Chapter 438 Public Trial Assembly

Not only Chen Tong, but even Wu Liang was stuffed with a rag.

Chen Tong and Wu Liang's mouths were tightly gagged, and they were pressed in front of Feng Feng.

"Fathers and folks, Chen Tong and Wu Liang, and the Chen and Wu families behind them, oppress good people. This kind of behavior is not advisable, it is the way to self-destruction.

Now that Chen Tong and Wu Liang have been captured by us, if anyone has a grievance, he can come up and complain. With our soldiers and horses from Xuan Town, you don't have to be afraid. "

Feng Feng clapped the gavel in his hands, and shouted to the people below the high platform.

Yesterday, the old man had already told Feng Feng everything, so it was not surprising that Feng Feng knew the names of Chen Tong and Wu Liang.

When Feng Feng's voice was passed on, all the people present were uproarious.

They have been oppressed by the Chen and Wu families for a long time, and these people have always dared to be angry but dare not speak out. Now that someone wants to vent their anger on them, one can imagine their excitement.

"Master Qingtian, I have a grievance!" A 30-year-old man with a dark complexion and ragged clothes ran to the front of the crowd and shouted loudly.

This man was called Chen Tieniu, and he stood in front of the crowd, shouting nonstop.

"I have grievances too, I have grievances too!"

For a moment, almost all the people began to squeeze forward, shouting that they had been wronged.

Feng Feng slapped the gavel and shouted: "Come one by one, come one by one, don't worry, everyone has a share."

After Feng Feng finished speaking, he pointed at Chen Tieniu and shouted: "You come up first."

As soon as the words fell, several soldiers standing beside Feng Feng walked off the high platform and brought Chen Tieniu up.

After Chen Tieniu stepped onto the high platform, he kept kowtowing to Feng Feng and the soldiers on the high platform.

"Okay, there's no need to kowtow, time is running out, hurry up and tell your grievances." Feng Feng looked at Chen Tieniu who kept kowtowing, and hurriedly persuaded him.

Chen Tieniu thanked him, stood up, and walked in front of Chen Tong.

"I am a farmer in Xiaochen Village and a tenant of Jinwang Mansion. My family rents a total of ten acres of land in Jinwang Mansion. There are five people in my family, including my father, mother and daughter-in-law. son."

Chen Tieniu stood beside Chen Tong, facing the common people, and first introduced his own background.

"My family rents ten acres of land in the Prince Jin's Mansion and can barely eat enough for a whole year. After paying the rent, I can stretch my belt until the second year.

Last summer, the weather was severely drought, and there was no rain for the whole summer. When the autumn harvest came, the grain harvest in the field was poor and the quality was not good.

However, we can't afford less rent for Prince Jin's Mansion.So after the autumn harvest, my father and I took the handed-in rent to Mr. Chen's house with a small cart.

However, Mr. Chen's housekeeper, Chen Quan, said that my family's food is not good, but the worst quality food.It would not work to pay [-]% of the rent before, so he asked our family to pay [-]% of the rent.

The conscience of heaven and earth, [-]% of the rent, we will not be able to get it out at all. If we pay [-]% of the rent, there will not be much left besides the grain for the next year.

So, I thought to see if I could have less.However, Chen Quan, the housekeeper of Mr. Chen's family, said that nothing less, nothing less.He said, if I dare to do less, my family's land will be confiscated.Our family relies on the land for food. If our land is confiscated, our family will have no way to survive. "

Chen Tieniu paused at this point, his voice became choked up.

"My father argued with the housekeeper of Mr. Chen's house, but the housekeeper not only refused to let go, but also said that we were troublemakers, and even let those servants beat my father and me.

I am young, in good health, and can withstand beatings, but my father is already over 50, how can I withstand it?

In the end, my father had one leg broken and one eye was blinded by them.After I took my father back, my father disappeared within a few days.

This is not over, when I was dealing with my father's funeral, the housekeeper brought a group of evil slaves to my house, saying that my family did not pay enough rent and asked my family to pay, but how can my family pay it?
So, they chopped off my father's birthday.I borrowed money from my neighbors to buy the birthday materials. After the birthday materials were split, I had no money to buy them, so I had to use the mat at home to bury my father.

Poor my mother, after this incident, she followed my father within a few days. "

As Chen Tieniu said, he knelt on the ground, looked up to the sky and cried, kowtowed to the place of his parents' graves, and kept shouting, "My son is not filial, my son is not filial."

Listening to Chen Tieniu's voice, the people below all empathized with each other and kept wiping away their tears.

"Chen Papi, that's too ruthless, he's breaking someone's ancestral grave, that's too ruthless."

"This conscienceless Chen Papi will die badly."

"It's a terrible death!!!"

Chen Tieniu cried out sadly: "I wish I could eat Chen's skin and drink his blood."

Hearing Chen Tieniu's scolding, Feng Feng couldn't help heaving a long sigh, but when he looked at Chen Tong, he glared angrily again.

"This action is no different from the ancestral graves of other people's families. You actually instructed the evil slave to do such a conscienceless thing. Where is your conscience?" Feng Feng pointed at Chen Tong and cursed angrily.

Chen Tong was held down on the high platform by two soldiers with big arms and round waists, unable to move. His body was trembling constantly, and his eyes were full of panic.

Because his mouth was blocked, he could only make some whining noises.

Beside Chen Tong was Chen Quan who was pinned down on the ground.

This Chen Quan is the housekeeper of the Chen family. When he heard Chen Tieniu's voice, he panicked and yelled, "You fart, I've never done such a thing, you fart, you are farting."

Feng Feng looked at the crazy Chen Quan, and shouted angrily: "Give me the punishment, and reward him with thirty military sticks."

Feng Feng gave an order, and a soldier appeared on the high platform holding a long bench.

Two soldiers were also standing on both sides of the bench with killing sticks.

The soldiers escorting Chen Quan pulled Chen Quan up from the ground and walked towards the bench.

After walking to the bench, the two soldiers pressed him face down on the bench.

At the same time, a soldier standing next to him with a killing stick put the stick on the ground, took out the rope hanging from his waist, and began to tie Chen Quan to the bench.

After doing all this, the soldier picked up the killing stick again, and with another soldier, they slapped Chen Quan's butt with the killing stick.

Army sticks are not ordinary sticks. Army sticks are made of locust wood, and the section for hitting people is nailed with fine and long nails.

The tip of the nail is exposed, about a centimeter long.

This kind of stick is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

Under normal circumstances, a person's buttocks will bloom after seven or eight sticks.This time Chen Quan was rewarded with [-] military sticks, if he didn't do it well, he would die.

"Crack, snap, snap!"

The two executioners beat Chen Quan's body rhythmically with their military sticks.

Every time he was beaten, Chen Quan let out a heart-piercing howl.

"Ah, forgive me, I won't dare again in the future, please forgive me, my lord has a lot, please forgive me, just treat me like a fart, please forgive me."

Chen Quan uttered a heart-piercing cry and kept struggling on the bench.

But the two soldiers who had held him down pinned him firmly on the bench, preventing him from moving.

No matter how he begged for mercy or howled, the soldiers holding him down never let go.

Chen Tieniu looked at Chen Quan who kept struggling, and the resentment in his heart dissipated a lot.

He knelt down towards Feng Feng, kept kowtowing, and kept shouting: "Thank you, Master Qingtian, thank you, Master Qingtian."

The people standing below also kept shouting towards Feng Feng, "Master Qingtian, Master Qingtian."

As the stick hit Chen Quan's butt, it didn't take long for Chen Quan's butt to become bloody.

And Chen Quan's shouting and struggling became smaller and smaller.

Not long after, Chen Quan tilted his head and passed out.

At this time, the executioner didn't stop, and the stick in his hand still hit Chen Quan's buttocks.

After the thirty sticks were beaten, Chen Quan's buttocks were already disfigured. The cloth on his buttocks was smashed by the stick and stuck together with the flesh and blood on his buttocks.

The buttocks also became bloody, and there was no shape to be seen, and Chen Quan also lost his breath.

When the soldiers holding him down untied the ropes that bound him, Chen Quan fell off the bench with a plop.

Seeing Chen Quan's appearance like a dead dog, Chen Tong's body kept trembling, he seemed to be stupid, and there was a yellow water stain on the place where he was kneeling.

Apparently, Chen Tong was scared to pee.

"My lord, Chen Quan is dead!" After the execution was over, a soldier put his hand under Chen Quan's nose, and when he couldn't feel any breath, the soldier said to Feng Feng.

Feng Feng waved his hands, and said with disgust, "Since he's dead, drag him down."

"Thank you, Lord Qingtian, thank you, Lord Qingtian, thank you, Lord Qingtian." Chen Tieniu banged his head.

Feng Feng patted the gavel and said, "Now that Chen Quan has surrendered, you can go down."

Chen Tieniu kept chanting words of thanking Master Qingtian, stood up from the ground, and then retreated.

"Who still has grievances?" Feng Feng looked at the people below the high platform again.

"I, I, I have been wronged!" A man in his forties rushed to the front of the crowd and kept shouting.

Feng Feng pointed at this man and said, "Bring him up!"


The public trial meeting lasted from morning to afternoon. When the public trial meeting ended, Chen Tong, Wu Liang and their servants had already turned into corpses.

"Now go to the Chen and Wu families and return all the things we sent you!" Feng Feng stood up and raised his arms.

"I want to come back, I want to come back, I want to come back!" The people below shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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