Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 439 Zhao Wen's Assassination

Chapter 439 Zhao Wen's Assassination
Feng Feng led fifty troops towards the Chen family, while Zhou Liang led the troops towards the Wu family.

The two of them were not afraid of not being able to find the Chen and Wu families. With so many people leading the way, how could they not be able to find the addresses of the Chen and Wu families?

When Feng Feng brought the soldiers and the people to the Chen family, the door of the Chen family was tightly closed.

When Feng Feng tried Chen Tong, the members of the Chen family received the news.

Now everyone in the Chen family is hiding at home in fear. At first they wanted to run away, but before they could pack up their things, Feng Feng led the people over.

Chen Tong's son, Chen Miao, didn't care about anything either. Holding a stick, he led the rest of the family members to stand in the yard, staring at the gate.

Behind the gate, a dozen servants stood there holding sticks, looking at the gate nervously.

Several servants even carried a pillar and placed it behind the gate.

Feng Feng led the soldiers to stand outside the tightly closed gate of the Chen family.

Feng Feng looked at the tightly closed door and shouted: "Break open the door and capture everyone in the Chen family. These people are Chen Tong's accomplices. We want to judge them!"

Feng Feng gave an order, and the soldiers standing behind him rushed towards the gate.

Not only the reserve soldiers, but even the civilians who followed the soldiers rushed forward.

Under the impact of these people, the gate of the Chen Mansion began to shake.

The servants behind the gate were firmly against the pillars behind the gate, trying to keep these people out.

However, there were not only fifty soldiers outside the gate, but hundreds of civilians among them.

Under the combined impact of these people, the gate collapsed.

The Chen Jiajia Ding behind the gate had no time to react, and was directly crushed by the collapsed gate.

The rest of the servants looked at the soldiers rushing in, how could they have the courage to resist?They threw down the sticks in their hands and fled towards the back.

Chen Miao looked at the soldiers rushing in, her scalp was numb and her whole body was trembling.

He threw the stick in his hand on the ground and ran towards the rear.

But how could the soldiers who rushed in let him run away?
When the gate was broken open, these people originally wanted to rush in with the soldiers, but they were stopped by Feng Feng.

The reason is very simple. These people are usually oppressed by the Chen family. Now they are already furious. If they are allowed to rush in now, something may happen. If the situation gets out of control, it will not end well.

"You are all staying outside the door now. We are here for everything. Don't worry, the crimes of the Chen family are too numerous to record. We will definitely give you an explanation." Feng Feng looked at the people who were blocked outside the gate and shouted loudly.

Earlier, when Feng Feng tried Chen Tong and Wu Liang, his prestige was immediately established in the hearts of these people.

Now when these people heard that people like themselves were not allowed in, not only did these people not have any complaints, they even shouted loudly: "Everything is under the arrangement of Master Qingtian."

"Now everyone listens to my order and retreats twenty steps!" Feng Feng stood at the gate and shouted at the people gathered around the gate.

The common people didn't talk nonsense, they stepped back twenty steps and made way for a passage.

Looking at the people who gave up the passage, Feng Feng nodded, and then left a few soldiers behind, and walked into the Chen Mansion by himself.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the Chen Mansion, Feng Feng heard a gunshot, and Feng Feng looked in the direction of the gunshot.

Just as Feng Feng was puzzled, a soldier dragged Chen Miao, who had been shot in the calf, out.

"My lord, there are bows and crossbows in the Chen family. Just now when Humble Job led his men and horses to chase after him, I don't know where he got a bow and crossbow. If it wasn't for Humble Job's quick response, maybe Humble Job would have been handed over by him." He was shot to death." The soldier looked at Feng Feng and said indignantly.

"Take him down and keep him under strict supervision. I will arrest all the people in the house, and seal up all the finances in the house.

By the way, find out the materials that the Chen family took away from the people, and distribute all these materials to the people before it gets dark. "Feng Feng looked at the soldier and said in a deep voice.

The soldier pulled Chen Miao aside, tied him tightly with a rope, and threw him in a corner, where two soldiers guarded him.

After doing all this, the soldier ran back again.

When the sky started to darken, all the people in Chen's residence were arrested.

After arresting these people, Feng Feng will try them. Of course, Feng Feng will not drive out all the people in the Chen family.

If they have not done bad things, then they will be given a piece of land and let them support themselves.If they have done bad things, they will be judged by the people.

The materials that Chen Tong took away were also searched out. Feng Feng asked people to move all these materials outside the gate of the Chen Mansion. Because of time, Feng Feng did not plan to distribute these materials to the people at this time. , opting instead to distribute supplies the next day.

"Fathers and folks, we will count the amount of these supplies tonight, and we will send them to you tomorrow morning." Feng Feng stood outside the gate of the Chen Mansion and shouted at these people.

These people looked at the supplies piled up at the door of Chen's house, and left with anticipation.

After all these people left, Feng Feng asked people to move all the materials found from Chen's house to the high platform in the center of the town, and the materials found from Wu's house were the same.

As for the captives, they were temporarily detained in the Chen Mansion and Wu Mansion.After all, the winter is cold, if they are all frozen to death, there will be no way to judge them.

Early the next morning, Feng Feng brought all the prisoners to the high platform in the center of the town.

At this time, the people have basically rushed over.

Like yesterday, the trial of these people from the Chen House and the Wu House began first.

The process of the trial was similar to yesterday's. After the trial was over, Feng Feng began to distribute the supplies to the people.

Because it is to distribute supplies, when these people came today, they basically pushed small carts, and those who did not have small carts were sent out by the whole family.

The common people looked at the supplies distributed to them, their faces were full of excitement. With these things, they would no longer be afraid this winter.

It took almost two or three hours to distribute the materials, and it was already afternoon when all the materials were distributed.

Looking at the supplies that had been distributed, Feng Feng stood on the high platform and shouted to the people holding supplies below: "Now the Chen and Wu families in the town have been punished, and the King Jin in Taiyuan's mansion has also been cleaned up by us." It's gone, the commander-in-chief has an order to distribute the land you rented and planted to you.

In another day or two, all the land in the town will be measured, and three days later, we will start dividing the land based on the number of people in your family, and at the same time, we will issue a new land deed for you.

The distribution of land this time is about fairness, which is determined by the number of people in your family.At that time, the land you cultivated will be yours, and no one will be able to take it away, not even the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu. Your land can be passed on forever.

The commander-in-chief has ordered that after the land is distributed to you, you will not have to pay taxes for the first two years, and the taxes will be paid from the third year.

At that time, we will establish a town office in the town. This town office is similar to the county office, but the town office is smaller than the county office.At that time, you can pay taxes directly to the town government. "

The establishment of the town office is part of Zhao Wen's plan. Although Zhao Wen does not have enough manpower, the basic framework of the town office needs to be built.

At present, the election in the town government can be selected from among the gentry who did not pass the official examination in Xuanzhen last time. The number of people in the beginning does not have to be large. After all, the town in this era is not too big. A reserve soldier can manage it.

The establishment of Zhenya is the first step to realize the imperial power going to the countryside.

As soon as Feng Feng said this, the people standing under the high platform holding supplies were stunned for a moment, and then burst into loud cheers.

For these people, land is the most important thing.Even the supplies in their hands now are not comparable to these lands to some extent.

"After the land is distributed, we will conduct a free clinic in the town. At that time, all the people can come. If there is any disease, we will give you a free diagnosis and treatment without taking any money." Feng Feng then shouted.

The soldiers standing next to Feng Feng also hurriedly roared to convey Feng Feng's voice.

When all the people heard these voices, they burst into loud cheers again.

The cheers were like waves, rushing towards Feng Feng on the high platform layer by layer.

"Long live the Chief Soldier, long live the Chief Soldier!"

I don't know who shouted "Long live the commander-in-chief", but all the people started to cheer.

"Long live the Chief Soldier, long live the Chief Soldier!"

Feng Feng looked at these excited people with a smile on his face.

Scenes like this are constantly being staged throughout Taiyuan Prefecture and even Shanxi.

At this time, Zhao Wen led the soldiers of the pro-guard battalion towards Xuanzhen.

It was early February when Zhao Wen returned to Xuan Town. Although it was early February, the weather was still relatively cold.

With the train, Zhao Wen got on the train at Yangyuan, and it didn't take long for Zhao Jie to arrive at the train station in Xuanzhen.

Because of the large number of soldiers in the guard camp, the train that Zhao Wen was on had only more than 1000 soldiers from the guard camp.

The train slowly stopped beside the platform of Xuanzhen Railway Station.

Liu Wenzhong and other officials in Xuan Town waited for a long time on the platform of the train station.

When Zhao Wen got off the train, Liu Wenzhong led a large group of officials to greet him hastily.

"Lord Chief Soldier!" Liu Wenzhong stood in front of Zhao Wen and cupped his hands at Zhao Wen.

"Let's go out first, let's talk when we go back first." Zhao Wen waved at Liu Wenzhong and other officials, and then walked towards the outside of the train station.

At this time, Zhao Wen's personal guards also got off the train.

They lined up and walked outside in unison.

When they walked out of the train station, they immediately protected Zhao Wen.

After Zhao Wen walked out of the station, Liu Wenzhong and others pulled up the carriage that had already been prepared.

Zhao Wen looked at the carriage and said, "There is no need to take a carriage. It is only a few steps from the station to the General Military Mansion. There is no need to take a carriage."

Zhao Wen stayed on the train for more than an hour, and he was already tired of sitting. Now he can just walk and stretch his body.

"In that case, should I withdraw all the carriages?" Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded, "Get out, get out the carriages."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he walked towards the General Military Mansion.

Liu Wenzhong and others hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen, and those guards who Zhao Wen brought back also hurriedly surrounded Zhao Wen to protect Zhao Wen.

Although Zhao Wen was surrounded by soldiers from the personal guard battalion, Zhao Wen believed that such behavior was unnecessary.

Today's Xuan Town has been built like a railway, so how could it be dangerous?

All the people on the street retreated to both sides of the street. They tiptoed to look at Zhao Wen who was walking in the middle of the guard camp, and cheered for Zhao Wen.

Although the people on the street didn't know Zhao Wen's identity at the beginning, but when they saw clearly the guard soldiers surrounding Zhao Wen, they immediately understood.

After all, the military uniforms worn by the soldiers of the Guards Battalion are unique in the entire Xuan Town, so it is very easy to identify them.

In the eyes of these common people, if it wasn't for Zhao Wen, how could these common people have such a good life today?Today's good days are all brought by Zhao Wen, so these people in Xuan Town are very enthusiastic about Zhao Wen.

"Long live the Chief Soldier, long live the Chief Soldier!"

I don't know who shouted, and then the whole street erupted into powerful cheers.

Zhao Wen stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, and waved at the people on both sides of the street.

At this moment, a window on the third floor of a three-story restaurant beside the street was slowly opened on the side of the street.

This restaurant is right next to the street, less than twenty steps away from Zhao Wen's location.

In addition to this window, five windowsills next to this window were also opened.

Several bows and crossbows with a black luster protruded from the window.

The appearance of Zhao Wen attracted everyone's attention. The shopkeeper Xiaoer and the merchants in the restaurant all flocked to the street, so no one noticed the change on the third floor of the restaurant at this time.

A total of six burly men in ordinary clothes held crossbows and pointed the arrows on the crossbows out of the window, aiming at Zhao Wen below.

The arrows on the crossbow reflected a dark green luster. Obviously, the arrows had been smeared with poison.

At this time, Zhao Wen didn't know anything about it, and kept waving his right hand towards the people on the street with a smile on his face.

"Shoot!" The bearded man standing by the rightmost window shouted in a low voice, and then pulled the trigger of the crossbow in his hand.

With the trembling sound of the bowstring and the muffled sound of the arrow flying out, a short arrow flew towards Zhao Wen.


The arrow was condescending in less than a breath, passed through the gap between the soldiers of the personal guard battalion, and stuck on Zhao Wen's right shoulder.

Zhao Wen only felt a burst of pain in his right shoulder, and then a sharp pain came from his right shoulder.

"There are assassins, there are assassins, there are assassins!"

Standing half a step behind Zhao Wen, Li Xiaosan only saw a flash of black light, and then an arrow pierced Zhao Wen's right shoulder.

Li Xiaosan, who understood instantly, rushed to Zhao Wen, opened his hands, and shouted loudly.

At this time, the soldiers of the pro-guard battalion who surrounded Zhao Wen also hurriedly surrounded Zhao Wen.

At this moment, three or four more arrows flew out from the restaurants on the side of the street and flew towards Zhao Wen.

However, this time Zhao Wen was already surrounded by the soldiers of the personal guard battalion. These arrows did not hit Zhao Wen, but several of Zhao Wen's personal guards.

"Over there, hit me!" Li Xiaosan instantly judged the place where the arrow flew out. He pointed to the restaurant next to the street, pulled out the big black star from his waist, and headed towards the restaurant. Pulled the trigger.

The soldiers of the personal guard battalion surrounding Zhao Wen also took 56 down and shot towards the restaurant.

"Withdraw, the arrow is smeared with poison, as long as it is shot, there will be death."

The leading bearded man looked at Zhao Wen, who had been shot by an arrow below and was surrounded by soldiers from the personal guard battalion. He roared hastily, and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this time, Li Xiaosan had already shot bullets from the soldiers of the personal guard battalion and flew towards them.

Three big men reacted a little slower, and before they could escape from the window, they were directly hit by bullets and turned into a hornet's nest.

"Escort, escort, escort!" Liu Wenzhong walked behind Zhao Wen, and when he saw this scene, he shouted loudly with horror on his face.

 Thank you for the reward of Grid Case, and thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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