Chapter 440 Poisonous on the Arrow
The soldiers of the Guards Battalion at the back kept rushing forward, and Liu Wenzhong and other officials rushed to Zhao Wen.

The street quickly became chaotic, but the people on both sides of the street did not run away. Instead, they spontaneously gathered in front of the guard soldiers to protect Zhao Wen.

"Which bastard with no eggs dares to assassinate Mr. Zongbing, I will kill you alive."

A big man about 30 years old stood in front of the guard camp, screaming angrily.

"Catch up!" Li Xiaosan was furious, watching the figure disappearing from the window, waving the big black star in his hand and rushing towards the restaurant.

"Follow up!" A hundred households of the guard camp roared, leading the troops under his command to follow Li Xiaosan closely.

"Hurry up and escort the commander-in-chief back to the commander-in-chief's mansion!" Liu Wenzhong stood in front of Zhao Wen, his heart beating violently.

Now Zhao Wen is the key to Xuan Town, if something goes wrong with Zhao Wen, the blow to the entire Xuan Town will be devastating.

"Fathers and elders, get out of the way quickly and escort Lord Zongbing back to the Zongbing Mansion!" Liu Wenzhong looked at the front and surrounded Zhao Wen, wanting to protect Zhao Wen's people, and shouted at the top of his voice.

After hearing Liu Wenzhong's voice, the people in front hurriedly made way for Zhao Wen.

"Not good, the arrow is poisonous, hurry up and find a carriage, the commander-in-chief cannot run."

At this moment, Liu Wenzhong watched the blood flowing from Zhao Wen's shoulder turn black and red, and he immediately understood that it must be poisoned, otherwise the blood would not look like this.

He hurriedly shouted loudly to the surroundings.

A soldier of the Guards Battalion saw a tricycle pulling goods parked beside the street. He ignored it and pulled the tricycle directly in front of Zhao Wen.

"My lord, get in the car!" Liu Wenzhong supported Zhao Wen, and helped Zhao Wen onto the tricycle.

"Hurry up and escort the commander-in-chief back home!" Liu Wenzhong stepped on the tricycle, squatted next to Zhao Wen, supported Zhao Wen, and shouted loudly.

A soldier of the Guards Battalion carried 56 on his shoulders, jumped onto the driver's seat of the tricycle, and kicked it up vigorously.

Three or five soldiers from the Guards Battalion stood behind the tricycle, pushing hard on the carriage of the tricycle.

The surrounding soldiers and officials surrounded Zhao Wen who was sitting on the tricycle, and rushed towards the General Military Mansion.

"Have you got it?"

The bearded man led the two surviving people, and brought him a total of three people to a guest room on the second floor.

When he just opened the door and walked in, a young man in black sitting in the center of the room looked at the bearded man and asked.

In addition to this young man in black, there were seven or eight burly men in ordinary clothes holding weapons in the guest room.

"My lord, Bandit Zhao was hit by an arrow. The arrow was smeared with poison. It would kill him within three hours, but he lost three people." The bearded man was called Zhang Hai. He looked at the young man in black, Said with a hoarse voice.

The young man in black laughed loudly and stood up, "Haha, Bandit Zhao is sure to die, let's withdraw. Anyone who works in our line of work will have this happen sooner or later."

The young man in black laughed twice after he finished speaking, and led these people towards the outside.

As soon as he walked out of the guest room, he heard dense footsteps.

"They are catching up and jumped out of the window." The young man in black pointed to the window in the room, shouted, and then led his men and horses into the room again.

"Catch all the assassins!" Li Xiaosan rushed to the front with the big black star, and rushed directly to the second floor.

When he rushed up to the second floor, the youth in black led Zhang Hai and they were already standing in front of the window of the guest room.

"Are we really going to escape through the window? There are bandit Zhao's rebels outside!" Zhang Hai looked at the young man in black with fear in his eyes.

"Where are they, catch them alive." The soldiers of the Guards Battalion, who were rushing towards the restaurant, saw the figure suddenly appearing in front of the window on the second floor, roared, and led the troops to rush up.

"Jump down first!" After the young man in black said, Liu jumped directly from the window.

Zhang Hai didn't care about anything, and jumped down behind the young man in black.

As soon as they landed, the soldiers of the pro-guard battalion rushed towards them and surrounded them.

"Assassin, catch the assassin!" The surrounding people saw these men jumping out of the windows, and shouted loudly.

The people also began to rush towards this group of people.

"The enemy of ten thousand people!" The young man in black roared, and took out a fist-sized black ball from his arms, and at the same time took out the fire pocket.

In a few breaths, he ignited Ten Thousand Enemy and threw it forward.

The [-]-distance man he used was not the real [-]-man enemy, but a specially modified [-]-man enemy. This kind of [-]-man enemy would not explode, but would only continuously emit smoke.

Ten thousand enemies in this era is actually something equivalent to a grenade, but because of the explosives, ten thousand enemies are generally very huge, about the size of a human head, and it is inconvenient for them to carry these things, so they can only Carry this simple enemy of ten thousand people.

The Ten Thousand Enemy fell to the ground and began to emit smoke continuously outside.

Zhang Hai also hurriedly threw out a few burning enemies, and the smoke suddenly filled up.

"Hurry up, take the opportunity to evacuate!" The young man in black roared, and then took advantage of the cover of the smoke to escape along the street to a distance.

"Don't let them run away, the idlers leave as soon as possible." The leading guard battalion roared, squinting their eyes and chasing forward.

Li Xiaosan led the team and stood in front of the window. He watched the black-clothed youth and others fleeing along the street, and jumped out of the window, chasing after the black-clothed youth.

No matter how hard the youths in black could run, there were only a dozen or so of them, and there were hundreds of soldiers from the personal guard battalion chasing them.

Before long, they were blocked in an alley.

"Kill, it's time to be loyal to the imperial court." Heizi shouted loudly, drew out the long knife he carried with him, and rushed towards the guard camp.

"Use the bayonet, don't shoot, and capture them alive."

Li Xiaosan took a 56 punch from the soldier behind him, stretched out the bayonet folded under the muzzle of the 56 punch, and rushed towards the young man in black.

After all, the difference in numbers was too great, and the soldiers of the Guards Battalion had trained all year round, and their physical fitness was very good, so the soldiers of the Guards Battalion divided and surrounded them the moment they rushed over.

If it wasn't for the soldiers of the Guards Battalion who wanted to capture them alive, they would have been beaten to death long ago.

"It's time to be loyal to the court!" The black-clothed youth looked at the guard soldiers who surrounded them, roared, and then bit the poison sac hidden in the back molars.

The poison flowed out of the medicine sac, and after a while, the young man in black began to struggle and howl on the ground.

"They're going to kill themselves, take their jaws off!" Li Xiaosan roared, and rushed towards them waving the butt of the 56 Chong.

Zhang Hai looked at Li Xiaosan who was rushing over, a flash of firmness flashed in his eyes, and then he bit his back molars.

But at this moment, Li Xiaosan hit him on the chin with the butt of his gun.

Li Xiaosan used almost all of his strength in this blow, knocking out several teeth in Zhang Hai's mouth in an instant.

The poison sac on the back molars was also blown out.

The guard soldiers standing behind Li Xiaosan rushed forward and directly pressed Zhang Hai to the ground.

After a few breaths, these people were all captured by the soldiers of the Guards Battalion, but only four survived.

A guard battalion soldier picked up the medicine bag that had fallen on the ground, checked it and said to Li Xiaosan, "This is a medicine bag made of fish maw, and the poison inside should be arsenic."

"Hehe, it turned out to be dead soldiers." Li Xiaosan sneered, and then pointed at these people who were captured alive and shouted: "Take them back and torture them severely. As for these corpses, I will drag them to the forest outside the city to feed the wild." Wolf."

After Li Xiaosan finished speaking, he led his men and horses to escort the prisoners and ran towards the General Military Mansion.

"Hurry up and ask Lang Zhong to come here!" Liu Wenzhong's forehead was covered with sweat, and he hurriedly shouted at the soldiers around him.

"I've gone to invite you." A soldier yelled at Liu Wenzhong.

Zhao Wen was sitting on the tricycle, his head was a little dazed. Visions began to appear in front of his eyes. The wound was like countless ants crawling, and it was very itchy.

This feeling came and went, sometimes itching, and sometimes it was the pain of being burned.

Moreover, Zhao Wen also felt that his chest seemed to be blocked by a stone, and he couldn't breathe, and this situation became more and more serious.

The entire right arm was tingling, and the blood from the wound was getting darker.

Looking at the blood dripping in the carriage and his current feelings, Zhao Wen instantly understood that it was a kind of neurotoxin.

Only neurotoxins can have this effect.

The arrow on Zhao Wen's shoulder had been pulled out and thrown into the carriage.

"We'll be at the General Military Mansion soon, and we still have a few more steps to go." Liu Wenzhong squatted beside Zhao Wen, his right hand covering the wound on Zhao Wen's shoulder, his whole body was drenched in sweat, and he looked anxiously. Looking forward, he shouted, "Hurry up, hurry up."

The soldier who was riding a tricycle in front used all his strength to keep pedaling the pedals of the tricycle.

The soldiers of the Guards Battalion pushing the carriage behind were also constantly changing.

Not long after, the tricycle stopped in front of the General Military Mansion.

At this time, Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu were waiting for Zhao Wen at the door with their children. When they looked at the soldiers rushing over, they looked puzzled.

It happened suddenly, so the two of them didn't know that Zhao Wen was assassinated.

Before they could open their mouths to ask, Liu Wenzhong shouted at the top of his voice, "My lord is assassinated, my lord is assassinated!"

Hearing Liu Wenzhong's words, Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu panicked instantly.

They hastily moved out of the way, allowing Liu Wenzhong and a group of guard soldiers to support Zhao Wen and rush in.

"How could this be?" A panic flashed in Li Xiaoying's eyes, and then rushed over with the nanny holding the baby.

Hai Lanzhu also hurriedly followed behind Li Xiaoying.

"Take me to the bedroom!" Zhao Wen was supported by the crowd and was rushing towards the backyard. He looked at the road ahead and said to the crowd.

Liu Wenzhong nodded, and then shouted at the guards behind him: "Go to the bedroom!"

After about ten breaths, Zhao Wen was helped into the bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Zhao Wen shouted at these people: "Now all of you go out, no one is allowed to come in."

"My lord, how can this be done?" Liu Wenzhong became impatient when he heard this. What if there is something good or bad about this?
But Zhao Wen did not back down, "You all go out, I have my own way, and at the same time prohibit anyone from coming in, without my order, no one can come in, I have my own way in this matter."

Although Liu Wenzhong was worried, but Zhao Wen tried his best to let them out. He had no choice but to sigh, slapped his thigh and walked out of the room.

After Liu Wenzhong walked out of the room, he did not leave, but stopped at the door of the room.

"Protect the entire General Military Mansion for me. From now on, no suspicious personnel will be allowed to come close." Liu Wenzhong looked at the generals and officials of the personal guard battalion who were following behind him, and shouted.

"As ordered!"

The generals of the personal guard battalion rushed out and led the troops to protect the entire General Military Mansion.

At the same time, Zhao Wen was sitting on the bed in the bedroom, his right hand tremblingly pressed against the gun-shaped brand on his left arm.

A white light flashed, and Zhao Wen disappeared from the bedroom and came to the warehouse.

Before that, Zhao Wen discovered that this warehouse has the function of healing, so Zhao Wen was not flustered.

The reason why he waited until he returned to the General Military Mansion before entering the warehouse was because Zhao Wen was afraid that his sudden disappearance would cause panic among the soldiers.

Although I have demonstrated this ability before, if I do this in this situation, it will only cause great panic.

As soon as he appeared in the warehouse, Zhao Wen only felt a cold breath rushing towards his arm.

The wound on his right shoulder was also healing continuously, and no more blood flowed out.

The itching and burning sensations also gradually disappeared, the head was no longer dazed, and the chest was no longer stuffy.

It didn't take long for Zhao Wen to recover.

At this time, Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu also came outside the bedroom.

"What's wrong? Why are you outside now? How is he?" Li Xiaoying looked at Liu Wenzhong and asked anxiously.

"The Chief Soldier asked us to come out, and we didn't want to. An arrow was shot on our right shoulder, and the arrow was poisonous. We don't know the situation now, but the Chief Soldier drove us out." Liu Wenzhong sighed, with a helpless expression on his face. Said.

"What? You come out when he asks you to come out? Why are you so obedient? You left him alone in the room, can you be responsible for what happened?" Hai Lanzhu looked at Liu Wenzhong and instantly became angry.

"You are not three-year-olds anymore, how could you do such a thing?" Hai Lanzhu cursed, and was about to rush inside.

"No, Lord Chief Soldier won't let him in." Liu Wenzhong hurriedly stopped Hai Lanzhu.

"Not allowed to go in? I have to go in today." Hai Lanzhu glared at Liu Wenzhong, and said that he was about to rush in.

Li Xiaoying also hurried towards the room.

Liu Wenzhong hurriedly stopped the two of them and refused to let them in. He said with a bitter face, "You two aunts, just now the Commander-in-Chief issued a death order, and no one is allowed to enter."

"Too bad, I want to see who dares to stop me today!" Li Xiaoying roared in a shrill voice.

Although Li Xiaoying used to be a lady of every family, but at this time, she didn't care about anything.

"You can't go in!" Liu Wenzhong hurriedly stopped the two of them.

"I have to go in!" Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu said as they were about to rush in, and there was an instant commotion at the door of the room.

At this moment, the door of the room opened from the inside, and Zhao Wen walked out with a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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