Chapter 441 Return to normal
At this time, Zhao Wen looked no different from a normal person, and his face was not as pale as before, but a healthy rosy color.

If it weren't for a tear on the shoulder-covered clothes and some solidified blood scabs, everyone would have thought that what happened before was a dream.

"Master Chief Soldier, why did you come out?" Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen who had walked out of the room, and asked hurriedly.

Zhao Wen chuckled and said, "I'm fine now, of course I'll come out."

"I heard that you met an assassin and were injured. You were alone in the bedroom just now and no one was allowed in. Do you know how worried I am?" Li Xiaoying threw herself into Zhao Wen's arms, looking at Zhao Wen with tears in her eyes. Zhao Wen.

"They said that you met an assassin, that you were hit by an arrow, and the arrow was poisoned." Li Xiaoying looked at Zhao Wen's red face and said worriedly.

Holding Li Xiaoying in his arms, Zhao Wen explained: "Isn't I already healed? Don't you know my origin? This injury is nothing but a piece of cake for me.

Besides, if others don't know where I come from, how can you not know?Have you forgotten the scene of fighting the Tartars outside Xuanzhen? "

When Li Xiaoying heard Zhao Wen's words, she couldn't help thinking about what happened outside Xuanzhen.

At that time, Zhao Wen was just an ordinary soldier, and the people around him were only Zhao Daniu and the others, and there was no one else besides them.At that time, I was rescued by Zhao Wen, and then I followed Zhao Wen to Xuanzhen.

When he was about to reach Xuanzhen, he encountered a Tartar cavalry. At that time, Zhao Wen disappeared in broad daylight.When they reappeared, they actually had some very powerful weapons in their hands. It was because of these weapons that the Tartars outside the city were finally repelled.From then on, Li Xiaoying believed that Zhao Wen was not an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoying finally felt relieved.

"Let me see where you are hurt?" Although Li Xiaoying believed that Zhao Wen was not an ordinary person, she was still a little worried.

Zhao Wen tore off the clothes on his shoulders along the hole where the arrow hit, exposing the skin inside.

There was no injury on Zhao Wen's shoulder, not even a scar.Does it look very smooth? It doesn't look like it has been injured at all.

If it wasn't for the scabbed blood on the clothes, Li Xiaoying probably wouldn't believe that Zhao Wen was injured at all.

Hai Lanzhu also hurried over. She looked at Zhao Wen's exposed right shoulder and asked worriedly, "Are you really alright?"

Hearing what Liu Wenzhong said just now was so serious, Hai Lanzhu couldn't believe that Zhao Wen's injuries would heal in just such a short time.

It is simply impossible to recover from the injury in such a short period of time.Although there were always rumors in the army that Zhao Wen was a god, Hai Lanzhu had never seen it with his own eyes, so even though he saw that Zhao Wenyou's shoulder injury had healed, he was still a little worried.

Not only Hai Lanzhu, but even officials like Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen in disbelief.

Just now, the wound on Zhao Wen's right shoulder was still bleeding out, and the blood that flowed out was still black. It's only been a while now, and it's already healed.

Liu Wenzhong said in a naa: "My lord, are you really okay? Just now you bleed so much, and the color of the blood was still black. How long did it take you? How can you be so good?" quick?"

Not only Liu Wenzhong, but even the officials behind Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen in horror.

Liu Wenzhong is a scholar, and he doesn't speak strangely, so Liu Wenzhong has never believed in such things as gods. He has never believed in the rumors about Zhao Wen in the army.

Although Zhao Wen brought out a lot of powerful weapons and equipment, Liu Wenzhong still maintained his opinion on the statement that Zhao Wen is a god.

After all, although there have always been legends about such things as immortals in history, I have never seen them with my own eyes.

"You don't believe it? Okay, since you don't believe it, I'll let you see clearly." Zhao Wen took off his clothes as he spoke, and completely exposed his right arm and right shoulder to the crowd. before.

"My lord, I don't mean that. I'm just a little confused. If an injury of this degree is placed on an ordinary person, I'm afraid it won't take two or three months to recover. The matter is really unbelievable." Liu Wenzhong hastily made a complaint.

Zhao Wen shook his arm, showing his arm in front of everyone.

Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen's intact arm with wide eyes, his face was full of surprise.

"Could it be true that the rumors in the army are true? Is the commander-in-chief really a god in the sky? That's right, those weapons don't seem to be made by ordinary people at all, although they seem to have no essence with this generation of firecrackers. However, it is not something that Da Ming can create.

Even if Daming can manufacture it, how should we explain what happened today?There is no way to explain this at all, the wound healed in a blink of an eye, this is not a god, what is this?Even if he wasn't a real fairy, he was probably a half-celestial being. "

Not only Liu Wenzhong, but even the officials behind Liu Wenzhong looked surprised. They greeted Zhao Wen in person before, and they were right in front of Zhao Wen when Zhao Wen hit the arrow. No one knew better than them. Zhao Wen's injury.

If it is placed on an ordinary person, not to mention the poison in the arrow, just being shot in the shoulder by an arrow, it will not take a month or two to think about it quickly, but in the blink of an eye, the injury has completely healed, and There is no scar on the upper shoulder, which is simply an incredible thing, not to mention the poison on the previous arrow.

Under such circumstances, they couldn't help but associate the matter with the rumors that had been widely circulated in the army, and only that rumor could explain the current situation.

The officials standing behind Liu Wenzhong looked at each other, and they all saw horror in each other's eyes.

"You don't need to worry about how well I am. Anyway, my injury has completely healed now. The most urgent thing now is to convey the fact that I am fine, so as to avoid being taken advantage of by some bad-minded people.

At the same time, I called out all the left-behind people in the city to inspect Xuan Town. The inspection cannot end until this matter is over. "Zhao Wen went into the bedroom again and changed into a suit of clothes. When he came out, he shouted to the people outside.

"If there is someone who takes the opportunity to make trouble at this time, just arrest it first and then talk about it."

Zhao Wen had conveyed to the outside world that he was a god a long time ago.

At that time, Zhao Wen was only guarding Longmen Fort. At that time, Jiannu detoured to Xifengkou, and he led the army to serve the king.

After defeating Jiannu, when he fooled the people in Zunyi City to go to Longmen Fort, he showed his great transformation and became a living person.

But since then, Zhao Wen seldom mentioned such things.

After all, which god always talks about being a god?What is often talked about is not a fairy, but a magic stick.

Zhao Wen himself is not a god. If he often talks about himself as a god, what if he reveals his secrets in the future?Besides, a little sense of mystery is enough, there is no need to make a big fanfare and yell that you are a fairy.

"Obey!" Liu Wenzhong and others bowed their hands to Zhao Wengong, and then led the soldiers in the yard to the front.

"Okay, I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you for now." Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu, and said softly.

"Don't worry, you haven't said how well your injury is?" Hai Lanzhu hurriedly grabbed Zhao Wen's arm, and looked at Zhao Wen with disbelief.

Zhao Wen smiled and said: "It's not easy to explain this matter, I will explain it to you slowly in the future. If you really want to know, you can ask Xiaoying."

"My precious son!" After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he set his sights on the nanny holding his son and daughter behind Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu.

Those who can be selected to be nurses are those who are innocent and extremely loyal to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen's eldest son, Zhao Mingyu, looked at Zhao Wen who was coming over, and immediately smiled.

Zhao Wen's eldest son is almost one year old and can already speak some simple vocabulary.

Zhao Wen walked up to Zhao Mingyu and held Zhao Mingyu in his arms.

As soon as he hugged him, Zhao Mingyu babbled at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen kissed Zhao Mingyu on the face.

Zhao Mingyu, who had a prickly beard around Zhao Wen's mouth, pouted his mouth all of a sudden, looking like he was about to cry.

Seeing this, Zhao Wen hurriedly coaxed him, and kept making all kinds of funny faces at Zhao Mingyu.

This era emphasizes that the father is the guide for the son. In this era, fathers, especially wealthy families, when raising their children, no matter whether the child is a boy or not, the father is upright and serious. Few people are like Zhao Wen. .

Not long after, Zhao Mingyu was happy again.

"Look at you, you are a father, how many times has the child seen you since he was born?" Li Xiaoying looked at Zhao Mingyu in Zhao Wen's arms, and said angrily.

Zhao Wen said with a smile: "I also want to be with the child all the time, but I'm not busy. When the time is over, I will spend time with the child."

Zhao Wen said and handed Zhao Mingyu to the nanny, and then hugged Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan.

Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan were a few months younger than Zhao Mingyu, and Zhao Wen held one in each hand, holding the two children in non-stop laughter.

"My precious son and daughter." Zhao Wen kissed the two children again.

After making out with his son and daughter, Zhao Wen handed Zhao Mingjing and Zhao Mingxuan to the nanny.

"Okay, I have something to do now, so I won't accompany you." Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaoying, Hai Lanzhu, and the son and daughter who were standing beside the nanny.

"Then you go, pay attention to safety." Although Li Xiaoying complained that Zhao Wen was often away from home, she also understood the current situation. If Zhao Wen didn't come forward in time for this kind of thing, it would cause a lot of trouble.

"Be careful!" Hai Lanzhu also said hastily.

Zhao Wen nodded, then made a face at his son and daughter, and walked outside.

Seeing the back of Zhao Wen leaving, Hai Lanzhu pulled Li Xiaoying aside, "What's the matter with him? Is the injury on his body healed?"

Li Xiaoying nodded, "There shouldn't be any major problems."

"But how is this possible? How long has it been? It's only been a few quarters of an hour since I went home just now. How could it be so fast?" Hai Lanzhu looked at Li Xiaoying in disbelief.

Hai Lanzhu came into contact with Zhao Wen relatively late, and didn't know many things about Zhao Wen.

Although she had heard the legend about Zhao Wen before, she never took it to heart, and she didn't think about it just now when she was in a hurry.

Li Xiaoying took a deep breath and explained slowly.

After a long while, Hai Lanzhu stared blankly at the direction Zhao Wen left, and said with disbelief on his face: "You, you, you mean he is a god? Is this true? Aren't gods able to ride the clouds and ride the fog, turn the clouds and rain ?"

"I don't know if it's true. Anyway, he can't be judged by common sense. Even if he's not a real god, he's probably a half-god." Li Xiaoying explained.

"It's hard to believe, it's hard to believe. It's too hard to believe. I really can't believe it!" The expression on Hai Lanzhu's face was extremely exciting, excited for a while, excited for a while, and surprised for a while, "I actually married a fairy , Immortal, how is this possible? I really can't believe it."

"Don't gossip about these things. Although he didn't explicitly prohibit such rumors, he didn't publicize them either. So, we just need to know and don't gossip." Li Xiaoying looked at Hai Lanzhu with a wonderful expression, Lowering his voice, he leaned close to her ear and said.

Hai Lanzhu nodded, "I know, I definitely won't talk nonsense."


"My lord, this is the arrow that hit you." As soon as Zhao Wen came to the lobby of the General Military Mansion, Liu Wenzhong walked up to Zhao Wen with an arrow wrapped in a white cloth.

Zhao Wen took the arrow and checked it for a while, "Is the doctor here? Is there a way to find out what kind of poison is on it?"

"The doctor is probably coming soon, and he sent someone to invite him on the way back."

As soon as Liu Wenzhong finished speaking, more than 20 soldiers rushed towards this side with seven or eight doctors on their backs.

These doctors are the best doctors in Xuanzhen Town.

"My lord? Are you alright?" A hundred households of the guard camp running at the front looked at Zhao Wen standing in front of the hall, and asked in surprise.

This hundred households went to the city to look for a doctor before, so they didn't know that Zhao Wen had recovered.

Zhao Wen nodded, "That's right, I'm already healed, you guys should step back first."

"That's great!" A trace of excitement flashed across Baihu's face, and he hurriedly pointed to the doctors who were being held up behind him, and asked, "Then send these doctors back?"

"No, stay here, I still have some questions to ask." Zhao Wen said.

"Put these doctors down, let's go!" Baihu turned around and shouted at the soldier who was supporting the doctor behind him.

After a while, the soldiers ran outside again, leaving the doctors outside the hall.

"I have seen Mr. Chief Soldier!"

After seeing Zhao Wen, these doctors hurriedly saluted Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen waved his hand, "You don't need to be too polite, please hurry up."

The doctors thanked each other and then stood up.

"Come in first, I have something to ask you." Zhao Wen turned around and walked into the hall.

These doctors also hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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