Chapter 443
Just when Zhao Wen was thinking wildly, Li Xiaosan led a group of people and took the prisoners into the prison.

When escorting the prisoners back, the manager of the restaurant and all the staff were also brought back by Li Xiaosan.

"My lord, the prisoner has been taken into prison, and is now being interrogated severely! The owner of that restaurant has also been brought back." Li Xiaosan brought a few soldiers to the hall.

Zhao Wen sat up straight and looked at Li Xiaosan: "How's the matter? Did the interrogation reveal anything?"

"My lord, these people are all dead men. They are currently being interrogated. Nothing has been found out yet. As for the people in the restaurant, they are currently being interrogated." Li Xiaosan hurriedly replied.

"There must be a strict interrogation, this matter is very strange, although our city gate guards in Xuan Town are not elite, but not everyone can be a guard.

When entering and leaving Xuan Town, the guards at the gate of the city cannot let strangers with bows and weapons in. This kind of low-level mistake cannot occur on the guards of the city gate. How did these people enter Xuan Town? I wouldn't believe it if there was nothing in it. "

In Xuan Town, when entering and exiting the city gate, there will be strict inspections by the defenders, even if they are transporting goods, they will also be inspected. This is the first time this has happened in so many years.

In the past, as long as people got a little bit wrong when entering or leaving the city gate, they would be arrested by the defenders at the city gate, but this time not only let these people in, but even let them run in with weapons.

The assassination this time revealed strangeness inside and out, and Zhao Wen would not believe it at all if it was said that no one inside had tipped off the news.

There was a cold light in Li Xiaosan's eyes, he looked at Zhao Wen, and said, "Your Excellency, do you mean that there is an inner ghost?"

"If there are no ghosts, how did these people get in? You know, no matter when they enter or leave Xuan Town, they will be searched when they enter and leave the city gate, even if they are goods brought by merchants.

When the strangers entered and exited Xuan Town, they questioned me even more strictly. It is absolutely impossible for these people who assassinated me to be residents of Xuan Town. How did these people get in?
Can they still live in the restaurant?And you can also know exactly that I am coming back today, that I will come back by train, and which way I will take. Don't you think there is something weird in it? Zhao Wen stood up from the chair, walked in front of Li Xiaosan, and kept his voice extremely low.

"Wang Qi is not in Xuanzhen now. I leave this matter to you. You must find out the ins and outs of this matter."

Li Xiaosan was the first person to follow Zhao Wen, and he was absolutely loyal to Zhao Wen. In addition, Zhao Daniu and the others are not in Xuanzhen now, so it is most appropriate and safest to leave this matter to Li Xiaosan.

"Understood!" Li Xiaosan's eyes flickered fiercely, and he led the men and horses towards the outside.

After walking out of the General Military Mansion, Li Xiaosan went straight to the prison.

As soon as he entered the prison, Li Xiaosan heard hoarse screams.

"What's the matter? Did the interrogation find anything?" Li Xiaosan walked into the interrogation cell and looked at the soldiers who were torturing the prisoners.

"My lord, these captives are very stubborn, no matter how we punish them, they will not open their mouths.

Just now, we also interrogated the shopkeeper of the restaurant and the waiter in the restaurant.

After the interrogation, there is nothing unusual about us. They are old people in Xuanzhen, and they had already lived in Xuanzhen before Mr. Zongbing came to Xuanzhen.

We just investigated the household registration based on what they said, and they are right.Moreover, these people are very active in implementing various policies issued by the General Military Office on weekdays.

Therefore, it is unlikely that these people participated in the assassination of Mr. Zongbing. "A hundred households in the cell walked up to Li Xiaosan and said.

Hearing this, Li Xiaosan frowned tightly, "In this case, let the restaurant owner and waiter go back first, remember, after you put them back, you must send someone to stare them down. "

"Obey!" The hundred households clasped their fists at Li Xiaosan and said loudly.

After dealing with these matters, Li Xiaosan left the cell. After leaving, he led about a hundred soldiers towards the train station.

There is no problem with the shopkeeper in the restaurant, and no effective information can be obtained from these captives. Now the suspicious place is the train station.

After all, the most likely person who leaked Zhao Wen's trip was the train station, other than officials from Xuanzhen.

Moreover, the officials who knew Zhao Wen's whereabouts were all from the core circle of Zhao Wen's power. These people have followed Zhao Wen for a very long time, and it is reasonable to say that it is unlikely that Zhao Wen's travel information will be leaked.

After all, as long as Zhao Wen stands in the world in the future, they will all be founding heroes, and they have no reason to betray Zhao Wen.These people are shrewd in their hearts, and it is impossible for them to give up huge benefits for a small favor.

Not long after, Li Xiaosan led the team to the train station.

At this time, the train station has been completely blocked.

When Zhao Wen's accident happened, the train station was immediately blocked.

"This is my identity card, the commander-in-chief has given me full responsibility for the assassination!" Li Xiaosan stopped outside the blockade of the train station, and took out his identity card.

A hundred households leading troops to seal off the railway station stood outside the blockade of the train station. He looked at the identity card in Li Xiaosan's hand, saluted Li Xiaosan, and then shouted at the blockade behind: "Let go!"

Li Xiaosan withdrew his identity card and looked at the hundred households, "Is there any movement of people in the train station?"

"My lord, since we took over here, we have sealed off the train station and prohibited anyone from entering or leaving." Baihu said to Li Xiaosan.


Li Xiaosan nodded, shouted to the back, and then led the soldiers into the train station.

At this time, the steward of the railway station walked back and forth anxiously in the waiting hall of the railway station, with sweat all over his forehead.

"Are you the steward of the train station?" Li Xiaosan pushed open the door of the waiting room of the train station, looked at the steward walking back and forth in the waiting room, and asked in a deep voice.

The steward is called Jin Xuan, he looked at Li Xiaosan who walked in, and asked with some doubts: "Who are you?"

Li Xiaosan took out his identity card and waved it in front of Jin Xuan, "I am the person in charge of the assassination incident personally ordered by the commander-in-chief."

"Are all the train station staff here now?" Li Xiaosan looked at these people in the waiting hall.

"My lord, they are all here. Because the commander-in-chief is coming back today, the trains from the station to other places are suspended, so there are no other passengers in the station today, only the staff of the station." Jin Xuan Hastily explained.

Li Xiaosan led the people behind him to shuttle through the waiting room of the train station, counting the number of people inside.

"How many staff are there in the train station?" Li Xiaosan asked.

"My lord, there are a total of 110 people in the train station, including the workers who moved the goods and all the staff on the train that the chief soldier was on," Jin Xuan explained.

"Are you sure?" Li Xiaosan squinted at the manager.

The steward said loudly: "It's the 110 three people. These people will count the number of people every day before going to work and before leaving get off work. I also counted the number just now, it's the 110 three people."

"Hehe, there are only 110 people now, you can count them yourself." Li Xiaosan gave Jin Xuan a cold look.

"Impossible, I counted the number of people just now, and there are not too many." Jin Xuan began to count again with a worried face.

Sure enough, under the count this time, there were only 110 people, three people missing.

Cold sweat began to flow from Jin Xuan's forehead. He couldn't believe there were only 110 people, so he counted again.

However, even though he counted again, the number was still 110.

"My lord, when I counted just now, it was 110 three people. Impossible, how could it be 110 people, when I counted just now, it was 110 three people, this is impossible." Jinxuan's voice trembled, and the cold sweat on his forehead It kept flowing, and shouted at Li Xiaosan with a look of horror.

Jin Xuan panicked, three people were missing for no reason, and he could figure out what happened with his ass.

"It's impossible. The current number is 110. That's enough. Let's not talk nonsense. Where is the roster at the train station? Now hurry up and check the roster for me to see who the three people who disappeared are." Li Xiaosan hurriedly shouted at Jin Xuan.

Three people were missing for no reason, there must be something wrong with it, maybe they were the ones who leaked the whereabouts of the Chief Soldier.

After all, the railway station knew exactly when Zhao Wen would arrive.

Followed by thirty soldiers, Jin Xuan hurried to the file room of the railway station to get the roster.

At the same time, Zhao Wen appeared on the streets of Xuanzhen dressed in iron armor and brought dozens of guards with live ammunition.

Zhao Wennai was assassinated on the street, and there were many people who saw Zhao Wen being assassinated. If Zhao Wen didn't come forward in person, no matter how he explained it, some people might still not believe it.

Only when Zhao Wen appeared on the streets of Xuan Town intact, could the entire Xuan Town feel at ease, and at the same time deter those who had evil intentions.

In order to prevent another assassination, Zhao Wen specially wore an armor made of fine steel.Armor plus storage, enough for anything.

At the same time, in an inn in Xuan Town, in the guest room in the backyard of the inn, six or seven ordinary-looking big men sat around the room, all the doors and windows of the room were closed, and the room was gloomy.

A burly man over forty years old looked at the people in front of him and said in a low voice: "There is something wrong with this matter. At the beginning, there were rumors in the city that Zhao thief had been shot by an arrow, but why is it back to normal now? You know Our arrows are poisonous, and there is no antidote for this kind of poison in the world, so how can he, Bandit Zhao, cure it?"

When the news came that Zhao Wen was assassinated and shot, these people were extremely excited. At that time, they were already preparing to pack their bags and leave Xuan Town.

But before they finished packing up, another news spread in Xuan Town.

This news was exactly what Zhao Wen asked the officials to release, saying that he was safe and sound.

"My lord, could it be that Bandit Zhao is dead now, and these news are only released to stabilize the people in the city?" A soldier sitting next to him looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't know, let's find a way to find out. Zhao Wen's life and death are very important, so let's find a way to find out." The big man in the lead let out a long breath, squinted his eyes and said slowly.

At this moment, the shopkeeper of this inn rushed out of this room.

"Old Seven, it's me!" The shopkeeper stood outside the guest room and hurriedly shouted inside.

Lao Qi stood up, hurried to the door, and opened it.

"Zhao Thief is not dead, he is still alive." Just as the door opened, the shopkeeper slipped in.

"What? Bandit Zhao is really not dead? Where did you get the news? Is it accurate? Impossible, the poison we used is the most overbearing poison in the world. Without an antidote, how could he die?" Die?" Lao Qi looked at the shopkeeper in disbelief.

The shopkeeper walked back and forth in the room, with an anxious expression on his face, "I was standing at the door to check the movement of the bandits, but suddenly I saw dozens of war horses appearing in front of the inn. At the front is a young man in armor.

When I saw his face, I recognized it instantly, it was Zhao Wen.Now he is like a normal person, alive and kicking, and waving at the people on both sides of the street. It doesn't look like he has been hit by an arrow at all. Did thief Zhao really get hit by an arrow?Shouldn't it be the substitute who was hit by the arrow?
Hurry up and evacuate, hurry up, now Zhao thief's soldiers have started patrolling the streets, all intersections on the streets have been sealed off, Wang Hai and the others have been caught, just now I saw a large group of people They escorted Wang Hai and the others towards the Zongbing Yamen. "

"Stand-in? It can't be a stand-in. According to the news we inquired, Zhao Wen didn't have a stand-in at all. Besides, we are the most elite team. Even if twins stand in front of us, we can tell the difference, unless There really is someone who is exactly the same, otherwise we would not have missed." Lao Qi still had a look of disbelief.

"Could it be something wrong with the poison?" The shopkeeper asked suspiciously.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen." Lao Qi will want his head like a rattle.

"Okay, don't say so much, now Zhao thief's soldiers are searching one inn after another, if you don't leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave." The shopkeeper hurriedly urged.

As things stand now, it is impossible not to leave.

Lao Qi nodded and said, "Let's go now!"

After speaking, Lao Qi took out the crossbow and waist knife hidden under the bed, and hurriedly ran outside.

"Go through the back door. There were no bandits at the back door when I came here just now, so hurry up and go through the back door!" The shopkeeper hurriedly shouted at Lao Qi who ran out of the guest room.

Lao Qi nodded, and then led the people behind him to run towards the back door.

The shopkeeper looked at Lao Qi and the others who ran out, and hurriedly followed.

When the shopkeeper came to the back door, Lao Qi had already rushed out with his men and horses.

The shopkeeper didn't have time to check, so he closed the back door, and then walked forward as if nothing happened.

"Where's your shopkeeper?"

At this time, seven or eight soldiers walked into the inn.

The leading soldier was called Lu Zhu. He stood in front of the counter of the inn, looked at the waiter standing behind the counter, and asked.

"My shopkeeper went to pee, and I'll be right back." The waiter said calmly.

Lu Zhu looked at the waiter's calm face, without any doubt, and said casually, "Where's the personnel booklet when your family lived in the store?"

"Gentlemen, I can't read. I don't know which booklet is the one you mentioned." The waiter took out a stack of account books from the counter and put them on the counter.

(End of this chapter)

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