the high platform, looking at Chen Tong, Wu Liang and the servants behind them, he kept sneering.

It didn't take long for Chen Tong, Wu Liang and their servants to be taken to the high platform by soldiers.

Although the people below were frightened to death after hearing the gunshot just now, but seeing Chen Tong and Wu Liang's misfortune, they all became excited again and stayed.

These two people are the scum of Wang Feng Town. These people have longed to eat their meat and drink their blood. Now that they are unlucky, these people all clap their hands and cheer, and some people even cheered loudly.

It didn't take long before Chen Tong, Wu Liang and their servants were put on the high platform.

"You can't arrest me, if you want to rule Wang Feng Town, you can't arrest me, you can only let me go.

Throughout the dynasties, governing a place is not something that can be governed by weapons alone. Without gentry like us, don't even think about it. "

Chen Tong was escorted to kneel in front of Feng Feng. He looked at Feng Feng and howled hysterically.

He knew that he might not survive, but he didn't want to die, let alone die like this, so he was still struggling.

What Chen Tong said is also very reasonable. From ancient times to the present, no matter what dynasty or generation, as long as you want to stabilize the country, you must rely on them.

From ancient times to the present, the emperor has changed a lot, but these people have never changed.

As long as you want to govern the world and enjoy the country, you must rely on them.

Without them, the people cannot be ruled and taxes cannot be collected.

Jin Wang's lineage is very powerful in Taiyuan Mansion, but if they want to collect rent, they have to rely on them.

This is true of the Prince Jin Mansion, and so is the imperial court.

This model finally led to the government's decrees only reaching the county level, but not reaching the township.

It seems that the rulers and gentry of each dynasty and generation are in a cooperative relationship, and it seems that the imperial power should not go to the countryside has become a consensus of the whole world.

For these gentry, they never cared who was the emperor, because no matter who was the emperor, they had to rely on them.

Chen Tong thought the same way before, but when Feng Feng asked him to be arrested, he realized that he was wrong.

"Without you gentry, wouldn't we be able to govern the country? What a joke, wouldn't I still be able to eat pigs with hair without Butcher Zhang?" Feng Feng slapped the gavel and shouted angrily, "Come here, give his mouth to me." I'm stuck."

As soon as the words were finished, a big man came over with a dirty rag and stuffed it directly into Chen Tong's mouth.

A foul smell rushed straight to his forehead, and Chen Tong almost fainted from the smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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