Chapter 446 All Explained

"Stop talking about such baseless things. If we get caught, none of us will live." Hui'an was in a state of confusion, his eyes were dark, and he began to complain.

"I know, can you keep your voice down? Are you thinking that those people can't hear you, so you specially recruited these people? Shut up!" Qiao Li yelled and cursed in the dark environment.

At the same time, the little banner officer led the troops up to the grain pile.

He stood on the grain pile, looked at the extremely empty grain pile, and said to the soldiers who climbed up: "It is estimated that these people should be hiding under the grain pile. You must be careful when searching, and don't miss any places."

After the little flag officer finished speaking, he began to walk slowly on the grain pile.

As he walked, he stepped hard on these sacks containing grain.

If the sack containing grain is empty, you can definitely feel it, so stepping on it is a very convenient and fast way.

Not long after, Qiao Li heard the sound of a sack being stepped on above his head.

He hastily covered his mouth, and looked towards the top of his head in panic.

Hui'an and Liang Chengkang also stared at the top of their heads in panic.

"What should I do? What should I do? This is the end, this is the end, what should I do now?" Hui'an was full of panic, and at this time he was bless the gods and Buddhas in the sky, "God, gods, bless you Me, bless me not to be discovered, as long as I am not discovered, if I become a marquis in the future, I will burn incense for you every day, and please God bless you."

Unfortunately, no matter how much he blesses, it has no effect.

The little flag officer took back his right foot with a smile on his face, pointed to the sack with his footprints on it, and jokingly said: "I really didn't expect that I could hide in it, and I almost let you run away .Come on, let me open this place."

When the little banner officer gave an order, the soldiers following him put their weapons on their backs, rolled up their sleeves, and walked towards the sack that the little banner officer stepped on just now.

Qiao Li squatted in the pothole, listening to the movement from above, his face was full of horror, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.

He was drenched from head to toe as if he had just been pulled out of the water.

Liang Chengkang and Hui'an were not much better than Qiao Li, especially Hui'an, he was like mud now, limp in the pothole, staring blankly at the top of the pothole.

When the sack that sealed the hole was lifted up, a ray of light entered.

The little flag officer stood beside the pothole, bent over and looked down.

I saw three people squatting in the pothole, looking up in horror.

Qiao Li looked at the face that suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, and his heart suddenly became cold. His whole body was similar to Hui An's, his body was soft.

Liang Chengkang looked similar to Qiao Li.

"Come out!" the little flag officer took his 56 Chong off his shoulder without saying a word, pointed at the pothole, and shouted loudly.

However, the few people in the pit had already been so frightened that their whole bodies were numb, and they didn't even have the strength to speak, so how could they crawl out?

"Not coming out? Hehe, come here, move all the food next to me, I still don't believe it, and I can't get you out." The little flag officer pointed to the soldiers behind him, and continued Said: "Inform Mr. Li that we have caught the three people who disappeared in the train station."

"Obey!" A soldier flew to the side of the grain pile, and carefully walked down the edge of the grain pile.

And the soldiers behind the little flag officer also began to move the grain belt next to the hole, expanding the hole continuously.

By the time Li Xiaosan led the troops to the warehouse, the pothole had almost been enlarged.

"Where are those three people?" Li Xiaosan led the team into the warehouse and shouted excitedly.

Hearing Li Xiaosan's voice, the little flag officer standing on the grain pile straightened up quickly, walked to the edge of the grain pile, saluted Li Xiaosan, and then shouted: "My lord, above, the humble officer immediately!" We can get him out."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and get out the three dog things that are eating inside and out." Li Xiaosan came to the bottom of the grain pile and said with a cold look on his face.

"Hurry up and find some ladders!" Li Xiaosan looked at the soldiers following him.

It didn't take long for the pothole to be enlarged, and Qiao Li, Liang Chengkang, and Hui'an were completely exposed.

"Bring them out!" The little flag officer said to the soldiers, looking at the three people whose potholes looked like mud.

Just as the soldiers lifted Huian up, a yellow scroll rolled out of his body.

The soldier next to him had quick eyes and quick hands, and took the yellow scroll in his hand.

"It's an imperial decree!" The soldier recognized the yellow scroll just as he opened it.

After all, the symbol of the imperial decree is too obvious. It has a dragon embroidered with a phoenix and the emperor's seal on it. It's hard not to recognize it.

The little flag officer's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "Can you see clearly? Is it really an imperial decree?"

"My lord, it is the imperial decree. There is a dragon on it and a big seal. It should be the imperial decree." The soldier holding the imperial decree hurriedly shouted.

"Get all these things up quickly." The little flag officer stared down and urged.

Under the urging of the Xiaoqi officer, Qiao Li and the three were carried up within a short time.

At this time, the ladder Li Xiaosan asked to find had already been leaned against the grain pile.

The little flag officer also hurriedly ordered Qiao Li and the three of them to be tied up with ropes and let them down.

After the three people put them down, Xiao Banner and others walked down the ladder.

"My lord, take a look at what this is?" The little banner officer put the imperial decree just now in his palm and placed it in front of Li Xiaosan's eyes.

With just one glance, Li Xiaosan recognized the imperial decree.

Zhao Wen had received the imperial decree, and Li Xiaosan had seen it several times, so Li Xiaosan was no stranger to the imperial decree.

"Imperial decree? Where did this thing come from?" Li Xiaosan took the imperial decree and opened it while asking.

"It fell from them." The little flag officer pointed to Qiao Li and the others who were tied up and kept beside them.

"Hehehe, it's really painstaking." Li Xiaosan sneered a few times, and then looked at the contents of the imperial decree.

"Conferring Hui'an as the Marquis of Nancheng is really a great deal!" Li Xiaosan looked at the content of the imperial decree with a gloomy expression.

"Search them for me, I don't believe they only have this imperial decree."

Li Xiaosan gave an order, and the soldiers who were escorting Qiao Li and the others began to search them.

In about ten breaths, two more imperial decrees were found.

Li Xiaosan looked at the imperial decree that was searched out, and the cold light in the sky became heavier and heavier.

"Take all three of them back to the prison for strict interrogation!" Li Xiaosan handed the three imperial edicts to the soldiers behind him, then pointed to the three of Qiao Li on the ground, and said in a low voice.

"As ordered!"

As soon as Li Xiaosan finished speaking, the soldiers led the three of them outside.

Now Qiao Li and the three of them were so soft that they couldn't walk at all, so almost all three of them were dragged away.

When Li Xiaosan escorted these three people to the lobby of the train station, he looked at Jin Xuan who was walking back and forth in the lobby of the waiting room, "Look, is it these three people?"

Jin Xuan hurriedly approached Qiao Li and the three of them, staring carefully with wide eyes.

"That's right, it's these three people who eat inside and out." Jin Xuan retracted his gaze, pointed at Qiao Li and the other three and said to Li Xiaosan.

"If that's the case, that's fine. Although these three people have been caught, but your train station can't be cleared of suspicion. All personnel in the train station must conduct an investigation. Don't go back tonight. Just stay here." Li Xiaosan looked at Jin Xuan and said.

Jin Xuan began to get anxious, he hurriedly asked: "My lord, now that the three culprits have been caught, can't we be cleared of suspicion?"

"This matter is of great importance. There is no real result. You are all suspicious. There is no way to do this. I hope you can understand." After Li Xiaosan said, he looked at a hundred households following behind him, "Chen Tiesheng, you stay here with 50 people. Tonight, everyone in the train station will be inspected. Those who pass the inspection will be released tomorrow morning. If they fail the inspection, they will be sent to prison for me."

"Obey!" A bearded man in a new military uniform cupped his fists at Li Xiaosan and said loudly.

"By the way, and those of you who blocked the train station, you can't leave tonight, so work harder today." Li Xiaosan looked at the hundred households standing next to him, who blocked the train station.

After doing all this, Li Xiaosan escorted Qiao Li, Liang Chengkang and Hui'an towards the prison.

At this time, the sky was completely dark.

However, the number of soldiers and horses on the street has not decreased, but is still increasing.

After Li Xiaosan put Qiao Li and others into prison, he began to conduct surprise interrogation on these three people.

These three people are just ordinary people, and they are not trained people, so it didn't take much time for them to tell everything.

After Li Xiaosan got the testimony, he ran towards the General Military Mansion non-stop.

At this time, Zhao Wenzheng gathered Liu Wenzhong and other officials in the hall of the General Military Mansion for a meeting. When he looked at Li Xiaosan who appeared in the courtyard in front of the hall, he said to Liu Wenzhong and the others: " Alright, that’s all for today. From now until the end of this month, a curfew will be enforced every night, and during the day, people who enter and exit the city gates will also be strictly checked, and no suspicious people will be allowed in.”

Liu Wenzhong waited for these officials to stand up, arched their hands at Zhao Wen, bowed and saluted, and then walked out.

After all the people in the hall went out, Zhao Wen stood up from his chair and walked out of the hall, "Let's talk in the study!"

Li Xiaosan hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen.

After a while, Zhao Wen sat in the middle of the study and closed the door of the study tightly.

He sat behind the desk in the study, looked at Li Xiaosan standing in front of him, "Sit down, don't stand still."

"What's the matter? Did you find out something?"

Li Xiaosan sat in front of Zhao Wen, with half of his butt on the stool, respectful.

"My lord, I have found some. I have already found out who leaked the matter of my lord's return by train." Li Xiaosan took out a booklet from his arms as he spoke. testimony.

With a frosty face, Zhao Wen took the testimony from Li Xiaosan's hand and read it.

"My lord, besides this testimony, there are these three things." Li Xiaosan took out three more imperial edicts from his bosom and put them on the table.

"My lord, it is Qiao Li, Liang Chengkang and Hui'an who leaked the news of your trip.

Qiao Li was the adjutant of the railway station, and he defected here in the fourth year of Chongzhen. He was originally from Tongzhou, Northern Zhili, and was a Juren during the Wanli period.

Liang Chengkang defected to Chongzhen five years ago. He is the dispatcher of the railway station, in charge of the departure and operation of trains, and he is also a Juren from Beizhili.As for this Huian, he is from Datong, a scholar, who defected from Chongzhen five years ago, and is a conductor in the railway station.

These three people were the ones who leaked the travel information of the Chief Soldier this time, especially this Liang Chengkang, because he was the dispatcher of the train station, so he could know exactly when the Chief Soldier's special car arrived at the train station.

The day before Mr. Zongbing arrived at the train station, he knew that Mr. Zongbing would take the train back to Xuan Town.After all, the day before the train ride, the adults sent someone to pass the news of the train ride back through the train, so it's not surprising that Liang Chengkang knew about it.

After he got the news, he dragged Qiao Li and Hui'an to pass the news to the people who bought them.The person who bought them was none other than Jin Yiwei who had been hiding for a long time.

After these Jin Yiwei got the news, they took out three blank imperial edicts, and filled in the names of the three of them on the blank imperial edicts.At the same time, the imperial decree was handed over to them, and a large amount of silver dollars was returned to them when it was given to them.

As for the person who leaked the method and route of the adult's return home, it was this Qiao Li.Qiao Li was the deputy steward of the railway station, and he and Jin Xuan were also among the officials who greeted your lord at that time.

At that time, he sent my lord out of the train station, and after learning about the way and route of Mr. Zongbing's return home, he hurried back to the train station and asked Huian to pass the news on to Jin Yiwei who assassinated him.

After Huian passed the news to Jin Yiwei, he originally wanted to run away, but when he came out, he changed his clothes in order to hide the eyes and ears, and the imperial decree was left in the previous clothes.

Hui'an had no choice but to return to the train station to take the imperial decree.

Originally, Liang Chengkang didn't want to come, but he was afraid that if he didn't come by himself, it would arouse suspicion from others, which would make the assassination fail, so he bit the bullet and came to the train station, planning to leave after the news of the successful assassination came. run away.

Just when the three of them were about to escape after gathering together, the train station was blocked. "

Li Xiaosan looked at Zhao Wen and explained in detail.

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(End of this chapter)

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