Chapter 445 Captured
After Li Xiaosan gave an order, almost all the soldiers in the train station began to search the train station.

Among them, Li Xiaosan took the lead and headed towards the railway.

Although the entire train station has been blocked, the direction of the railway is still the easiest place to escape.

"Have you found any suspicious people?" Li Xiaosan came to the place where the railway was blocked. He looked at the soldiers who blocked the railway and asked loudly.

A general flag shouted at Li Xiaosan: "My lord, we haven't noticed any suspicious people coming in or out."

"It's fine if you don't have one. You guys guard the railway well now. If any suspicious people come in or out, arrest them immediately and notify me in time!" Li Xiaosan shouted at these people, and then led the people behind him to start They searched the various rooms next to the railway.

There is a warehouse group near the railway, and there are nearly 20 warehouses in this warehouse group.

Most of these warehouses temporarily store some goods transported by train, or store some grains to be sent to Shanxi.

Because of the sudden incident, none of the items in these warehouses were removed.

Among these warehouses is a small warehouse, which stores some canned food and other military rations that are going to be sent to the front line.

The cans produced in Xuanzhen are packed in wooden boxes and neatly stacked in this warehouse.In addition to canned food, there is also some rice in sacks.

The rice is packed in sacks and stacked behind the cans, neatly and squarely.Because the quantity is relatively large, the pile of these grains is relatively high.

On these piles of sacks, three people were constantly busy working on them.These three people were none other than Qiao Li, Liang Chengkang and Hui An who escaped from the train station.

The three of them have been busy here for a long time, and a large pothole has appeared above the pile of sacks.

"Hurry up and make a hole in these grains, let's hide in. Maybe someone will come and search later. Now the entire train station has been under martial law. Now we must not be able to escape, we can only wait until later escaped for a few days.

They will definitely send these grains to Shanxi. According to the previous situation, grains will be transported to Shanxi every three days, and once yesterday, we only need to stay here for another two days before we can escape. . Qiao Li, who was wearing a black padded jacket, looked at Liang Chengkang and Hui'an who were digging holes in the pile of sacks, and muttered softly.

"Don't just talk on the top, come here to help when you have enough rest. This sack weighs more than 100 catties, so come down and help quickly." Hui'an and Liang Chengkang carried a sack to the side, and he wiped the hair on his head. Sweat looked at Qiao Li with dissatisfaction.

At this moment, Liang Chengkang hurriedly pulled Huian's arm, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's do it quickly, as long as the hole is dug, we will hide in it, and those people probably won't be found.

After escaping from birth, the world will be so big, let us gallop. "

"Hey, I have to say, those people are quite happy to do things, not only gave me nearly 1 taels of silver dollars a few days ago, but also an imperial decree.

It is written in the imperial decree that I should be named Marquis, tsk tsk, this is Marquis, my ancestors have never encountered such a situation.

I wear this imperial decree on my body now, and I have been wearing it on my body since I got it, and I have never put it down, because I think that this kind of thing is the safest only if it is carried on my body. "Huian said to Liang Chengkang excitedly.

Liang Chengkang also laughed, "I am also Lord Hou, and I also put it on my body."

"But, do you think it's really okay for us to do this? The Chief Soldier is very kind to us. I feel really sorry for betraying the Chief Soldier." Qiao Li, who was standing beside him, said anxiously.

Seeing Qiao Li like this, Hui'an sneered, "Hehe, I'm sorry, why do you still do this? Since you're a bitch, don't even think about erecting an archway.

On the surface, we seem to have a lot of glory, and we are officials in the railway station, but don't you know where this railway station is?

We people say that we are officials, but in the whole Xuanzhen, shit is not, even the counselors in the army can't compare with us.

Counselors at least have military merits to win, and if the commander-in-chief aspires to the world in the future, then they will definitely get a lot of rewards.Especially people like Liu Wenzhong, it is estimated that each of them is a duke or duke, but what about us?We are not farts, even if we win the world, what does it have to do with us people?Let's put it nicely that they are officials, but to put it bluntly, they are long-term workers.

Isn't what I want when I come to Xuanzhen to be rich and prosperous?Now that Xuanzhen can't give it to me, why should I work my life for Xuanzhen?No one in this world is willing to do things without benefits, unless he is a fool. "

Liang Chengkang also answered: "That's right, what you said is reasonable. Now we have imperial edicts on our bodies, with the emperor's seal on it. As long as we go out and find the imperial court, then we will immediately become nobles who live with the country." , why not do it better than at this train station?"

"Then what about the wife and children? My family is still in Xuanzhen." Qiao Li still worried.

What Hui'an and Liang Chengkang said was not unreasonable. At the beginning, I came to Xuanzhen for the sake of prosperity and wealth. Now that I have greater prosperity and wealth, why do I still stay here?
The only ones who are a little worried are his wife and children. His wife and children don't know about this at all. If they are caught, they may not survive.

"Wife and child? What are you kidding? At that time, we will all be Lord Marquis. What women don't have? You can remarry if you lose your wife, and you can have another child if you lose your child. " Hui'an babbled, and then he and Liang Chengkang began to lift up one after another of the sacks on these grain piles and put them aside.

"You said, is the chief soldier dead? My heart is beating non-stop right now." Qiao Li walked to Hui'an and Liang Chengkang, and asked a little uneasy.

Hui'an wiped the sweat from his brow, "Who knows, anyway, it doesn't matter to us whether it's dead or not, it's better if it's dead. Alright, don't say these things, hurry up and carry it."

Hui'an began to bend down again as he spoke, and started to work.

It didn't take long for a pothole to appear above the grain pile.

When the pothole appeared, the three of them evenly placed the lifted grain around the pothole to make it look as natural as possible.

"Go, go, jump down now, and go a little deeper. When the time comes, let's jump down and seal the upper mouth with a sack. Who would know that we are hiding here?" It's busy inside.

After the three of them had been busy for a while, a large circular pothole appeared in front of them.

Hui An squatted at the bottom of the pothole, and he yelled towards the top: "You two quickly jump down, and put a few sacks beside you by the way, and take the sacks with you when you come down."

"You don't need to tell me that I know it myself." Liang Chengkang yelled at the bottom, and then lifted a sack and stood it beside him, "You go down first, I am the queen!" Liang Chenkang looked at Qiao Li.

Qiao Li nodded, supported the edge and slid down slowly.

After Qiao Li slid down, Liang Chengkang also began to slide down slowly, pulling the sack placed on the edge while sliding.

When Liang Chengkang slid down, the two sacks also fell down, sealing the hole.

This pothole is not too big, and it can barely accommodate three people.

Fortunately, it is winter now. If it were placed in summer, it would probably kill these three people from the heat.

"Using small flags as units, conduct a rigorous search of all warehouses, and don't let go of any corner."

At this time, Li Xiaosan led the troops to the outside of the warehouse group.

He looked at the warehouses in front of him and shouted to the soldiers behind him.

"Obey!" The soldiers under him yelled at Li Xiaosan, and then started to search these warehouses with Xiaoqi as a unit.

Not long after, a dozen or so soldiers came to the warehouse door where Qiao Li and the others were hiding.

The little banner officer opened the door of the warehouse and led his team of little bannermen inside.

"Search for me, don't miss any place!" The little flag officer stood at the gate of the warehouse and shouted to his subordinates.

"Obey!" The soldiers under him replied, and then led the troops to search the warehouse.

Qiao Li and the others squatted in the pothole, and cold sweat began to flow from their foreheads.

"The searchers are here. From now on, don't talk." Qiao Li said to Liang Chengkang and Hui'an in a low voice in the dark, and then closed his mouth tightly.

The soldiers searching were getting closer and closer to the grain pile, and Qiao Li's heart sank.

The things in the warehouse are relatively simple, just a pile of canned food in wooden boxes, and piled up rice in sacks.

Except for these two piles of things, there is nothing else in the warehouse.

The entire warehouse was filled to the brim with these two piles of things, especially the grain pile, which was almost touching the top of the warehouse.

After a while, a soldier came in front of the little flag officer, "My lord, all the things stored in this warehouse are canned food and grain, and nothing else."

"How's the search going?" the little flag officer asked.

"My lord, so far, nothing suspicious has been found. Shall we search the next warehouse, since it's getting dark today, and there are a lot of warehouses, we need to speed up." The soldier said to the little flag officer.

Although the place where the soldiers spoke was far away from Qiao Li's place, Qiao Li who was squatting in the pothole could still faintly hear their conversations.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!" Qiao Li kept praying in his heart as he listened to the conversation.

As if his prayer had worked, the little flag officer said: "The search is over, if there is no suspicious place, then let's go and search the next place. By the way, the top of the grain pile and the top of the cans were searched." No."

When Qiao Li heard the first half of Xiao Banner's sentence, he relaxed a lot, but when he heard the second half, he became nervous again.

At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded, "My lord, there is a situation!"

The hearts of Qiao Li and the others hung up again.

The little flag officer looked towards the place where the voice came from, and shouted, "What's going on?"

"My lord, come here, there are footprints here."

When the voice sounded, the three people hiding in the food pit all gasped heavily, with cold sweat pouring out of their bodies.

Obviously, these people are extremely nervous.

The little flag officer stared coldly, and walked towards the place where the voice came from.

After a while, the little flag officer came to the speaking soldier.

The soldier stood behind the grain pile, pointed to a sack in front of him, and looked at the little banner officer who rushed over, "My lord, there are footprints on this sack, but it is very dim, if you don't look carefully, you will see it at all." not come out."

The little flag officer narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the soldier's finger. After careful observation, there was indeed a footprint on the sack in front of him.

"My lord, not only this sack has footprints, but also the sacks on top of this sack have footprints. They look very pale, and they must have been treated by someone and haven't been cleaned up." The soldier pointed to several sacks on top of this sack.

The little flag officer looked around, and sure enough, there were indeed some footprints on these sacks, these footprints were not very obvious, and would be easily overlooked if one didn't look carefully.

Seeing this, the little flag officer immediately understood, "Hehe, it seems that someone must have climbed up from here, and it seems that there are more than one person!"

"Stone, four donkeys, you two, go and close the door of the warehouse for me. There must be something tricky on it. I'm going to close the door today and beat the dog." Xiao Banner looked at the two fat and fat men with a playful expression. Soldier.

"Obey!" The two soldiers, Shi Shi and Si Donkey, hurried towards the warehouse gate.

When the door was closed, the entire warehouse instantly dimmed.

"Give me up!" The little flag officer pointed to the top of the grain pile, and then he took the lead and climbed up.

"They're coming up, they're coming up, what should we do? What should we do?" Huian panicked when he heard these movements.

"Who was the one who dealt with the footprints before? Why didn't they clean up the footprints?" Qiao Li also cursed in panic.

Liang Chengkang said: "I cleaned it up, but who knows if it won't be cleaned up, and I can't help it. What should we do now?"

Liang Chengkang's clothes were wet with sweat. He looked at the top of the pothole and shivered.

"Calm down, keep calm, now our top exit is sealed with a sack, so we probably won't be able to find it." Qiao Liqiang said pretending to be calm.

(End of this chapter)

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