Chapter 442

After Zhao Wen led the doctors to the hall, he moved a table from the side of the hall and placed it in the center of the hall.

"Come here, come around!" Zhao Wen stood by the table and said to the cautious doctors standing in the hall.

"My lord, I'm afraid this is not polite, right?" A gray-haired doctor looked at Zhao Wen with a troubled expression.

"What kind of etiquette is not polite, come here, I have something to ask you." Zhao Wen said again.

This time, the doctors actually walked up to the table.As for the medicine boxes they carried with them, they were placed under their feet.

Zhao Wen put the arrow wrapped in white cloth in his hand on the table, "Look at this arrow, can you see anything different about this arrow?"

Zhao Wen opened the white cloth, revealing the arrows.

Because this arrow was pulled out from Zhao Wen's shoulder, there was still some blood on it.

It's just that due to time, these bloodstains have dried up and scabbed, turning black and red.

Near the arrow without blood, the arrow has a dark green color.

"This arrow is poisonous." A doctor pointed at the arrowhead and frowned.

Zhao Wen nodded, "You are right, this arrow is indeed poisonous, I want to know now, what is the poison on this arrow?"

Although Zhao Wen knows that the poison on the arrow is a kind of neurotoxin, there are many neurotoxins in the world, and Zhao Wen is not a professional in this business, so he didn't know the poison on the arrow for a while. What kind of poison is it?

The doctors around the table put their heads in front of the arrow, squinted their eyes and looked at the arrow carefully.

But after a long time, no one could figure out what kind of poison was on the arrow.

The gray-haired Langzhong who spoke before held the arrow's tail, brought it close to his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

A moment later, he put the arrowhead under his nose and smelled it again.

"It stinks!" said the gray-haired doctor, and then put the arrow on the white cloth on the table.

"My lord, I have thought of something, but I'm not sure yet." The gray-haired doctor cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong and said.

Zhao Wen's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Then how can you confirm it?"

"I just need a bowl of water!"

As soon as the gray-haired Langzhong's voice fell, Zhao Wen hurriedly shouted to Liu Wenzhong who was standing next to the hall: "Hurry up, get a bowl of water."

Liu Wenzhong nodded and ran out of the hall.

Not long after, Liu Wenzhong ran over with a white porcelain bowl and half a bucket of water, and a gourd scoop floating in the bucket.

"My lord, here we come." Liu Wenzhong lifted the barrel into the hall.

Zhao Wen walked in front of Liu Wenzhong in three steps at a time, took the white porcelain bowl in Liu Wenzhong's hand with his left hand, put his right hand into the wooden barrel, scooped up a bowl of water with the gourd ladle in the wooden barrel and put it on the table superior.

The gray-haired doctor looked at the water on the table, and picked up the arrow again. He pinched the end of the arrow and inserted the arrow head into the bowl of water on the table.

When reaching in, the gray-haired doctor tried his best to avoid the blood on the arrowhead, and carefully soaked the dark green part of the arrowhead into the water.

At the beginning, the bowl in the water was still very clear, and there was no discoloration of the water in the bowl.

But when the gray-haired doctor started to stir, the water in the bowl began to turn green quickly.

This kind of green has some black in it, which looks very weird.

Zhao Wen stood by the table and looked at the discolored water in the bowl, his heart beating non-stop.

This color looks very strange, if I don't have a warehouse, I'm afraid I will capsize in the gutter.

Liu Wenzhong looked at the discolored water in the bowl and was also sweating profusely.

This color definitely does not look like an ordinary poison, it must be a very overbearing poison.

The gray-haired doctor put down the arrow in his hand, "Find me a pair of chopsticks."

"Hurry up and find the chopsticks!" Zhao Wen hurriedly urged Liu Wenzhong.

Liu Wenzhong hadn't rested for a long time, and ran outside in a hurry.

This time Liu Wenzhong's speed was very fast, after all, the chopsticks are not half a bucket of water, and it doesn't take much effort.

The gray-haired doctor took the chopsticks from Liu Wenzhong's hand and began to stir slowly in the bowl, which lasted for about half an hour.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he put down the chopsticks in his hand and waited quietly.

Zhao Wen didn't know what the gray-haired doctor was doing for a while, but he didn't ask any further questions.

After about two quarters of an hour, the gray-haired doctor bent down and picked up the medicine box he had placed under the table.

He opened the medicine box and first took out a sackcloth bag from it.

This burlap bag contained some silver needles.

He opened the burlap bag, took out a silver needle from it, and inserted it into the bowl of water.

Strangely, the silver needles did not turn black.

"It shouldn't be arsenic. If it was arsenic, the silver needle would definitely turn black." The gray-haired doctor said casually.

Looking at the silver needles that hadn't turned black, the gray-haired doctor not only had no doubts, but he let out a sigh of relief, and his face gradually relaxed.

He put the used silver needle on the table, and took out a black cotton cloth and a deep copper spoon from the medicine box.

This deep-bottomed copper spoon is used to take the medicine powder, so it is also the doctor's carry-on.

"You two spread the cotton cloth for me, I want to filter these things." The gray-haired doctor pointed to the two doctors next to him.

The two doctors hastily took the black cotton cloth from the gray-haired doctor, and stretched it open.

"Could you bring me another bowl?" The gray-haired doctor looked at Liu Wenzhong and said with some embarrassment.

Let Liu Wenzhong run errands all the time, and the Lang Center is still a little bit sorry.

Liu Wenzhong was not angry, he nodded, "No problem, I'll take it right away!"

Liu Wenzhong said and ran outside again.

Not long after, Liu Wenzhong ran in with a white porcelain bowl.

The doctor took the white porcelain bowl from Liu Wenzhong and put it on the table.

"Is there any candle?" Lang Zhong asked again.

"Yes, there are candles!" Liu Wenzhong hurriedly ran towards the candlestick next to the hall.

It's just that the candles weren't lit because it wasn't dark yet.

Liu Wenzhong put the candles on the table, and then hurriedly ran outside, looking for the candles.

Although things like Huozhezi are common, Liu Wenzhong doesn't use them on weekdays, so he didn't carry them with him.

When Liu Wenzhong came back, he hurriedly lit the candle with a torch.

"You two put the black cotton cloth on the empty bowl!" The gray-haired doctor pointed to the empty bowl on the table and said.

The two doctors didn't talk nonsense, they directly put the black cotton cloth on the empty bowl.

At this time, the doctor picked up the dark green bowl with his left hand, scooped some out of it with the copper spoon in his right hand, and then put it on the candle to heat it.

Soon, steam rose from the spoon.

When the water in the spoon was almost boiled and there was only some viscous liquid left, he poured the liquid on the spoon onto the black cotton cloth.

When the whole bowl was filtered like this, white stuff appeared on the black cotton cloth.

When the water inside completely evaporated, some white crystals appeared on the black cloth.

The crystals look like grains of salt.

The gray-haired doctor put down the empty bowl and spoon in his hand and said, "Bring me the black cotton cloth."

The two doctors hurriedly handed the black cotton cloth to him.

The gray-haired doctor twirled some, put it under his nose and smelled it, "It stinks!"

Then, he held the black cotton cloth in his left hand, dipped some water in the bucket next to him with the silver needle just now in his right hand, and then picked up the white crystals on the black cloth to touch the burning candle.

With the sound of crackling, a reddish-brown smoke was produced from the silver needle, permeating the air, and it also smelled a pungent smell, which was very unpleasant.

Looking at the reddish-brown smoke, the doctor's eyes lit up, and he put down everything in his hand.

Zhao Wen stood aside, quietly watching the reddish-brown smoke, wondering what kind of poison would produce such a reaction.

However, when Li Bin was in later generations, he studied engineering and had little contact with chemistry, so he couldn't remember what poison it was.

Although there was chemistry in high school, the chemistry in high school was only a relatively basic thing, and it was impossible to introduce poison to students in books.

"Master Chief Soldier, this old man should know what kind of poison it is." The doctor cupped his hands at Zhao Wen and said loudly.

Zhao Wen hurriedly asked, "What poison?"

"If the old man's guess is correct, it should be the poison of nuxon!" The doctor pointed at the black cloth on the table and vowed.

"Nyxony poison is a very overbearing poison, and this poison is extracted from the herb Nuxynum.

The finished nuxy poison is a white powder with a foul smell.This kind of poison is extremely poisonous, as long as people drink it, a small amount of it can poison people to death.

And being poisoned to death by this kind of poison, the appearance of death is very ugly.The poisoned person will suffocate, become weak and convulse.The poisoned person will have a stiff neck first, and then the shoulders and legs will convulse until the poisoned person curls up into a bow.

And as long as the poisoned person speaks or moves, he will convulse again. Even after death, the corpse will still convulse, with a hideous face.In the end, the seven orifices bleed and died suddenly.

Because the appearance of death is very similar to the loom of weaving, this poison is also called the machine poison.After being poisoned by this kind of poison, as long as there is any light or sound, the poisoned person will convulse all over.

It is said that Song Taizong used this kind of poison after poisoning him. There is no cure for this kind of poison. The poisoned person died suddenly. "

What the gray-haired doctor said shocked all the people around him. You must know that Qianji poison is the most famous poison in history.

After all, this kind of poison was the poison that killed Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and there is no antidote yet. Once you drink it, you will die.

"What? You said this poison is the poison of the machine? How is this possible? As far as I know, the method of making the poison of the machine has been lost for hundreds of years. How could it be the poison of the machine?" Liu Wen Everyone looked at the doctor in surprise.

Fortunately, Zhao Wen came from an unusual background, and this poison was cured. If Zhao Wen was really like an ordinary person, it would be miserable.

"Putting machine poison? Nuxy money poison?" Zhao Wen slowly recalled it in his mind when he heard the name.

Not long after, Zhao Wen thought of an article he had read on the Internet.

This article is about what kind of poison Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, was poisoned.

In this article, it is named that the main ingredient of the well-known lead poison in history comes from the strychnine poison, that is, strychnine.

It's a pity that Zhao Wen only read half of this article and didn't read any more. Otherwise, Zhao Wen would definitely have seen the test method for strychnine.

This poison is irritating to eyes and skin.Can be fatal after inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin. This product is flammable, toxic and irritating.

When burning, nitrogen oxides such as nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide will be produced, and nitrogen dioxide is reddish brown.

Nuxynum poison is extremely domineering, and there is no specific antidote. If the poisoning can only be detoxified through conventional methods such as gastric lavage.

"This old man is also very puzzled. This kind of poison is very rare, and the method of making this poison has long been lost. I can't figure out where this poison comes from." The gray-haired doctor said with a puzzled look on his face. .

Zhao Wendao: "Let's not talk about this for now, what's the matter with this bowl of dark green water? Is there any other poison in it?"

Zhao Wen pointed to the bowl of viscous water left after filtering on the table, and looked at the doctor.

"There should be no other poisons in this bowl of water. As for why the bowl of water is black and green, the old man thinks that it should be a kind of thing that fixes the nuxon poison on the arrow. As for why it is this The color, I don't know too much." Lang Zhong said with a puzzled expression.

"Since that's the case, then so be it. Mr. Liu, you should take all these gentlemen with you, especially this gentleman. You must be rewarded heavily." Zhao Wen pointed to the gray-haired doctor and said.

Liu Wenzhong nodded, and clasped his fist at Zhao Wen, "This subordinate takes orders!"

After saying that, Liu Wenzhong led these doctors away.

After these people were taken down, Zhao Wen sat on the main seat in the hall. He stared blankly at the roof above the hall, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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