Chapter 444 Manhunt
"You don't have to worry about it, I can find it myself." Lu Zhu said to the waiter in the shop, and began to search for it in the account books placed on the counter.

The waiter looked at Lu Zhu who was looking for him, but didn't respond, he just stood there quietly and looked at Lu Zhu.

"Masters, what are you doing here?" Just then, the shopkeeper came from behind.

The shopkeeper's name was Song Ming. He looked at Lu Zhu and the others, and hurried over to them.

Lu Zhu raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Song Ming, and asked, "Are you the manager of this inn?"

"That's right, I am the shopkeeper of this inn." Song Ming walked behind the counter of the inn and sent away the waiter standing in the counter.

"Where are you from? Where did you live before?" Lu Zhu asked casually.

Song Ming smiled and said: "The villain used to live in Xuan Town, and now the life in Xuan Town is getting better and better, so the villain opened this inn. It is also thanks to Mr. Zongbing, otherwise, we in Xuan Town It’s not going to be what it is now.”

"Hehe, you are telling the truth." Lu Zhu searched through the account books and found an account book that recorded the registration of people staying in the store.

Lu Zhu flipped out the booklet and put it in front of his eyes.

"Is this the register in your store?" Lu Zhu asked, pointing to the register in front of him.

Song Ming looked at the register and nodded with a smile, "This is the register of the small store. The Chief Soldier has an order that those of us who open a shop must register the people who live in the store. For the order of the Chief Soldier, Those of us don’t dare to neglect, the staff who have lived in the hotel for the past month are all on it.”

Lu Zhu did not speak, and began to look through the register.

It didn't take long for Lu Zhu to search through the register.

There was nothing suspicious about the register. He closed the register and looked at Song Ming: "What about the previous one?"

"It's also there before, I'll look for it with you." Song Ming bent down and began to look for it in the counter.

Not long after, Song Ming took out a stack of registers and put them on the table.

Lu Zhu looked at these registers, a little confused, "Why do you have so many registers?"

"The villain's inn has been open for a long time, so there are more registers." Song Ming explained casually.

"So that's it!" Lu Zhu suddenly realized, and then began to search seriously.

At this moment, a soldier who was following Lu Zhu suddenly pulled Lu Zhu.

Lu Zhu looked at the soldier with some doubts, "What's wrong?"

The soldier put his mouth in front of Lu Zhu, and said cautiously, "My lord, come with me, this store is weird!"

When Lu Zhu heard this, he immediately became alert. He hurriedly followed the soldier and walked towards a corner of the inn lobby.

Seeing Lu Zhu's reaction, Song Ming couldn't help but sweat.

He has not opened this inn for a long time, but in order to conceal the time when he opened the inn, he forged many registers.

His inn is located in a remote place, and there are not many people around, and there are not many people staying in the inn, so in his opinion, as long as there are enough registers, everything will be safe.

"What's going on?" Lu Zhu followed the soldier to a corner of the hall. He looked at Song Ming who was standing behind the counter, and then at the soldier.

"My lord, this is not right. My relatives run the inn, and the registers in the inn will be sent to the office for compilation and verification every three months, and these registers will be collected at the same time.

The shopkeeper in front of him said that he had opened the store for a long time, but if this was the case, then his registration book would only last three months.It doesn't make sense so much. "The soldier frowned and said to Lu Zhu with a puzzled expression.

Lu Zhu gasped, and looked at the soldier in surprise, "Is what you said true? You can't lie to me about this kind of thing."

"My lord, I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing. The relative who runs the inn is my uncle. I often go to help his family during the holidays. I don't dare to say that I know everything about it, but I know a general idea.

Besides, my lord just found out, the shopkeeper just said that he has opened the shop for a long time, and that he is a local, but I think his accent is a bit unimaginable like the accent of Xuanzhen, but a bit like The taste of the capital, this is not normal. "

After the soldier finished these words, Lu Zhu's eyes narrowed, and his whole body was like a sword just out of its sheath.

"From this point of view, there is indeed a problem with the shopkeeper. Don't move later, wait for my instructions. I will test him first to see if there is really a problem with him. If there is a problem, I will arrest him directly." Now, remember, you must live, and don’t shoot without authorization.” Lu Zhu said to the soldier, then took a few deep breaths, and walked towards the shopkeeper with a calm expression as much as possible.

Seeing Lu Zhu approaching, Song Ming's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know why, but now he was inexplicably panicked.

Song Ming hastily took a few deep breaths to try to ease his mood.

Lu Zhu walked to the counter, then looked at the register on the table.

"The shopkeeper's register is very well done. It's so complete, and the handwriting on it is very clear, as if it's new." Lu Zhu said unintentionally.

Song Ming hurriedly said: "The ink used in the shop is the best Hui ink, so the handwriting can be clearer."

"But there's something wrong with your paper." Lu Zhu picked up a register that was dated last year, put it under his nose and smelled it, then put it down, and looked at Song Ming.

Song Ming's heart sank suddenly, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with this paper?"

At that time, Song Ming soaked the fake paper in light soy sauce in order to make a fake.

This method is a very common old-fashioned method.

"Why does your paper have a faint smell of soy sauce? Could it be that your paper has been soaked in soy sauce?" Lu Zhu narrowed his eyes and looked at Song Ming coldly.

"The small shop is an inn after all, and there are a lot of people coming and going to eat, so there will inevitably be some soy sauce smell on the register, which is normal." Song Ming was afraid that Lu Zhu would find out, so he hurriedly explained.

"Hehe, your excuse is very good. But I still have a question." Lu Zhu patted the thick stack of registers on the table, and looked at Song Ming with an unfriendly expression.

Seeing Lu Zhu's expression, Song Ming panicked instantly.

But after all, he has undergone strict training, so no flaws can be seen on his face.

"I don't know if the military masters have any questions?" Song Ming tried his best to keep his tone calm.

Lu Zhu said: "You said before that you are a native of Xuanzhen, but why do you have a Beijing accent? Although Xuanzhen is not far from the capital, and the language difference is not big, I can hear some of the differences."

"Although the villain is a native of Xuanzhen, but the villain lived in the capital for a period of time before, so it is inevitable that he will bring some Beijing flavor." Song Ming couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard that Lu Zhu was asking this question. Things are very simple to explain.It is also impossible for these people to hold on to themselves because of an accent.

"Hehe, you are eloquent, and you have an iron mouth. Let me ask you again, why do you have so many registers? If you are really a native of Xuanzhen and have opened a shop for a long time, you should know, Xuanzhen All the inns will hand over the registers to the office every three months. But why do you have so many registers? Tell me?" Lu Zhu stared at Song Ming with wide eyes.

At the same time, Lu Zhu slowly touched 56 behind with his left hand.

Hearing this, Song Ming's brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to refute Lu Zhu's question.

After a while, Song Ming said: "I originally planned to send these things, but because of some delays, I didn't send them. I was going to send them a few days ago, but I just met a few military masters. That’s how these things were brought out.”

Just when Song Ming thought his answer was perfect, Lu Zhu shouted: "There are many lies, I lied to you about what happened just now, there is no such thing at all. Originally, I just wanted to cheat you, but I didn't expect you to lie." You didn’t even ask yourself. It seems that you really have a ghost!”

The matter of sending the register to the office is of course true, and now Lu Zhu is just defrauding Song Ming by saying this.

Song Ming's head kept breaking out in cold sweat, and he regretted endlessly, "I wish I had known that I didn't admit it just now."

"Mr. Jun, the villain may have made a mistake. There is no such thing in the office, and the villain does not need to send these brochures to the office. The villain has a wrong memory." Song Ming hurriedly explained.

"Hehe, you really fell for it. I'm not afraid to tell you that what I just said is true. All the inns will hand in their registers every three months. Hmph, you really don't know where you came from." Lu Zhu sneered, and then directly sent The 56 punch hanging on his back was removed, and he pointed at Song Ming in his hand.

Until now, Song Ming finally realized that he had been fooled.

His expression changed drastically, he lifted the brochure on the counter, threw it towards Lu Zhu, and then ran back.

"Want to run? It's not that easy." Lu Zhu directly pulled the bolt of the gun and fired continuously at the ground under Song Ming's feet, while shouting, "Catch up!"

At this time, the guests who were eating in the inn saw this scene and ran away directly.

"Block them for me!" Song Ming ran from behind the counter to the backyard in just a few breaths of time with his agility.

After hearing the gunshots, the waiter in the backyard hurriedly took out the hidden weapons.

Song Ming looked at these waiters holding weapons, and hurriedly shouted: "Block them!"

Lu Zhu chased him into the backyard. He looked at Song Ming who was about to escape through the back door, and shouted, "Slap him directly on the calf, and the others will do the same."

After Lu Zhu finished speaking, he pulled the trigger.

The distance between the two sides is only twenty steps away, such a short distance is a piece of cake for well-trained soldiers like them.

"Da da da!"

The 56 bullets flew forward and accurately hit the calves of Song Ming and the waiters in the shop.

"Hmph, you still dare to run?" Lu Zhu snorted coldly, and walked towards these people.

At the same time, Li Xiaosan also tracked down the three people who disappeared.

"What's your name?" Li Xiaosan stood in the middle of the waiting room, looking at Jin Xuan who was walking over.

"My lord, the three people who disappeared are Qiao Li, Liang Chengkang and Hui'an." Jin Xuan cautiously stood in front of Li Xiaosan.

"What are the identities of the three of them?" Li Xiaosan asked.

"Qiao Li is the deputy steward of the train station, Liang Chengkang is the dispatch steward of the train station, in charge of train departure operations, and Hui'an is the conductor."

As soon as Jin Xuan's voice fell, Li Xiaosan shouted and cursed at Jin Xuan, "It's good, it's really good. The deputy steward of the train station and the dispatch steward, these two are also powerful figures in the train station, and they actually participated in the assassination What happened to Mr. Zong Bing was truly devoid of conscience.

When did they disappear?How long has it been since you counted the number of people before? "

"I'm afraid nearly half an hour has passed." Jin Xuan said with a trembling voice.

"You are really a good steward of the train station. You haven't noticed it for such a long time. If I don't come today, I'm afraid you will never know." Li Xiaosan pointed at Jin Xuan and cursed a few times, then turned to The soldiers behind shouted: "Let the hundreds of households who blocked the train station come to see me!"

"Obey!" A soldier cupped his hands at Li Xiaosan and ran outside.

Not long after, the hundred households who blocked the train station came to Li Xiaosan.

"How long has it been since you blocked the train station?" Li Xiaosan asked directly.

"Returning to my lord, this place has been sealed off since the commander-in-chief was assassinated."

"Did anyone come in or out of the train station during the lockdown? Or did anyone want to get out of the train station?"

"Sir, no."

"There are 50 people staying here, and the rest of the staff started searching around the train station. Today, three people were involved in the assassination of Mr. Zongbing at the train station. Now they have run away.

They have been running for almost half an hour now, if what you said is true, then they haven't run out yet. "

Li Xiaosan finished speaking, looked at Jin Xuan, and asked again: "What clothes are they wearing today? Do they have any distinctive features?"

"My lord, Qiao Li is wearing a black padded jacket today, he is about 40 years old, his hair is a little thin, and the bun on his head is loose.

Liang Chengkang has a mole in the corner of his left eye, and he is also around 40 years old.As for the last one, he is about 30 years old this year, but for some reason, his hair is very gray, and he looks older than a 40-year-old person. "

Jin Xuan didn't dare to delay, and hastily told everything.

Li Xiaosan nodded, and shouted: "Search for me in the train station, even if you dig three feet, I will search for these people."

(End of this chapter)

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